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Cabbage Soup Diet?


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Since I got married I have gained about 7 lbs (married in july). I have tried weight watchers, but I am just too lax...so I've decided to try the cabbage soup diet.


Basically it's just rotating what foods you eat. Today is day 1 for me, so it's cabbage soup and fruit.


I love the soup, it's basically the weight watchers 0point soup recipe. Very tasty.


Supposedly you can lose 10 lbs in a week. We will see. It would be great if I was under 160 for the cruise. We leave on December 21 and our cruise leaves Puerto rico the next day.

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10 pounds is unhealthy weight loss . I think that 3-5 pounds a week a safer weight loss. Don't look at the show "biggest Loser " they where all under strict medical supervision during the time. They also excersied up to 6 hours per day under a certified trainer. Their diets where closely monitored by dieticians and nutritionists.

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How about the old fashioned way-eating what you eat now, but half of it every day, and walking or simple exercise? Cabbage soup-yuck-bloat, gas, boredom..


I actually like the soup, and used to eat it all the time when I was doing weight watchers....


and yes, I know 10 lbs is a lot, I am just trying to kick start myself into eating better...I'm making horrible food choices, and unfortunately I think part of it is because of changing birth control.....


I also do exercise a LOT and my job is very active, so it's weird that I can't get any weight off....

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Losing 10 pounds in a week is not healthy and can lead to heart and liver problems!


Stop worrying about weight and start looking at body fat percentages and how your clothing fits.


No fad diet works. Period. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to change your relationship with food, weigh and measure everything and track your calories, and eat a healthy diet with lean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal (not the instant type!).


Add in daily exercise. Daily means daily. Minimum 30 minutes, an hour is better. Walk. Go at a pace that allows you to complete four miles in an hour. Wear good running shoes to avoid feet and knee problems. Take a yoga or Pilates video from the library and give that a try. You do not need to do P90X or Insanity. Gentle exercise is all you need to do, but you do need to do it. Staring at the DVD on the coffee table will not help you lose weight.


You are setting yourself up to yo-yo and for a lifetime of frustration with what you are trying to do. It won't work. Change your life and the weight will come off--and stay off.


What you are trying to do will screw up your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. It can take a very long time to fix a metabolism that has been shut down.




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I actually like the soup, and used to eat it all the time when I was doing weight watchers....


and yes, I know 10 lbs is a lot, I am just trying to kick start myself into eating better...I'm making horrible food choices, and unfortunately I think part of it is because of changing birth control.....


I also do exercise a LOT and my job is very active, so it's weird that I can't get any weight off....


I read this after my previous post. You need to track your calories. You might have thrown your body into starvation mode, which is why you can't lose weight. Stop screwing with your metabolism, start eating smart (which doesn't need to be cabbage soup of lemon and not sauce or any of the other craziness.), and get your metabolism back on track.


Use myfitnesspal.com to track calories, weigh/measure everything, and log. Make sure you get a minimum of 1200 calories a day, at your weight 1400 is probably better until you lose20 pounds or so. Eat back exercise calories!


Learn coping mechanisms to avert cravings. Keep fresh fruit on hand for sweetness, 1 TBSP hot air popped popcorn spritzed with olive oil and salted lightly can be a good salty food choice. Drink at least 12cups of water a day. Don't leave the house without a small healthy snack. Don't shop on an empty stomach.



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Since I got married I have gained about 7 lbs (married in july). I have tried weight watchers, but I am just too lax...so I've decided to try the cabbage soup diet.


Basically it's just rotating what foods you eat. Today is day 1 for me, so it's cabbage soup and fruit.


I love the soup, it's basically the weight watchers 0point soup recipe. Very tasty.


Supposedly you can lose 10 lbs in a week. We will see. It would be great if I was under 160 for the cruise. We leave on December 21 and our cruise leaves Puerto rico the next day.

You probably weren't looking for all this advice when you posted. Just my 2 cents here, but if you're going to do the cabbage soup diet for just a week, it should not cause you any harm. I did it just before Thanksgiving and it felt more like a cleanse. I was sick of the soup by day 2 but I stuck with it. I lost 7 lbs. Most of that weight is water but if you're just looking at the lbs, then that's what you get. It is definitely not safe to do for any significant length of time as others have said, but just one week shouldn't hurt you unless you have some serious health condition and if that is the case, you should be under a doctor's care and following a prescribed diet.


I wonder though, how you will stick to a diet as restrictive as the cabbage soup diet when you found WW difficult? You can eat pretty much anything on WW.


Anyway, I wish you luck!

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Thanks for all the advice. I guess I should have mentioned something: I actually know a lot about nutrition and USUALLY eat well. I'm in a rut that I can't get out of so I needed something that says "eat this this day" "eat that that day". I also needed something that made me NOT say "oh I have so and so many calories left and if I work out and earn this many calories (or points) I can have this many beers".


Losing 10 lbs in a week is not that bad, especially when you are severely bloated from eating fast food and drinking beer on a daily basis.


I even have a friend (whom also is into nutrition) comment that I don't sound like I'm dieting, I sound like I've gone vegetarian!


Basically I am using this to try to change my mentality from being TOO lenient into being more strict with myself, and making better choices less consciously....


Today I walked past the LCBO (liquor store) and did not veer in even though Tuesday nights is traditionally my "beer night".


I have added good fats to this diet (avocado and olive oil) cause I felt I needed it (and I find high good fats in my diet help to get rid of belly fat).....


Once this week is over I plan on keeping on eating tonnes of fruit and veg but just adding in protein....no more bad carbs (I have a wheat sensitivity anyways)....so I feel like this diet is just retraining me and getting me out of that rut.....

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Thanks for all the advice. I guess I should have mentioned something: I actually know a lot about nutrition and USUALLY eat well. I'm in a rut that I can't get out of so I needed something that says "eat this this day" "eat that that day". I also needed something that made me NOT say "oh I have so and so many calories left and if I work out and earn this many calories (or points) I can have this many beers".


Losing 10 lbs in a week is not that bad, especially when you are severely bloated from eating fast food and drinking beer on a daily basis.


I even have a friend (whom also is into nutrition) comment that I don't sound like I'm dieting, I sound like I've gone vegetarian!


Basically I am using this to try to change my mentality from being TOO lenient into being more strict with myself, and making better choices less consciously....


Today I walked past the LCBO (liquor store) and did not veer in even though Tuesday nights is traditionally my "beer night".


I have added good fats to this diet (avocado and olive oil) cause I felt I needed it (and I find high good fats in my diet help to get rid of belly fat).....


Once this week is over I plan on keeping on eating tonnes of fruit and veg but just adding in protein....no more bad carbs (I have a wheat sensitivity anyways)....so I feel like this diet is just retraining me and getting me out of that rut.....


I could have written your post. Normally I make very healthy choices, but for some reason since we got off our last cruise in October my food choices have been horrible. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are never my issue. I like to cook and I cook very healthy but it's after dinner that my eating starts "just because"........most times I control it - the past few months have been horrendous - why, I don't know - I'm happy, healthy, etc. I do exercise 5 times a week and always have. I'm in a rut too - or at least I was until this past Monday. I also need to follow "eat this" type of plan. I started THE PLAN this past Monday - lots of healthy cooking, etc........I was on it last year and did well - it's lots easier this time since I know what I'm doing..........I lost 4.2 pounds since Monday eating a lot of healthy foods, fats, etc......I just need to lose about 10 pounds so I'm almost halfway there..........good luck to you!!!:)

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  • 3 weeks later...



How did you do on this?


Do not be put off by all of the negativity here. Each person's body is different. You know what your body can take. I did the cabbage soup diet several times last year. I rotated it with another 3 week diet for a couple of months last year.


I think it is fairly well balanced and my cardiologist approves of it.

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How did you do on this?




Do not be put off by all of the negativity here. Each person's body is different. You know what your body can take. I did the cabbage soup diet several times last year. I rotated it with another 3 week diet for a couple of months last year.




I think it is fairly well balanced and my cardiologist approves of it.



Don't you see the problem? You diet, lose weight and then gain it back because you have not learned to maintain the correct eating and exercise balance. Diets do not work because as soon as people go off them, they gain the weight back. What works is changing your relationship with food, learning how to eat healthy, and understanding portion control and what foods deliver what amount of calories so you can maintain the weight you want forever.


While I'm at it, it shouldn't really be about weight but rather body fat percentage.


Do you know your base metabolic rate? Without that, how can you begin to figure out how many calories you do or don't need in a day?



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Don't you see the problem? You diet, lose weight and then gain it back because you have not learned to maintain the correct eating and exercise balance. Diets do not work because as soon as people go off them, they gain the weight back. What works is changing your relationship with food, learning how to eat healthy, and understanding portion control and what foods deliver what amount of calories so you can maintain the weight you want forever.


While I'm at it, it shouldn't really be about weight but rather body fat percentage.


Do you know your base metabolic rate? Without that, how can you begin to figure out how many calories you do or don't need in a day?


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I think we all understand a fad diet is supposed to be short term "jump starter" type eating plan.


I think each of our bodies is different and different things work for different people. We also each have different circumstances and different struggles in our daily lives. No one....including you....can say what is right or wrong for someone else. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and will struggle as long as I am alive. I weigh close to twice what one of my sisters weighs yet she eats bread and sweets all of the time and drinks more calories in a day (on top of her food) than I eat in 3 days. Yet she is a toothpick! Unless I live my life eating only chicken and celery (lol)....which I am not willing to do...I will struggle with my weight. Yes, that means on certain occasions I will eat things I shouldn't but it also means I will do a "fad diet" here and there to get back on track. As long as my doctors/cardiologist doesn't have an issue with it you shouldn't either!


I love CC for the things I learn on all sorts of issues. It is a great source of information. Sharing experiences on what has or has not worked for us in different scenarios is great. Yet no one should judge/criticize others on what someone else desires to experience/experiment with when it come to our own body/circumstances.


Good luck to everyone trying this or any other "fad diet" and to a lifelong better eating plan.

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I think we all understand a fad diet is supposed to be short term "jump starter" type eating plan.




I think each of our bodies is different and different things work for different people. We also each have different circumstances and different struggles in our daily lives. No one....including you....can say what is right or wrong for someone else. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and will struggle as long as I am alive. I weigh close to twice what one of my sisters weighs yet she eats bread and sweets all of the time and drinks more calories in a day (on top of her food) than I eat in 3 days. Yet she is a toothpick! Unless I live my life eating only chicken and celery (lol)....which I am not willing to do...I will struggle with my weight. Yes, that means on certain occasions I will eat things I shouldn't but it also means I will do a "fad diet" here and there to get back on track. As long as my doctors/cardiologist doesn't have an issue with it you shouldn't either!




I love CC for the things I learn on all sorts of issues. It is a great source of information. Sharing experiences on what has or has not worked for us in different scenarios is great. Yet no one should judge/criticize others on what someone else desires to experience/experiment with when it come to our own body/circumstances.




Good luck to everyone trying this or any other "fad diet" and to a lifelong better eating plan.



I'm surprised your cardiologist approves of your yo-yo lifestyle. It is proven in several studies to be detrimental to heart health. I "cheat" now and then as well. The difference is that a piece of pie or cake or a couple of cookies aren't going to cause you to gain weight, as long as you have revved up your metabolism through exercise and don't eat the entire pie or eat it at every meal.


I would strongly suggest that you make an appointment with a registered dietician. My guess is that your eyes will be opened wide. Most GP's, internists, and even cardiologists don't know the first thing about nutrition and how to optimize your diet for weight control and good health. (As evidenced by the fact that so many are overweight themselves.). If you eat properly, you will never have to say "diet" and never go hungry, and will lose weight.





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Since I got married I have gained about 7 lbs (married in july). I have tried weight watchers, but I am just too lax...so I've decided to try the cabbage soup diet.


Basically it's just rotating what foods you eat. Today is day 1 for me, so it's cabbage soup and fruit.


I love the soup, it's basically the weight watchers 0point soup recipe. Very tasty.


Supposedly you can lose 10 lbs in a week. We will see. It would be great if I was under 160 for the cruise. We leave on December 21 and our cruise leaves Puerto rico the next day.


How funny! I just made the soup last week and made it to day two. Then I felt light-headed and shaky. Had to stop. I was looking for a quick fix but instead I need to get up off the couch and start exercising again. Lol. Yes. Exercising and healthy foods are the only way for me to feel good and look good. I'm too old for this diet. My body does not like it at all. Good luck to you.

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I'm surprised your cardiologist approves of your yo-yo lifestyle. It is proven in several studies to be detrimental to heart health. I "cheat" now and then as well. The difference is that a piece of pie or cake or a couple of cookies aren't going to cause you to gain weight, as long as you have revved up your metabolism through exercise and don't eat the entire pie or eat it at every meal.


I would strongly suggest that you make an appointment with a registered dietician. My guess is that your eyes will be opened wide. Most GP's, internists, and even cardiologists don't know the first thing about nutrition and how to optimize your diet for weight control and good health. (As evidenced by the fact that so many are overweight themselves.). If you eat properly, you will never have to say "diet" and never go hungry, and will lose weight.





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Wow! It is unbelievable that you think you know more about diet/nutrition and MY body than my doctors including my cardiologist. I can't believe you think you know what is best for everyone else! It must be nice to know everything about every thing and everyone! End of discussion with you!


For anyone else, I (and several ladies at my office) will be starting the cabbage soup diet on Monday, 1/13 if anyone would like to do it along with us and "support" each other here.

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Wow! It is unbelievable that you think you know more about diet/nutrition and MY body than my doctors including my cardiologist. I can't believe you think you know what is best for everyone else! It must be nice to know everything about every thing and everyone! End of discussion with you!




For anyone else, I (and several ladies at my office) will be starting the cabbage soup diet on Monday, 1/13 if anyone would like to do it along with us and "support" each other here.



Whatever. You are destined to a life of yo-yoing when there are other options. I feel sad for you.



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I think those that are offended by the advice ducklite is giving, is because she is just be straight with her advice. It doesn't make the advice any less sound.


While everyone's body is different, the basics are the same in relation to nutrition and exercise. You have to remember weight gains happens over a extended period of time so weight loss takes time, something these short term diets don't provide. What these diets do is shock your system which is where the weight loss happens at the start, which is not necessarily a good thing. Most of your losses will be muscle mass which affects your metabolism as ducklite stated. What ducklite states is true, ultimately you need to change your relationship with food.


If you want to lose weight in a healthy way you need to create a calorie deficit without adversely affecting your muscle mass/metabolism. If you creating too big a calorie deficit your body will go into shutdown/survival mode and will consume your muscle for its calorie needs. Because your body is in this survival mode it's doing what it can to reduce number of calories it needs, which then has a negative effect on your metabolism.


Also because your body consume your muscle, you think you are doing a good job losing weight on the scales but in the end you are just negatively affecting your metabolism and in the end you will just gain it back, hence this yo-yo effect.


This is why a balanced diet is so important for the long term and combining it with exercise. Lifting weights is important part of the exercise you do. The reason being is you want to limit the amount of muscle loss when you are in a calorie deficit. You will gain muscle mass at the start even in a calorie deficit, when you are overweight but this will taper off.


Just make sure your diet consist of a balance protein, carbohydrates and fats, anywhere from 40%/40%/20% to 40%/30%/30% of your calorie intake. Water intake is also important, this is to ensure your liver is healthy, your liver is what processes your body fat, hence why its important it's healthy.


These are the things I've learnt through my weight loss journey, while I admit that I don't know everything, it does work and I have made large changes to my life and can show proof with before and after pictures.

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Starting cabbage soup diet again tomorrow. I did it with success last year. Yes....I know it is a fad diet. Yes, I know I have a possibility of gaining some back or "yo-yo"ing as some folks like to call it. I have been a "yo-yo"my whole life and know that I will the rest of my life because I am not willing to live on chicken and celery only for the rest of my life.


No need for those who oppose this fad diet to comment!!!


If anyone else is giving this "fad" a try....please let us know how you are doing.

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So you are saying that you have gained weight after the diet last year (I'm assuming this given you are starting the diet again) and you are expecting to gain weight again after doing this diet again, so why do it? Why not do something that will make a permanent change in your life?


You don't have to eat chicken and celery for the rest of your life, but obviously any comments are wasted on you.


The only reason why I comment on this thread and I'm sure ducklite is the same as we've been through all this before and made the mistakes and are trying to steer others from making the same mistakes and to teach what we've learnt.


But you obviously prefer to do the same thing over and over getting the same results and I find that crazy.

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So you are saying that you have gained weight after the diet last year (I'm assuming this given you are starting the diet again) and you are expecting to gain weight again after doing this diet again, so why do it? Why not do something that will make a permanent change in your life?


You don't have to eat chicken and celery for the rest of your life, but obviously any comments are wasted on you.


The only reason why I comment on this thread and I'm sure ducklite is the same as we've been through all this before and made the mistakes and are trying to steer others from making the same mistakes and to teach what we've learnt.


But you obviously prefer to do the same thing over and over getting the same results and I find that crazy.


What I find crazy is the fact that you insist on criticizing others! (even when they ask you not to do so)


FYI....I lost 42 lbs last year. I am up 4 from my lowest and that is with 3 weeks of cruising, a ski week vacation (I did not ski), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years holidays (all within a 7 week timeframe) and 3 months of no exercise due to a broken ankle! So when I say yo-yo or gain I am not talking about gaining what I lost and having to lose it all over again.


I know my body....you do not!

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What I find crazy is the fact that you insist on criticizing others! (even when they ask you not to do so)




FYI....I lost 42 lbs last year. I am up 4 from my lowest and that is with 3 weeks of cruising, a ski week vacation (I did not ski), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years holidays (all within a 7 week timeframe) and 3 months of no exercise due to a broken ankle! So when I say yo-yo or gain I am not talking about gaining what I lost and having to lose it all over again.




I know my body....you do not!



Not sure what a broken ankle has to do with exercise. I fractured my hip and still managed to work out 3-4 days a week. I continued yoga practice with modifications as needed and continued upper body strength training.


I f you are only up fours pounds, why the need for a restrictive diet?



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Not sure what a broken ankle has to do with exercise. I fractured my hip and still managed to work out 3-4 days a week. I continued yoga practice with modifications as needed and continued upper body strength training.


I f you are only up fours pounds, why the need for a restrictive diet?



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You are too judgemental! You don't have a clue as to all of my circumstances and I do not owe you any explanations! If I tell you I couldn't exercise due to a broken ankle you should believe me that I know what I am saying rather than judging me.


I don't tell you that your hair color is ugly or that the pants you are wearing are out of style or that you have bad breath or that your name is stupid or that your dog is dumb. All of which I could tell you and probably be just as accurate as the things you insist on saying considering you know nothing about me.


Why do you even bother to come to this thread /board if all you are going to do is criticize people? Find something positive to focus your energy on and leave those of us that are doing something positive for ourselves alone.

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You are too judgemental! You don't have a clue as to all of my circumstances and I do not owe you any explanations! If I tell you I couldn't exercise due to a broken ankle you should believe me that I know what I am saying rather than judging me.




I don't tell you that your hair color is ugly or that the pants you are wearing are out of style or that you have bad breath or that your name is stupid or that your dog is dumb. All of which I could tell you and probably be just as accurate as the things you insist on saying considering you know nothing about me.




Why do you even bother to come to this thread /board if all you are going to do is criticize people? Find something positive to focus your energy on and leave those of us that are doing something positive for ourselves alone.



So now questioning and offering advice is criticizing? I AM doing something positive. I am offering solid advice to people. It's unfortunate that you can't see fit to understand that.


There are exercises that people who are wheelchair bound can do. Hopefully you won't become infirm again, but if you do, ask you doctor for a referral to a physical therapist who will be able to set up an exercise routine that you will be able to do while you recover. Unless you are a quadriplegic, there is no reason not to exercise. And even quadriplegics get exercise through physical therapists.


By the way, my dog is stupid, but he's a bundle of love, and that's all that matters.




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