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A Warning About Laundry Service on NCL


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I just got back today from our cruise on the Dawn. I will write a review within the next few days, but just wanted to put this out there for others, to help them with their planning. I'm normally very level headed, and I usually hate "rants"....but I really want to spare someone from the same issue that I had with NCL.


On one day of the cruise, they run a $25 promotion for laundry, for all you can fit in a bag. I thought "hey! Great idea! I can get some laundry done and go home with less to do!". What a mistake.


I put in 31 items of clothing. Of the 31 items 11 of them came back with an oily appearing stain on each of them, some of them in many areas. 1 coverup had a bleach stain. And one pair of socks was missing the other sock. The woman I first spoke to at customer relations said that she could see the stains were all similar and they were not food based etc.


After I received them back (this is on Saturday, we left the boat on Sunday), they still had the stains. They said there was nothing they could do for me. The clothing was worth $150, easily. And that's not over-inflated prices. Some were Life is Good shirts which are more costly, others Walmart, some Disney Store etc. But it was all around $150.


I was extremely pleasant and understanding with them. Yes, things happen. But I'd like to get clothes to replace the ruined ones. They offered me $50 on board credit......for $150 worth of clothing. Not cash, not a check, an board credit....the night before we get off the boat.


So, trying to save some time (over 45 minutes had already passed in this conversation and it was my last night on the boat), I asked if they would just replace the 4 most important items. Not all 12 things.....FOUR. They said they would not give me money for them.


I offered to find them online with them, and let them order replacements. They wouldn't do that.


I offered to accept less money than what they were worth, just to replace TWO of the ELEVEN items. (The Life is Good shirts). That would be $60 for $150 of ruined clothing. They wouldn't do that.


There was a cat and mouse game of "I'll see what I can do" for over an HOUR with the woman. Finally, I asked to speak to a supervisor and she told me there was none. Seriously?


Eventually, when she realized I wasn't going away, she finally "found" a supervisor, whose desk was right inside the door.


Annoyed, but wanting to resolve something and enjoy my night, I even said I'd take onboard credit (that I didn't need or want....but it was SOMETHING) for the price of the 4 worst ruined shirts. They wouldn't do that.


They said they'd fill out a report for me and I could call their customer service. The form basically said that I sent in the laundry and "claimed" they were stained when I got them back. So no accountability from them. So basically, I'd call them, they'd say there was nothing they could do since there's no proof that the laundry room stained them, and that would be it. As if I intentionally sent in stained garments and then wanted to have "fun" arguing about it on the last night of my cruise!


After over 2.5 hours of obnoxious run around, they said all they would do is give me $50 on board credit. Take it or leave it. My 5 year old daughter was sitting watching karaoke with my other family members for 2 hours while this went on. I could've gone down in the morning to argue some more, but I was exhausted and apparently getting nowhere.


So yay. They beat me down. I took the OBC. After some charges I had on my bill already I had $10 left. I went down in the morning to buy a picture. My card had been deactivated!!!!! So they gave me credit, and then cut off my way to spend it?! So I had to go back online in the morning to go through everything to get the picture.


In parting.....I strongly, strongly do not recommend sending out any items for laundering. Yes, mistakes happen. But companies with good customer service DO SOMETHING about it. I still can't believe that they're allowed to ruin the clothing and just say "too bad". Hopefully, this doesn't happen to most items sent out....but if it does, and they're yours.....I think you'll find yourself equally frustrated and disappointed.

Edited by aimathy
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I have utilized the laundry several times without incident. Sorry that was not your experience.


I would expect high heat so I only send jeans, undies, work out clothes, etc. I would never send anything I wauld wash delicate at home.


Still, do feel your pain.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

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Weirdly, I'd love to know what caused the stains. We have a similar problem with our laundry at home. For some reason, a lot of items come out with what look kind of like oil stains. I can't figure out if it's the washer or the dryer, although I suspect the latter. And even odder, it seems only to happen -- and this is going to sound cray cray -- to the FRONT of shirts, never the backs!



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Ouch! Sorry for the issue.

I wouldn't send anything that I really love to be laundered by anyone...not even on land. But I do appreciate the heads up.


If the stains seem to be oil, perhaps you can try putting baby powder on the stains 1st. Allow it to stay on over night. Then wash them yourself, adding a little baking soda to your load. It works for me when I get something oily on my clothes.

Edited by jemrtt
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I am sorry to hear that; I had similar experiences with a dry cleaner in my area- things started to come back with oily stains (polos) and one time someone left a pen in their clothes and it messed up my pants- as in your case- no accountability by those who did the cleaning.


I thought about doing the promotion perhaps in the hopes of taking less clothes on board. What I end up doing is putting all of the used clothes in a bag(s) within one of my carryons for the trip home.


I actually got a larger 29" luggage piece today to replace a 25" one.

I actually tried washing some of my clothes during the last cruise leaving them out to dry on the balcony and it worked somewhat- at least I knew nothing would happen to them.


I also was curious about the turn around time for this service during the cruise. Is it worth it just to bring more clothes and perhaps pack into a bigger case?

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Weirdly, I'd love to know what caused the stains. We have a similar problem with our laundry at home. For some reason, a lot of items come out with what look kind of like oil stains. I can't figure out if it's the washer or the dryer, although I suspect the latter. And even odder, it seems only to happen -- and this is going to sound cray cray -- to the FRONT of shirts, never the backs!



Sounds like a fabric softener issue. Supposedly if you rub something like Ivory soap (bar) on it and re-wash it should go away...


Undiluted fabric softener will make those stains...

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Weirdly, I'd love to know what caused the stains. We have a similar problem with our laundry at home. For some reason, a lot of items come out with what look kind of like oil stains. I can't figure out if it's the washer or the dryer, although I suspect the latter. And even odder, it seems only to happen -- and this is going to sound cray cray -- to the FRONT of shirts, never the backs!




I've had this happen before. It was my washing machine that caused the small oil stains. I can't remember which part was causing it in the machine, however it was not worth fixing as it was an expensive part and the repairman suggested I purchase a new machine, which I did. Problem solved.

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I heard some where before when they take your bag of Landry is washed in the bag? Is that true could it of been because you had some much in the bag. Most like ya problem with there machine or chemicals they use. Sorry it happened to you

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Weirdly, I'd love to know what caused the stains. We have a similar problem with our laundry at home. For some reason, a lot of items come out with what look kind of like oil stains. I can't figure out if it's the washer or the dryer, although I suspect the latter. And even odder, it seems only to happen -- and this is going to sound cray cray -- to the FRONT of shirts, never the backs!




You ain't cray cray- our stupid expensive HE front loader likes to do the "oily stains but only on the fronts of shirts we really like" thing. Ugh!!!!


I had th opposite experience on rccl Freedom last summer. The socks and underwear, as well as the t-shirts... All came back pressed and on hangers!,, each shock was safety- pinned to a hanger, as were each pair of underthings.

Seemed like a lot of extra work on both ends- they had to pin it up, then I had to UN-pin 12 pairs of socks and all the delicates. Pressed delicates, I might add!,,

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For those having this issue at home: I don't even want to tell you why or how I know this...long story, but :


Sometimes, washing machines develop a buildup in the water lines caused by liquid softener...about every 3 months or so, I run an empty cycle with Tang drink mix...about 1 cup. Just let it run thru, and then do an extra rinse cycle. No more problem.

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I am surprised that they did not give you what you wanted.


My son had his lands end sandals taken while at kids camp. Not only g

Did they give hi a pair of flops from the gift shop, they looked the sandals up on

Line and gave me full price plus shipping!!they also sent us to a specialty restaurant.

We did not even make a fuss- we lived in Arizona then and the kid had tons of sandals at home... The youth crew just felt really bad- my son was about 5 or 6 really loved those sandals. He was very sad and happened to be adorable i so the staff went waaaay above and beyond!

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The ruined laundry is not the issue here. Problems occur. The issue is the HORRIBLE customer service to try and resolve the problem. I would be documenting everything and sending the complaint via registered mail to sheehan or his rep. Absolutely unacceptable.


Yuppers,,, NCL scores a great big goose egg for this episode!, no excuse for taking up all that time for the OP- crap like this,especially on the last night... Well it cannot help but leave a slimed taste in one's mouth. It just is wrong.

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For those having this issue at home: I don't even want to tell you why or how I know this...long story, but :


Sometimes, washing machines develop a buildup in the water lines caused by liquid softener...about every 3 months or so, I run an empty cycle with Tang drink mix...about 1 cup. Just let it run thru, and then do an extra rinse cycle. No more problem.


Gonna go get me some tang tomorrow!

thank you!,,,,



I would love to know the story!,,

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I heard some where before when they take your bag of Landry is washed in the bag? Is that true could it of been because you had some much in the bag. Most like ya problem with there machine or chemicals they use. Sorry it happened to you


I don't know where you heard that, but it isn't true. The laundry bag is PAPER, so it is highly unlikely that they wash it in the bag.


The ruined laundry is not the issue here. Problems occur. The issue is the HORRIBLE customer service to try and resolve the problem. I would be documenting everything and sending the complaint via registered mail to sheehan or his rep. Absolutely unacceptable.


I have to disagree. They got the same answer from ALL the people they spoke with at every level. They were given a consistent and factual answer. Just because the answer you get isn't the answer you want doesn't mean the customer service was bad...or even "HORRIBLE". Sometimes the answer is "no".

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Gonna go get me some tang tomorrow!

thank you!,,,,



I would love to know the story!,,


LOL...no ya don't...involves the ex, and ugh....it get's bloody and ugly. LOL...

anyways, I forgot to say ...run it on HOT.

And you're welcome. Peace!

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Unforgiveable customer service and even more so when the front desk personnel did not fix "the buck stops here" problem and apparent lying about a supervisor/manager being on duty !!!!!


Having read the above I will continue to do my own laundry even though it is a task.

I bring a small 3 oz container of laundry soap (a thimble full of the new 2X stuff does a sink load) and do hand laundry every other night in small loads in the wash basin (bathroom sink).

Rinse a couple of times and use the laundry string device in the shower hang to dry.

Also if in an area not so humid and wet then use a hanger and air dry off of one of the balcony chairs.


Wonder what they would have done if doing the crew laundry and had all the

stains and other problems what the remedy would have been ?

How do all the ships officers wear bright whites without stains ?

Maybe they did the ships engineering crew clothes with the customers dainties?



The Princess cruise I was on was not concerned about laundry brought enough clothing.

The three Carnival ships had customer laundry facilities - had to raid the casino money for enough quarters to operate the wash and dryer.

Holland America - no laundry facilities.


For the space of a couple inside cabins laundry service could be possible.

While in a USA port could use local laundry facilities but could be a real big hassel if everyone on a ship did this.


For the benefit of ALL would the OP write a letter to NCL - the CC forum is a great venue but the top (tarnished) brass have a need to know !


This should have been handled at the Pursers desk first off and was not a negotiable issue !

The amount of compensation is peanuts compared to casino payouts !

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Unforgiveable customer service and even more so when the front desk personnel did not fix "the buck stops here" problem and apparent lying about a supervisor/manager being on duty !!!!!


For the space of a couple inside cabins laundry service could be possible.


This should have been handled at the Pursers desk first off and was not a negotiable issue!


The front desk offered you the "fleet" standard $50 OBC for your issue right from the beginning. No one on board the ship can offer more, and they can never give the cash you were demanding. To get more, you'll have to take this issue to corporate headquarters, and they eventually gave you that information as well.

Talking to the supervisor didn't get you a better offer because they had already offered you the most they can. Believe it or not, demanding to speak with a supervisor is disrespectful of the purser at the desk, and rarely do you get a better result. Never-the-less, you did get to talk to the supervisor. How is this poor customer service?


If you look at your cruise contract closely you'll discover they aren't liable and that the $50 OBC offer was being generous.


6 NCL ships at one time had self service laundries. On all 6 ships, the self service laundries was the number 1 complaint. NCL removed them because they were losing too much money paying $50 OBC to all the complainers. $50 here, $50 there, add them all up it comes to big $ lo$$e$..


Good luck with the corporate office with your issues.

Edited by electricron
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So now we get the "Paul Harvey" the rest of the story as to what NCL can and

can not do and the history of laundry problems.

If that is the case then it should be stated to the customer that that

is all that the staff on the ship can do agent purser supervisor cruise director Captain etc.

This may have been done but the OP was not convinced that that was the case.

So the purser may have been annoyed and not wanting to refer this matter over to his supervisor.

This action did not satisfy the complaint well regardless of the protocol which I think most of us were not aware of.

In customer relations it is a common practice to ask for a persons supervisor or manager

to resolve issues if they are not fixed at the first level.


So after all this they did give the address and the official to be contacted at corporate for any further action.

Missing was that NCL Dawn would document the complaint to assist what corporate could do.

From what I gather it appears the customer was sort of left in the dark about what to do - not very pro-active.

While sorry for what happened in the interim the customer should have been advised of what the staff found out

if any of the laundry problem.

Was it equipment/personnel or possibly both ?

Was there any offer to redo the laundry gratis ?


The posts of LoveMyButler and Demonyte comment on customer service noted !

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I know how frustrating this is. I went through the exact thing on land. I brought a almost new comforter to a dry cleaners. It was embroidered with gray, black and maroon and the whole top was white. My husband had a cut on his knee and had gotten a very small spot of blood on it. It wasn't a big deal because it was on the part hanging over on the opposite side of where you entered my bedroom. This was the most expensive comforter I had ever bought.

I picked it up and not only was the blood stain still there, it had a huge stain on the top white area that looked like ink. I thought it could have been detergent that didn't dissolve and brought it back in. Not only did that stain barely get out, but they must of used so much chemical, that now it was eating away at the black and gray and that was now faded. They offered me credit of $20, what I paid for the cleaning. I complained all I could and even contacted the bbb to no avail. The bbb wrote me and said that they felt the dry cleaning company offered all they could to resolve the issue since they offered to clean it a third time. Even if they had gotten the stain out, I now had missing gray and black colors and the comforter was a loss. I slammed this company all over the internet, but I was out about $350.

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Yes, it sucks that your laundry was a mess.


It appears the policy has been set - for reasons we may not know (too many claims possibly?)


Anyway, the policy is the policy. Sadly some people think if they do not get what they want, they call it bad customer service. It is not.


The person that came out from behind the desk may not have been on duty, or even the proper supervisor. They came out to ATTEMPT to satisfy the customer. Get over it.


Sending clothes off the a mass production laundry on a ship at sea has it's perils.


Again, it sucks. Sorry for what happened.

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