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Reflection, Mar. 1-8, 2014 - Our very first cruise


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A travel newsletter I subscribe to sends me their "top 20" travel deals each week. Once or twice a deal on cruises had caught my eye but I still wasn't budging from my anti-cruise (the ship thing, not the missile thing) position. Last October I finally took the bait, did some investigation and almost impulsively, booked a 7 day, Eastern Caribbean cruise on the Celebrity Reflection. Here is my (and my wife's) impression of our first ever cruise. I know I've missed a bunch but, here goes...



Pre-cruise stay:


We spent 2 nights in Miami prior to the cruise as a "safety measure" - we live on the Canadian prairie and have to connect through at least one major airline hub in order to get to Miami and given the chance of major storms at this time of year I just felt a lot more comfortable with a 2 day buffer - and, hey, there are worse places than Miami to spend a couple of days. As I was already in Florida at a technology conference, I met Ali at MIA on Thursday evening and we spent a couple of nights at the Miami Hilton Downtown - a fairly typical Hilton, reasonably close to POM and with the corporate rate I was entitled to, a choice that worked out just fine. We spent a pleasant Friday mainly walking around South Beach and picking up a couple of last minute essentials for our cruise.





As first time cruiser, I had a bit of anxiety about the embarkation process but with the "preview" I had experienced on CC coupled with the excitement of doing something brand new, it was pretty easy to manage. Shortly after 11 AM we jumped in a cab and were at the port in just a few minutes. Sometime between the ship coming into view and actually boarding, I shed a private tear as I recalled how much I enjoyed my Dad telling me about his days as a steward on the Cunard line during the golden age of sea travel and realized that I would never be able to relate my experience to him. I wished I had done this years sooner.


When we could see the ship from the cab, the excitement REALLY began to build! We live more than 600 miles from the nearest seaport and nearly 1500 miles from the nearest cruise ship terminal so each time we see these ships close up it's a thrill - the thought of actually boarding one of these behemoths really got the adrenaline flowing! We alighted at the curb and dealt with my first screw-up - forgot the luggage tags. The porter asked our deck number and handed us some blank tags which I filled out. I gave the gentleman a tip which left him smiling and we headed toward the terminal. The exact sequence of events (security, check-in etc.) is now blurred but I can say that the whole process was painless, took a very small number of minutes (we had a special Aqua Class check-in line - we were originally directed to a longer one) and in what seemed like no time, we were stepping onto a cruise ship for the first time in our lives (I was even able to get a shot of Ali actually doing this before I was told no photography was allowed in that area).



First Impressions:


I don't have the time to put enough exclamation marks behind WOW to adequately describe what we saw - and I would say the same even if I hadn't been immediately presented with a glass of bubbly. Absolutely gorgeous. Spectacular yet tasteful - and so sparklingly clean and seemingly brand new (after all it is barely a year old). Some things looked familiar from pictures I had seen on this board and elsewhere. Other things looked somewhat different than I had imagined. We had been directed by the check-in staff to proceed to the Oceanview Cafe (although I heard one staff member directing her customers to the Island Cafe - she was corrected by a colleague) but based on what I had learned here, we had a different plan.



Our first meal:


I should point out that my long held, negative view of cruising was dispelled and my particular interest in the Celebrity Reflection was inspired by a review from a year ago by librarylady. Many thanks to you Sandy for convincing me to take the plunge and for providing so much helpful advice on how to best experience this cruise and this ship.


Based on librarylady's advice, we headed straight for Bistro on Five. At first I thought it was closed as it was empty - but we were quickly greeted by a host or hostess (sorry, so many things are blurred) and seated by the window. It's a very attractive space, spotless and bathed in sunlight from the large windows - a perfect setting to allow us to catch our breath and let it sink in that we were actually on this fabulous ship and would be for 7 days! We were greeted right away by a pleasant young waiter and were soon clinking champagne flutes filled with a gently bubbling Domaine Chandon (hereafter referred to as DC to conserve bandwidth). Now, I have seen lots of chatter on the board regarding long waits for drinks to be poured by servers who seem to be disinterested in passengers with beverage packages. We saw no evidence of this syndrome on our cruise. In fact, if I were to complain at all (which I am definitely NOT) about beverage service, it would be about the over eagerness of the servers to keep your glass filled! The DC flowed freely as we enjoyed a salad each, Chop and Chef - both fresh if uninspired and a crepe each, Tuscan Sun and Mexicano - both excellent but my favorite was the Mexican for it's spicy accent. Our server was insistent (and we were glad he was) that we try the dessert crepes so we shared an Italian which had Nutella, banana and pistachio and thoroughly enjoyed it. Before our lunch was over we were informed over the intercom that our stateroom was ready at 1:10PM, 5 minutes before the promised time of 1:15 - Celebrity already over-delivering!



Our Stateroom:


We proceeded (in awe of the ships beauty) to our Aqua Class cabin #1658 - a number I liked as I was 16 when I met my wife and 58 was the year I was born (yes, I'm a bit of a number nerd). We loved our room instantly and found it to be more spacious than we had imagined (we're wee folk - sometimes that's an advantage). Everything was spotless, the linens were crisp and fresh and fruit, fresh flowers, and chilled sparkling wine were provided - it was perfect. We would later discover that the storage space was ample (even for the too many clothes and shoes we both brought), the bed VERY comfy and the shower a delight! We employed another of librarylady's tips and placed collapsible boxes on the storage shelf above the bed - accessible to me without standing on the bed and I'm only 5' 4". After checking out the spacious balcony, taking a few pictures and calling the kids, we completed our unpacking in time to tour the ship a little before it was time to head for muster. Following muster, we headed back to the room to change my t-shirt (already dripped something on it ) and collect our Mardi Gras beads prior to heading up to the Sunset Bar for sailaway with our roll-call. Before we left the cabin Ali shouted "hey, there goes another ship"! I looked out and realized that the other ship was stationary and pointed out that it was actually our ship that was going and WE better get going too!





Many in our roll-call group agreed to meet at the Sunset Bar for sailaway so we headed their as quickly as we could and found several members of our group (wearing their beads) already there. We spent a very pleasant hour or so there trying out our Premium Beverage package, meeting new friends and enjoying the changing and disappearing scenery. We had waited so long for this moment and no matter how much we tried to imagine it, nothing could have prepared us for the magic that is sailaway. We will remember it vividly and fondly.



And so our first cruise had truly begun. Rather than continue this review in a chronological manner, I'll now switch to a format where I'll discuss a variety of aspects of the cruise which may be of interest. Please remember, this was our first cruise so my comments can in no way provide a first hand comparison of cruise to cruise, cruise line to cruise line or ship to ship - they are simply the impressions of two first time cruisers.





First, some context. I suppose I could be described as a "foodie". I'm intensely interested in food - a love for which I inherited from my Dad. I spend way too much time thinking and reading about it, I will spend whole days driving to remote parts of town to source just the right ingredients I need for a special meal (are ANY meals not special???) and I will spend many hours in the kitchen preparing elaborate meals for my family and my guests. Several times I have taken on the challenge of catering events for family and friends - backyard wedding for 90, opening reception for a new business for 200, 9 course food and wine pairing for 60 and so on. In short, I'm passionate about the study, preparation and consumption of food. But before anyone thinks "oh no, he's gonna horsewhip Celebrity's culinary team, please know that I also delight in the simplest of "culinary" pleasures - a tin of good sardines with some Ritz crackers, a McDonalds cheeseburger and fries and even a bowl of freshly made KD (doctored up with some fresh cream and real Cheddar of course ). While I encountered a few misses, I do not have a single complaint about the food on my cruise and I have sincere praise for many of the offerings I enjoyed. The food was a highlight!





Of the seven days we cruised, I believe we ordered room service on the balcony for three or four, ate in the buffet once or twice and attended the brunch in the MDR. We never did eat breakfast in Blu or the regular breakfast in the MDR. We LOVED having breakfast on our balcony! Ali went with the cheese omelette and an English muffin. I don't know whether the omelette was made with fresh or powdered eggs as I didn't taste it - it looked a bit suspicious but, after a great sleep, having a view of the ocean and a day without work to look forward to, she had no complaints. Oh, and while it wasn't "hot" it was certainly not cold. I'm a fan of the European style of breakfast made up of cold meats, cheeses and breads, hence I typically had a couple of cold meats (Black Forest or Danish Ham, Salami) and a couple of Croissants. The meats were of decent quality and the croissants were crisp, fresh and buttery - I was more than happy. Coffee was just fine for us (neither of us are coffee mavens) and the fresh squeezed OJ varied from a bit on the watery side to very good. Fresh fruit rounded out our meals.


By the time we got to St. Maarten day we were feeling like we need a somewhat lazy day so we opted for an afternoon beach tour, slept in and had breakfast in the Oceanview Cafe. The main breakfast service was over by the time we got up there but we were still able to get eggs, bacon sausage etc. As I recall, we each just nibbled at a bit of this and a bit of that - some French toast for her, some cold meats, cheese and breads for me, then onto a bit of bacon while she tried some sort of eggs, next a bit of fruit.... neither of us put anything on our plates which we found we couldn't eat and most items we had were fresh and tasty. Tip: Fans of those hash brown things at McDonalds should seek out the version served here - in one word, ADDICTIVE. I could quite happily eat breakfast here daily. Ali particularly appreciated being able to get a fancy coffee at the Secundo al Bacio - the outpost of the Cafe al Bacio which shares space with the bar (I think?).


I'd read varying reports about the Brunch in the MDR - some positive, some negative (buffet haters?) and some indifferent. We enjoyed it - ok, the items offered weren't all that different from what is available in the buffet but the presentations were very nice indeed and it gave us a chance to check out the MDR - the tables were nicely set and the seats most comfortable. We got a nice sunny table by the window and started with some really rather decent Eggs Benedict. Earlier, while I was surveying the selection on offer, I notice something I could NOT miss. I'm English by birth and am therefore a Yorkshire pudding fan. The ones piled up next to the baron of beef at the carving station were the biggest I have EVER seen. A couple of slices of rare, some horseradish and one of these beauties and I was in heaven. The taste and texture lived up to the promise made by the size and lovely deep golden color. In retrospect, I wish I had spent my time at the brunch eating Yorkshire pudding exclusively - although the English style fish Ali found (they had chips too but she passed on them) gave the pudding a run for it's money - thick but crisply battered and malt vinegar shaken on it - ok, maybe you have to be English - I loved it. We had a taste of a couple of the petit fours on offer but by this time I wasn't really tasting anything. Sommeliers were circulating and a couple of mimosas helped wash everything down. I'm glad we made it to the brunch - as others have noted it's not widely publicized.



Dinner: Blu


Regulars on this board know that few topics generate as much controversy (dress code, tipping and volume of the music notwithstanding) as the dining experience in Blu, the dining room for Aqua Class passengers. I'm glad we listened to what librarylady had to say about Blu - for us it turned out to be the single greatest benefit of Aqua Class and one of the reasons we will, without question, cruise again in Aqua. We dined here five out of the seven nights of our cruise. We never experienced a wait for a table, arriving at a different time each evening - at least twice at a time considered to be "prime" (7-7:30). We almost never experienced slow service either for food or wine. The one exception was the second formal night when it seemed everyone arrived at the same time and the staff was just a bit overwhelmed - even on this evening we never waited more than about 15 or 20 minutes for our main course - and the other courses arrived without any significant waits. The staff were attentive, friendly, professional, helpful - everything one could ask for in serving staff. The sommellier was always there to pour when we were ready for more and was eager to provide suggestions and advice. He quickly learned our favorites (typically a DC to start, a Pouilly Fume to follow, the Medoc with the main and some Taylor 20 with dessert) and showed up with them at the appropriate times. I particularly appreciated how each time he would pour the wine for the first time each evening he would offer a taste to ensure we agreed the bottle was a good one.


The ambiance in this room is just right. Tasteful, modern decor, soft but effective lighting, warmth, pleasant noise level - really, really nice. We didn't find the two-tops to be overly close together as has been reported here. The distance was just enough to allow you to decide whether you wanted to have your own space or whether you wanted to share it with fellow diners - the best of both worlds as far as we're concerned. Chairs are comfortable. Banquettes are better suited to those with longer legs than us, but a small cushion (just ask the hostess or your server) is all that's need to rectify that small issue.


We found the overall quality of the food here to be of a reasonably high quality. Nothing was inedible, some dishes were VERY good indeed. I won't describe every meal we ate here but I'll mention some of the highlights. The Pan Fried Macadamia Nut Crusted Sea Scallops were very good - cooked perfectly, greasless, nicely garnished. Really enjoyed the Angus Beef Carpaccio. Lump Crab Martini while not really lump crab was fresh and sweet and delicately dressed. Soups in general were very good but the Creamed Spiced Parsnip Soup (with Duck Confit!) and the Tortilla Soup were standouts - actually, the Spicy Roasted Plantain Corn Soup was very tasty too now that I think of it. I really hate the stupid, ridiculous warm vs. cold water lobster debate - they're different things entirely and each has its merits. I've had excellent and abysmal versions of both - east coast lobster in the wrong hands can be made to be as tough and tasteless as a poorly prepared version of its warm water cousin. We found the lobster tail on the second formal night to be tender and tasty in it's light citrusy sauce or with the addition (offered without having to ask) of drawn butter. What I found to be outstanding in Blu was their way with duck. It's served on two nights - once with a pomegranate glaze and on another night with a pecan crust. Both preparations were very well executed with the duck being cooked precisely medium rare with a properly crisped skin - tender, flavorful, just the right amount of glaze, crust, sauce etc. I've been served duck in VERY expensive restaurants which was nowhere near as good as this, Bravo! A small but generally interesting dessert selection was available every night - I'm sorry, neither of us are big dessert lovers though so even though we had several, I can't really remember what they were.



Dinner: Qsine


As is typical on embarkation day, Aqua guests were offered 50% off the regular price of dining at any of the specialty restaurants. We were both in the mood for something fun and casual so we settled on Qsine. There's an interesting and sometimes amusing variety of opinions about this place on the CC board - we decided to see for ourselves and while this could never be considered haute cuisine (or qsine), we very much enjoyed the experience. What's served here is fairly basic food in whimsical preparations - I don't believe they expect anyone to believe it's anything more (don't believe anyone who tells you they're trying to serve Michelin 3 star level food and miss horribly nor anyone who says it's the same food as you can get in the buffet - both extremes are dead wrong). Our waiter was very clear from the outset that we were free to order as many dishes as we wished. We were glad we followed his advice however and stuck to 4 dishes and a couple of desserts - it was just the right amount to allow us to feel satisfied without ending up with that "why did I do that" feeling while trying to enjoy the rest of the evening. We started with the Disco Shrimp, not really much more than a shrimp cocktail in a glass dish with a flashing light; proceeded to the Lava Crab, a sort of large deep fried crab ball in a sauce - fun and tasty; followed that with the Persian Kebab, skewered garlicky chicken served with saffron rice and some sort of sauce - substantial and quite tasty; and concluded the main meal with the Painter's Mignon, two tender, perfectly cooked filet steaks served with little pots of sauces and accompaniments - like a little steakhouse meal - satisfying! Again, I'm having difficulty recalling what the desserts were. I do remember one - it was tiny beignets served with two or three different sauces for dipping - delicious. Someone also came around with some strawberries on a stick dipped in chocolate and then in pop-rocks - fun! We didn't try any of the specialty cocktails here, opting instead for DC again and a nice Steele, Santa Barbara Pinot Noir - just the ticket!



Dinner: Tuscan Grille


On the first day of the cruise we made a reservation at Tuscan Grille for our last night on the ship. On Thursday, we received a little card reminding us of our reservation for that evening (???). I called up the reservations desk and was given a reservation for Friday night (as per our original reservation) but for a half hour earlier than our desired time - the reservations agent said to just come a little later. We arrived about 20 minutes late and were given what was surely the best table in the house - window, right in the middle of the back of the room overlooking the wake - perfect. It really is a beautiful room and the view over the wake of the ship makes the whole setting sensational. Very extensive wine list at this restaurant, especially for those ordering by the bottle. There were several interesting by the glass options and after a wee chat with the knowledgeable sommellier we decided on an appropriate sequence of selections. We do enjoy starting with a little bubbly and this evening we went with a nice Prosecco (Franciacorta) rather than our usual DC.


After making our menu selections we were provided with a basket of very nice bread including a wonderful focaccia. Next a server came by with a selection of some antipasto - mozzarella, marinated mushrooms, tomatoes, prosciutto, cheese... For our first course I had a very pretty and delicious Tonno Crudo (raw Ahi tuna) - a really nice, light way to start my meal. I think Ali had Carpaccio. For our next course we shared (actually served in two separate portions) the Pappardelle Alfredo con Aragoste (Lobster Pappardelle Alfredo). One thing I CANNOT abide is pasta which is not cooked perfectly al dente - I had no cause for concern here. The pasta was perfect, the sauce neither to light nor too rich and featuring plenty of chunks of sweet lobster - fantastic. We enjoyed a beautiful Italian rose with this course. My main course was a plump, juicy, tender, bone-in veal chop served with a Barolo sauce - great stuff! Ali had a perfectly cooked, tender filet with some Gorgonzola butter which she thought was somewhat lacking in Gorgonzola. We selected sauteed spinach, garlic mashed and Truffled Parmesan Steak Fries as accompaniments and enjoyed them all - although I will admit we had little room for much of them. I can't remember our choice of red with our mains but it was delicious and one which met with the approval of the sommelier, "I drink a lot of it!" he told me.


We concluded our evening here by sharing some assorted gelato (the mango was fabulous!) and a couple of limoncellos. We loved this place and it was a great choice for our last dinner on the ship.



Oceanview Cafe:


First off, let me say we are not buffet haters and don't get real paranoid about the "dangers" of food borne illness. Don't get me wrong, we're well aware of the dangers (Ali is a registered dietitian) but we just don't let them ruin our dining enjoyment. We like buffets - well run ones that is. We don't eat mountains (or even hills) of food, but we both love variety and a buffet can be a great way to enjoy small bites of several foods instead of committing to a meal of just one or two tastes.


Other than maybe one or two breakfasts and lunches, we used the Oceanview as an anytime snack place. We'd drop in here for instance for a plate of olives, meats, cheeses, veggies etc. to have as a snack on the balcony before heading out to dinner. We'd stop in here for a few slices of pizza to take back to the room as a late night snack. We thought the pizza was great by the way - no, not NYC style, not California style, certainly not neapolitan - but as an always available fresh, hot, tasty snack - for NO EXTRA CHARGE??? Can't beat it! We also enjoyed the Indian curry station. My Dad introduced me to curry at an early age and over the years I have been fortunate to experience a wide variety of styles of Indo/Pakistani cuisine (we lived in the middle east for several years and frequently availed ourselves of the wide variety and high quality of Indian and Pakistani food available there). The curries available in the Oceanview, while not "palace" style and perhaps toned down a little in the spice department were, nonetheless, very satisfying when the craving arose.


I can't understand why some people on here comment the the selection in the buffet is "limited". In my experience it was extensive and varied. I was also impressed by the number of beverage servers circulating.


I also have to mention the dessert section. As mentioned earlier, we're not huge dessert people but we do enjoy an occasional sweet (oh, alright, MORE than occasional when it's just sitting there BEGGING you to taste it). I've seen it reported on this board that the desserts in the OV aren't very good. Well, some of the things I saw here were certainly pretty pedestrian and, I'm guessing, lacking in any real flavor or interest. There are however some pretty tasty morsels to be found - little cheesecake bites and tiny mille feuilles worked for me for instance - and the occasional delightful surprise. The highlight here for me was the discovery of a memorable British style pudding (which I later learned is a South African delicacy) called Malva Pudding. This stuff is kind of like an English Sticky Toffee Pudding but with a haunting apricot flavor - it's served with a warm custard sauce. I want some. Now.



Mast Grill:


The reason for the constant queue here was evident after my very first bite. The burgers here are shockingly good. Yes, it's a frozen patty not a patty of freshly ground, carefully selected cuts. Yes, it's grilled on a flat top, not over charcoal. It's a darn tasty and juicy patty however. And what really makes this burger is the wonderfully soft, grilled bun - they have a guy who does nothing but grill the buns - constantly brushing them with some sort of fat (butter? marge? oil? dunno. don't care). Do yourself a favor and ask for a Celebrity with cheese - the Celebrity includes sauteed onions and mushrooms. The first time I had one, I didn't - I had TWO - I absolutely had to go back for the second one. I'll miss this place.





I'd be fascinated to know what percentage of posts/threads on here revolve around the question of beverages and in particular, the beverage packages. I guess it has to be that way (although I do think it would be helpful if there were a sticky answering the most common question which are asked EVERY SINGLE DAY) as consuming a beverage or two is an important part of a vacation for many of us. Combine that with the vagaries and inconsistencies of the officially published material on the subject and, well, you know what happens.


My advice: Git yerself a 1-2-3 drink package perk. Upgrade it. Git at 'er!


We put our package through its paces. Wine, beer, cocktails, water, fancy coffee, the works. Whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. No deciding "should we". No penny pinching. No signing. Just pure enjoyment. It works - very, very well. I would not cruise without one. I've told you about how we used it to enhance our dining pleasure - here are some of the other ways we put our package to good use:



Molecular Bar:


Loved it. A quiet, civilized spot to enjoy a creative cocktail served by friendly, enthusiastic mixologists. Fun to watch them make them. Fun to discuss the cocktails and their ingredients with them. Fun to discuss the selections of those in neighboring seats. Fun to watch as a first timer is served their first "smoking" cocktail. All around fun - and the cocktails are of a very high quality. I was surprised at how many repeat cruisers on Reflection (and/or other ships with the venue) had never tried it. We didn't try them all but we did get through a goodly number of them. Do yourself a favor and don't miss this place.



Cafe al Bacio:


I personally couldn't care less if I never had another cup of coffee in my life - my wife does enjoy a fancy coffee however. She loved everything she had here - especially the Caramel Macchiato. We found this to be a convenient spot to pick up bottles of water either on our way somewhere or on our way back to the room. It was also a great little spot to pick up a wee nightcap on our way back to our room - at which time we would also select a couple of the terrific little pastries or cookies, cuz we could.



Martini Bar:


Happenin' place! Wow, this place sure is popular in the evening. Great selection of Martinis made with the very best liquors. Showmen bartenders pouring drinks into artful arrangements of Martini glasses from snakes made of cocktail shakers - a blast! Much chatter on the board regarding the noise here... well, it sort of turns into a nightclub later at night with a crowd looking for a place to dance, so, doesn't it make sense that it would be loud? I think it's important to note that the place is quite large too and that while it may be loud at the end where the DJ's and dancers are, it's not that loud at the other end (the "Crush" room end) - why can't people just pick a quieter spot? Well, enough on that - there are plenty of threads on this already. One small disappointment for us was that the "Crush" section of the bar where they have all manner of vodkas chilling in crushed ice is not really used as anything other than a seating section. I was looking forward to being able to try small shots of various chilled vodkas - and I think that was the original idea - but that just didn't seem to be on offer. Oh well.



Sunset Bar:


What an absolutely gorgeous spot from which to watch the sea, the sunset, the wake of the ship... good selection of beer and cocktails - plenty of chilled DC. I wish I found the time to spend more time at this place. It's a place where you can socialize with fellow cruisers or find a small, comfy nook to chill with your loved one. I'll be back.



Michaels Club:


Didn't drink much beer on the cruise (odd actually) and didn't rink ant at all in Michaels. We did enjoy an after dinner Scotch (for Ali) and Cognac (for me) a couple of times though. Liked this quiet space but could not understand why the cushions were chained to the banquettes :confused:. I suppose it doesn't matter as I understand this venue is closing to all but some form of elites.





Context: We're not seasoned show goers. We've been to a few touring shows when they've made stops in our city, we've been to one show in London's west end, we've never seen a show on Broadway, we've been to several Cirque shows, we go to rock concerts frequently. I tell you this so you understand that when I say we really enjoyed the production shows on Reflection, you are fully aware that we are in no way qualified to critique such shows.


We saw 4 shows on our cruise and thoroughly enjoyed every single one. Somehow I expected they would be cheesy but didn't find this to be the case. I was disappointed we did not get to see Gareth Oliver the comedian/ventriloquist from the U.K. We actually saw him in the show on the first night where several performers from the week's program make a short appearance - he was HILARIOUS - British humor at its finest. Unfortunately I had a brief bout of stomach trouble on the night he performed and we were unable to make it to the show. Hope I get the chance again. The production shows featured some great singers dancers and acrobats. The musical numbers rarely failed to get my feet tapping and the acrobats elicited many whispered "wow!"s from both of us. A highlight for me was the contortionist who did a breathtaking routine to one of my favorite Zeppelin songs in Reflection: The Show.


With respect to entertainers around and about the ship, we didn't actually sit and watch any of the performances but enjoyed quite a bit of what we heard (jazz, folk singers etc.) as we were walking around. We did have some fun dancing to Vibes in the lobby/foyer/atrium type thing (I'm still having trouble figuring out whether there were one or two of those venues) and we danced to the DJ in the Sky Lounge one night - not that great as evidenced by his inability to keep the mostly younger crowd on the floor (maybe it was an off night).



Persian Garden:


We LOVED it here. Couldn't quite figure out the appeal of the Aromatherapy room - no real distinct aroma and not much in the way of heat or steam - but thoroughly enjoyed cycling through the Steam room, Sauna, Cold room and heated loungers, stopping for some tropical or spring rain from time to time. We considered this to be a significant benefit of Aqua Class.



Bits and Pieces:


Did not encounter overly loud music at any time (we did not however sit by the pool so I really can't comment on the volume there - it was fine on the deck above the pool deck).


ALL staff were friendly, professional and helpful. In my thank you on behalf of our group to the officers and staff that hosted our connections party (I helped organize our roll call) I remarked that the staff and crew "seemed to like us". They were a testament to the comments made by the young man that served us in Bistro on Five that Celebrity is a "very good company to work for - much better than some of the other lines". We took the time to get to know our servers in Blu - the sommelier was surprised and pleased to learn that we had visited his home town in India.


Relaxation room is cool - sort of hidden away (the door I was told to go through appeared to be an emergency exit).


The ship definitely rocked some - although we experienced what the Captain termed "rough seas" the first couple of days. We both actually enjoyed the motion and did not find it at all uncomfortable.


Never bothered by smokers - we saw them and moved by swiftly.


Might have mentioned this earlier but NEVER a wait to get a drink with our Premium Beverage Package. Saw plenty of staff taking drink orders or pushing beer carts up on the pool decks.


Loved shooting a few hoops in the court up top.


Can't believe we forgot to try the ice cream.


Did not smell smoke in the casino - only spent enough time the to do the slot pull though.


Was fun getting dressed up for formal nights - don't get to wear my tux often.



Cruising - was it worth it? Will we do it again?:


I have to say, this was probably the best value for my vacation dollar I have ever received. We repeatedly found ourselves asking "how can they possibly provide all of this???". I couldn't believe there wasn't some sort of catch and briefly wondered at one point whether I had missed some fine print and inadvertently agreed to buy something I didn't want and couldn't afford. We would do this again in a heartbeat - we can't wait to cruise again!


Thanks for reading, (sorry if it was a bit long)


Ian and Ali

Edited by wpgcycler
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Thanks for the wonderful review! Glad to hear that "noise" was not a problem :). Considering sailing reflection and this has me very interested!


By the way, did you find that you had to wait at all for a thermal lounger in the Persian gardens? Was it very busy in Persian gardens?

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Thanks for the wonderful review! Glad to hear that "noise" was not a problem :). Considering sailing reflection and this has me very interested!?
July 1989 - Admiral Cruise Lines / SS Emerald Seas :eek:

Now there is one you don't see often! Our 1st cruise was in Sept 1987 on the Emerald Seas:)

Edited by wallie5446
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Such an amazingly well written review..thank you! We will be on the Reflection in a little over a week and I am finally more excited than nervous. I've read so much negativity, but I think everything will be just fine from your review.



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Such an amazingly well written review..thank you! We will be on the Reflection in a little over a week and I am finally more excited than nervous. I've read so much negativity, but I think everything will be just fine from your review.



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After 25+ years since our first, 7 different lines, the Reflection has taken over the number ONE spot on my wife's cruise ship list! Please do like Ian did and come back and tell us your thoughts.

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I normally don't give "kudos" for ships reviews; after a while they just get old. However, I was curious of yours as I've read quite a few of your posts on various threads. Most people who have not yet cruised know of CC much less contribute any posts. I like a man after my own heart who does his homework and I know you did yours before this cruise.


This was one of the best, well written, upbeat reviews I've read here in a long time. Many of your comments re: first cruise brought back my memories of our first back in 2004 in February on the Constellation. Ten years and 14 cruises later I still get excited when first seeing the ship. BTW, I am a unabashed (is that a word?) Celebrity loyalist and proud of it. 12 of the 14 cruises have been on Celebrity, one Azamara (a cousin) and one NCL (not bad btw).


I am happy that it appears your cruise was all you hoped for, and from your "attitude" I think even then some. I think you'll be back, sorry, I know you'll be back. LOL, didn't you book another while on board? Or did I miss that.


Again, nice job.


One last thing............as a fellow "height challenged" guy I liked it that you just threw that out there and I"m amazed that you went for the gusto at Tuscan Grille. We love it there but I can never eat all the food.

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Thanks everyone for your kind comments! And thanks for putting up with the length of the review (portofrome: my review of a surprise trip to Rome I organized for our 25th was actually longer than this!:D ).


margar: The only time it was busy was on the last sea day (Friday) - we arrived to find all the loungers in use. After a short cycle of the rooms, several became available. There was no other time we had to wait for a lounger.


emcee207: We didn't book on board as my job doesn't allow me to plan that far ahead. I did eventually realize that I could just book and set the actual cruise date later - then it became a matter of trying to fit it in to a long list of things we had yet to do or wanted to do again before disembarking and, well, you know the rest. There is absolutely no question we will book again and I'll certainly be back here to talk about it!

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Thanks everyone for your kind comments! And thanks for putting up with the length of the review (portofrome: my review of a surprise trip to Rome I organized for our 25th was actually longer than this!:D ).




emcee207: We didn't book on board as my job doesn't allow me to plan that far ahead. I did eventually realize that I could just book and set the actual cruise date later - then it became a matter of trying to fit it in to a long list of things we had yet to do or wanted to do again before disembarking and, well, you know the rest. There is absolutely no question we will book again and I'll certainly be back here to talk about it!



Actually, in 14 cruises, only one was booked on board. It usually is a good deal but I never have the patience and hate to even give up a half hour of "now" cruising for "future" cruising!:D

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Ian, I have been cruising since 1982, my first on a old rust bucket, comparatively speaking, that I loved. Since then I have cruised as often as I can manage it, and brought my kids many times when they were younger.


Fast forward many years. New life, new DH, etc. We are booked on our third transatlantic leaving next month. Yesterday I read a new thread, another whiny complaint, that left me very depressed and unenthusiastic about our upcoming trip.


I was so happy to read your review today--now I am REALLY looking forward to our adventure again and can't wait to get on board! There's nothing like seeing it through a newcomer's eyes to remind us all of why we cruise to begin with. Too often petty little things cloud our judgment and our perceptions. We need to be focusing on the big picture instead of

"my steward didn't bring my extra towels on time. Where's my compensation and how much do I get?"


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!

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We are leaving on the Reflection in less then 2 weeks. It will be our first cruise as well. This review has me even more excited then I was if that's even possible. The only thing I was disappointed to learn was that the Mast Grill served pressed burgers. I had planned to eat most of my sea day lunches by the pool but if they are frozen processed burgers I can see my wife wanting to go to the buffet instead.


Aside from that I am glad you had a great trip and hope we have a similar experience as you did.

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Absolutely delightful review Ian. You're great at painting a picture of your cruise in words & it surely wasn't too long! Make sure your Captain's Club membership has the correct points & look forward to some perks from early booking when itineraries come out!


Upbeat, informative and great fun to read. Thanks for taking the time!

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We are leaving on the Reflection in less then 2 weeks. It will be our first cruise as well. This review has me even more excited then I was if that's even possible. The only thing I was disappointed to learn was that the Mast Grill served pressed burgers. I had planned to eat most of my sea day lunches by the pool but if they are frozen processed burgers I can see my wife wanting to go to the buffet instead.


Aside from that I am glad you had a great trip and hope we have a similar experience as you did.

Don't miss the Mast Grill!!!! As Ian said, not enough room for the !!! We have eaten many a pool grill burger on ship over the last 25 years and these were the best yet!

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Great review! We were also on the cruise with you we were two couples from Ca. also at the sail away.I think your whole review was right on.The food and cocktail were always good and plentiful.We loved Blu and Murano the best.But did not get to Tuscan or Quisine next cruise for sure!! I thought it was loud in some areas but it did not bother us we just found a quiet spot when we wanted that.We spent many nights at the Martini bar getting flights of Martinis Edgar and Goose got up to there record of 36 almost (I believe 4 broke) But what a show a must see!!! We just booked our 6 th cruise for next year it is addictive!!:) I am sure you will have many more!! Happy Cruising !!

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Hi Ian,:) thanks for sharing your experience with us. After years of

sailing with Celebrity I thought I might be getting a bit jaded....your

review has totally made me feel good inside all over again:D:):D


I am happy to read you and Ali had such a wonderful cruise!!!!!


Oh, I am booked on Reflection in November:)

Edited by Lois R
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There are Foodies and there are Food Snobs. You sir are a Foodie for sure! When I read the first description of what you consider good food I knew I was in for a treat. I enjoy a tender filet with truffle butter just as much as a Chicago hotdog with a sport pepper served from a street vender.


I enjoyed reading every word of you review, especially the parts about your meals. I wish you had a chance to have breakfast in Blu, but I can not recall if they serve an English style breakfast.


Ian & Ali thank you both for sharing your cruise with us! A great review with a positive attitude. If you are ever in the Chicago area look me up and I'll share with you our diverse cultures and all the tasty treats that come with it.



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July 1989 - Admiral Cruise Lines / SS Emerald Seas :eek:

Now there is one you don't see often! Our 1st cruise was in Sept 1987 on the Emerald Seas:)


Ain't that the truth! Yours is the only other one I have seen sailing on Admiral. That was our very first cruise in 1989. DH and I thought we were in heaven on that ship!! We had a wonderful time. Ships have come a long way from where the Emerald Seas was, but she will always have a "fond" place in my heart as it was our First Time :D

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