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.......idle jottings


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I'll admit I find the film intriguing and would love to see the final take. But if I was on the sailing and didn't know about this in advance, I would be really annoyed. It would seem like the announcement should have been made to guests before the sailing not at the Club Member's Party.


Pirate, your outage is misplaced. I'm here, you're not. The filming, such as it is, is quite unobtrusive. It has bothered no one as far as I can see. No one I have spoken to onboard has even mentioned it.

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Cocoyote, Heads Up


The rushes are in from the first day's filming, and word on the street has it that this is going to be Box Office Boffo! The Hollywood Reporter mentioned a late November release date, just in time for Oscar consideration.

Call your broker and invest heavily in BBC Corp, before everyone finds out and the stock price soars.


I just hope that HoHum spoke with your attorneys about tying up the merchandising rights. I can see a GI Ho Doll and a Blondie Beauty Bar under every tree by next year.

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Cocoyote, Heads Up


The rushes are in from the first day's filming, and word on the street has it that this is going to be Box Office Boffo! The Hollywood Reporter mentioned a late November release date, just in time for Oscar consideration.

Call your broker and invest heavily in BBC Corp, before everyone finds out and the stock price soars.


I just hope that HoHum spoke with your attorneys about tying up the merchandising rights. I can see a GI Ho Doll and a Blondie Beauty Bar under every tree by next year.


I've seen info from the production company, Abenaki. You know the one - Pablum Productions - they said the female lead was the star and her companion, while lacking in some clothing cleanliness, did an average job of supporting her. Would love to see the day 1 rushes.

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I was framed? Harsh sentence!

Incarcerated Vandrefalk


A royal pardon has been granted !


Which is fortunate......it means we can have dinner together tonight.

Thanks for accepting our invitation.


Oh and so nice to receive from you a wonderful rose champagne .......what a lady !

So wonderful also to have the opportuntiy to get to know you and Lord V.

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OK so Hum is quickly becoming a right diva.

Dinner with Lord & Lady V was rudely interrupted by a RACKET from very LOUD musicians !

The deck floor was actually VIBRATING !!! VIBRATING !!! Mind you.

It was hell.

At an appropriate time after dinner, Hum had to return to his cabin.

Hum missed the filming at the "Desert Extravaganza".

Told all and sundry how annoyed Hum was and here Hum is blabbing on AT you.


Had to chide the film crew for some very intrusive questions which Hum handled exemplary may Hum say but not so Blondie.......plenty of "kicking under the table" but Blondie was strangely oblivious........and was wading in the "doggy do".


So we filmed in the shop (dress shop, Hum told you 'bout it......oh do keep up ! Really !).

Unfortunately Kristine's Anglais ain't great and so every question was answered very peculiarly. For example, they asked how long had Blondie been coming to the shop. 15 years ! That was when she opened the shop !

And how many dresses had Blondie bought ? Over 50 ! The number of dresses in the shop !

And so on and so on. The poor dear was a "deer caught in headlights".

The film crew asked whether any celebrities had bought the same dress as Blondie's. Hum says "yes Kim Kardashian" to put her place on the map.

Kristine says "oh no, ho hum she never visits the shop".

Hum gives up !


Dinner with Lord and Lady V and cocktails beforehand with Zimmy and Other half was a relief to open up and chat too about the filming.

Hell they are so nice !

So we had dinner and Hum and Blondie thoroughly enjoyed their interesting company.......Lady V is soooo nice (even though she has done "time" in the "Big House". She paid her dues and is out and so we must let bygones be bygones).

No but seriously.......it was such a pleasure before Armageddon began that is !!!

It was such a shame.......Hum was furious though.

Loud and "cheesy" songs a winning combination to send anyone (with refined taste that is).....INSANE !!!


And so my little chums. It's all been about Hum, Hum, Hum.....and what about you ?

The "little people" as Kanye West and Hum refer to you when guzzling Crystal champagne with their boyz in the hood.

You see what a monster Hum has become ?

Hum so hates himself.

OK as Abenaki and Commander would probably say: "join the queue" !


Hey we passed 150K !

As Jim said earlier "Yep a hell of a lot of sickos out there, aint there ?"

So Goodnight "little people" and all "sickos" !


No, you know Hum really doesn't mean it........maybe this wont even see light of day.

Glum Hum......oh bum !


News just in !

A passenger did complain about filming tonight.........much later.

Hum had gone to bed.

They were filming Blondie from a distance and other passengers were in kind of view but Blondie was the focus.

Well this passenger, irately challenged the film maker after a few seconds of filming and in stepped the PR lady and told them to stop filming. Not content with this he strode off to confront the Club Director who (quite rightly) also confirmed not to film.

The poor cameraman explained to Blondie, the back of the guys head was all that MAY have been in the shot.

Getting tense.......a meeting is planned first thing ...... no, of course Hum ain't invited.

Blondie and Hum chat and review day.

How awful the music was and how we will be much more reticent in front of camera...intentionally.

Oh and much less filming.

They film crew tomorrow.........Hum finds the crew list and suggests to them for $50 each and a great Guest Comment Card review, we expect gushing praise..... gushing daaaaahhhlinnggg !

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Good heavens, I am dealing with a rank amateur......


I said to tilt the head SLIGHTLY back. Too far back and it will be a close up of your nostrils, never a good thing in Cinemascope.

And remember to have someone powder your forehead as the afternoon wears on, otherwise the Caribbean sunshine will be bouncing off you like a beacon.


Anyway, all of this good advice wasted....you HAVE heard of the cutting room floor, I presume. The outtakes reel should be a good fun however.


Hum has very nice nostrils actually Abenaki.....in fact people compliment Hum on his "hooter" (no not "hooters" ! Really Abenaki !).


The sun also shines from the rear too ya know.


BTW......the jealousy is palpable, palpable dahhhhlllinnngg !!

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Abenaki,the only way to resolve this intolerable situation is for BBC and Ho Hum to fly you down there touts-de-suite and put this film crew in place. God forbid we have to look at a program with views up Ho Hum's nostrils with his forehead looking like a shining star.


"Et tu, Brute"


Have'nt a clue what Hum is talkin' about, do you, you old coyote.

Be off with you !

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So, when does Robin Leach arrive on the scene? Or is that role being handled by h-h?


You really think Hum has any say in any of this !!



caught Jim and Lois sipping on a few "Presidentes" today. Thought you should know.

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You know you are right Cocoyote. I didn't sleep a wink last night, fearing he might appear in his draw-string hippie trousers this morning for filming, a leftover from Woodstock, I believe. And the grease spots that appear with great regularity on his shirts, who is looking out for those I wonder?


Hippie trousers.......grease stains.......

Folks.......dont believe another word from this man.


Hey Abenaki.

Why dont you share that photo of you with the green Afro !!!

WYHH !!! And that goes for you too COCOYOTE !!



Rumbled !!!


Leave Hum with his sophisticated trousers and maybe a few crumbs that could have fallen from the morning croissant but at least Hum does'nt look like the seriously deranged extra in "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" !!

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Pirate, your outage is misplaced. I'm here, you're not. The filming, such as it is, is quite unobtrusive. It has bothered no one as far as I can see. No one I have spoken to onboard has even mentioned it.


Bless you dearest.


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I'll admit I find the film intriguing and would love to see the final take. But if I was on the sailing and didn't know about this in advance, I would be really annoyed. It would seem like the announcement should have been made to guests before the sailing not at the Club Member's Party.


Sitting where you are........it could be understandable.

And yes a passenger got irate.

And yet.....that instance says more about a grumpy old man than the actuality of how the event was handled.

Understand if you aint convinced.....but Hum is being frank (and Frank is being hum...all very confusing).



Please folks can Hum go to bed now ?

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And so the new Club Director replacing Peter John and alternating between SDI and SDII will be..........Jeff Fithian.


He has served on SDII before, a few years back but took time away.


Hum again likes him a lot and again more importantly the crew like and respect him hugely.

Uncle Jeff he is called......a kind guy whom the younger crew "need" onboard (and the older crew.......a favourite with the Captains too).

And again he is an enormous asset to SD with a wealth of experience.

He is a Californian. Hiker, fisherman, adventurer, yachtsman, rifleman, quite the out door type.

He is also one of the best raconteurs Hum has ever met (pet parrot is one of Hum's favourites. Right up there with "Monty Pythons" own Norwegian Blue parrot sketch.......).

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Thanks for the alert. Much appreciated. I'm pleased that Jim and Lois are following your lead!


Said as if there is a choice? Am typing on the phone so more to follow when back in the "world". Much more.....🎉🍷🍸☀️😎

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"Very sad news to announce but Enes Strkonjic, the Hotel Manager on SDI has left the company.

Sorry but no further information to share.

We shall all miss him, Hum's sure."


Having disembarked SD1 at the end of the US Thanksgiving holiday week, we had the pleasure of sailing with Hotel Manager Enes Strkonjic. Knowing him from earlier trips, we have watched him hone his trade from waiter to maître d’ to hotel manager. We can say that our most recent SeaDream voyage may have been the best ever in no small part due to Enes’ attention to detail, cordiality and welcoming professionalism. It has been our good fortune to have known him and there is no doubt that he will be successful in whatever path he takes. He will be missed by many SeaDreamers.


"And so the new Club Director replacing Peter John and alternating between SDI and SDII will be..........Jeff Fithian."


Wonderful news. Welcome back, Jeff.

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"Very sad news to announce but Enes Strkonjic, the Hotel Manager on SDI has left the company.

Sorry but no further information to share.

We shall all miss him, Hum's sure."


Having disembarked SD1 at the end of the US Thanksgiving holiday week, we had the pleasure of sailing with Hotel Manager Enes Strkonjic. Knowing him from earlier trips, we have watched him hone his trade from waiter to maître d’ to hotel manager. We can say that our most recent SeaDream voyage may have been the best ever in no small part due to Enes’ attention to detail, cordiality and welcoming professionalism. It has been our good fortune to have known him and there is no doubt that he will be successful in whatever path he takes. He will be missed by many SeaDreamers.


"And so the new Club Director replacing Peter John and alternating between SDI and SDII will be..........Jeff Fithian."


Wonderful news. Welcome back, Jeff.


"And so the new Club Director replacing Peter John and alternating between SDI and SDII will be..........Jeff Fithian. "


Glad to hear Jeff will be back. Enjoyed our time with him on a crossing.


Amen brother bermudabum and COCOYOTE.

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Ahaa !

Complainant did agree to filming.

Then he made a scene, filming was instantly stopped and he stormed off to Concierge and "balled out" the petit Philippine Concierge lady demanding a REFUND !

Damnable bully !


So it was all a con !


What some people are like ehhh ?

First time on SD (last time Hum hopes too. Damnable scoundrel ! Yes you sir ! Hum is calling you a damnable scoundrel. Well man "cat got your tongue" ?).


So filming began before breakfast with Hum sitting serenely looking out on the ocean.

A meeting of film crew, SD's PR lady and ourselves followed. Blondie rejected showing off her dresses and packing to leave but finally relented to allow her be filmed going to the gym. Hum was not requested to be filmed going to the gym as the documentary would most likely be filmed after viewers had evening dinner and they naturally did'nt wish viewers to be sick seeing ol fatso !

Fair point.


Crew were being filmed saying how jolly nice we are whilst Hum waives Guest Comment Cards behind the cameraman in a threatening manner (contract renewal for nice comments about us). Cunning ehhh ?


They will film us eating alone tonight....thank heavens !

We think it goes well.

We head to the TOYB and begin dancing with the barmen (no one else) and find the film crew are behind us.......we dont frigging care !

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Said as if there is a choice? Am typing on the phone so more to follow when back in the "world". Much more.....🎉🍷🍸☀️😎


Hum too......


What Hum will say for now is how absolutely wonderful and amazing it has been meeting Ganttc, Zimmy, Vanderfalk and Jim and their respective better halves.


Peoples ....... you cannot begin to imagine how nice they all are, how Hum feels so close to them all as long lost friends, how kind they are, how they make Hum laugh, how so very comfortable Hum feels with them, how informed and bright they are (which comes as a bit of a surprise for one of them.....no guessing who, Raggy), how special they are and how Hum just knows we will all stay in touch and cannot wait to see them all again whether on sea or land. In fact we are already planning a visit to see Jim, Raggy and cocoyote but tank museums ?........nope !

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Two weeks ago, there was a very special person onboard.

It was the new CEO (Andreas Brynestad) of SD.

A nice chap........terribly smart.

Hum naturally gave him a list of demands which he took away with him.

And just as he left he enquired "And what is your name ?"

Maybe you have heard the name on Cruise Critic ?

It's Jim, Jim Avery !!

Jim Avery by day, Commander Courageous, super hero by night (yes it's a bit of stretch getting into the spandex costume these days).



No doubt their banning orders will be in the post any day now.

Gonna miss seeing 'em on future voyages.


Hum may be stupid but he ain't that stupid !


Oh and another son of Atle was onboard too ........ runs the ceramic company.

No didn't chat.......

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As the sun sets in the Caribbean, am assuming the film crew is packing up after an

exhausting shoot.


Have been in touch with our correspondent law firm in London ... High, Camp and Ivan, Ltd., to represent Hum and Blondie's debut on the old sod. Am having some

difficulty in negotiations with the BBC however regarding broadcast rights and royalties. Actually they were laughing, as there will be none.


I am preparing my invoices for costs incidental to representing your business

interests, and will be sending them along forthwith.


All the best to you both as you return home and will talk later re your next

journey. So far, all the reports seem good. Kisses all around!:)




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Hopefully Hum has fulfilled his promise of various "Announcements" for your delectation as well as finally silencing that pesky Commander Courageous and equally aggravating Abenaki !


Yet there is one huge "Announcement" remaining !


You will be amazed !


You will be shocked !


Warning notices will be given to prepare yourselves such as reading the announcement seated, having a stiff drink in hand and emergency services on "speed dial" !


Yes, it will be that SHOCKING !!!!


You will say, Hum we thought we knew you.

How could you.


But prior to that and with the 150K views now surpassed, Hum is on a "crashing downer" (we creative types, ride the surf waves of joyous creativity but occasionally we "crash upon the sand" when the wave's surge is spent.

It is the way of things for us type of creatures and we accept these "lows" after the "highs").

And so Hum must again seek welcome brief sanctuary in silence and reclusiveness with just an extensive wine collection for solace from which womb of idleness a stir may occur in the form of a sporadic but brief jotting.


It has happened before and it will happen again.

You know that by now.

No clamouring now......Hum has fed you a plenty and you knows it.

There can't be any complaints now can there ?

Besides haven't you suffered enuffff ?


Until "whale meat again", dear chums, until "whale meat again".......

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