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"Live" from Westerdam Alaska Sept 21-27, 2013


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We got an extra hour of sleep last night thanks to the clocks going back. Of course we still woke up early. We went to breakfast with all the other hoards of people and were ready to get off the ship at 745 to meet our independent excursion people. My dad realized it was raining and wanted his rain hat, so he went back up the room to get it while we met the excursion lady.




She told us that since it was a “light” tourist day and we weren’t leaving until 330 that we could do the trip in the afternoon if we wanted. She said it was supposed to clear up. As it was coming down pretty good when she told us that we agreed and said we would see her again at the same place at 1145.




My dad arrived shortly thereafter and we told him about the change in plans. Of course he had no camera or money, so back up to his room he went. Lol We shopped around and ignored the people pedaling tours. Why are some soooo rude? Seriously? I know their business depends on people talking to them and agreeing to buy a tour, but when we didn’t say “hello” back to one woman she harassed us for about half a block “hello? Aren’t you even going to say hello? I’m talking to you. Hellooooooo”.



The sun came out today for about 4 minutes. Here is proof that it was out for a little bit today!










Annoying. We took some pics inside the stores and walked up to Creek Street. It was very smelly up there. Dead fish all over the grounds. There were some salmon in the stream, but not like when it’s real salmon season and they are packed in. The shops started opening around 9. We bought some souvenirs and made our way back to the ship area. By this time the Volendam was also in port so the shops were more crowded with people.





We decided that we would go back on board, off load our stuff that we bought and sit down for an hour or so. We met back up with my dad at 11 in the Lido to grab a light lunch before we headed out on our excursion.




So now it was time for us to go to our excursion. We went back to the gangplank at 1145 and headed down. We met the girl and off we went. We were doing a zodiac boat ride…where WE got to drive our own zodiac. My hubby drove, my dad sat in the back next to him and I was in the front. The company did a great job in outfitting us. We had wool socks to put on, a suspender pants/vest combo, a raincoat, waterproof boots, a wool bacavala hat, glove liners and rubber gloves. It seemed a bit like overkill, but it wasn’t. The weather was horrible. I’ll say it. It was cold and it rained for most of the trip. BUT it was still fun. The waves at one spot were killer and we were being bounced around a lot. I got soaked with sea spray coming over the front of the zodiac. We saw hardly ANY animals. I can just imagine what Ash, our guide, told his fellow guides when we got back in the privacy of the “back” room. Something like “Man, I tried to find an animal for them to see…ANY animal, with no luck. Lol He tried to go to the shore and find some starfish, with no luck. He couldn’t even find a STARFISH, a fish that sucks itself to a ROCK on the SHORE. HA! We did finally see some seals hanging around one rock, but that was it.




Here we are all decked out BEFORE going outside:






Here we are on the boat ready to go--We look like terrorists!!! ha!






I made my husband drive...here we are. It was raining the entire time! But we still had a good time even with very little sightings of anything interesting!






The only wildlife we saw....seals! And the Pacific Ocean on the other side of that rock was rockin' and rollin'. Thank goodness we stayed away from it for the most part. The part we DID have was enough!





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here is another view of the seals WITH seagulls:




We also went right by the ship while we were tooling around on the zodiac:




Because we didn't see any wildlife I think Ash felt bad so he got desperate and showed us an eagle's nest...but no eagles. lol The nest is in the crock of the huge tree:




But again, we had fun driving/riding in the boat. There were only 7 of us on the trip. We are on vacation and NOT at work and we were having fun together. That’s what’s it’s all about.




We got back to the ship and Ash, our guide, had told us that in Ketchikan the tides would change 17 feet from low to high tide. When we got back to the ship and looked at the gangway, we saw that he was right! Holy cow! The ramp to get back to the ship was at a pretty serious angle! I’m not sure how anyone in a wheelchair was able to get up that thing. We saw a woman with a walker trying to get up it and she had to have some serious help.




Check out the angle of the gangway!







One other thing about our room that we have been dealing with is a serious odor. We noticed it the first day and it seems like it’s just gotten stronger. It’s almost overwhelming and it really has been affecting us. It’s not as noticeable when you have been in the room a while, but when you come back to the room after being gone it almost knocks you over when you get back. It’s the smell of freshly baked bread and it’s just torturous!!! Ha!! Seriously! I have no idea why the smell is so strong here on the 7th floor. I mean there are rooms below and above us. It smells sooooo good and it makes us soooooo hungry! It’s just mean. So for all of those of you who might have this room in the future. BEWARE! : )

We ate in the dining room tonight. It took forever and our dining room steward wasn’t very personable. I must admit that I like eating in the fixing dining better. We get to know the dining room stewards and it’s just more pleasant. Dinner took forever tonight. Not sure why. It took as long as it took us to eat in the Pinnacle. I had chicken nuggets from the kids menu for dinner tonight and they were luke warm and not very good. Oh well. That’s what I get for ordering off the kids menu I guess. They filled me up though so I can’t complain.

Tonight the entertainment was an illusionist, and we actually went to the show! Apparently this guy was on “American’s Got Talent” last season. He didn’t win, but they made it through like 6 shows and performed in NYC. He was good. Many of the acts her performed I had seen on a show that was on years ago where the magician showed how the tricks were done. So while I don’t know for SURE how he did a lot of what he did, I have a vague idea. That makes me happy. I hate not knowing that stuff! Lol One neat thing that he did was he brought a kid up on stage and sat him in a chair. He did some “tricks” with toilet paper, where he was talking to the kid, with a balled up piece of TP in his hand. While he distracted the kid he threw the TP over the kids shoulder to his assistant waiting with a big net to catch the TP. The kid never saw him throw the TP and so when the TP “disappeared” from the magician’s hand the kid was awestruck. Of course the audience could see what was happening the whole time. The “moral” of the story, as stated by the magician himself, was that while we all knew what was happening the kid didn’t and the kid had that feeling inside of being awestruck and that what magic was all about”.

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Wonderful to hear from you again. (Just in case you worry that no-one is out there and you are posting into the void.) I love how you take everything as it comes and find the best in it. I hope Glacier Bay is absolutely awesome, just for you, hubby and Dad. Maybe the other pax will enjoy it too. ;)

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Wonderful report Sue -- love the pictures.

We learned a long time ago to always bring in the cushions from the verandah.

At least the concierges will get things for you. There wasn't even a toaster and no food in the back room when we were on the Westerdam last spring. And they would not get anything for anyone.

I sure hope that isn't true that all ships sailing in the Caribbean will have limited food in the Neptune Lounge.

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Love the pic of the ramp and how steep it was. When we came back to the ship on our cruise it took three crew to help me up .... I use a walker and I had one person at the front pulling, and two behind pushing me.... I was embarrassed but it was funny at the same time....


Keep the posts coming, I love both your fathers and your posts and the wonderful attitude you have!!!

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I'm loving your live report...thanks!:)



Random Thought #1:

The cushions on our balcony were an issue. When we went to Hawaii last year the room stewards took them up each night, just in case, so they didn’t get wet overnight. Our cushions have stayed on the chairs on the balcony 24/7. So most of the time they are too soaked to get any use. Now, my dad’s room stewards have taken in some of the cushions each night, so if he wanted to sit on the balcony he would have a dry seat. So if you want to make sure that your cushions stay dry you might either ask your room steward to take them in each night or do it yourself.


We found that out on the Zuiderdam, too. The cushions were wet all week, even though we ended up bringing them inside. They had gotten soaked through. So we sat on the wicker, with a folded towel.:o I don't think the room stewards go out onto the balcony at all anymore.


Our steward on the Westerdam last week brought the cushions in every night...maybe it's just luck of the draw instead of something that's on their list of things to do. He also locked the balcony door every time he cleaned the room, which I've never had a steward do before.

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In August when we were on the Westerdam, the cushions were brought in each night. I suppose if you were to ask your steward, they would be happy to do it. It does sound like it is hit and miss with things they do and don't do. Love your review and enjoy reading about your dad's view of the trip. Have a great time! I love Alaska!

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ALL our cruises, the stewards have brought in the verandah cushions each night. I positively remember them doing so on Maasdam, Oosterdam, Noordam, Eurodam, Nieuw Amsterdam, Westerdam and Veendam in our most recent cruises.


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Quick update before we leave Juneau... Weather was PERFECT!! We were parked in a huge fog bank this am and I was a bit worried but the weather cleared and it was sunny and beautiful all day! Perfect for our helicopter ride and glacier trek! We are waiting to leave and the wind has picked up but the day was beautiful. I'm a little bummed the stop was so short though. It seems on our last cruises the post stops have gotten shorter and shorter. We had no time to walk around today. Tomorrow is a sea day then we have all day in Victoria instead if jut a few hours to make up for missing Sitka. We decided to go on a whale tour. I'm sure it will be with 100 of our close and personal holland America friends. Ill post more later...with pictures.




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It is not your imagination.

HAL is staying in various ports shorter lengths of time.

Many of us have noticed and commented about the reduced time and how it does limit what people have time to do.


Thanks again, Sue. Love your posts. :)

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Quick update before we leave Juneau... Weather was PERFECT!! We were parked in a huge fog bank this am and I was a bit worried but the weather cleared and it was sunny and beautiful all day! Perfect for our helicopter ride and glacier trek! We are waiting to leave and the wind has picked up but the day was beautiful. I'm a little bummed the stop was so short though. It seems on our last cruises the post stops have gotten shorter and shorter. We had no time to walk around today. Tomorrow is a sea day then we have all day in Victoria instead if jut a few hours to make up for missing Sitka. We decided to go on a whale tour. I'm sure it will be with 100 of our close and personal holland America friends. Ill post more later...with pictures.




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Glad you had a beautiful day in Juneau.

Yes -- the last couple of years HAL has been cutting the time in ports shorter and shorter in Alaska, the Caribbean, everywhere.

It is to save fuel.

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Regarding Neptune Lounge side bar goodies . . .

I don't see where Sue is saying "it's going fleet wide for any ships sailing Caribbean." :rolleyes: What did I miss - because I'm totally confused by reports this is going fleetwide.



I have posted her report elsewhere.

On this thread it is post #125




Another tidbit of info that people might be interested in. I took pictures of the Neptune Lounge. I guess the “sidebar” is truly empty. When I asked Michael about it he said it had something to do with the USDA and how they wouldn’t allow it because of sanitary reasons. He DID say that it would/should be fleet wide. He also said that since it was a US thing that when the boat is in Europe that there should be food on the sidebar. He ALSO said that if there was something you wanted (chocolate, etc) to ask, that they have it there in a cabinet at the desk. I also was “complaining” (ok, I was joking, but sorta serious) that I didn’t like the fancy food and that I wanted Cheetos. He said that they HAD Cheetos and he could get them for me later! Lol. So I guess if there is something that you really want, just ask and they will get it for you.




On Tuesday morning I went in to get a “pre-breakfast snack” (yes, pathetic, but it is what it is! Lol). On the sideboard were mini boxes of cereal and bowls. The toaster was also hiding right there too because it seems that was where a convenient plug was. Michael immediately asked if I wanted “bread”. So they HAVE the bread, it’s just in the back room on a platter. So even though it’s not out on the sideboard it’s still available.



I forgot to take a pic this morning of breakfast, but I will sometime this week.




Here are pics in the afternoon in the lounge:

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I am going to continue my reports with our trip to Glacier Bay, but again, I have a ton of pics that I want to share, along with my comments, but I can't really do that justice on the internet on the ship. So if you bear with me I'll do that when I get back on shore and the "free" Internet.


In the meantime I will share some random thoughts with you.


I noticed at breakfast one morning in the Pinnacle Grill that there was a slight misspelling in the menu. Can you see it?It's not like I can point it out to the "non native English speakers". :)





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Regarding Neptune Lounge side bar goodies . . .

I don't see where Sue is saying "it's going fleet wide for any ships sailing Caribbean." :rolleyes: What did I miss - because I'm totally confused by reports this is going fleetwide.


And PLEASE don't take my words as gospel. I have no idea what the deal is with the sidebar and food. I just tried to have a conversation with the concierge. He knew that people weren't happy about it, as I'm sure others have discussed with him. He might have just been trying to "placate" me. Whether it is just on trips that leave out of the US because of "US" laws or not, I have no clue. That was just MY personal understanding of what he said. Who knows what the TRUE story really is.


It seems odd to ME that they would make this change on ONE ship and not on the others. I mean, really. What makes the W-dam different from the other ships? I have no idea. Maybe they are "trying it out". Maybe they are blaming the "US rules" for it and it's really just cut-backs. I have no idea. These are just MY interpretations of what he said. :)

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More Random Thoughts:


Sunday (first sea day) it was VERY smelly out in the hallway outside our door. Smelled like a bar bathroom after the night was over. I think there were some bathroom issues in a room nearby us. Luckily the smell didn’t extend into our room though. And by the end of the day the hallway didn’t smell anymore.



I knew that all of you out there in Cruise Critic land would want me to test out the Jacuzzi tub and I didn’t want to let you down. So I forced myself to get in there one night and try it out. I used some regular shower gel and pushed the button…WHOOSH…immediate bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. So yes, the Jacuzzi tub works just fine. :)



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Again I will call foul. When Silversea had their problems with a health inspection it was made very clear in news reports that the US health inspections were for information only and they can't require a cruise line to change their policies or how they are doing things.

Reminds me of Flight Attendants that announce "new FAA regulations" against whatever happens to be their personal pet peeve. I remember an Alaska Flight Attendant announcing that FAA regulations prohibit more than 3 people from standing near the rear lavatories (coincidentally at the door of the the aft galley where most of them sat the entire flight). Or the one that announced that FAA prohibited any non Delta reading material in the seat pocket.

If they wanted to correct the problem from an inspection in the Neptune they could have brought in a crew and be done in a couple of nights or if concerned about noise during a port day when most are ashore.

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Regarding Neptune Lounge side bar goodies . . .

I don't see where Sue is saying "it's going fleet wide for any ships sailing Caribbean." :rolleyes: What did I miss - because I'm totally confused by reports this is going fleetwide.

I don't want to derail Sue's excellent thread by going off on this tangent, but I agree with you. No where has Sue said that the change to this Neptune Lounge will be going Fleetwide.

As far as we know, the statement the concierge made was his speculation, or opinion, only, and not a report on decisions higher-ups had announced.

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I am going to continue my reports with our trip to Glacier Bay, but again, I have a ton of pics that I want to share, along with my comments, but I can't really do that justice on the internet on the ship. So if you bear with me I'll do that when I get back on shore and the "free" Internet.


In the meantime I will share some random thoughts with you.


I noticed at breakfast one morning in the Pinnacle Grill that there was a slight misspelling in the menu. Can you see it?It's not like I can point it out to the "non native English speakers". :)








Should be RICE Krispies.

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