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Sun Princess cancelled departure from Singapore today


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There is no such thing as one size fits all compensation, each compensation package should take into consideration the individual circumstance. Say two passengers on the same cruise, for the sake of my point, both booked the same level of passage, not that that should really matter. Passenger 1 has come on board with two very expensive suite cases filled with very expensive tailored made clothing. Passenger 2 one cheap bag with a few K-Mart shirts & shorts


Both lots of luggage are lost by the cruise company and the passengers seek compensation for the loss. Should they both get the same financial pay out, both get the lower value amount of passenger’s 2 luggage because passenger 1 really had no need for such expensive and extensive luggage ????


Well to me that’s my point, If a passenger chooses to take what they take and if through no fault of their own the cruise company looses their luggage, then shouldn't they both be entitled to be compensated for their loss and not just the lowest common denominator amount. After all if the cruise company hadn’t lost the luggage then there would not of been a problem. Well the same with my travel expenses to enable me to be in Singapore in time to board the ship taken into account flight availability etc.


We booked into a less then $300 a night hotel, total cost less then $900. So if we’d booked into a $1200 a night hotel for only one night it’s ok to pay the $1200 one night and not the $800 plus three night hotel ????


Lets be real here, no one is trying to make a profit on this event, only want to be compensated what has been lost. If that was economy class airfares, one night accommodation in a cheap hotel then that’s all I’d want.

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Are they also reimbursing you for the Full cost of your airline tickets for which you are still out of pocket for? Airfare to Singapore is expensive.


No Only paying for your flight home, which is poor, yes a free cruise but then you are still out of pocket and they are proving the cruise at cost to them and not retail of full price. :confused:

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I agree GHDPeter and I asked the same question at the time, the answer I got was yes there is passenger manifest and that was all he said. Typical of the behaviour at the time by the staff on hand, confused and un-organised. At the time I let it go thinking that as some of the passengers had been boarded it was more expedient to do a on the spot list.


I have since become aware that they did not kick all the passengers back off the ship loaded in the afternoon, only some. So I guess it was a little hard for them to know exactly where everyone was at any one time, just glad it wasn’t a sinking ship, no way they could of handle a crisis like that.


My real concern now is will Princess act responsibly and with honour and make good all the financial losses suffered by the passenger’s such as the cost of travelling to Singapore and accommodation while waiting for the cruise. Due to airline seating availability we had to be in Singapore for 3 days prior to the sailing date. No way we would of gone to Singapore, as nice as it is except for this cruise. Oh well fingers crossed, we can always start a class action against them if they try and dodge their responsibility, hands up those interested !!



I am back and have put in my claim, however I can tell you that Princess have confirm that they will not pay for any costs in getting to Singapore unless you booked your flights through them. I think there is more to this cancellation than what we have been led to believe and that we all who made our own arrangements to get to the port will be out of pocket and as it goes for me that's $6,000 and as the cruise was only $6,000 the compensation does not cover my outward loss of 2 x business class seats BNE - SIN. So i'd be interested in being part of an action group to get all of our costs reimbersed and not costs POST cruise cancellation.

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Sorry to keep banging on about this event, believe me I don’t take a whole lot of enjoyment from the affair, but I strongly feel a need to air my real concerns in regards to the need for a fair and equable out come for everyone, including the cruise company.


Until Princess Cruises finishers processing all the claims for compensation we really shouldn't prejudge them, but from some of the comments being made in this forum, by fellow passengers in regards to their statements of information that Princess won’t be compensating passengers for travelling to and pre-cruise accommodation in Singapore prior to the cancellation, unless purchased as part of a package for the cruise through Princess worries me greatly.


I’ve clearly stated already in my earlier postings that the expense of travelling to Singapore, and any pre-cruise accommodation is by any measure part of the financial lose suffered by all passengers. Not only that of passengers who may of purchased a said package deal through Princess Cruises.

Be it that you travelled by economy, business or first class, be it that you stayed one, two or three nights in a budget or top of the line hotel pre-cruise, the loss is real and down to the cancellation of the cruise. The cancellation which lies solely at the feet of Princess Cruises. I do how ever hold out faith that Princess will behave in a responsible manner, be a good corporate citizen and do the right thing and not try the David and goliath approach, me big you small.


I believe that this cruise due to the ship being based in Australia would come under Australian consumer laws, and as such any dispute can be adjudicated on by the Department of Fair Trading. Then there is the option of a class action and the bad publicity that such an action would attract. But we are getting ahead of our self, lets wait and see what offers of compensation Princess Cruises make in this matter. Still please keep posting your options and any news or advice you may have in these matters.

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Sorry to keep banging on about this event, believe me I don’t take a whole lot of enjoyment from the affair, but I strongly feel a need to air my real concerns in regards to the need for a fair and equable out come for everyone, including the cruise company.


Until Princess Cruises finishers processing all the claims for compensation we really shouldn't prejudge them, but from some of the comments being made in this forum, by fellow passengers in regards to their statements of information that Princess won’t be compensating passengers for travelling to and pre-cruise accommodation in Singapore prior to the cancellation, unless purchased as part of a package for the cruise through Princess worries me greatly.


I’ve clearly stated already in my earlier postings that the expense of travelling to Singapore, and any pre-cruise accommodation is by any measure part of the financial lose suffered by all passengers. Not only that of passengers who may of purchased a said package deal through Princess Cruises.


Be it that you travelled by economy, business or first class, be it that you stayed one, two or three nights in a budget or top of the line hotel pre-cruise, the loss is real and down to the cancellation of the cruise. The cancellation which lies solely at the feet of Princess Cruises. I do how ever hold out faith that Princess will behave in a responsible manner, be a good corporate citizen and do the right thing and not try the David and goliath approach, me big you small.


I believe that this cruise due to the ship being based in Australia would come under Australian consumer laws, and as such any dispute can be adjudicated on by the Department of Fair Trading. Then there is the option of a class action and the bad publicity that such an action would attract. But we are getting ahead of our self, lets wait and see what offers of compensation Princess Cruises make in this matter. Still please keep posting your options and any news or advice you may have in these matters.


Please keep us informed.


I am also hoping that Princess steps up and pays for your pre-cruise expenses. I just don't follow the "logic" that they would not have to reimburse people who travelled all the way to Singapore to be told the cruise is cancelled.


As far as class-action lawsuits, here in the states that just means the lawyers make millions and the rest get pennies. Keep working up the line over and over again until you get the right answer.


Good luck!

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Sorry to keep banging on about this event, believe me I don’t take a whole lot of enjoyment from the affair, but I strongly feel a need to air my real concerns in regards to the need for a fair and equable out come for everyone, including the cruise company.


Until Princess Cruises finishers processing all the claims for compensation we really shouldn't prejudge them, but from some of the comments being made in this forum, by fellow passengers in regards to their statements of information that Princess won’t be compensating passengers for travelling to and pre-cruise accommodation in Singapore prior to the cancellation, unless purchased as part of a package for the cruise through Princess worries me greatly.


I’ve clearly stated already in my earlier postings that the expense of travelling to Singapore, and any pre-cruise accommodation is by any measure part of the financial lose suffered by all passengers. Not only that of passengers who may of purchased a said package deal through Princess Cruises.


Be it that you travelled by economy, business or first class, be it that you stayed one, two or three nights in a budget or top of the line hotel pre-cruise, the loss is real and down to the cancellation of the cruise. The cancellation which lies solely at the feet of Princess Cruises. I do how ever hold out faith that Princess will behave in a responsible manner, be a good corporate citizen and do the right thing and not try the David and goliath approach, me big you small.


I believe that this cruise due to the ship being based in Australia would come under Australian consumer laws, and as such any dispute can be adjudicated on by the Department of Fair Trading. Then there is the option of a class action and the bad publicity that such an action would attract. But we are getting ahead of our self, lets wait and see what offers of compensation Princess Cruises make in this matter. Still please keep posting your options and any news or advice you may have in these matters.


duplicate post

Edited by mm1251
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I am heartsick after reading this thread. As a long time Princess cheerleader, I am so disappointed in them. Certainly there has been enough experience over the years with cancelled cruises that they would have had a routine in place to handle this situation. Carnival Corp. will again suffer for this!


My sympathies for all and I hope the stricken passenger will return to good health with all the prayers from people reading along.


I have just read this thread and feel so badly for everyone affected. I simply can't imagine flying 18 hours or so only to be met with this news. I know me...I think I would have cried, from exhaustion and disappointment.


However, for those of us who have been on CC for a long time, Princess' handling of this is not a huge surprise. I frequently say that Princess does a wonderful job of providing a great cruise experience when things go right; when they don't it's always one big debacle. These sorts of experiences seem to happen like clockwork, once a year or so, and passengers always come away disgusted. Some might say that one horrid experience out of all the cruises Princess operates each year is a pretty good average, but when it's you who are affected, it's hard to remain dispassionate.


Wishing those affected good luck in recovering their losses.

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We were on the Sun princess transpacific when was taken down to AU and it was going into drydock then (Oct 2007) to be fitted for the Australian market, they were making more cabins into 3 and 4 berth cabins etc,

What were they doing this drydock and do you think it was princess or the drydock place that expected too much in the time frame.

Better now than out at sea like the Truimph:eek:


Julia, do you recall during that cruise the ship lost power in the middle of the Pacific. It happened about 2am and lasted several hours. No lights, toilets not flushing, completely becalmed and silent. It was pretty spooky! I went out on the deck and felt like a speck in the ocean, standing out there in the dark.




Ps.....we sure had fun on that cruise!

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My wife and I were booked on this cruise and due to the sudden and unexpected cancellation were forced to endure more than twelve hours of being kept in the dark as to the true situation. First we were told that some of the Ship’s cabins were functioning and those guests booked into the said cabins could, and did board for accommodation purpose for that night only. While the rest of us, and I quote from the letter given to us by Princess Cruises, Would be taken to a staging area at the Marina Bay Sands where there will be refreshments, seating and the opportunity to shop in the mall.

This staging area turned out to be a second level basement area under the shopping mall, concrete floor, hard temporary seating and very limited toilet facilities. High celling with exposed air-conditioning ducting and all the other under floor piping and building bits you’d expect. The refreshments turned out to be a couple of selections of finger type food, noodles, tea, coffee and fruit juices. Not the best choice for about two thousand people who had not eaten since breakfast, and as it turned out would not eat another reasonable meal that day.

The lack of any real information being provided to us and constantly being told by the very limited number of Princess Cruises staff on hand, in my opinion numbering only about 10 to assist with the 2000 plus passengers, that the Princess Help Team had everything under control and we’d all on our way soon. This was the most unprofessional and truly appalling situation I have ever experienced. A situation that only worsened when all the passengers who’d been boarded on the Ship for overnight accommodation earlier now had been taken back off the ship and joined the rest of us being held in the hot, stuffy and very un-comfortable basement area ( Passenger warehouse ) under the hotel shopping mall.


There were many seniors amongst the passengers, some with mobility problems in age from the high sixty’s to some in their ninety’s, with no priority or special arrangements being made for these folk. Many who’d already been forced to stand for hours at the shipping terminal due to the lack of seating while waiting for Princess Cruises to inform the passengers as to what was going to happen and act accordingly. These passengers had to endure many more un-comfortable hours without proper food or care along with the rest of us. In my opinion from what I witnessed the Princess Cruise staff used smoke and mirror type antics to give the impression that things were being done. The lack of any real leadership or organisation was unbelievable.


Now the battle to get fair and reasonable compensation begins. To be fair Princess Cruises have made guarantees as to the refunding of the cruise fare paid, plus any other post cruise loss due to the cancellation. As well as an offer of a free same fare level cruise in the future. My concern is will Princess Cruises also compensate passengers for the cost of getting to Singapore and any pre-cruise accommodation. As I see it, it’s all the same, we only went to Singapore to start the cruise, so it would only be fair and reasonable expect this also to be compensated for.

I have just lodged my claim for compensation with Princess Cruises Sydney office, been told the processing of my claim will take about 4 weeks. Also found out from my discussion with a representative from the Sydney office that they had sent their “ help team” to Singapore from Sydney early morning the day the ship was due to sail, got to wonder what they knew well in advance.


We were lucky enough to have gotten a flight out of Singapore that night, all be it 12.45 am the next day. This was no thanks to Princess, but to the wonderful assistance given to us by Mr Tan Chuan Lye, President & CEO of Sats Ltd. And his staff who came to our aid after we were dropped off at the airport by transport arranged in conjunction and with the knowledge of the Princess Help Team on site back at the warehouse, only to be told that Qantas had no knowledge of the seats promised to us. Mr Tan Chuan Lye came to our rescue and arranged not only to get us on the Singapore Airways flight out that night but also arranged for us to be admitted to the airlines business lounge so we could shower and have something to eat, a big heart felt thank you Mr Chuan Lye.


To give you an example of how dis-organised the whole event was in Singapore, after arriving in Sydney the next morning and while driving home we received a phone call from a lady from Princess informing us they had bookings for us to fly home from Singapore that night. They had no idea that we’d already ready left the country despite having paid Singapore Airlines for our flight out the night before. You have to wonder with the total lack of organisation by Princess Cruises through out this whole event what chance we would have if the ship was sinking. I guess it would every man for them self !!


I totally agree that you should be reimbursed for the cost of your flight to Singapore.


Please let us know what happens

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Is it my imagination or is Sun Princess on the move. The deckcam says that she's in dock, but the camera is showing open water.

I' ve been reading these posts with interest as we're boarding on the 15th Sept - hopefully.

I feel for those of you who had your travel plans disrupted.




Sent from my GT-I9100 using Forums mobile app

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She left Singapore today and is scheduled to arrive at Frementle in the morning of 2/9.

I wonder if there are any passengers on board for the trip to Fremantle, otherwise it would be a cruise for the crew wouldnt it??

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Hi Wazsal

We were also supposed to be on this cruise. Everything you have said so far has been 100% accurate and i could not have put it better. We were with you in the lounge at SATS and we do class ourselves pretty luck to have been able to leave Singapore that night. We wanted to get away from the whole mess of that day.

We also believe that the Dept of Fair Trading could get involved if Princess do not come to the party for reimbursement. It is a wait and see situation

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Lucy! You've got some 'splainin' to doooo.


On the other hand, they probably have insurance for the lost revenue.


All the major cruise lines do have insurance for things like this, but the insurance rates are so high that they can only afford to insure for long term and major losses of revenue. The costs of this event will be very high - but not high enough to reach the deductible limits of the policy.

Essentially, Princess is self-insured for this problem. It will be another loss for Carnival Corp shareholders.

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Hi Kas&Mike,

So glad we all got home safe. Yes it was a real bum fight, we also were very happy to be out of there that night. No real thanks to the so called Princess Help Team, thank God for the SATS team at the airport especially Mr Tan Chuan Lye, the SATS President & CEO who arranged for us all to get on the Singapore Airlines flight out that night and who also gave us access to the business lounge so we could shower and get something to eat,


I see your from Kings Park, small world Sal & I before moving down the coast about 24 years ago lived at Kings Langley. My daughter lives at Kings Park in Madagascar Drive.


Please keep in touch either through this forum or if you prefer via our personnel email, which if want I’ll post on the forum. I’m very interested to hear from yourself or any other passenger as to how their claims for compensation is going, if we keep united in this matter we’ll get the best result.

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All the major cruise lines do have insurance for things like this, but the insurance rates are so high that they can only afford to insure for long term and major losses of revenue. The costs of this event will be very high - but not high enough to reach the deductible limits of the policy.

Essentially, Princess is self-insured for this problem. It will be another loss for Carnival Corp shareholders.


Thank you, Bruce. I always appreciate your insight here.

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..My real concern now is will Princess act responsibly and with honour and make good all the financial losses suffered by the passenger’s such as the cost of travelling to Singapore and accommodation while waiting for the cruise. Due to airline seating availability we had to be in Singapore for 3 days prior to the sailing date. No way we would of gone to Singapore, as nice as it is except for this cruise. Oh well fingers crossed, we can always start a class action against them if they try and dodge their responsibility, hands up those interested !!
Please do come back and post the outcome, I wish you the best.


I hope for your sake the applicable laws do cover your costs; but over here in the US your flight to the port and hotel in advance would not normally be covered because those were expenses for which you did receive services, they would have been incurred even if the ship had sailed (i.e. they were not incurred as a result of the cancellation) and they were not part of a package booking with Princess. Perhaps your laws are different; it would be enlightening to find out how your case is handled.

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I hope for your sake the applicable laws do cover your costs; but over here in the US your flight to the port and hotel in advance would not normally be covered because those were expenses for which you did receive services, they would have been incurred even if the ship had sailed (i.e. they were not incurred as a result of the cancellation) and they were not part of a package booking with Princess.


However they were expenses that would not have been made if the cruise had been cancelled for some reason a few days earlier. And then Princess would probably have covered the airline change fee to take the trip at a future date.


It reminds me of an experience that a co-worker of mine had a few years ago. Due to weather, the airline could not fly him home, but let him off a couple of hundred miles from the destination city. When asking for reimbursement of expenses to make it home, the airline said there would be no such reimbursement because "by flying him hundreds of miles further than he had paid for, he received more value in travel than his ticket had covered."

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Recent posts by fellow would-have-been passengers are very revealing--alarming even. Is Sun Princess really an Australian-based ship? If so, why does it fly a Bermuda flag? Our insurers say they wouldn't pay out --mechanical failure not covered!

Many thanks cruisecritic....where else can we get a communal voice?

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Recent posts by fellow would-have-been passengers are very revealing--alarming even. Is Sun Princess really an Australian-based ship? If so, why does it fly a Bermuda flag? Our insurers say they wouldn't pay out --mechanical failure not covered!

Many thanks cruisecritic....where else can we get a communal voice?

The Sun Princess is owned by an American company and registered in Bermuda (hence the Bermuda flag). It is currently based in Australia. :)

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I guess we are all hanging by our fingernails waiting to see if Princess Cruises will do the right thing by us. Lets hope they do, this is not a one sided fight, we do have rights, and when the going gets tough, as they say the tough get going. I care more about fairness than the money.


I for one won’t just roll over and take anything less than reasonable and just compensation for ALL our financial losses. To be fair and reasonable if push comes to shove I’m prepared to except part or whole full compensation of our losses either in cash or kind.


Happy to have the full amount of our loss as a credit against another cruise. Which we may or may not ever take, at the moment we don’t feel like cruising. I’ll keep you all informed as to what they say, when they get around to saying anything !!

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The Sun Princess is owned by an American company and registered in Bermuda (hence the Bermuda flag). It is currently based in Australia. :)


Carnival is a dual listed company in the US and the UK. If you check your passage contract you will see that it states


We/Our/Us means Carnival plc, trading as Princess Cruises® and, where the context permits, includes the Carrier. PCL means Princess Cruise Lines Ltd, a Bermudan company. Carrier means PCL, except for bookings on Sun Princess® and Dawn Princess® where Carrier means Carnival plc. In selling you cruises and issuing you tickets, Carnival plc acts as a sales agent for PCL, except for bookings on Sun Princess® and Dawn Princess® where Carnival plc acts as principal. For bookings on Sea Princess® cruises departing and returning to Australia, Carrier means Carnival plc and Carnival plc acts as principal in selling and issuing your tickets.

You are entering into this contract with Carnival plc trading as Princess Cruises®, ARBN 107 998 443.

Certain laws such as the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and any applicable state based consumer legislation (from here known as 'consumer laws'), are in place for your protection. They are designed to ensure the services provided by us (and, where applicable, the Carrier), are provided with due care and skill and are reasonably fit for a cruise holiday. These 'Terms & Conditions' do not alter any protection given to you by consumer laws.


You might be able to get compensation from Princess Cruises Australia under the consumer laws, it might be a good idea to contact the NSW office of fair trading as the passage contract also states

Legal matters

In the unlikely event you have reason to take legal action, you agree to use all reasonable efforts to bring the issue to our attention as soon as possible.

This contract is governed by the laws in force in New South Wales. You agree that any action you bring against us will be brought in New South Wales.

You agree only to bring action against Carnival plc and not PCL or any of Carnival plc's other related bodies corporate as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Where consumer laws and other laws permit us to exclude our liability, we will not be liable for:

loss of, or damage to, any luggage or other belongings

sickness, injury or death,

unless caused by our proven negligence or failure to provide services with due care and skill and that are reasonably fit for purpose.

In addition, our liability will be reduced in proportion to any negligence or fault on your part.

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Regardless of any printed, or verbal disclaimer that may be stated in regards to or on any sales docket or entry ticket to an event or service in Australia, not sure about other countries, a person’s common law rights can not be signed away or dismissed just by the purchasing of a service, regardless of it being stated that you agree to their term and conditions by the purchase of a service or ticket to an event etc.


There are good strong, fair and just consumer laws in Australia to rely on in the event of an unjust action by a service provider in the event of injury or reasonable financial loss suffered by a consumer due to the actions of such a provider. Now I’m no Lawyer and Princess is yet to reply to my claim for compensation, so lets see how this all goes before we get too carried away.


Still lets keep the opinions coming in. Thank you.

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Hello all, just chiming in briefly to say that we were also affected by the Singapore Warehouse Debacle, as we have taken to calling it!


We are not home yet, we took a side trip to Hong Kong from Singapore rather than going home. For lots of personal reasons, we did not want to be heading home after a short but horrible trip away! We will be home on the weekend, and I will then start the job of claiming compensation from Princess for all our costs - flights to Singapore, accom in Singapore before the cruise, our non-refundable flights from Perth to Adelaide, and our flights from Singapore home to Adelaide. I'm not sure how we will get on, but I'm geared up for a fight. Everything else has been handled appallingly, so I expect the reimbursement saga to be no different.


I will let you all know how we get on, and would also be interested in "joining forces" with other irate non-passengers if/when push comes to shove!




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