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Tablets in the DR: order your own food


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:D On, Great! Now we are going to have to take special classes to learn how to order our food on cruise ships! :eek:





Lulu my friend, do be sure to attend that class during the first couple of days of the cruise or the Roundman may not be so round by the end of your cruise! ;) :eek:

There are so many other tech advances they need to make 1st, like interactive TV/Computer in the cabins to book shore excursions, check your bill, order breakfast the night before, and other activities/ purchase options that would make HAL more money!

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If the tablet is left with the diners throughout the meal, this would be a great way for people to request more water or other beverages, more rolls, etc. ... or to request a real person to remove and replace a not very satisfactory dish.*

(*this is what a very good, attentive waiter in a fine dining establishment is supposed to be doing....! You shouldn't have to do this yourself, should you?)

This tablet process seems to deprive diners of the personalized and elegant service that should be a hallmark of a MDR experience. While Seattle spinmeisters might make it sound as though the company would be adopting a greener process and moving into the current century ... is it simply a thinly disguised attempt to cut MDR staff even more?


I think you are very much on track with your second comment.

The bottom line is this: not everyone is on board with the new technology. I have no problem with computers and the like, but many folks do, and unfortunately, many are elderly and/or stubborn/refusing to learn. HAL needs to cater to these folks too. We can't have a cruise line for the "technically savvy" and leave the others at the pier. The waiters are burdened enough with their job without becoming "teachers of modern technology" for the passengers. If they want to give the waiters I-pads or the like to order the food in a modern fashion, fine. Just don't ask the passengers to do it. Many won't like it, and the added burden of teaching folks how to order their food will slow down the DR service considerably, not speed it up. And the other thing to consider is "Image". If you are trying to sell your Main Dining Room as a fine dining establishment, you don't want it to come across like ordering a hamburger at a fast food palace......IMHO.

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And then maybe we could push a special button to find out if we are really having a good time.........;)


I wouldn't need to push that button as I'd know I was not "really having a good time". Guess we are the odd ones as we leave all that electronic stuff at home and find more than enough stimulation from the cruise itself.


There are so many other tech advances they need to make 1st, like interactive TV/Computer in the cabins to book shore excursions, check your bill, order breakfast the night before, and other activities/ purchase options that would make HAL more money!


Well stated!


To the person who a page back said they wouldn't have one for every dinner at the table :eek:, that would just not work. Have you ever watched how long it takes some people (me at times) to make up their minds what they are going to order? If everyone didn't have one just ording could take upwards of 45 minutes for a table of 8 to place their orders. Wouldn't be a pretty sight!


But, I don't think this could be implemented until they enlarge the galleys to house all the recharging docking stations! :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't need to push that button as I'd know I was not "really having a good time". Guess we are the odd ones as we leave all that electronic stuff at home and find more than enough stimulation from the cruise itself.



I hope you realize my comment was in jest.....I agree with you, if I had to push a button to find out if I was having a good time or not, I definitely would not be..........and no, you are not odd IMO, I leave all that stuff at home too. Don't need it on a relaxing cruise vacation.

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Something else, what happens if/when the ship has technical difficulties? The wireless service goes down? The internet on HAL ships is already sooooo slooooooow, can you imagine adding hundreds of tablets to the system?


Further, if it's so much cheaper for HAL to do this, WHY do they charge an arm and a leg for internet use?


They could use a local network and would not go via the Internet - no need to transmit a dinner order from the MDR via satellite to the kitchen.

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The technology is in place, that while you are in your cabin dressing for dinner, you can order your selections on your tv screen, nice slow walk to your dining venue..swipe your S&S card when you enter the venue....when you are seated at your table, you swipe your S&S card and your selections will appear on your waiter's tablet...your waiter reconfirms or makes changes and presses "send" to the kitchen..it will also allow your waiter to know your specific "quirks" (i.e. ice tea, dressing on the side, what you are allergic to, special diet requirements, double order of your favorite dessert, special occassions (birthdays, anniversary)


Also you can use your tablet to request the wine steward


I see the technology as a win/win for everyone...like everything else, any change at first is resisted, but then embraced


My goodness, lets have another win win. No need to have any waiters. Just order your dinner in your cabin and when you get to the MDR you walk inside the galley, swipe your card, and walk down the cooking line while you are handed your food. Then, on the way out of the galley you can fill your wine glass from automatic wine dispensers which automatically charge your online account. As you leave the galley you will be met by a robot who will guide you to your table and even pull out your seat. After dinner you can clear your own dishes and drop it in an automatic bus cart that comes rolling by your table. Yep, technology is great. Oh, and we do not need bar tenders. You simply go to the bar, swipe your card, choose your drink, and the robot bar tender mixes your cocktail and dispenses it in the proper glass.


Personally, I am not so sure this is what I want in my cruising future :(



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They could use a local network and would not go via the Internet - no need to transmit a dinner order from the MDR via satellite to the kitchen.


Unless the ship is dragging cable along behind it, all internet service is via satellite. Even if they create their own network for just the dining room, they will have hundreds of iPads linked to it. So, if there were a problem and the internet service went down, HAL would still have to have paper menus available.


Here is a for instance for you: Energy burst from sun could affect satellites, power grids.

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Similar mastery of "technology" was the point. Just a nostalgic trip down memory lane.


I've heard of those burger joints. They always sounded like so much fun. I wouldn't want to see a jukebox in a "fine dining" establishment, though. I'd prefer something a bit classier.


I get what you're saying about mastery of technology, but even then, they didn't put jukeboxes in classier restaurants.


Will this possible change stop me from cruising? No, but I think it will cheapen the experience.


Edit to add: When people ask me why, at 30, I choose to sail with only HAL, my answer has ALWAYS been, "Because of the service." If technology replaces the face-to-face aspect of everything (already has in much of our daily lives) what will we have left? No wonder our kids struggle with what used to be common etiquette. We're all on our phones, tablets, etc. all the time. It’s become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity.

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Unless the ship is dragging cable along behind it, all internet service is via satellite. Even if they create their own network for just the dining room, they will have hundreds of iPads linked to it. So, if there were a problem and the internet service went down, HAL would still have to have paper menus available.


Here is a for instance for you: Energy burst from sun could affect satellites, power grids.


I think what Boytjie was saying. Internet connectivity is not required nor used for internal ship network communications. Nor is the Internet required for a Point of Sale /Restaurant Order Entry system that is currently in place in every MDR.

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I've heard of those burger joints. They always sounded like so much fun. I wouldn't want to see a jukebox in a "fine dining" establishment, though. I'd prefer something a bit classier.


I get what you're saying about mastery of technology, but even then, they didn't put jukeboxes in classier restaurants.


Will this possible change stop me from cruising? No, but I think it will cheapen the experience.


Edit to add: When people ask me why, at 30, I choose to sail with only HAL, my answer has ALWAYS been, "Because of the service." If technology replaces the face-to-face aspect of everything (already has in much of our daily lives) what will we have left? No wonder our kids struggle with what used to be common etiquette. We're all on our phones, tablets, etc. all the time. It’s become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity.


The "mastery of technology" was really just pushing a button to get what you want. Those were the similarities between the table top juke boxes and any use of iPads in the dining room. No other similarities intended here. Sorry I was a bit obtuse with my example.

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I think what Boytjie was saying. Internet connectivity is not required nor used for internal ship network communications. Nor is the Internet required for a Point of Sale /Restaurant Order Entry system that is currently in place in every MDR.


Interesting. Something like Bluetooth connectivity among hundreds of tablets. What could possibly go wrong? :o

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This is what Capt Albert wrote:


"More of these improvements will follow and I would not be amazed if we will see Electronic Tablets appearing in the dining room instead of the paper menus. Instead of your dining room waiter taking your order, he/she will now be there to advise you and to serve; You tap in your choice yourself. It might take a few years but will appear on the cruise ships eventually."


Sorry if people (Serendipity1499 especially) on this thread misunderstand my intention in posting.


The last sentence of Captain Schooderbeek's HALBlog post is a clear, declarative sentence.


It will happen "on the cruise ships eventually". The pax will be doing the ordering.


Since you seem to think that I was the only poster to misunderstood your intention of posting ;) & called me out on it, perhaps I should quote what you exactly stated:

Quote "it seems that HAL, in a green effort to save paper, may introduce tablets at all DR tables so pax can order their own menu items. Waiters will be there for advising and waiting the tables. May take a few years to bring in this inovation." Unquote

IMO no intelligent person could misunderstand what you posted..

My question to you was- did Capt Albert specifically state that HAL was considering this?

Now if you had quoted Capt. Albert, perhaps some of us would not have misunderstood, especially those who actually became annoyed & said:

" The company needs to keep this in mind as they make these decisions in the future. :)"

IMO if one quotes another person it's important to quote them accurately.. You may not be aware that many of the HAL's crew members & their families read these posts & it would be a shame if some of them thought that their jobs could be in jeopardy...


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Since you seem to think that I was the only poster to misunderstood your intention of posting ;) & called me out on it, perhaps I should quote what you exactly stated:


Quote "it seems that HAL, in a green effort to save paper, may introduce tablets at all DR tables so pax can order their own menu items. Waiters will be there for advising and waiting the tables. May take a few years to bring in this inovation." Unquote


IMO no intelligent person could misunderstand what you posted..


My question to you was- did Capt Albert specifically state that HAL was considering this?


Now if you had quoted Capt. Albert, perhaps some of us would not have misunderstood, especially those who actually became annoyed & said:

" The company needs to keep this in mind as they make these decisions in the future. :)"


IMO if one quotes another person it's important to quote them accurately.. You may not be aware that many of the HAL's crew members & their families read these posts & it would be a shame if some of them thought that their jobs could be in jeopardy...




In all fairness, the OP did not "quote" Captain Albert. Notice the absence of quotation marks in the OP's original post. Paraphrasing what someone else has written does not require a verbatim recounting.


I'm not sure why you feel the need to scold the OP, their observation of something that they had read led to an interesting discussion.

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My goodness, lets have another win win. No need to have any waiters. Just order your dinner in your cabin and when you get to the MDR you walk inside the galley, swipe your card, and walk down the cooking line while you are handed your food. Then, on the way out of the galley you can fill your wine glass from automatic wine dispensers which automatically charge your online account. As you leave the galley you will be met by a robot who will guide you to your table and even pull out your seat. After dinner you can clear your own dishes and drop it in an automatic bus cart that comes rolling by your table. Yep, technology is great. Oh, and we do not need bar tenders. You simply go to the bar, swipe your card, choose your drink, and the robot bar tender mixes your cocktail and dispenses it in the proper glass.


Personally, I am not so sure this is what I want in my cruising future :(




What you said is really funny (to me)....my chuckle for the day!:)

The scary part is, there is a ring of futuristic truth to it.:(

I hope I am too old to cruise by the time this happens!!

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From an elegance perspective I agree, not elegant. From a practical perspective - bring it on. Which would I prefer - it depends.


Yes, I have heard of a number of higher end restaurants that have this practice, many others that I do frequent the servers have been using some variation of a tablet or iPad for a number of years.


Ruth - for special orders or special instructions, I would actually prefer to "do it myself" and I would have more confidence that my instructions would be understood. As an example, on HAL I have found that if have a somewhat unusual request of the cabin stewards, I write out my request. If they do not understand it they can ask their supervisor, verbal requests can be a bit more complicated to communicate - at least in my experience.


We order off menu every night, without any problem doing it verbally. Head Waiters handle special requests. I would not trust special requests handle via a computer.

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In all fairness, the OP did not "quote" Captain Albert. Notice the absence of quotation marks in the OP's original post. Paraphrasing what someone else has written does not require a verbatim recounting.


I'm not sure why you feel the need to scold the OP, their observation of something that they had read led to an interesting discussion.


Of course it led to an interesting discussion..And I did not scold the OP in my original post yesterday..

Suggest you carefully read post No 1.. The OP stated in Post No. 1 of this thread that according to Capt. Alberts blog " it seems that HAL, in a green effort to save paper, may introduce tablets at all DR tables so pax can order their own menu items. Waiters will be there for advising and waiting the tables. May take a few years to bring in this inovation."

I simply asked if Capt. Albert specifically stated that HAL was considering this..Of course she did not quote Capt. Albert but simply decided to state that it seems HAL was considering this in an effort to save paper..

Why is it OK for someone to make a statement which is completely untrue & it's not OK for another poster to question it? This is how things become misconstrued & inflames people.. In my Business LAW class the first thing I was told is to never put in writing what you can't back up..Even if I have to write a complaint letter I try to be very careful & only state the facts..


I'm not a HAL cheerleader but I adore the HAL crew & if something is stated that I feel is inflammatory, I'll continue to question it!

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No need for Bluetooth. Just tried and true 802.11b/g. Nothing stock abilities in any tablet/iPad.

Right you are! Bluetooth has a max range of about 30 feet. That's why it's used for things like your wireless head set.


On the other hand Wifi which is 802.11b/g/n would be used to direct your tablet to an on board server which would then send the request to the kitchen.

The ship is already outfitted with many Wifi antenna, and those would be used to receive the signal from the tablets. It would be known as an intra-net, not the internet. Most of the required system is already in place.

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