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Millennium 2013: Cruise/Travel Insurance Experiences (Merger of two threads)


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do you really have a pre-existing condition AS DEFINED IN THE TRAVEL INSURANCE POLICY? For most, the answer is NO!!! Read the definition in your policy......


Yes, even though I am healthy. My doctor & I are constantly tweaking my cholesterol meds due to my not tolerating most statins for any length of time.

I also like not being in the position of having the claims people scrutinize 6 mos (or how ever long) of my medical records to give their ruling on whether a condition is pre-existing. I used to underwrite medical & disability insurance. Trust me when I say that it isn't always a clearcut determination.


The other thing to watch for, if you don't have a P/E policy waiver, is whether the P/E clause applies to relatives not traveling with you. I have a 74 y.o mom with serious medical issues that come & go. I have had to cut short (non-cruise) trips to rush to the hospital for her. (I "self-insure" less expensive domestic trips.)

I just wouldn't feel comfortable risking a claim denial based on my misunderstanding how a particular policy applies P/E.


I agree that it is important for each of us to understand exactly what we are buying and our own comfort level. Too bad the policies are so difficult for us to understand.


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Was on the 9/13 Millenium. Always purchase insurance and have been using www.insuremytrip.com for some time--I like to be able to read the "fine print". Purchased TruTravel Super Saver for this trip--note the language below regarding cancellation--waiting for the dust to settle on my remaining refunds/penalties before I file my claim:


The Company will reimburse the Insured for the following:

a) non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Participating Organization and/or Travel Suppliers;

b) airfare cancellation charges for flights commencing within one day of the Land/Sea Arrangements;

c) If the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip, You are covered up to $100.00 for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets or up to $200 for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Covered Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Covered Trip including the airfare.

d) the amount of prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company as soon as possible in the event of a claim. The Company will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had the Insured notified the Company as soon as reasonable possible.

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terrific...you are one of the (few) folks who understand insurance contracts. One thing I am aware of, but I can't find in policies is that irrespective of pre-existing waivers, should your mother be admitted to a hospice and you go on a cruise.....midway, she passes away....is it covered under trip interruption. I think the answer is no.....because it was an event that should have been anticipated, but since there is nothing in the contract, I'm not sure how the insurance company avoids paying for your interrupted trip.


Any thoughts....since you were in the business?

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terrific...you are one of the (few) folks who understand insurance contracts. One thing I am aware of, but I can't find in policies is that irrespective of pre-existing waivers, should your mother be admitted to a hospice and you go on a cruise.....midway, she passes away....is it covered under trip interruption. I think the answer is no.....because it was an event that should have been anticipated, but since there is nothing in the contract, I'm not sure how the insurance company avoids paying for your interrupted trip.


Any thoughts....since you were in the business?


Here is what I copied from the TruTravel policy (underlines are mine):


Family Member means the Insured's or Traveling Companion's legal or common law spouse, ex-spouse, parent, legal guardian, step-parent, grandparent, parents-in-law, grandchild, natural or adopted child, step-child, children-in-law, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew, who reside in the United States, Canada or Mexico.


The Company will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Confirmation of Coverage, if You are unable to continue on Your Covered Trip due to:

a) Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of You, Traveling Companion, or Family Member which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your continued participation in the Trip;


The Company will pay for the following:

a) unused, non-refundable land or sea expenses prepaid to the Participating Organization and/or Travel Suppliers;

b) the airfare paid less the value of applied credit from an unused travel ticket, to return home, join or rejoin the original Land/Sea Arrangements limited to the cost of one-way economy airfare or similar quality as original issued ticket by scheduled carrier, from the point of destination to the point of origin shown on the original travel tickets.

The Company will pay for reasonable additional accommodation and transportation expenses incurred by You (up to $100 a day) if a Traveling Companion must remain hospitalized or if You must extend the Covered Trip with additional hotel nights due to a Physician certifying that You cannot fly home due to an Accident or a Sickness but does not require hospitalization

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip.

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Here is what I copied from the TruTravel policy (underlines are mine):


Family Member means the Insured's or Traveling Companion's legal or common law spouse, ex-spouse, parent, legal guardian, step-parent, grandparent, parents-in-law, grandchild, natural or adopted child, step-child, children-in-law, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew, who reside in the United States, Canada or Mexico.


The Company will pay a benefit, up to the maximum shown on the Confirmation of Coverage, if You are unable to continue on Your Covered Trip due to:

a) Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of You, Traveling Companion, or Family Member which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of loss preventing Your continued participation in the Trip;


The Company will pay for the following:

a) unused, non-refundable land or sea expenses prepaid to the Participating Organization and/or Travel Suppliers;

b) the airfare paid less the value of applied credit from an unused travel ticket, to return home, join or rejoin the original Land/Sea Arrangements limited to the cost of one-way economy airfare or similar quality as original issued ticket by scheduled carrier, from the point of destination to the point of origin shown on the original travel tickets.

The Company will pay for reasonable additional accommodation and transportation expenses incurred by You (up to $100 a day) if a Traveling Companion must remain hospitalized or if You must extend the Covered Trip with additional hotel nights due to a Physician certifying that You cannot fly home due to an Accident or a Sickness but does not require hospitalization

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip.


that's similar to what I've seen....however in the situation I stated...where someone tries to sneak in a trip while mom is dying, knowing that she is dying....will the insurance cover as trip interruption. I think not....but the language in the policy says they will....so I'm confused about what would actually happen.

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terrific...you are one of the (few) folks who understand insurance contracts. One thing I am aware of, but I can't find in policies is that irrespective of pre-existing waivers, should your mother be admitted to a hospice and you go on a cruise.....midway, she passes away....is it covered under trip interruption. I think the answer is no.....because it was an event that should have been anticipated, but since there is nothing in the contract, I'm not sure how the insurance company avoids paying for your interrupted trip.


Any thoughts....since you were in the business?


That's a very good question. Unfortunately,I don't know the answer. My instincts are the same as yours -- that they would somehow be able to deny the claim. I can't put my finger on how that would be justified under the policy terms. Maybe it somehow has something to do with the language about needing to be fit for travel when you purchase the policy???


My only experience with travel insurance is really as a consumer. I don't really feel confident in my understanding of these contracts.


Back in the early 80's I did have some interesting lunchtime conversations with health insurance legal & claims people. We discussed the problems caused when we underwriters issued policies with coverage waivers for particular body parts. (EG coverage excludes the right ankle.) They were the ones that pointed out to the difficulties pin-pointing whether a pre-existing condition caused or contributed to an insured's current medical claim.

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You are quoting from the part of the policy that describes the TYPES of expenses that can be covered.


You need to look at the CAUSES OF LOSS that are covered. Here's a link to that language




The TruTravel Super Saver does not list mechanical/equipment failure as a covered loss.


I would suggest you complete your written claim and have them provide a written response. I'm afraid that this policy will disappoint you on this kind of loss.


I would suggest that you be prepared to make any changes that might be possible to utilize the non refundables



Steve :mad:





Was on the 9/13 Millenium. Always purchase insurance and have been using www.insuremytrip.com for some time--I like to be able to read the "fine print". Purchased TruTravel Super Saver for this trip--note the language below regarding cancellation--waiting for the dust to settle on my remaining refunds/penalties before I file my claim:


The Company will reimburse the Insured for the following:

a) non-refundable cancellation charges imposed by the Participating Organization and/or Travel Suppliers;

b) airfare cancellation charges for flights commencing within one day of the Land/Sea Arrangements;

c) If the Travel Supplier cancels Your Covered Trip, You are covered up to $100.00 for the reissue fee charged by the airline for the tickets or up to $200 for the cost charged by the airline to retain Your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase the airline ticket in conjunction with this Covered Trip. You must have covered the entire cost of the Covered Trip including the airfare.

d) the amount of prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable Payments or Deposits that the Insured paid for his/her Covered Trip.

In no event shall the amount reimbursed exceed the amount You prepaid for the Covered Trip.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS: You must advise the Company as soon as possible in the event of a claim. The Company will not pay benefits for any additional charges incurred that would not have been charged had the Insured notified the Company as soon as reasonable possible.

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Some good questions. Here is more from the TruTravel Super Saver policy--if a Family Member passed away that was a Family Member, you would have to produce the death certificate when you file the claim The pre-existing clause covers Family Members who are booked to travel with the Insured (You).


Pre-Existing Condition means an illness, disease, or other condition during the (60) day period prior immediately prior to the Effective Date for which the Insured, Traveling Companion, Family Member booked to travel with the Insured: 1) exhibited symptoms which would have caused one to seek care or treatment; or 2) received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment or 3) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item (3) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription through the 60 day period before the Effective Date.


The Pre-Existing Conditions exclusion is waived for You if the Insured (a) enrolls You in this Policy at the time he/she pays the deposit required for his/her Trip (or within 10 days of the initial deposit); (b) purchases the Policy for the full cost of their Trip; and © is medically able to travel at the time the premium is paid.


You or Your refers to all persons listed on the Confirmation of Coverage under the program purchased by the Insured.

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that's similar to what I've seen....however in the situation I stated...where someone tries to sneak in a trip while mom is dying, knowing that she is dying....will the insurance cover as trip interruption. I think not....but the language in the policy says they will....so I'm confused about what would actually happen.


My CSA Luxe policy has the following clause which they might be able to use to deny any coverage or benefits in your scenario:


Coverages and Benefits

This plan covers you for certain unforeseeable events that occur while your coverage is in effect. They include:...


The following would also seem to allow them to exclude coverage for a dying family member for pre-departure:

Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Benefits

Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation

We will pay a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, up to the amount in the Schedule, if you are prevented from taking your Covered Trip due to your, your Family Member's, or Traveling Companion's Sickness, Injury, or death that occurs before departure on your Covered Trip. The Sickness or Injury must:

a) commence while your coverage is in effect under the plan;



We will pay a benefit if you are prevented from taking your Covered Trip due to Other Covered Events, as defined, that occur before departure on your Covered Trip.

There is similar language listed in the post-departure section.


What do you think?

Here's a link to the actual policy I was reviewing:


Off to dinner...


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You are quoting from the part of the policy that describes the TYPES of expenses that can be covered.


You need to look at the CAUSES OF LOSS that are covered. Here's a link to that language




The TruTravel Super Saver does not list mechanical/equipment failure as a covered loss.


I would suggest you complete your written claim and have them provide a written response. I'm afraid that this policy will disappoint you on this kind of loss.


I would suggest that you be prepared to make any changes that might be possible to utilize the non refundables



Steve :mad:


Hi-Correct it is silent, however it is not specifically listed as an exclusion from coverage, i.e. cancellation due to mechanical. We shall see! I'll post the outcome but it could be 30+ days until I get my determination from them. Thx:confused:

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For reference, it would be valuable to know which of the CSA policy forms you have. I believe there are at least 2 or three levels of coverage (going from memory from prior shopping comparisons on InsureMyTrip dot com).



I don't have that information at the moment, but just looked at their website and the non-Luxe policy includes mechanical breakdown coverage: http://www.csainsuranceservices.com/pdf/100cs_cert.pdf

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Was hoping people will share the pluses and minuses they found with dealing with different travel insurance companies regarding the Millenium propulsion issues.


Specifically, which insurance company you used?

Were they responsive to their clients?

Did they process and pay out on claims?

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This is a great idea for a thread.


I am so sorry for everyone who has been impacted by these cancellations.


After reading some of the initial comments, and realizing that "mechanical breakdowns" are not covered in all travel insurance policies, it really taught me that you have to look into the details of the policy to determine if you have that coverage on a policy you already have (or are considering).


Many people have commented that Celebrity is refunding the cancelled cruise price 100%, and is offering $200/pp in airline change fees. There are comments about Celebrity paying for taxis, and for putting up folks for 2 nights at the hotel in Vancouver (not sure if they covered meals or not?).


However, there are a host of other charges which may, or may not, eventually be reimbursed by Celebrity, so it will be up to travel insurance to pick up the pieces. Some things that come to mind are cancelled prepaid hotel stays (pre and post cruise), cancelled prepaid third party transportation charges (like trains, buses, etc.), cancellation fees for prepaid third party tours (shore excursions), increased cost in airfare in order to get home from Anchorage, Vancouver or Seattle on last minute tickets. I am sure there could be other expense that I'm not thinking of.


It will be helpful to learn of folks experiences.

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We were booked on the Sept. 13/13 sailing of the Millennium which was cancelled.


We had medical and cancellation/interruption insurance for our cruise from Berkely Care. Although we didn't buy it directly from Celebrity because they can't/won't insure Canadians, Celebrity referred me to their insurer (Berkely) and the booklet of benefits I received has 'Celebrity Cruise Care' on the front page. When I called Berkely Care regarding our flight and hotel costs incurred due to the cancellation I was told that my insurance would cover if I had to cancel my trip (for an eligible reason) but if Celebrity cancelled my trip it was up to them to pay the costs we incurred.


Our hotel for 2 nights stay in San Diego post cruise was booked through H*tw*re (can't say more than that) and I purchased the insurance offered by them at the time we booked. That insurance was with Allianz and when I called them requesting a claim I was told the exact same thing as with Berkely Care.


It was an interesting learning experience.



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Cruise scheduled for the 13th cancelled, but their cruise insurance covers nothing and no refund or promise of on board credit. Sounds like a poor human relations move on their part.


Great point above as to one of the many reasons why I would not want to use Celebrity's in-house cruise "insurance". Another key reason to avoid that option is the fact that their coverage is much more limited for what is covered regarding your various pre and post cruise travels, transportation, etc. Our upcoming Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Solstice Sydney to Auckland, NZ, involves lots of travel and stops prior to and after our cruise. I want protection for that travel, too!! Here's what I have done and why:


In the past, we have used the website:


to compare a number of different companies and coverage/policy types for what is offered, the costs, ratings of companies, etc.


Then, we focused on


as their value, ratings and offering of PRIMARY medical coverage is best (versus getting stuck with a company that only did "secondary" medical payments), was only B rated by A.M. Best, etc.


Our current policy is called "TravelLite" and on such a Celebrity Millennium cruise scrubbing, we would be covered up to $750 per person to help pay for such losses/costs in added hotel costs, re-booking airline fees, etc., if we got stuck into this type of a situation as had affected those on this ill-fated Alaska cruise. Travelex also has a little higher-priced product line that covers up to a $1000 per person for such costs/losses, plus other extras. A cruise line is considered a "common carrier" and such "mechanical" issues would trigger such protections, if and IF, etc.


Here's another tip to save money! With most all of the other independent insurance options, you do not need to buy coverage for the full amount of ALL costs with your cruise, flights, pre and post travel, etc., etc. Your amount of coverage/protection on medical care, med evacuation, trip interruption, lost baggage, etc., is the same regardless whether you buy a travel insurance policy to cover a potential loss of $1000, $5000 or $10,000. For us, our air flights are on Amer. Air Frequent Flyer points. If we had to cancel our cruise due to a medical problem and/or family emergency, our air flights points can be put back and our net "loss" is very, very minimal. We don't have any reason or need to cover our air costs if circumstances would force a scrubbing of this cruise between our Nov. 7 pay-up date and the sailing in mid January.


BOTTOM LINE: There are lots of options and cost/coverage options to consider. BUT, get some coverage AND consider the "details" to get the right fit for the "balance" and trade-offs for your specific needs versus budget.


Reactions, added inputs, sharing for others? Check these insurance details carefully in what you are doing, picking!! Different companies and varied policies will do and cover things in other ways.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, Celebrity Solstice cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Enjoyed great weather and a wonderful trip. Dozens of wonderful visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc., on these postings. We are now at 140,094 views for this live/blog re-cap on our first sailing with Celebrity and much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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I have not yet contacted my insurance company (Travel Insured -- Worldwide Trip Protector), however I have read the policy carefully and while it covers common carrier bankruptcy or mechanical breakdowns after the trip has started, it does not appear to cover a cancellation pre-trip. Since I have scheduled another cruise and the dates/some components of my trip are unchanged, I'm going to contact them tomorrow to see if the policy is still valid.

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Cruise scheduled for the 13th cancelled, but their cruise insurance covers nothing and no refund or promise of on board credit. Sounds like a poor human relations move on their part.


Are you talking about insurance for those already enroute, or for cruises that were canceled in the future? If in the future I assume you would get a refund on the insurance since Celebrity is selling it and have canceled your cruise.

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Then, we focused on


as their value, ratings and offering of PRIMARY medical coverage is best (versus getting stuck with a company that only did "secondary" medical payments), was only B rated by A.M. Best, etc.




Primary is best for some but not all. We prefer secondary because our primary medical covers us out of network. That way anything from the travel insurance claim goes towards our deductible and out of pocket for the year.


We use CSA because we do not have to cover the full amount of the trip.

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Are you talking about insurance for those already enroute, or for cruises that were canceled in the future? If in the future I assume you would get a refund on the insurance since Celebrity is selling it and have canceled your cruise.


My mom had insurance purchased through Celebrity...there is no refund for the insurance, and no coverage for losses incurred due to their cancellation.

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OP here. Somebody started a thread over on the Cruise/Travel Insurance board entitled "Be Sure to check if MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN is covered! Here's a link to that thread:http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1902219


I really think it's important that we learn from this unfortunate experience with Millennium. It doesn't matter to me where the information is compiled.



I am the one that started the thread referenced above, but the discussion here on this thread is much more robust than what has transpired so far on the other thread.


There was ANOTHER thread on this same subject just started today (8/25) here on the Celebrity board, so perhaps the moderators might want to consider merging?


Anyway, there have been some comments like: "...I have XYZ Company insurance, and they cover mechanical breakdowns." A word of caution: not all policies within a particular company's collection may contain the same provisions. You really have to look at the details of each policy you are considering (which has been mentioned already in this thread).

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Just sent a email to our TA asking whether we are covered for a mechanical failure by any common carrier . We buy our TA from our TA as they have excellent coverages .:)


This thing about mechanical failure coverage is very important .:confused:

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If you could, please try and specify which company you had the insurance with. I wouldn't expect the insurance companies to refund the cruise fare since thats also being refunded by Celebrity, but would expect them to reimburse for flights (not used or rescheduled) , hotels, out of pocket,etc

Two/Three years ago we had a problem with Virgin Australia cancelling a flight from Brisbane to Auckland due to mechanical issues. We rebooked on Air New Zealand, so as not miss the cruise. Was pleasantly surprised that BOTH Virgin Australia and the insurance company reimbursed us for the ANZ flight. Virgin supplied us with a letter explaining the mechanical breakdown and encouraged us to put the claim in, as they said travel insurance is an ADDED protection


I think we used MH Ross and Travelex in the past

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Two/Three years ago we had a problem with Virgin Australia cancelling a flight from Brisbane to Auckland due to mechanical issues. We rebooked on Air New Zealand, so as not miss the cruise. Was pleasantly surprised that BOTH Virgin Australia and the insurance company reimbursed us for the ANZ flight. Virgin supplied us with a letter explaining the mechanical breakdown and encouraged us to put the claim in, as they said travel insurance is an ADDED protection


Hmmm. This sounds like double dipping to me. Did the insurance company know that you also received reimbursement from the airline as well?

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