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Speaking of vacations, we are a month out from our trip to Brittany, Normandy, and the Dordogne. Planning is all done, but I could use a recommendation for a car service from LHR Terminal 5 to the Portsmouth ferry terminal.


We have a ride booked with "Aquacars" in Portsmouth. Anyone have experience with them? Can anyone recommend a super reliable service? We only have a four hour window to make the ferry.... We do not have to pick up luggage as we have two, stackable carryons each (thanks BA for being generous to non-coach passengers in that regard.)


Also, can Uber pick up from LHR? Figure they would be a last ditch backup :eek:





Aquacars ....... awful reviews Raggy....sorry to say.

See link:



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Morning Ho Hum.......and I thought I was the only early bird this morning!! :)


....and a "top o the morning to you" Poppy.....off to walk the pooch round the Lough ?

Have a lovely day......bit dull here (weather wise) but prefer UK than the very high 30's round the Med.

3 different contractors in today !


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We used to have a few Aussies on this forum; yes they were mostly "Sheila's" and full respect to them.

HH loves Aussie ladies.

But if there are any Aussies out there (and Sheilas included too), could you kindly explain to Ho Hum, what on earth is going on with your cricket team !


Sorry Bruce but it's getting a tad embarrassing.


What on earth has happened.


To "normal" people, we are talking cricket. Australia is supposedly the best in the world by a mile and the English, well they were not in a good place. But Australia were bowled out for 60 runs !

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Time is relative, and flexible and "the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion".

So reality is ultimately TIMELESS.

This sounds pretty bizarre from the view of classical physics, but from the view of consciousness theory and spirituality, it fits in perfectly.



By jove…what a lovely day for such perception and educational refinement. Seems totally out of place here.


Education appears to be well on its way to the dogs here in Brigadoon. Would you believe that if you get the vast majority of answers wrong in an exam you achieve a pass, a gold medal, fawning from the education and political establishment!


That is right, no kidding. The pass mark in the Maths exam for 16 and 17 year olds was a stratospheric 33.8%! I just love their exactness of marking, don’t you? “Sorry, you achieved only 33.7%, tough luck son, try again next year.”


Take a look at one of the actual questions…


You are on SeaDream and a fellow guest hoodwinks you into joining them for dinner and getting you to buy the wine for the first course, the $ 199 a bottle Chablis, they have been endlessly raving about all day. How much damage will this inflict on your preciously managed on board account calculated by using the following formula:


HH = 3xs(1-c)<ZZZZ where the potential consumption of Chablis is a variable multiplied by HH’s consumption of champagne during the day against the probability for him to stay awake.


The clever clogs pupil who is going to Oxford, (yes Brigadoon sends one every ten years or so) managed to achieve full marks but the answer is still cloaked in secrecy. They were quoted as saying “it appeared not just mathematically, but humanly impossible to experience such an occurrence and calculate the devastation, sorry, the answer, to this quite bewildering scenario. People don’t actually live like that do they?” they asked through innocent eyes.


P.S I do hope all those who “passed” the exam don’t go on to have careers in structural engineering. Who wants to be the brave soul to drive across their first bridge project where they potentially got two thirds of the calculations incorrect?

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....and a "top o the morning to you" Poppy.....off to walk the pooch round the Lough ?

Have a lovely day......bit dull here (weather wise) but prefer UK than the very high 30's round the Med.

3 different contractors in today !



.....this day 2 weeks I'll be in the Med joining Seaboring (love that - it's true) on the Saturday. Bet it's full of brats but its the only sailing that suits my dates to travel as you know. Been to all ports bar one so we will just go for a long lunch ashore instead of lunch onboard which I prefer. Surprise surprise!! Pooches (3) did the park walk today. Glad you're busy with the builders. Keeps you out of mischief :). Only joking!!!

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By jove…what a lovely day for such perception and educational refinement. Seems totally out of place here.


Education appears to be well on its way to the dogs here in Brigadoon. Would you believe that if you get the vast majority of answers wrong in an exam you achieve a pass, a gold medal, fawning from the education and political establishment!


That is right, no kidding. The pass mark in the Maths exam for 16 and 17 year olds was a stratospheric 33.8%! I just love their exactness of marking, don’t you? “Sorry, you achieved only 33.7%, tough luck son, try again next year.”


Take a look at one of the actual questions…


You are on SeaDream and a fellow guest hoodwinks you into joining them for dinner and getting you to buy the wine for the first course, the $ 199 a bottle Chablis, they have been endlessly raving about all day. How much damage will this inflict on your preciously managed on board account calculated by using the following formula:


HH = 3xs(1-c)<ZZZZ where the potential consumption of Chablis is a variable multiplied by HH’s consumption of champagne during the day against the probability for him to stay awake.


The clever clogs pupil who is going to Oxford, (yes Brigadoon sends one every ten years or so) managed to achieve full marks but the answer is still cloaked in secrecy. They were quoted as saying “it appeared not just mathematically, but humanly impossible to experience such an occurrence and calculate the devastation, sorry, the answer, to this quite bewildering scenario. People don’t actually live like that do they?” they asked through innocent eyes.


P.S I do hope all those who “passed” the exam don’t go on to have careers in structural engineering. Who wants to be the brave soul to drive across their first bridge project where they potentially got two thirds of the calculations incorrect?


HH is shocked !


Maybe in a decades time you could eventually obtain a 1st class degree in Natural Science by collecting coupons off cereal packets and "Creationism" will be the accepted norm.


If God did create the world in 7 days, HH wishes he would give HH the name of his builders !

But when HH calls all he gets is the answer phone (he knows he's probably at home but simply not picking up.........anyhoo he has a lot on his hands with Butch & Sundance right now).


But you know however these young people become educated they are certainly a lot cleverer than Hum was at their age and "wise" and socially competent (well the "posh" ones Hum occasionally meets).

But they are deprived of great music of yesteryear.

Now it is all juvenile boy bands and "twerking" (a thoroughly un-sexy and crass display by pubescent girls who really should put some clothes or they will have a terrible chill in their kidneys, you mark Hum's words, little lady: give HH "Pans People" any day !).


Or are we simply sounding old, out of tune, out of touch ......... sorry MACT but Hum's education was appalling and the repressive conduct in the all boys, Jesuit priest run school was criminal with daily physical punishments in the name of religious principles and academic, as well as sporting excellence.

A popular BBC television series at the time was set in an all boys school called "Whacko !".

A title celebrating punishment of children.

Quite appalling really old chap.

We would call one another by our surnames.


HH would challenge your brilliant equation ..... if he knew what the heck it meant.

You clever old sausage you (got the ZZZZ part).

Don't think you will have any luck with B&S either.............

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Now was that so hard???


No sir, not at all sir ............................ and a whole darn better than.....


We have used Smith's for cars with good results


Now come on Jim.....really you gotta admit, it was a tad short on ....... err, well Hum gets the hint..... (And you are the one with the gub).


You must remember Butch that Sundance needs ALL THE HELP he can get.....

Take for example, his booking of Acqua cars in Pompey.

Did he actually read the reviews before booking ?


Just read them for yourself. Hum kindly forwarded them on in case he wanted to change his mind.

Any thanks for the time and trouble taken ?

Zilcho ! Nada ! Sweet Fanny Adam !

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.....this day 2 weeks I'll be in the Med joining Seaboring (love that - it's true) on the Saturday. Bet it's full of brats but its the only sailing that suits my dates to travel as you know. Been to all ports bar one so we will just go for a long lunch ashore instead of lunch onboard which I prefer. Surprise surprise!! Pooches (3) did the park walk today. Glad you're busy with the builders. Keeps you out of mischief :). Only joking!!!


Bon voyage my sweets !

Bet you can't wait......


How to deal with "brats" ?

Try one of these little gizmos.....slips into the tiniest of handbags and is in a range of pretty colours.



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Well chums, it is Friday....... a little levity at the end of the week is quite permissible, n'est pas ?


Have a great weekend.


Next week:

Hum has a real shocker for you ! No Jim, he is not coming out as a cross dresser !

Further (fun) "barbs" between HH, Butch & Sundance no doubt

GCMVs picture of the week.......more funnels....fingers crossed

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Next week:

GCMVs picture of the week.......more funnels....fingers crossed


Dearest ho-hum,

gcmv can't wait until next week - here's the funnel of the day - taken at Teneriffa - gcmv produces art when taking photos ... ;)


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Dearest ho-hum, my thanks was in advance, knowing your response would be thorough and helpful:


"Speaking of vacations, we are a month out from our trip to Brittany, Normandy, and the Dordogne. Planning is all done, but I could use a recommendation for a car service from LHR Terminal 5 to the Portsmouth ferry terminal.




Also, can Uber pick up from LHR? Figure they would be a last ditch backup




However, you were correct that Parkers "ain't cheap"! Also have an inquirey in with the more humble Smiths...


Speaking of Parkers, is it normal for English transfer companies to offer a 10% discount if one pays with cash?


Thanks! Both in arrears and in advance:)

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Speaking of Parkers, is it normal for English transfer companies to offer a 10% discount if one pays with cash?


Thanks! Both in arrears and in advance:)


Cash talks, you know what walks!:eek: And you need to be aware that Ho-Hum can be sensitive when you talk about "rears", ar or otherwise.:eek::D

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Jimbo, I think ho-hum is way above our humble caste, Parkers quoted £234, vs £62 from both Smiths and Aquacars :eek: I don't mind a reasonable poshness premium, but that is a bit steep. Are they planning to use a new Rolls and serve Dom and cavier enroute??? Or maybe they were quoting a helicopter transfer :rolleyes:



(ho-hum, is there a secret code or something I'm supposed to cite in my transfer request to Parkers to get the F.o.h-h rate?)

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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11. Spa Services: N/A (no treatments this time but ALL ladies wonderful?


12. Overall Appearance of the Yacht: 9

- more hand gel dispensers needed: sanitation not emphasised enough

SDYC: Dispensers are on order with our chemical vendors.

HH: Great.

- one of the tenders re-vamped (partially)

SDYC : This was general ordinary maintenance.

HH: No, this was a huge job (ceiling cover needs replacing: water stained) and about time too

- uniforms of tender operators a let down

SDYC : Our tender drivers are using the standard SD uniforms.

HH: Hmmmm…...Hum will leave it at that...Hum being chivalrous.

- straggling wires for TOYB speakers need tidying

SDYC: TOY Bar speakers –activities team has been informed about the complaint, double-checking and follow-up in progress.

HH: No, no, no.....nothing bloody wrong except un-secured wires

you can hear the guy doing the repair onboard saying to his colleague “ My God some of these passengers are more interested in picking up minor faults than enjoying themselves onboard, with their friends and voyaging the islands ! What kinda schmuck is he ? Ho Hum. ‘nough said"


13. Overall Impression of your Voyage: 9.5

- a first class performance all round


14. Sea Dream shoreside management: 7.0

- port address differed to actual port location

SDYC: Your observation is noted and will be corrected. According to the Captain most of the time the docking position is the same, with minor changes, but in a few ports like Venice, Athens, Civitavecchia, Barcelona, last minute changes can be enforced by the actual port authorities. SeaDream will attempt to improve port layout in the guest documents sent before the voyage, with the possible docking spots and encourage guests to make contact with the ship on the day of embarkation to double check the final correct position.

HH: Brilliant

- must provide map of port but never do

SDYC: Your observation is noted and new port maps are in the process since early Spring and expected to be available soon onboard.

HH: Bravo

- greater effort in client relations being made on a personal level which is greatly appreciated too

- far better handling of bookings and resolving issues that arise with speed and courtesy: again greatly appreciated

- concern by Owner of our voyage enjoyment appreciated

SDYC: We assure you that the owner fully appreciate all guests and hope for their utmost enjoyment before and during their voyage

HH: yadda- yadda.

- would wish to be informed of improvements made on the vessels (dry dock etc..)

SDYC: The Management will look into this possibility, however at this point the list of improvements is still being discussed for next drydock.

HH: we want to be kept informed.



- Love the ship

- Love the crew

- The combined professionalism, knowledge and experience of ALL the crew always, absolutely astounds me

- Christophe (HM) is exceptional proving a World Class service

- Captain Lund in great form supported by brilliant Chief Officer Steiner for whom I have the fullest respect commemorating the passing of a much loved passenger.

- finally Sea Dream Shoreside Management are improving on perceived customer relations with better booking handling but still could do more. Yet I encourage the right direction.

SDYC: We thank you for this observation and we assure you that everyone in shore side customer relations, including the owner, fully appreciate all guests and hope for their utmost enjoyment before and during their voyage

HH: Well said (and HH believes 'em).


I hope we have answered and given feedback on all your questions and look very much forward to welcome you onboard again in............

HH: top secret

In the meantime, I wish you a great summer and autumn

Kind regards/Med vennlig hil

HH: wow ! Impressed.....very impressed.


Aren't you ?

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Afternoon Ho Hum (fountain of all knowledge). Need a suggestion for a transfer in Venice. Port to airport. Not a water transfer. I did a car transfer a few years ago but I can't find their details. Maybe they've gone belly up! Just want to walk off the ship into a car. Any recommendations? I've found one company but can't find any reviews on their punctuality etc. Hope you're well and having a relaxing Sunday. Good away point yesterday. Bet the Gooners are in bits after that HAMMERING today!!Haha.

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Afternoon Ho Hum (fountain of all knowledge). Need a suggestion for a transfer in Venice. Port to airport. Not a water transfer. I did a car transfer a few years ago but I can't find their details. Maybe they've gone belly up! Just want to walk off the ship into a car. Any recommendations? I've found one company but can't find any reviews on their punctuality etc. Hope you're well and having a relaxing Sunday. Good away point yesterday. Bet the Gooners are in bits after that HAMMERING today!!Haha.


Ho Hum recommends Parkers !

Always have, always will.

Yes they come from the posh part of Great Britain but by God they are reliable.

They always carry a neatly ironed copy of the Daily Telegraph and a glass bottle of Buxton's chilled still water.

And the driver does not go "yabbering on" about life as a taxi driver. Oi vay !

Yes they are a tad more expensive but well worth it: though maybe not in everyone's opinion.

Sundance would probably suggest cheapo Acquacars but their reviews are "pantos" (Italian for "pants"), never mind that they turn up an hour late (and of course you've missed your flight or sailing).

Butch would probably suggest Smithos Caros, twinned with Smiths Cars of Londonium. Just don't ask him for details as he can get a little "touchy" on the subject for some odd reason.

No HH does'nt know why either ....... maybe he had another bad day at the gun range.

Do you know the gun range barn door is as un-blemished since the day Butch starting shooting at it !


Yes interesting first days of football season. Chelsea looked terrible and moody Mourinho was not very nice.

Yes Hugh (Grant) and HH are quite pleased with the away performance especially as our best striker damaged something or other whilst training (he never even made it to the pitch ! Broken cuticle, HH hears) and will be out for heaven knows when.

Ruddy typical of Fulham.

No we did'nt travel to Wales; our inoculations against "Taffy Tummy" had run out.

Oh and the Welsh are a miserable bunch, surrounded by slag heaps and the sound of depressing male voice choirs.


Sorry HH has not been much help.....anybody else out there can help this lovely lady with taxis (non-water type: so Acquacars is out then) ?


HH did find a few firms which he has listed below .....tho' none are known to Hum. Maybe you recognise one of them ?

- http://www.airport-transfers-direct.com/Venice

- http://www.italy-taxi.it/Taxi-Venice-Airport

- http://www.clickairporttransfer.com/Venice


Are you booking this direct or with Sea-boring (haha....just kiddin') ?

Can they not help ?

If not, then what about your own TA ?


Hum knows this is cheeky but you could get the name of a taxi firm from SD concierge. Email them on: sd2-concierge@seadream.com. Give your name as James Ponsonby Avery so they don't track it back to you. Jim Avery has a lot of "pull" with SD for some in-fathomable reason.


Best of luck.


Are you a Gooner per chance ? Or possibly Man. U. (George Best, HH's thinking).

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Why the big visual assault on the senses with the large bold typeface Mr Hum? It is very thoughtful gesture for anyone with failing eyesight who has mislaid their magnifying glass though some of us are still a little way from approaching the slide towards senility.

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Thanks h-h, we haved booked Parkers (and they WILL have Grey Poupon on board for us).


Being the clever Ragnar that I am, I almost booked Smiths in addition to Aquacars for back up, for a lesser total cost than Parkers. Would have paid both drivers if they showed up. However, also being honest to a fault, if this plan had resulted in missing the boat, literally, I would have had to report that on these pages. And one can only imagine the endless shame and ridicule I'd suffer :eek:


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Thank you Ho Hum. You're right. Last time I arranged a transfer in Venice I did in fact book it through my TA. Company was called Travelcube and only TAs can access and book transfers on their website.

Not a football fan although my son is football mad and could talk 24/7 about it. That's obviousky were I pick up on the various teams/results etc. He's a Man Ure supporter unfortunately!!

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Thanks h-h, we haved booked Parkers (and they WILL have Grey Poupon on board for us).


Being the clever Ragnar that I am, I almost booked Smiths in addition to Aquacars for back up, for a lesser total cost than Parkers. Would have paid both drivers if they showed up. However, also being honest to a fault, if this plan had resulted in missing the boat, literally, I would have had to report that on these pages. And one can only imagine the endless shame and ridicule I'd suffer :eek:


And that is different from how he treats you normally?? Here's hoping Y'all have a great trip.

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