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.......idle jottings


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What's your best guess chums ?

Do ya think Crystal Esprit is goin' to be great ?

And those that love or frequent Sea Dream Yacht Club, do ya think it's gonna be better, 'bout same or worse ?


Well you are about to find out 'cos Hum has just returned from the Crystal Esprit after a week onboard !!!!!!


No !!!


I dont believe it !!!!!!


Aren't you whipped up into a veritable frenzy of excitement (rhetorical: of course you are)....... aren't you all gettin' so darned excited ????


Hum is going to "milk" this a bit whilst he edits the rubbish composed thus far into the banal drivel you have come to expect from Hum.


Standards, standards, standards ....... is Hum's motto.

Forget 'em !

Wasted on this lot ....... bunch of ruddy barbarians, if the truth be told......exceptin' you ..... Hum's favourite !!


Yes it's coming soon. Promise.

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Didn't Mother teach you not to tell your chums that you have a favourite? Now all the other guys are going to be picking on me.:)


TrapperZ can take them on !


Hey, shouldn't you be at the Sedona International Film Festival to receive your Lifetime Achievement Award !


Often given to actors (well British actors at least) who are just about to "peg it" !!


Hum thought you looked in very "rude health" the last time we met up.

A tad underweight if anything !

Hum's motto is "always keep a good reserve" ...... never know when you might need it (bars could be closed !! Hum will never forget driving through the "dry" towns in the four corner states of the US. Worse 2 hours of Hum's life).


Sorry got a little distracted there. Hum meant food.

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Crystal Esprit. 1: The Prologue; Part 1/2


Hum has shown headings and various sections.

You can skip sections you deem un-necessary.

But you'll be missing out on some fun too.


Now for those poor unfortunate souls that have been so cruelly denied the veritable treat that is "idle jottings" by that (self-proclaimed) "God" and "big know all", Ho Hum ........... you are in for a right, royal treat, my dearios !


Or maybe not !


Devotees of Sri Hum-ji, chums, passing voyeurs of the pists and the divine fellow pisters of the "jottings" have been systematically "ground down" by the drivel pumped out by Hum's verbal liquid garbage rendering them devoid of all discriminatory function in lfe.

Heck people check themselves into "Homes for the befuddled" in record numbers after just a few perusals of this toxic rubbish eroding brain synapses like acid on rubber wire making them unable to do life's simplest chores (explains why slip ons are so popular with this crowd, if you know what Hum means).


Hum's reviews are like no other.

They are highly personalised (compared to more measured reasoned reviews. If Hum is one thing, it ain't reasonable ! Hum "spits" upon reason and common sense: the platitudinous boring default of the dull and mediocre).

Oh and please do bring a sense of humour with you.

Absolutely essential.

Hum suggests a drink before, during and after.......but don't pass out on Hum now !


And don't also forget that he has "done" Sea Dream Yacht Club (SD) quite a number of times (no, he is not telling you how many. Cheeky !) and Hum and his better half (Blondie) love it; especially the fabulous crew.

In all honesty, in some respects Crystal Esprit (CE) will be a "hard act" to follow after SD but our expectations have been set really high as a consequence of all the "hype" (or publicity depending how you view the output of "blurb") with sadly just one review from a passenger's viewpoint......until now, that is !

And Hum had to go a begging on the Crystal forum ("Advice welcome for a Crystal Esprit virgin") to receive that !


Let us make it clear right from the start what does and does not "float Hum's boat".

We must have:

- the basics done exceptionally well

- comfortable, quiet conditions onboard

- great European styled service with style, "know how", panache and approachability

- great food and wine and never in buffet style ("buffet" and "style" really shouldn't be used in the same sentence now, should they ?)

- nice, friendly and sophisticated passenger mix (with the occasional eccentric or dastardly villain thrown in for interest and conversation purposes. It diverts attention away from Hum for the most part. Hum loves villains ! The witty kind not the brutes especially hate brutish behaviour to any crew !).


We don't care for:

- "gizmos" (climbing walls, submarines, golf simulators and other such nonsense) and "gimmicks" (oh really Hum ain't 5 years old)

- "entertainment" or having organised "fun" (heck that's the worst kind)

- cannot abide waiting, queuing or other such "normal" stuff

- hate loud and loutish behaviour (unless Hum is the cause, then it is hilarious fun) and sloppy attire of fellow guests and not too many of them either (100 odd is enough)

- children (unless muzzled or preferably sedated in their sound-proof cabin) and especially doting parents or those parents indifferent to the mayhem that their ghastly progeny are wreaking on fellow passengers and crew (Hum's pocket taser is set to "stun" at all times)

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.


People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician.


In laypeople terms, someone with this disorder may be described simply as a “narcissist” or as someone with “narcissism.” Both of these terms generally refer to someone with narcissistic personality disorder.


A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual’s culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. It typically leads to significant distress or impairment in social, work or other areas of functioning. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to early adulthood or adolescence.


Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder


In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:


Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

take-narcissistic-quiz-nowBecause personality disorders describe long-standing and enduring patterns of behavior, they are most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is uncommon for them to be diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, because a child or teen is under constant development, personality changes and maturation. However, if it is diagnosed in a child or teen, the features must have been present for at least 1 year.


Narcissistic personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and is thought to occur in around 6 percent of the general population, according to research.


Like most personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.


People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician.


In laypeople terms, someone with this disorder may be described simply as a “narcissist” or as someone with “narcissism.” Both of these terms generally refer to someone with narcissistic personality disorder.


A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual’s culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. It typically leads to significant distress or impairment in social, work or other areas of functioning. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to early adulthood or adolescence.


Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder


In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:


Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

take-narcissistic-quiz-nowBecause personality disorders describe long-standing and enduring patterns of behavior, they are most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is uncommon for them to be diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, because a child or teen is under constant development, personality changes and maturation. However, if it is diagnosed in a child or teen, the features must have been present for at least 1 year.


Narcissistic personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and is thought to occur in around 6 percent of the general population, according to research.


Like most personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.


And just how long have you had this condition dear Raggy ?

Is there nothing your psychiatrist can do ?

Check out the Commander's one ..,. no on second thoughts.

Sounds awful.

Don't give it to Hum now.

Peaks in their 40/50s you say ...... that rules Hum out then young Raggy.

Please Hum Urges you to seek medical help.

You could also get that "other" condition sorted too (wink, wink).

Jim was cured and was out riding in a few days !

Edited by ho-hum
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Ho Hum, what do you mean! You don't like buffets!? Just the other day I had great fun when someone jumped over my shoulder to scoop up a ladle of jerk sauce and dripped it on my blouse!!! Great fun!...LOL

And this third generation Irish girl loves villains also!...gets the blood pumping! :D

Love the prologue! Can't wait for chapter 1.



p.s. The one who takes Hums jottings in and chuckles all the way through....haha!

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today.


People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter’s “rudeness” or “stupidity” or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician.


In laypeople terms, someone with this disorder may be described simply as a “narcissist” or as someone with “narcissism.” Both of these terms generally refer to someone with narcissistic personality disorder.


A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual’s culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. It typically leads to significant distress or impairment in social, work or other areas of functioning. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to early adulthood or adolescence.


Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder


In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:


Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

take-narcissistic-quiz-nowBecause personality disorders describe long-standing and enduring patterns of behavior, they are most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is uncommon for them to be diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, because a child or teen is under constant development, personality changes and maturation. However, if it is diagnosed in a child or teen, the features must have been present for at least 1 year.


Narcissistic personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and is thought to occur in around 6 percent of the general population, according to research.


Like most personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.


Hail to our Chief!:eek:

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Hail to our Chief!:eek:




Good on you Jimmy boy.


What's the beef with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorders anyway !


He'll be your next President !

The way things are going !!!

People seem to like confidence, straight talking, regular billionaires like Trump and Hump !!!


"Roll Tide" !!

Edited by ho-hum
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Good on you Jimmy boy.


What's the beef with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorders anyway !


He'll be your next President !

The way things are going !!!

People seem to like confidence, straight talking, regular billionaires like Trump and Hump !!!


"Roll Tide" !!


My Man!!!! Smackeroo!:eek::D

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It's 40 minutes now !


Why is that ?

Does it take longer as you get older ?


Do you have twice as much vigour ?



Hum had never heard of that Spanish beef cut. You are educating dumb Hum.


But a "Riesling Kastanienbusch" with such a fine piece of beef !!

At least a pinot noir from your own great country or next door in Switzerland or Austria.

For Hum it would be a rustic French Chateauneuf.

Great value and complex flavours.


You remembered the GCMV motto.


"Sie werden immer Spaß haben"


Dearest ho-hum,

my answer about your very intimate 40 minutes questions:

A gentleman never tells ... ;)


To be honest, even gcmv never heard of this rind before - for me it was even better than a Kobe!


As a great wine connoisseur, ho-hum is correct - a red wine would be the very best with this beef, but Sohn gcmv doesn't like red wine at all.

Like his father, he prefers the German Rieslings the most and so Herr gcmv chose this outstanding one. The colour was amber with a beguiling smell and taste - one of the three best Rieslings in my life!


And now, old chum - come on - back to the basics - stop this pro-prologues and get started with esprit to tell Esprit-stories even though you have never worn Esprit clothes ...:D

Your audience is ready and prepared for (nearly) everything!:)

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Dearest ho-hum,

my answer about your very intimate 40 minutes questions:

A gentleman never tells ... ;)


To be honest, even gcmv never heard of this rind before - for me it was even better than a Kobe!


As a great wine connoisseur, ho-hum is correct - a red wine would be the very best with this beef, but Sohn gcmv doesn't like red wine at all.

Like his father, he prefers the German Rieslings the most and so Herr gcmv chose this outstanding one. The colour was amber with a beguiling smell and taste - one of the three best Rieslings in my life!


And now, old chum - come on - back to the basics - stop this pro-prologues and get started with esprit to tell Esprit-stories even though you have never worn Esprit clothes ...:D

Your audience is ready and prepared for (nearly) everything!:)


The Kaiser has spoken !

Hum must obey.

Here it comes.

Old friend.

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Crystal Esprit. 1: The Prologue; Part 2/2


Ho Hum would like to dedicate this pist (yes Hum knows...?... it is deliberate, a play on words if you will, combining two elements: Hum's work and how many view it) ...... sorry, where the heck was Hum ?


Ho Hum would like to dedicate this "pist" to Blondie and Hum's dearest chums Kathy and Danny from Canada.


Does the narcissistic (thanks for that Raggy), old "windbag" always go on like this ?

Swear "War & Peace" was shorter !


Well the response has been truly wonderful.

Yes we had one heckler but K&D were lovely (not forgetting Jim and GCMV).

The heckler had to be escorted out and is now heavily sedated in one of America's finest mental institutions (not for the first time ehh... no your secret for lewd behaviour in a zoo is safe with Hum).



Hum has shown headings and various sections.

You can skip sections you deem un-necessary.

But you'll be missing out on some fun too.


Finally Hum would qualify that appraisals of SD can generally be assessed as quite accurate (due to Hum's long history with SD) whilst appraisals of CE would fall into the category of "perceptions" (simply because he can mostly only comment from impressions in the main and maybe not with verifiable hard facts) but they will be honest perceptions, naturally.

How jolly responsible you are Hum ?

Yes Hum is, thanks for noticing it.

You astute fellow you.

Go straight to fourth class devotee level immediately and pick up a "Get of Jail" free card too (if you cant find them ask Jim, he usually has 'em on account he generally needs 'em the most),


And with no more ado, let's get on with it.

A section each posting will be displayed mostly every day.

Hum also is speech writer for Donald, who Hum hears is doing quite well.

Sorry not a fan of politics.


The sections and scores have been devised by his royal Hum-ship of Poshland to reflect the various aspects and degrees of importance they are evaluated in Hum-world (a dark and mysterious place unfathomable to the greatest psychiatrists the contemporary world has to offer ....... Oh will you just yet "bally" well get on with it you in-sufferable fool !! More sedation for Raggy, please nurse !).


The sections are:


- Shoreside Management (booking, information, policies, communication etc.) (out of 15)

- Boarding & Disembarkation (out of 10)

- Vessel (out of 25)

- Cabin (out of 25)

- Food & Wine (out of 30)

- Itineraries & Adventures (out of 25)

- Entertainment (out of 15)

- Overall impression (out of 15)

- Value for money (out of 15)

- Crew (out of 30)

- Best in a swimsuit (out of 100)


Finally, a sorry on two counts:

- to all those unfamiliar with Hum's "jottings". Hum offers a flavour of Hum-self and what he is critiquing .... that way you can gauge whether his views align with your own or not (if they do, seek a good mental health expert immediately ! You have "Humitis" been known to cause complete, involuntary bodily fluid discharge !! If your shoulders are going up and down while reading this, well at least get out the darn bed !).

- the collection of points is poorly arranged. Hum accepts that but it is good enough and good as you're gonna get matey. At the time of compiling this "piece of work" Hum is on his hols and doesn't really give a hoot ..... Just be darn grateful if you are still whingeing (settlers from the frozen tundra especially) !


Oh and one explanation who say "Hum you are being really small minded. Some of the points you make are so petty".

Friend, Hum would say, if you think this is being "picky" then assessing a wine and ascribing a score can be terribly fussy. Worse even.

If you think Hum is being narrow then simply pass it by and be content with the "bigger picture" and if Hum ever is honoured to dine with you at your trailer, let Hum choose the wine: you stick with the warm, supermarket own brand Cola ehh !

Ouch !

And a good day to you Sir / Madam ! Sorry your sex is indistinguishable in this light.

Cheeky sid !







The real "nitty gritty"

Not for the squeamish.

Liberal use of intoxicating substances or liquids recommended.

It's gonna be a long, long night.

When did you last hear that ?

Hum will take you to the orgasmic heights.

He will send you crashing head long onto the needle, rocks of despair.

Oh the cruelty of the man.

Take the brace position (no Kathy you can let go, Hum's eyes are watering !).

You are all in for a bumpy ride.

Dammit Kathy let go !


Next instalment of this gripping review is tomorrow.



Check in about 8.0am US Pacific time


Jim normally returns home after a night out and the "jottings" are totally centred around his schedule........drinking schedule that is....

Well he is the Legend after all.

Morning Jim.

Kiss to Lois.

Blondie says hi too.

Miss ya old friend.

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Good on you Jimmy boy.


What's the beef with people with Narcissistic Personality Disorders anyway !


He'll be your next President !

The way things are going !!!

People seem to like confidence, straight talking, regular billionaires like Trump and Hump !!!


"Roll Tide" !!


I love Trump...

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You call that a reward, Pilgrim????


Ditto!!! Jim!....still laughing however! Longest review I have encountered without actually saying anything!...haha! Let me know when the nitty gritty starts! In the mean time, I'll be out ice fishing! ( in the tundra ). HA!

Still Holding on! HoHum...:D

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Ditto!!! Jim!....still laughing however! Longest review I have encountered without actually saying anything!...haha! Let me know when the nitty gritty starts! In the mean time, I'll be out ice fishing! ( in the tundra ). HA!

Still Holding on! HoHum...:D


Right you are. By the time the actual "review" starts, Esprit will have been retired from old age!:eek::D

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