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trivia cheats

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On our first cruise in 2003, my wife and I had been married around 17 years at that time. We won the Love and Marriage game show and got every question correct except for one.


We did not cheat, or prepare or do anything to win. We just know each other quite well and talk to each other anyways. The next day everybody told us that they saw us win, and congratulated us. 11 years later we still have some of the trinkets that we won.


The funny thing is that the one we got wrong was the infamous question: "Where is the strangest place you have made whoopie?"

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I am going to take this one from the other side. We will take our first cruise as Platinum level next month. So we are not in the frequent cruiser category. But we enjoy trivia. My DW has qualified (but not called back) for the Jeopardy program. I take the tests for Jeopardy. They're fun. We went to several trivia game on our NOS cruise and happened to win all but one of them. No cheating, just general knowledge. We don't play for the prizes and have given some to other people in attendance. But please, just because someone wins, do not assume they are cheating.


THANK YOU. Some people are just smarter than others. I am one of those people who don't play trivia. My sister and I played only once and out of 20 questions I think we got three correct. We realized then that trivia isn't for us.


But we do enjoy sitting and watching other people play.

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On a cruise a couple of years ago, they had a disco name that tune contest. Most people were in groups of four or five, but I played alone. I got 19 out of 20 correct (I know my disco music) and won a keychain!


The one I got wrong was a remix of the original song that was not played very often, so I missed it.


But I had fun, and that is the important thing!

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I am going to take this one from the other side. We will take our first cruise as Platinum level next month. So we are not in the frequent cruiser category. But we enjoy trivia. My DW has qualified (but not called back) for the Jeopardy program. I take the tests for Jeopardy. They're fun. We went to several trivia game on our NOS cruise and happened to win all but one of them. No cheating, just general knowledge. We don't play for the prizes and have given some to other people in attendance. But please, just because someone wins, do not assume they are cheating.


Jeopardy is the only game show that I watch on a regular basis. If you know how to read the questions, in most cases you can get the answer from the multitude of clues in a single answer. I probably get 70-80% of the answers correct when I watch the show on TV. The ones I do not do well with are Shakespeare, and some history topics. Like any trivia challenge, it helps to learn how the questions are asked, and the clues in the questions that are there to get you to the correct answer.

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My husband is a HUGE trivia buff, well so am I but not nearly as much as he is. We did almost every round of trivia that was offered on our recent honeymoon cruise and won most of them. He has lots of factoids in his head, and we managed to find some other couples to team up with early in the cruise. Between my walking compendium of useless knowledge, and the wife of one of the other couples, we were unstoppable. It was great fun, but our prizes didn't really get better :D At times we ended up winning stuff we already won, so we passed them along to others.


We are in the same situation. Lots of diverse trivial knowledge amongst our group. We tend to win quite a bit, however, if we start recognizing the questions from previous contests, we don't continue...its not fun to "win" that way.

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I agree with your comment that people take it too seriously. We had a question about how many teaspoons there are in a tablespoon. These two women on a team we had joined said 2, I said no, it's 3. I was then told that they knew better because they were older and have been cooking for longer than me and they were right. I just let it go and when we got to that answer, they couldn't believe they were wrong. One of them then had the nerve to say I should have fought harder for my answer if I knew I was right.:eek: When I told her I hadn't bothered since we had so many others wrong, we were going to lose anyway, she gave me a death look. Needless to say, we didn't join their team again.:p


We play trivia whenever we can. We have a "regular" team since five of us cruise together on trans-Atlantics.


That being said, we have a "game within a game." If one has a disagreement on an answer and gets "out-voted" by the rest they can take an "ITYS." That stands for "I told you so." They write it down on the back of the sheet. Frankly, that is worth more than winning to us.


If they are positive their answer is right, then the say "Final Answer" or "You can take it to the bank."


I can't tell you how many times we have said "we've had that one before" and gotten it wrong AGAIN.


The "best" story we have is the infamous "avocado" answer. Not sure I have it in the right order, though. The question was which "fruit" has the most calories. Answer on the sheet was "avocado." Argument ensues that it is a "vegetable" and not fruit. Couple of days later same question. So we all confidently write down "avocado." Our memories can be short but not that short (lol). Wrong, his answer sheet said something else. More arguments (lol).


Fast forward to the final day on the progressive trivia. First question: What is the main ingredient of guacamole? The poor host couldn't understand why we were all laughing so hard.


Then there is the question "What is the name of the horse in Jingle Bells?" We've seen the answer being "Bob" or "Bob-Tail" depending on the answer sheet. In reality, the horse has no name. I looked it up when I got home on the computer. Bob tail is just a description of the horse.


Tucker in Texas

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My wife and I have never participated in trivia and thanks to all of you for confirming we have made a wise decision. :p

Trivia is a lot of fun.

I personally have never seen any of the shenanigans being reported in this thread.

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We play trivia whenever we can. We have a "regular" team since five of us cruise together on trans-Atlantics.


That being said, we have a "game within a game." If one has a disagreement on an answer and gets "out-voted" by the rest they can take an "ITYS." That stands for "I told you so." They write it down on the back of the sheet. Frankly, that is worth more than winning to us.


If they are positive their answer is right, then the say "Final Answer" or "You can take it to the bank."


I can't tell you how many times we have said "we've had that one before" and gotten it wrong AGAIN.


The "best" story we have is the infamous "avocado" answer. Not sure I have it in the right order, though. The question was which "fruit" has the most calories. Answer on the sheet was "avocado." Argument ensues that it is a "vegetable" and not fruit. Couple of days later same question. So we all confidently write down "avocado." Our memories can be short but not that short (lol). Wrong, his answer sheet said something else. More arguments (lol).


Fast forward to the final day on the progressive trivia. First question: What is the main ingredient of guacamole? The poor host couldn't understand why we were all laughing so hard.


Then there is the question "What is the name of the horse in Jingle Bells?" We've seen the answer being "Bob" or "Bob-Tail" depending on the answer sheet. In reality, the horse has no name. I looked it up when I got home on the computer. Bob tail is just a description of the horse.


Tucker in Texas


I love the I Told You So game. I am going to add that to the group I play trivia with. At least once a week, someone will get voted down but turn out to be right. We should tally them up at the end of the night and give the "winner" a free drink. Fun idea!! Of course, the crew I play with are playing for high stakes! We play at a local pizza place for a free pizza!! That's almost worth fighting for. LOL

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Ha ha, I never exactly cheated, but when I realized our Trivia group were all over 65, I did bring in a ringer - my daughter - under 40. Damn, she was good on all those "young" people questions!


Who cares? The prizes are crap. The intellectual challenge and the social aspect are the point anyway, right? If you're that desperate for a luggage tag, I'll pay for it for you.

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We once played with someone who would complain after every game that we would have gotten two more (or whatever number) right if we had listen to her. I finally got fed up and would count the number we would have gotten wrong if we had listened to her.

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We once played with someone who would complain after every game that we would have gotten two more (or whatever number) right if we had listen to her. I finally got fed up and would count the number we would have gotten wrong if we had listened to her.


Conversely, if the rest of the team listen to me they get more answers wrong :D


JB :o

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Ha ha, I never exactly cheated, but when I realized our Trivia group were all over 65, I did bring in a ringer - my daughter - under 40. Damn, she was good on all those "young" people questions!


Who cares? The prizes are crap. The intellectual challenge and the social aspect are the point anyway, right? If you're that desperate for a luggage tag, I'll pay for it for you.


We look for a young person(s) to fill out the team for just that reason. Those young people have given us wins quite a few times answering questions we would have no clue about otherwise.


Tucker in Texas

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not cheats just lazy hosts that use old questions so people remember the answers, you can always tell when the activities staff have taken the trouble to get some new questions the scores are always much lower.


MAKKEM, I agree fully with you. DW and I have been cruising since the early 70's, but had a long hiatus from 2005 till 2012 because of illness; since, we have been in four cruises and enjoy trivia ... but some questions we have heard and knew the answers from before! Isn't there NEW more trivia since 2005?????


Herb :confused:

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And then you get the people who do the B2B cruises and on the second cruise they get 20 out of 20 correct because the entertainment staff is too lazy to make up new questions.


I'm a Broadway music freak, and usually know most of the answers. Once, my sister and I were playing alone as no one wanted to join us. Well, it just so happened that I knew all the answers to the Broadway music trivia game, and one old man came up to us and demanded to know if we were on a B2B and knew all the answers. He was outright nasty. I informed him that I have been performing in Broadway musicals since I was a freshman in high school and all the way through college. I also have a huge collection of Broadway recordings from way back until now. He was so huffed, and the staff person asked him to leave. Sometimes, you just know all the answers.

Edited by kitty9
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On my last cruise, I played several trivia games with people from my roll call. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost, but we had a lot of laughs either way. But there was one lady, not on the roll call, who made things so unpleasant that many of us eventually stopped playing...she thought she was much smarter than she was, she would argue that her wrong answers were correct (it WAS fun to give more information on the correct answer, to prove she was wrong :D), and she would sit and scowl and make snarky remarks just loud enough for others to hear.

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And then you get the people who do the B2B cruises and on the second cruise they get 20 out of 20 correct because the entertainment staff is too lazy to make up new questions.


I'm a Broadway music freak, and usually know most of the answers. Once, my sister and I were playing alone as no one wanted to join us. Well, it just so happened that I knew all the answers to the Broadway music trivia game, and one old man came up to us and demanded to know if we were on a B2B and knew all the answers. He was outright nasty. I informed him that I have been performing in Broadway musicals since I was a freshman in high school and all the way through college. I also have a huge collection of Broadway recordings from way back until now. He was so huffed, and the staff person asked him to leave. Sometimes, you just know all the answers.

We got all our questions but 1 right on our very first trivia contest because DH is a music entertainment geek. The one answer HE missed I told him the right answer but he chose his answer instead. Hey I knew 1 or 2..lol..anyway first cruise and we got a SOAS that was exciting. Just because you know all the answers doesn't necessairly mean you are cheating.

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But there was one lady, not on the roll call, who made things so unpleasant that many of us eventually stopped playing...she thought she was much smarter than she was, she would argue that her wrong answers were correct (it WAS fun to give more information on the correct answer, to prove she was wrong :D), and she would sit and scowl and make snarky remarks just loud enough for others to hear.


Well, her bad, and shame on her for ruining it for other people. It's a game. and a chance to meet other people and have fun. It's not a test of intelligence or intellectual superiority.


And don't be crabby about the staff. My guess is running the Trivia is everyone's worst job assignment, because the guests can get so nasty.


As the Canadian novelist, Robertson Davies, wrote (I paraphrase), "...the tactics were so vicious because the stakes were so small..."

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On my last cruise, I played several trivia games with people from my roll call. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost, but we had a lot of laughs either way. But there was one lady, not on the roll call, who made things so unpleasant that many of us eventually stopped playing...she thought she was much smarter than she was, she would argue that her wrong answers were correct (it WAS fun to give more information on the correct answer, to prove she was wrong :D), and she would sit and scowl and make snarky remarks just loud enough for others to hear.


Why didn't you kick her off the team - or even overboard?



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We are taking our son and DIL and Daughter and a friend on their first cruise next Sunday. There aren't many things that we will want to do together but I am thinking that trivia might be a good thing. Joe is a history major and his wife is a DJ, Becky is a lit major and her friend is an avid TV watcher. Hubby is a Bible scholar and computer geek. I love cruise stuff and sports...hmmm...maybe we should training for a gold keychain!!!:p cruise is during the Olympics, so I would imagine that the winners get gold!:cool:

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In my experience, you can tell the difference. We had a group lie that on an NCL cruise some years back. The first day, I went on my own and teamed up with a really nice couple. She commented that her husband wouldn't be ale to attend the next day, so I said I'd bring my sisters. Well, my one sister has a memory like no one else I know and what she couldn't remember, the three of us could. It was very obvious by the way one group over in the corner was acting that they were looking at notes. They were very secretive and very serious. No having fun over there!


The activities guy who ran it was a blast and he knew they were up to something but couldn't figure out a way around it. One of the girls on staff had begged him to take over the second day because this group was so mean and competitive they made her cry. So, the last day, he came up with a plan. The prizes all week had been things like cards, key chains, etc. this day, he was giving a free drink to the winning team. HOWEVER, everyone had to take everything off their table and could only have two pieces of paper, which he gave us, and one pen. So, our team won. That other team was furious! He didn't care. Eventually he told them to leave the area or he'd call security. Afterward, he told us, he was buying the drinks from his onboard account (they got a big discount) and that he was really hoping that we would win because he didn't want to buy the cheaters a drink. LOL


Was it Fish?

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Our cruise was perfect with the trivia night we joined the only exception. We had a couple of couples from Mass. who were lovely people. We had this woman and her husband who, well, HE was ok. She was horrible. She used her answers even when we knew she was wrong and sooo loud and pushy and ignorant. We ended up winning this tiny prize that was just not at all worth putting up with this person. What was funny was at the end when we were all walking out she blurted out to the other six of us that we should join her for the next trivia night. We all said, 'no thanks' in unison and walked away. Last I seen her was on our shuttle to the airport where she was skreeching at her husband for not carrying her luggage right. The little guy was about a third the size of her and he looked frightened...poor guy.

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  • 2 years later...

Reviving this question... cheats are still out there, thriving! SAME team won all but 2 games maybe? One person on the team would write down the questions, so that she had them for the next cruise. NOT okay. Then there's the team that accused our team of looking up the answers, when we weren't. However, at a later game, they were clearly doing so. But worse than that? The outdated questions that Royal has. Who has hosted SNL the most? Steve Martin would be correct, if this was 2010! However, as of 2011, it's Alec Baldwin... that shows how outdated their answers are! Too many AM's are LAZY and just rely on the bank of questions that they have, and discourage changing the questions.

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During my 2014 world cruise, several of us would meet up on sea days and work the quize together. We had no intention on turning it in but was fun and usually started up some good discussions.


Having people from different parts of the world gave a different view for some of the questions. We found out a simple children's rhyme "Ring Around the Rosie" had different ending in different countries.



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Reviving this question... cheats are still out there, thriving!


Yep. I see it all the time and on every line. Almost always, it's someone on a B2B or someone who knows the staff member by name. I don't get it but hey, whatever makes them feel better. Since the prizes sucks, I don't let it get to me.

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