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My dearest Hum:


In USD, the difference isn't 50%...at least not if you upgrade. We always try to do Deck 3 on SD...that adds a cool $1000 USD per person (to me...too much, but we still do it, so the bean counters have it right!) . My tentative booking on CE the difference to be one deck up was minimal.


Here is my comparison:

SD 1/02/16 RT SJU (WITH YOU!!) - $9182.00 - Cabin 322

CE 1/20/17 RT SEZ - $12,386 - Cabin 310

I believe the CE includes 2 nights accommodation in Dubai as well (interesting - just looked at the invoice to get these price comparisons and there is no mention of that!)


I have NO IDEA what Dubai hotels cost...but let's just assume a rate of $350 a night (and that it really is included!) we have a difference of 27%......If no hotel included - or like you, you throw it away to stay somewhere nicer - You have a 35% differential.


For whatever it's worth.....


Much love...



Crystal Esprit: $ 4,960.00

Sea Dream Yacht Club: $ 2,856.00 + $ 280.00 = $ 3,136.00

57% difference (50% quoted earlier)



- same decks

- It's interesting, whilst our variations differ (27% - 50%) the hotel stay is the same difference (8%). Hum's thinking our price was reduced (58% - 8% = 50%: the price variation originally stated by Hum)


Crystal Esprit

- may possibly include 2 nights in Dubai


Sea Dream Yacht Club

- includes $280.00 port charges etc..

- for "Special" prices this week



- you are comparing different dates ganttc and the SD dates are premium dates whilst CE's are not. Hum's assessment was at almost same time which Hum thinks it has to be. The re-appraisal suggests difference is even higher.

- The hotel stays are POSSIBLY inclusive but do they really add value ? They didn't to us maybe they would be to others though. We viewed them as added bonuses like being able to drink champagne all day (which we did take).

- so SD have to be awarded full marks because they were better value. The assessment has to be made for differences over a whole myriad of things to consider. Awarding CE 50% of the points to that of SDs was fair when also bearing in mind the better vessel and itineraries that ensue. It aint a science though !


And so the original scores stand in Hum's humble opinion.


Blondie told Hum that you were no longer doing New Year 2017.

The public have a right to be told.

Are you really doing NY17 on SDII with us ?

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In the case of Crystal Esprit V Sea Dream Yacht Club, the Supreme Court has decided that Justice “Dumb” Hum was not aware of all the facts presented when determining the “Itineraries & “Adventures”, in fact it was noted that Justice Hum is hardly aware of any facts at any time ‘kept when bars open and his “tummy it’s a rumblin’” !


Furthermore a reliable witness has also un-expectedly appeared and gave evidence that she “ jolly well enjoyed the “Adventures” on Crystal Esprit and that they were free; a point that may not have fully been accounted for in the original scoring


In light of the above, the Supreme Court finds that an additional point can be added to CE’s Itineraries & “Adventures”.

People are advised that Itineraries on SD still out-perform those of Crystal Esprit.


Court adjourned.


The correct scoring (for the second time) is:


Shoreside Management:……..……CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:…….CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:…………………………….........CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:…………………….......CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:…CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:……………………………........CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures”:………CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD


Running Total (so far):..........CE: 105. SD: 105 Leader SD



IT’S A “KEITH” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hum, just caught up with the last posts.


Yes, this is nice.


I won't say neck and neck. Just a Keith will do. :cool:



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Hum, I hope you have a few more ratings/reviews.


Need to get the ratings back to Keith world.




Have mercy Keith ! Have'nt the people suffered enough !!!!


Oh you see Hum and drib are buddies ? You thought it would be a short time.

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Next it's the FINAL SECTION and after yet another "Stewards Enquiry" regarding "Value for Money" (original descision upheld).


Hum has completed the final section.


So when do you want it ??


Take your time, dearest hum!

After reading post #3830 (which ho-hum pretermitted until now) and visiting your local beautician/masseuse in the posh part of England, hum might find time and leisure to answer gcmv's post primarily. ;)

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Hum, My love...


I do stand SLIGHTLY corrected.....If we were to book Deck 3 on SD on 1/21/17 sailing, it would be $400 less than our 1/2/16 trip..($8782 total)...so that does make the difference more that I originally laid out. You know, I actually like Deck 2 and the portholes on SD...The other Mr. C, not so much. If available, we always do Deck 3.


Again...for whatever it's worth!

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As there are 4 Thai ladies onboard ho-hum might try a different one, but gcmv thinks that she can't also perform miracles, because she is no magician.:p.


Das ist wahr, aber sie ist auch diskret.


Back to reality: Great comparison of CE and SD so far; ho-hum is completely in his element!

Go on, "lord of the lines" - and thank you so very much indeed for dedicating the (most important) food & beverage section to Herr and Frau gcmv - we both really enjoyed reading it!:)

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Back to reality: Great comparison of CE and SD so far; ho-hum is completely in his element!

Go on, "lord of the lines" - and thank you so very much indeed for dedicating the (most important) food & beverage section to Herr and Frau gcmv - we both really enjoyed reading it!:)


Sie Sir sind wahrscheinlich die am meisten verdient.

Hum schätzt Ihre Freundschaft.

Lassen Sie uns jetzt planen Treffen mit wunderbaren Frau GCMV (E2, Dolomiten, Deutschland, Heidelberg, Elsass ....... usw.).


Dearest GCMV kann Hum erlaubt sein, einen Vorschlag machen?

Warum Sie keine Übersetzung App verwenden?

Noch besser ist es mir alten Liebling, wird Hum es für Sie tun.

Sagen Sie Hum, ob es funktioniert.



Jetzt kann Hum fortsetzen, liebster Freund?

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Take your time, dearest hum!

After reading post #3830 (which ho-hum pretermitted until now) and visiting your local beautician/masseuse in the posh part of England, hum might find time and leisure to answer gcmv's post primarily. ;)


Dammit GCMV stop being so ruddy German !


Now what the heck were you asking dearest friend ?


Dearest ho-hum,

sorry for being late for much more than 20 minutes

haha, only you and Hum know this saying


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with only one single but exhaustive remark to the important Spa-topic, but gcmv had to work through numerous dictonaries during the whole weekend, because he was not sure what ho-hum actually meant.:confused:

Finally gcmv needed assistance of a native speaker to help him transalating the highlighted and underlined text passage.


Your fortitude is admirable dear friend.


Now matter how you look at it, old chap - ho-hum took the wrong vocable!

Substitute "is required" with "helps" - than the sentence makes real sense!

Gcmv can imagine, that the treatment is very relaxing ;), but the result after many years is sobering. :D

It is like throwing the money down the drain; money is much better invested in a nice pair of highheels for blondie! :).



As there are 4 Thai ladies onboard ho-hum might try a different one, but gcmv thinks that she can't also perform miracles, because she is no magician.:p.


That's true but she is also discrete.


Back to reality: Great comparison of CE and SD so far; ho-hum is completely in his element!

Go on, "lord of the lines" - and thank you so very much indeed for dedicating the (most important) food & beverage section to Herr and Frau gcmv - we both really enjoyed reading it!:)


You sir are probably the most deserving.

Hum values your friendship.

Now let's plan meeting up with wonderful Frau GCMV (E2, Dolomites, Germany, Heidelberg, Alsace.......etc).


Dearest GCMV, may Hum be permitted to make a suggestion ?

Why don't you use a translation app ?

Better still me old darling, Hum will do it for you.

Tell Hum if it works.

Promise ?


Now may Hum continue, dearest friend ?

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Just one other little thingy....since SD just nudged me to pay up for my May trip (brother, can you spare a dime?).


Remember - SD Europe is more than SD Caribbean. May trip $11,774.20 for Deck 3.


Suspect getting provisions to/from SEZ t'aint cheap.


That's all!

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Just one other little thingy....since SD just nudged me to pay up for my May trip (brother, can you spare a dime?).


Remember - SD Europe is more than SD Caribbean. May trip $11,774.20 for Deck 3.


Suspect getting provisions to/from SEZ t'aint cheap.


That's all!


Actually...corrected...that's with onboard open booking credit of 10%.....real price $13,574. I think their Med cruises are very closely priced.


Oh Lordy !

Not again !

And it was YOU saying "ruddy get on with it" !




Sorry dearest of dears, chummiest of chums.

May Hum finally conclude this major "Opus" ?


Why thank you, kind sir.

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Promising to be less pedantic. Once a professor, always a professor. At least I didn't use my red pen. :)


Hum is just kiddin' .... as you well know, dear friend.

Your'e points are always finely made and will alwayse appreciated.

Forever and ever, Amen

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Isn't martini a medication???:D


Quite so Jim, quite so but only if taken in liberal amounts as you so well testify.

You fine specimen of a man.

That Craig guy is ending his Bond movie career.

Time we returned to the classic Sean Connery look and style.

Remember when the movie moguls come a callin', your agent Hum will look after the paperwork etc..


To folks out there who do not know what Jim looks like.

Think Sean Connery


Hmmmm.......maybe we could get "Hagrid" in the movie too !


No of course not on the same pay scale.......what were you thinking ?

Good one though


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Lets just remind you of how Hum has scored it so far and because Hum knows it annoys drib so.


Shoreside Management:............CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:......CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:........................................CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:.............................CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:...CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:......................................CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures":.......CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD

Guest Services:........................CE: 20. SD: 30 Winner SD

Value for Money:......................CE: 10. SD: 15 Winner SD


Running Total (so far):.............CE: 135. SD: 150 Leader SD


- Hum hopes this is has been a bit of fun but let Hum try to briefly comment on a few salient points ...... groan !


- CEs Shoreside Management covering bookings, information and policies is excellent compared to SDs. On SD there is always the worry of unruly kids. Sorry but that's a fact and it would be irresponsible not to mention it. SD will never change either whilst Hum suspects, there is even more room for innovation on CE. So for this reason the CE score is increased to 14/15

- CE has increased lead to 6 points.


- CE cosset you from plane to cabin in an extraordinary manner on arrival. Their last night around the piano with group photos (of those staying up) with senior crew was wonderful also but actual disembarkation was a little of a let down still we did say goodbye to some crew, so on reflection Hum considers it was unfair to deduct a whole point for that, so the score is revised up again to CE to a full score of 10.

- CE has again increased lead to 9 points !


- aaah....the CE Vessel. Quite clear in Hum's mind. No need to review this even over the question of "motion". Hum felt what he felt and then came the "Aha" flash followed by "So that's why they are sailing where they are sailing !" What's said has been said. But again on review, Hum feels it was un-fair to rate SD only 21/25 so that has been raised to 22/25

- SD has pegged back CE's lead to 2 points after SD's 7 point "trouncing" of CE


- CE is like a very good but small restaurant with more limited options (Hum and Blondie were never disappointed though) whilst SD have so much more to offer and they are really eager and happily willing to create preferred alternative dishes and for this reason Hum Is going to increase the score by another point to SD making it 27/30

- SD lead for the first time with 3 points now


- CE excel with a limited range of entertainment and you dont need any more but the out of commission made one passenger very "grumpy" which lead to a 1 point loss for CE. SD should do so much better but this is simply ignored by shoreside management and as a result they concede and allow a potential 5 points to be lost.

- and CE and SD now tie !


- CE cabins are amazing but they don't achieve full points because of the too soft bed otherwise how could Hum deny them full points (they got quite un-comfortable in the end). A 2 point loss is the result. Hum loves his bed.

- CE open up a 9 point lead ! On just one section !


- CE Itineraries and "Adventures" are directly related to what the CE ship can and cannot do and so points reflect that compared to the much more extensive SD "Adventures" (but many are charged for unlike CE even allowing TrapperZ's fine academic "spiel" and commentary).

- SD and CE are tied again


- with the exception of the excellent Housekeeping on CE (comparable to the amazing SD, Housekeeping) the remaining fundamental guest services (not "behind the scenes crew") were in need of varying degrees of attention whilst SD are the un-doubted "Masters" when it comes to "small ship" service (they also have several world class "maestros"). A possible 10 points available if they radically change but like SD's Shoreside Management set up; is it really goin' to happen (maybe under Captain T, if he is permitted too)

- SD have a 10 point lead !


- SD is simply better value for money (despite ganttc's numerous "what if" scenarios...oi vay !)

- SD increase lead to 15 points and now seem to be pulling away in the final stretch !


- Hum summed it up in the last point of the last section: "CE are big on "frills and frippery": SD are the "real enchiladas" they have a better vessel, do the basics well and excel at "Guest Services". The essentials really.


- and you dear people will make your own assessment following a trip onboard CE and it's amazing cabins and will consider Hum a complete fool who doesn't know what the heck he's talking about ! Join the long queue ! The long, long queue !


- and just one hour ago Hum saw an email from friends we made onboard CE. They are SD'ers too. Go back to Sea Goddess days ! Yes he is as "old as the hills" and they live in a real backward part of the States which explains how an old guy could marry his child bride ! A wonderful lady and expert in "high end" travel for an American travel advisory company (of course, Hum's not telling you ! Cheeky !)


- Hum also met up with some other real "big wigs" of the travel industry and of course we chatted (confidentially). We agreed on a lot but emphasised different areas too at what was great and what could do with a tweak (Hum's tweaks may be a bit more robust !). But "pooling" views (guardedly) was valuable. And yes we chatted a lot with fellow guests who were a nice crowd and some had very firm opinions. The guy who came to gamble was very annoyed: remember the casino was closed. But "all in all" guests seemed happy enough (except for "Adventures"). Would they come back ? That's a secret.


- Hum's devotion to you good and very tolerant people means he is finishing this "Encyclopaedia of Drivel" before opening the email from those nice people we met. Please God, yes Hum hasn't been in touch for a while, you've been doing quite well just recently so no need to call and complain but please "Keith" make the email a request for our new chums to look into sailing with 'em on Sea Dream !



- CE: 10

- SD: 13


Shoreside Management:............CE: 14. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:......CE: 10. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:........................................CE: 15. SD: 22 Winner SD

Food & Wine:.............................CE: 22. SD: 27 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:...CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:......................................CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures":.......CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD

Guest Services:........................CE: 20. SD: 30 Winner SD

Value for Money:......................CE: 10. SD: 15 Winner SD

Overall Impression:...................CE: 10. SD: 13 Winner SD


Total:.......................................CE: 147. SD: 165.


And the winner is Sea Dream Yacht Club (by 18 points a 12% margin)


Crystal Esprit won 4 sections

Sea Dream Yacht Club won 6 sections



Service on CE will no doubt improve especially under Captain Thomas thus making it even more tempting to go and it's a beautiful part of the world (though quite a challenge to get there by our American, Brazilian and Canadian chums: the Med is better and the ship seems to be filling for the itineraries there. Can't vouch for that "motion in the ocean" though: get right medication before travelling if you are susceptible).


Good luck Crystal Esprit and thanks for a great time and for making some special chums amongst crew and passengers alike.


And thankyou Crystal Forum community for being great people, especially Keith.

Hope Hum can pop over now and again to say hi occasionally ?

Hum leaves you to return to SD's "........idle jottings" where we talk about anything but ALWAYS with humour and respect for everyone even though the banter may seem a little robust at times. Those that post there (and a few readers) love it. But even there Hum will be taking it easier (with less posts.....the people on the forum finally have something to really celebrate !).


It's over !!!


You can go out and play.......no running in the corridors !

Especially ............... well you know who you are young lady !



Going to miss you.....lots.


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Loved your final notes... Am now looking at SD in the Caribbean, something I hadn't really considered ( so much sun and sand in Brazil-kind of gets old after a while, lol).


The CE sounds lovely. My only concerns after review are the motion, as mentioned before, and the limited food hours. That really annoys me. It was my only real complaint when sailing Crystal ( Serenity) for the first time. I felt the hours were too strict and casual dining was not easy to find ( except for the wonderful Tastes). I always missed an outdoor dining venue.


So many great options! And the rooms and decor on CE seem to be my cup of tea.


Thanks again for the entertaining and informative review.

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[quote=brazilgirl; Am now looking at SD in the Caribbean, something I hadn't really considered ( so much sun and sand in Brazil-kind of gets old after a while, lol).


We know how you feel as we used to live at the beach in Florida but still managed to show up on SeaDream. We have actually had voyages where we enjoy the various islands from the luxury of the Pool Deck, never going ashore except for the Champagne Splash BBQ. Heck, I have said before that I wouldn't mind sailing from Miami and simply steaming about the Bahamas for a week. SeaDream can be that good if all the stars align.:D

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[quote name=brazilgirl; Am now looking at SD in the Caribbean' date=' something I hadn't really considered ( so much sun and sand in Brazil-kind of gets old after a while, lol).




We know how you feel as we used to live at the beach in Florida but still managed to show up on SeaDream. We have actually had voyages where we enjoy the various islands from the luxury of the Pool Deck, never going ashore except for the Champagne Splash BBQ. Heck, I have said before that I wouldn't mind sailing from Miami and simply steaming about the Bahamas for a week. SeaDream can be that good if all the stars align.:D[/quote]



I think I could manage that, lol! Sounds inviting.


I always end up taking cold weather cruises... Norway, Alaska, Antarctica... Going to Iceland in July! I live in Brazil because of my tall, dark and handsome Brazilian husband. It would have been great if he were Scottish instead. I like rainy, gray days and cool weather. Kind of funny actually.

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