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Bon Voyage Dave (DMWNC1959)!!!


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Welcome back to real life Dave.:D Sorry a canceled flight, ice and snow greeted you at home. Thanks for your extensive and fair review.

Hopefully Princess will get the soot issue resolved soon, so that real aft cabin cruisers can enjoy the balcony without discomfort.

I look forward to all 3000 pics whenever you upload them. I already have some cool screensavers ;) to whet my appetite for my Royal experience.

Your camera saw the ship with an unbiased eye and I saw the ship through that camera. Thank you for that.


Through your camera's eye, I learned I will not go hungry on the ship :D I will be entertained as much as I want or relax as much as I want. I will find a lounge chair on the pool decks at anytime of the day, because I don't need to be right on the pool edge. Your camera showed me plenty of empty loungers away from the pool. Your camera showed me I can find shade when I need it.

The cushioned teak loungers on the Promenade deck look like a great place to read and relax and watch the ocean or nap as you did. I saw that I could walk out on the Promenade deck with my husband after a show and look up at the stars, instead of the bottom of a lifeboat. I saw the emergency stairs for midship and the cruise staff leading the way during the muster. It gave me peace of mind. I know what to expect in my cabin and I am satisfied as to its location.

I know that there may be some issues or bugs for Princess to solve before my cruise in March, but we will deal with them if problems arise.


Thanks again for your detailed and informative "Live from" and review.:D

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David, it was a wonderful, comprehensive review and totally honest...no "cheerleading," just facts as you--and everyone I spoke with on the cruise--saw them.


I had absolutely no complaints about the ship on my one-week 08 DEC sailing. OK, the only complaint: I wish I had been able to book a B2B. ;)


Not to treat the opinion of others lightly, but I can't imagine how everything others perceived as bad experiences weren't cancelled out by the new and amazing venues, decor, entertainment and opportunities available on the ship.


Above all, the staff on the ship--no matter the position held--was fabulous. It's amazing that, despite the hard work and long hours, every employee I encountered could not have been more charming and SINCERELY pleasant.


Your information, photos and help to everyone via the "Everything Royal..." thread and your posts and photos during your two weeks onboard are a testament to your generosity and kindness.


I can't wait to see all 3,000 of your photos and look forward to reliving all the things I experienced and enjoying all the things I missed. So much on the Royal to see and do and so little time...


All the best,



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I've written some final thoughts, and although these just barely touch on the two weeks I spent aboard Royal Princess, they simply cannot cover all of the experiences I had.



David! Most excellent coverage of your 2 weeks onboard. I've copied it, put it into a MS Word document and will save it in my archives (plus share it with my cruise buddies and partner).


Glad you enjoyed the video of the M&G. I'm so glad I could make it happen!


Talk to you soon.

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I thought it all got a bit out of hand too. I was going to suggest that the germophobes go on a missions trip to some place like Guatemala to gain perspective on the situation, but I was afraid people would get angry with me.


Americans mock Europeans because of laissez faire attitude towards personal hygiene and Europeans mock Americans for over the top germophobia, and perhaps an excessive sense of entitlement.


It's only a small percentage of people actually doing the "mocking" and they see themselves as simply expressing their opinion, albeit strongly. People with strong opinions usually also express them often, giving others the feeling that they're being "taken to school" by the the opinionated person or persons. Hopefully we can all see that this is an illusion of egos.


People raised in the land of the free and home of the brave often do express themselves strongly, because we are free to do so.


We are also free to choose to take offense (or simply be annoyed ) by others strongly worded opinions. Or we can choose not to take the offense.


One of the things we like best about this thread is the positive and upbeat heart of this thread, which is Dave Walker. So I ask, WWDD ? (and I pray this post is a balm, not a thorn)


AMEN! This was very well put! Let us ALL remember that FREEDOM OF SPEECH does NOT give anyone the right to belittle, berate, or otherwise override or negate EVERYONE ELSES Freedom of Speech! And Dave has exemplified that in spades!! Remember the saying from perhaps hundreds of years ago and carried through the 50's, at least? "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!" Perhaps we could translate that into our current state of affairs, what with God taken out of Government, Schools, and just about anywhere else ...... "suck it up, Dude! It is what it is!" :eek: But I like David's approach much better!!!:)

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What a wonderful journey you have taken us on. I am more excited than ever to sail away for the New Years Cruise on Dec. 29th.


Where would you suggest is the best option for a quick bite once we board The Royal Princess?[/quote]


Sorry, but I just have to mention your TWO posts asking the same question that IS ANSWERED in the post your are replying to! :confused: I would answer your question but feel it would be a better experience for you to READ and absorb what you look at and eliminate the need for a question.


Please do not feel picked on as there are a plethora of similar posts appearing daily on the CC forums. I guess folks just need to assimilate better! :D


Sorry David, I know this is not the way you would reply to this post.

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Whew! I finally found time to finish your epic (albeit accidental) "live from". I appreciate every second of effort you put forth to take us along on your cruise.


I have done several "live froms" and until have done one, you have no idea of the time, effort, and yes, expense it takes to put forth an interesting and engaging read. I love to do them, but it is a labour of love.


You have completed possibly the most comprehensive live froms I have ever read. I am grateful for the two weeks you spent with all us dreamers!


Rest well, David. You certainly deserve it! :)


PS Thank you for the Enclave photos... Without any hope of seeing it, I believe this is my new happy place!:p

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You were so unselfish to do so much for the benefit of others. But I am sure you can see that it was very much appreciated.


Princess also benefited from your eloquent narrative and daily pictures. So many on the fence have been persuaded in favor of the Royal.


The big job now is to sort through all your pictures from your other camera. I can't wait to see them.


Please take some time for yourself and enjoy the holidays.

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I thought I should tell you why Tommy and I didn't show up for the M&G. Tommy has a problem with his back and he hurt so bad he could hardly walk that week. I had hoped to meet you, but didn't know how to get in touch with you.


We were in M724 a premium deluxe aft. balcony. We saw a lot of soot. Our room steward was good to clean it every day, but we still had to wipe the chairs before using them. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but we had a problem with getting hot water.........it was just cold to lukewarm most of the time. Not a comfortable shower. I know that people on our deck had the same problem. Hope they get that fixed. The ship was beautiful and we enjoyed the new Horizon Court. We could go to the Allegro Dining room or up to the Horizon Court from our aft. room. Tommy went to the Atrium a couple of times. It was hard for him to go to mid ship.


Sorry we missed seeing you.


Jean & Tommy Clark

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THANKS again to everyone for the kind words regarding my review. I talked to a lot of people during the 14-nights of this cruise, and I do mean a lot, and I realize that for some people their cruise experience was nothing close to the experience that I had.


In regards to the forthcoming pictures (I'm still working on it ;)) all 3000+ won't make it to the Flickr account. Since there are probably well over 100 of the just the atrium area, only a few will make the transition from memory card to album. Same goes for this sunrise or that sunset, this port arrival or that water fountain show. There are a lot of similar pictures that just don't need to be repeated, as well as those that have already been posted on this thread. Hopefully the finished product won't be too disappointing.

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I thought I should tell you why Tommy and I didn't show up for the M&G. Tommy has a problem with his back and he hurt so bad he could hardly walk that week. I had hoped to meet you, but didn't know how to get in touch with you.


Sorry we missed seeing you.


Jean & Tommy Clark


Sorry to hear you had so many issues with the soot and your stateroom shower. I would have loved to have met you both, but your health and comfort comes first. Hopefully there will be another time we can meet.

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Nice of you to disclose in any case and many of us are happy that you had such a great time. Much like the people who go in with a negative attitude and wind up hating every minute of their cruise, you seemed pretty determined to enjoy everything on this cruise.


That's not a bad thing, but not everyone wears rose colored glasses either.


Sort of an odd comment to make, and I'm not sure if you meant that it was intentionally directed at me or just an observation in general?



I am a bit surprised that Princess won't be drydocking this ship for the retrofits (AFT Pool & installation of promenade on Deck 7) before the next Caribbean season.


I'm not sure what you are expecting in regards to a retrofitted promenade deck, but they will not be retrofitting one onto this class of ships. What they will be doing is opening up that narrow passage behind the lifeboats, and if you have been on board, you know exactly how small and narrow this area is. And I certainly wouldn't be expecting anything remotely close to what the aft pool looks like on a Grand-class. I would expect it to be a small, above deck pool located on Deck 17, and not much bigger than the plunge pool located amid ship.



Still haven't read where too many consider Princess Live an upgrade on the Explorers concept. From Dave's review, it sounds like it does serve a good function.


Everything isn't meant to be an 'upgrade', some things are just meant to be completely different. As I have said before, it's not designed as a replacement for the Explorer's Lounge. And yes, it did serve a good function.

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And I certainly wouldn't be expecting anything remotely close to what the aft pool looks like on a Grand-class. I would expect it to be a small, above deck pool located on Deck 17, and not much bigger than the plunge pool located amid ship.


Sort of an above deck soot catcher.

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You have taken us on an amazing voyage of your own going back about 9 months for me.


Thank you for your passion and persistence in allowing us to share your discoveries and now your travels!


I am looking forward to boarding her in 10 days. I know my experiences will be different (as they should be), but I wanted to thank you for all your effort and time!

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Welcome back to real life Dave.:D Sorry a canceled flight, ice and snow greeted you at home. Thanks for your extensive and fair review.

Hopefully Princess will get the soot issue resolved soon, so that real aft cabin cruisers can enjoy the balcony without discomfort.

I look forward to all 3000 pics whenever you upload them. I already have some cool screensavers ;) to whet my appetite for my Royal experience.

Your camera saw the ship with an unbiased eye and I saw the ship through that camera. Thank you for that.


Through your camera's eye, I learned I will not go hungry on the ship :D I will be entertained as much as I want or relax as much as I want. I will find a lounge chair on the pool decks at anytime of the day, because I don't need to be right on the pool edge. Your camera showed me plenty of empty loungers away from the pool. Your camera showed me I can find shade when I need it.

The cushioned teak loungers on the Promenade deck look like a great place to read and relax and watch the ocean or nap as you did. I saw that I could walk out on the Promenade deck with my husband after a show and look up at the stars, instead of the bottom of a lifeboat. I saw the emergency stairs for midship and the cruise staff leading the way during the muster. It gave me peace of mind. I know what to expect in my cabin and I am satisfied as to its location.

I know that there may be some issues or bugs for Princess to solve before my cruise in March, but we will deal with them if problems arise.


Thanks again for your detailed and informative "Live from" and review.:D


Love how you see things and how you expressed it mom 33


Dave, want to add my thanks as well. My friend will be on the Royal in February and your Live thread has been so wonderful. There were things and places you found I never saw on the TA. Can't wait to sail on the Royal again.

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Love how you see things and how you expressed it mom 33


Dave' date=' want to add my thanks as well. My friend will be on the Royal in February and your Live thread has been so wonderful. There were things and places you found I never saw on the TA. Can't wait to sail on the Royal again.[/quote']


Thank you Sasha'smom...100 days to go and we'll finally be on the Royal!:D

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you delivered a birthday greeting to a dear friend of mine while on your cruise and I never got back online to thank you. It was so nice of you to go out of your way to do that.

My friend did not realize it came from you.....I spoke to him yesterday and he said he only noticed after he got off the ship and home...and re=read the birthday note that it was from another passenger. he thought someone at Princess had done it. Mentioned you have terrific handwriting!!

Again, thank you so much


Tampa Fl

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HI Liz!


I'm glad that the greeting was well received. I wasn't sure just how to deliver it, and I happen to have some very nice cards with foil seals that I knew would look nice, so I used one of those. I wrote your words verbatim, but discreetly, and on the back and bottom of the envelope in small letters, wrote who was delivering the message just in case they wanted to reply back to you. I slipped it under their door before I went up for sunrise pictures that morning so that they would have it first thing when they woke up. :D

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I'm glad that you'll be like the rest of us now, relaxed and being able to follow the 12/22 "Live" thread in the comfort of your home. :) I bet you find out even more things about the ship.


It's certain that we are still mentally on board the Royal and aren't prepared to leave her yet.


Take care for now and I hope you don't get too much bad weather up your way.



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Hi Lynne,


Relaxing, yes, and enjoying the new Live thread while getting my pictures together, although it will easily take several more days. The weather will go from an unseasonal high of 67 degrees tomorrow to a low of 16 with snow forecast for Tuesday. Need to plan a much longer cruise next time. ;)

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Relaxing, yes, and enjoying the new Live thread while getting my pictures together, although it will easily take several more days.. ;)


Hi, Dave. I think you took a pic of my sister and I with the captain during our meet and greet on the 10th. Is it possible to get a copy?


Hope you were able to use the new coffee card during week 2 of your b2b. We Thought you could always use it on another cruise if needed. You are very deserving of all of our good wishes. What a lovely cruise it was. Beautiful ship. I really miss the IC. What a great way to start the day with a cup of coffee and pastries. I loved the Christmas Stollen they had the last couple of days.


Thanks for all your help and information!



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Hi Lynne,


Relaxing, yes, and enjoying the new Live thread while getting my pictures together, although it will easily take several more days. The weather will go from an unseasonal high of 67 degrees tomorrow to a low of 16 with snow forecast for Tuesday. Need to plan a much longer cruise next time. ;)




The photos you have posted here and there on some of the other threads (the Gelato and the Royal skywalk photos are just gorgeous). Were they all taken with an IPHONE 5? I can't wait to see some of your upcoming ones!

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Been off the boards for a few days, so just got caught up on the live thread, including your final thoughts & comments.


It was fun reliving the Royal experience through your posts & photos. Couldn't help but notice the reprise of the Brownie Blast w/ Nutella sundae! :)


So now that you've had a positive experience on Princess - what's next on the cruise to do list?

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Hi, Dave. I think you took a pic of my sister and I with the captain during our meet and greet on the 10th. Is it possible to get a copy?


Hope you were able to use the new coffee card during week 2 of your b2b. We Thought you could always use it on another cruise if needed. You are very deserving of all of our good wishes. What a lovely cruise it was. Beautiful ship. I really miss the IC. What a great way to start the day with a cup of coffee and pastries. I loved the Christmas Stollen they had the last couple of days.


Thanks for all your help and information!




Hi Sue!


Yes, the Cafe Selects card was put to mighty good use! THANK YOU!!! And I had to look up what 'Christmas Stollen' was, never heard of it, and I totally missed out.


I'm still in the process of organizing pictures, so far nearly 450 have been labeled, and I'm not even half way done.


I've just posted the links to the pictures taken at both Meet and Greets on their respective Roll Calls. I know a lot of people took some using their own cameras, these are just the ones I took with my iPhone. Some where kind of blurry and not so great quality, but they're all there. Here is a direct link to yours...







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