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Am I being petty?


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I am amazed by the responses. I really am.


On this website you have people ask/share/brag about how to save money when:


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Suddenly someone says "My TA does LESS than they ever did before. I don't feel my business is appreciated." (more or less that's really what was said) and all the travel agents that look to mine CC for business come out of the woodwork and crucify the person for wanting what was customarily given in the past. Is a bottle of wine in and of itself a bit petty of a gift? Yes. They deserve something much more substantial than that.


These travel agents are not interested in providing good service to their clients, they only want MORE commission.



It just goes to show that the TA's that hide in plain sight on here are just scummy salespeople. No different than a used car salesman or the gone with history TV salesman. Eventually the internet will replace the travel agent completely and you will be reduced to irrelevancy. The generation that grew up with the greatest number of technological advances will die off sooner or later. Children raising during the rise of the internet are coming into prime $$$ earning years, and THEIR kids are raised in a world where they can not even recognize a Disk Icon, a Rotary Phone, or fathom not being able to record live TV. To them a cell phone always has been and will always be a phone, camera, game station, computer. These people will never walk into a brick and mortar travel agent because all of the information is readily available and the competition is fierce.



Travel agents, do not blame the customer for the discounts and gifts you offer. Blame the first travel agent who did this to gain market share. It's called a race to the bottom, or a race to zero. Someone is always willing to price lower. Most TA's provide the same level of service (minimal). Very few are excellent. Please don't kid yourself and pretend you are excellent. Many of you do nothing more than book the date and ship someone requests. You're over the phone order takers.



A GOOD agent would evaluate how to offer their customers great service and perks. It's called hustle. Salesmen of the world are owed nothing for sitting back and expecting customers to just return to them for minimal servicing. If you can't hustle I hope you can do any number of other administrative or hands on tasks, because sooner or later you'll flat starve.



I am sitting at my Keyboard clapping:D

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Yes, you're being petty. At least you are if you've been happy with the service and pricing the TA has provided.


I understand it's nice to receive a gift but hey...it's just a bottle of wine.


Maybe the OP did not realize they should be compensated more than just a bottle of wine for a booking . That is why this forum is so great ,it is no different than pointing a friend in the right direction.


The TA's on here are understandably trying to make this sound petty it is not.


It is our money



Edited by Reader0108598
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A good travel agent will:

Pay attention to the traveler's interests and budget concerns.

Be responsive to concerns and questions.

Follow-up to insure the traveler's needs are met.

Attempt to find the best pricing for the itinerary/accommodations requested.


And will not attempt to cover up failings in the above categories by ordering a cheap bottle of wine.

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Maybe the OP did not realize they should be compensated more than just a bottle of wine for a booking . That is why this forum is so great ,it is no different than pointing a friend in the right direction.


The TA's on here are understandably trying to make this sound petty it is not.


It is our money




The OP asked if we thought she was being petty. She even implied that she needed to “cool off” because she did not get her cheap bottle of wine. I’m not a TA and really don’t even understand the somewhat angry discourse towards them, but YES, I think she is being petty. If getting a cheap bottle of wine is the only reason for choosing a TA, fine. But needing to “cool off” after her cruise because she was shorted a $10 bottle of wine. I don’t blame her for asking, but I’m shocked by the responses that say she is justified. I’m told that the new buffet policies with lesser quality food and terrible service are just part of change and I and should just enjoy the cruise. But when it comes to getting shorted a cheap bottle of wine, well the cruise started off bad and only went downhill from there.


Hmm, just enjoy the cruise. LOL



Edited by Beachdude
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How do I sound? Like someone who's shops for a good deal I hope. I have no loyalty to any TA. Why should I? The good price is part of the deal. If price plus "free stuff" is lower from a new travel agent, then I will go there. Service doesn't enter into the equation for me. I really just use them to make the booking. If they screw that part up, then I care, but I don't need anything else.
So in the grand scheme of things you will dump a reliable TA over a bottle of wine
That's not quite what that person said. That's what you chose to take from it.

That's pretty much what I'm getting from it. "I have no loyalty to any TA" pretty much says it all.

Maybe the OP did not realize they should be compensated more than just a bottle of wine for a booking . That is why this forum is so great ,it is no different than pointing a friend in the right direction.

The TA's on here are understandably trying to make this sound petty it is not.

It is our money


It's petty. Stripped down to the chassis, here's what the OP is saying: "I went to this place of business to get this service. I got the service but I didn't get a gift from the service provider for giving them my custom! Whaaaaaa!"


How on earth do people figure that simply giving someone their business means they're entitled to a gift from the business in question? When I go to the hardware store, I don't expect a gift from the store just because I walked in and bought lumber, drywall annd paint; my ISP doesn't give me a gift just because I'm a customer of theirs. And guess what - there is no basis for me to expect a gift from them; they've delivered the goods or services I paid for. If they do give me a gift, I appreciate it for what it is - a goodwill gesture and treat it as a one-off. I certainly don't think "Well, they didn't give me a gift this time so I'm going to go elsewhere." Now, if they fail to deliver the product I've paid for, that's a whole different can o' beans; I will quite happily make heap big stink over it until I get what I paid for. But over a gift? Pfui!


BTW, I'm not a TA, nor do I play one on TV. I'm someone who grew to adulthood before the age of entitlement came around.

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Good for you trev71!!!!:D


Now keep an eye out for price drops, if you keep your booking they will adjust before final payment. Some TA's give you a hard time or have added fees for any adjustment.



I will I drove my TA bonkers last cruise i think she was really upset with me cause i called her to bug her about that. I saved 375$ so it was worth it. She did not charge me anything to get my money back. I am just glad I can take control of my resveration now. Now when it comes to booking flights I am still a little nervous

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The OP asked if we thought she was being petty. She even implied that she needed to “cool off” because she did not get her cheap bottle of wine. I’m not a TA and really don’t even understand the somewhat angry discourse towards them, but YES, I think she is being petty. If getting a cheap bottle of wine is the only reason for choosing a TA, fine. But needing to “cool off” after her cruise because she was shorted a $10 bottle of wine. I don’t blame her for asking, but I’m shocked by the responses that say she is justified. I’m told that the new buffet policies with lesser quality food and terrible service are just part of change and I and should just enjoy the cruise. But when it comes to getting shorted a cheap bottle of wine, well the cruise started off bad and only went downhill from there.


Hmm, just enjoy the cruise. LOL






Hi Burt


Yes I understand the OP used the term petty. I just re used it :)


I really do not think the OP is upset about the wine it is the fact she has been

getting it an feeling that her business was appreciated. This time not so much!


Some of us posted that a bottle of wine is lame anyway.


Case in point I receive anywhere from 100.00 to 350.00 OBC on cruises I take. Along with spa services and specialty dinning.




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I will I drove my TA bonkers last cruise i think she was really upset with me cause i called her to bug her about that. I saved 375$ so it was worth it. She did not charge me anything to get my money back. I am just glad I can take control of my resveration now. Now when it comes to booking flights I am still a little nervous






Flights are easy sign up for notifications . The carrier I fly will give me a travel credit if I catch a price drop. I then use that the next time I fly.

Cannot mention websites but it has a color in its name :)



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That's pretty much what I'm getting from it. "I have no loyalty to any TA" pretty much says it all.


It's petty. Stripped down to the chassis, here's what the OP is saying: "I went to this place of business to get this service. I got the service but I didn't get a gift from the service provider for giving them my custom! Whaaaaaa!"


How on earth do people figure that simply giving someone their business means they're entitled to a gift from the business in question? When I go to the hardware store, I don't expect a gift from the store just because I walked in and bought lumber, drywall annd paint; my ISP doesn't give me a gift just because I'm a customer of theirs. And guess what - there is no basis for me to expect a gift from them; they've delivered the goods or services I paid for. If they do give me a gift, I appreciate it for what it is - a goodwill gesture and treat it as a one-off. I certainly don't think "Well, they didn't give me a gift this time so I'm going to go elsewhere." Now, if they fail to deliver the product I've paid for, that's a whole different can o' beans; I will quite happily make heap big stink over it until I get what I paid for. But over a gift? Pfui!


BTW, I'm not a TA, nor do I play one on TV. I'm someone who grew to adulthood before the age of entitlement came around.




Fine you keep paying those TAs the highest amount possible.They will love you! :) The rest of us will do business with the ones who appreciate our booking and keep more money in our pockets :) As far as entitlement you have no clue who you are talking to ,I bust my hump to be able to cruise. Sixteen hour shifts (third into first) get harder in your mid fifties. I imagine lots of people here do the same.

Have a nice day!


Edited by Reader0108598
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Hi Burt


Yes I understand the OP used the term petty. I just re used it :)


I really do not think the OP is upset about the wine it is the fact she has been

getting it an feeling that her business was appreciated. This time not so much!


Hey, she was still hot about it even after her cruise.


So I disagree, by the tone of her post I think it was more about the cheap wine than feeling appreciated.


But my point is more about the hypocrisy of those who agree with her. Folks complain about bad cruise service all the time and are told to suck it up and enjoy the cruise. But miss out on a lousy bottle of wine and the earth should stand still?


Is this really “TA Hate” thread? If it is, fill me in why there is so much anger toward TA’s?



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Hey, she was still hot about it even after her cruise.


So I disagree, by the tone of her post I think it was more about the cheap wine than feeling appreciated.


But my point is more about the hypocrisy of those who agree with her. Folks complain about bad cruise service all the time and are told to suck it up and enjoy the cruise. But miss out on a lousy bottle of wine and the earth should stand still?


Is this really “TA Hate” thread? If it is, fill me in why there is so much anger toward TA’s?





We agree to disagree (it was more about the cheap wine than feeling appreciated).


I do not hate TA's,I have had some who treated me fairly one who did not.

The one who did not lost the booking. I had princess take it back.


I am just a consumer who is looking for the best price and amenities for my hard earned money.



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This is an interesting discussion, there are and have been literally 100’s of discussions of the cruise lines making cuts with many many responses of “suck it up, times are changing”. But when we don’t get a freebie bottle of cheap wine from a TA, well that ruins the whole cruise.




First it did not ruin the cruise it was one of the best cruises we've taken. I know the wine is to put it politely, not very good. The point of my post considering our past history was it petty to expect the same level of gratitude from my TA. I did not intend for this thread to be a TA bashing thread or a forum to lecture me on proper behavior or to be talked to like a 6 year old.

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I did not intend for this thread to be a TA bashing thread or a forum to lecture me on proper behavior or to be talked to like a 6 year old.


I'm not sure what the proper behavior should have been and my apologies if you feel that you have been treated as a 6 year old. But as I said, I don’t think your question was the big deal, some folks like to get stuff off their chest. I wonder, were you prepared for the “yes you were petty” responses?


What I found interesting was that so many forum members agreed that you were not being petty. Let me present your question in a different way. The room steward did a very good job all week accept he never learned my name. Am I being petty by not tipping him for that one disservice?


Did the OP get the services they were promised? Is that a different situation? I don’t think so but the next time I read a thread where the responses are to cut the crew a little slack because they work hard, I will think of this thread.



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I can offer another perspective if I may...


I am a home based agent, working under a franchise owner. Without discussing commission percentages or amounts, when I book a cruise (or any other travel plans), the agency (from whom the franchise was purchased) automatically takes a piece of the commission.


Then, the balance comes to my franchise owner. She takes a piece of the remaining funds since it is her business under which I work. That amount varies depending on the amount of work involved in the booking (for some that involve multi city travel, overseas hotels, etc. she may be more involved). Then the balance comes to me.


So, when I book a cruise, I'm working on a commission amount that will be twice reduced before I get it. When I see the amounts of OBC that some big box stores offer, I realize that I will not even make that amount after the payoffs to the two above levels in my chain.


I work hard to find groups or other amenities that are being offered by the cruise line to offer my clients. Sometimes, different agencies get certain perks to offer. Other times, we have a group. Or there is a bonus commission that ups the amount coming to me in the end, so I can offer some of that back.


I have discussed with my franchise owner the need to offer more back to our customers because they can simply check a big box store or other on line TA and immediately get offered more. But often, those TAs are mostly order takers, and you have to speak to different people each time you want to change something, or they may take back perks when prices drop, or they charge a fee for changes. I never charge for changes, I'm always available (7 days a week via cell) and if I can help it, I don't take back the OBC I offer. But there are times I simply cannot compete if it's all about the money in the end.


When an on line TA or big box store takes your booking, they are working on the smallest margin of commission, rebating the balance back. Perhaps their agents are paid a flat amount per booking or a salary no matter how many they bring in. If so, then they have the majority of the commission to play with, and they work on volume. I can't match that. But I try to excel in service and knowledge and always try to get my clients the best deal out there.

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Actual travel agents, as opposed to on line order takers, give amenities that are paid for out of their income...perhaps your TA cannot afford it...between training, insurance and other expenses such as postage, phone, internet...lights...power...not to mention travel to inspect ships and personal cruising (which if you are trying to attain accredited or master cruise counsellor status through CLIA is another expense)

they may not have a lot of money for anything...


Should they show appreciation? Probably....but my old TA did not always send anything...


of Just keep in mind that it is the INCOME the TA...as in an agent who actually helps you and who is not just a call center phone answerer...


Would YOU give away part of your paycheck? Didnt think so...


Sent from my Galaxy S3, somewhere in the galaxy


True...but how much income will they keep when he take his business to another agency?


I don't think the OP is over reacting. In fact...this is the last trip (of any kind) that we will book with our current TA. The two reasons are, in order of importance, others get perks/things from their TA that we do not get for booking the same dollar value trip and he is a small shop and can be slow to respond at times.

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I can offer another perspective if I may...


I am a home based agent, working under a franchise owner. Without discussing commission percentages or amounts, when I book a cruise (or any other travel plans), the agency (from whom the franchise was purchased) automatically takes a piece of the commission.


Then, the balance comes to my franchise owner. She takes a piece of the remaining funds since it is her business under which I work. That amount varies depending on the amount of work involved in the booking (for some that involve multi city travel, overseas hotels, etc. she may be more involved). Then the balance comes to me.


So, when I book a cruise, I'm working on a commission amount that will be twice reduced before I get it. When I see the amounts of OBC that some big box stores offer, I realize that I will not even make that amount after the payoffs to the two above levels in my chain.


I work hard to find groups or other amenities that are being offered by the cruise line to offer my clients. Sometimes, different agencies get certain perks to offer. Other times, we have a group. Or there is a bonus commission that ups the amount coming to me in the end, so I can offer some of that back.


I have discussed with my franchise owner the need to offer more back to our customers because they can simply check a big box store or other on line TA and immediately get offered more. But often, those TAs are mostly order takers, and you have to speak to different people each time you want to change something, or they may take back perks when prices drop, or they charge a fee for changes. I never charge for changes, I'm always available (7 days a week via cell) and if I can help it, I don't take back the OBC I offer. But there are times I simply cannot compete if it's all about the money in the end.


When an on line TA or big box store takes your booking, they are working on the smallest margin of commission, rebating the balance back. Perhaps their agents are paid a flat amount per booking or a salary no matter how many they bring in. If so, then they have the majority of the commission to play with, and they work on volume. I can't match that. But I try to excel in service and knowledge and always try to get my clients the best deal out there.





Janet Thank you for that clear information:) Yes the big box stores are order takers and that probably should have been conveyed from the start.


I don't need my hand held any longer however I have had these order takers go to bat for me when an issue came up. Always take out insurance :)



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I can offer another perspective if I may...


I am a home based agent, working under a franchise owner. Without discussing commission percentages or amounts, when I book a cruise (or any other travel plans), the agency (from whom the franchise was purchased) automatically takes a piece of the commission.


Then, the balance comes to my franchise owner. She takes a piece of the remaining funds since it is her business under which I work. That amount varies depending on the amount of work involved in the booking (for some that involve multi city travel, overseas hotels, etc. she may be more involved). Then the balance comes to me.


So, when I book a cruise, I'm working on a commission amount that will be twice reduced before I get it. When I see the amounts of OBC that some big box stores offer, I realize that I will not even make that amount after the payoffs to the two above levels in my chain.


I work hard to find groups or other amenities that are being offered by the cruise line to offer my clients. Sometimes, different agencies get certain perks to offer. Other times, we have a group. Or there is a bonus commission that ups the amount coming to me in the end, so I can offer some of that back.


I have discussed with my franchise owner the need to offer more back to our customers because they can simply check a big box store or other on line TA and immediately get offered more. But often, those TAs are mostly order takers, and you have to speak to different people each time you want to change something, or they may take back perks when prices drop, or they charge a fee for changes. I never charge for changes, I'm always available (7 days a week via cell) and if I can help it, I don't take back the OBC I offer. But there are times I simply cannot compete if it's all about the money in the end.


When an on line TA or big box store takes your booking, they are working on the smallest margin of commission, rebating the balance back. Perhaps their agents are paid a flat amount per booking or a salary no matter how many they bring in. If so, then they have the majority of the commission to play with, and they work on volume. I can't match that. But I try to excel in service and knowledge and always try to get my clients the best deal out there.


Great post. Thanks for the insight.


I totally agree with you, the big agencies I usually use are basically "order takers", very similar to calling the 800 number for the cruise line and talking to one of their representatives.


When we were new cruisers, we needed a knowledgeable, personalized agent such as yourself.

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Sticking with someone for a service due to familiarization does not necessarily mean they are "pretty good". We've opened OP's eyes at least that for the money they are spending they are leaving hundreds of dollars of OBC/perks on the table.


This entire post has been fascinating and has really highlighted who the lurking travel agents on the forum are.


:rolleyes:Answering someone's question with honesty makes us all TA's I see.


I think this all comes down to what you use your TA for. Not everyone has the experience and time to devote to hunting down deals and sales, so having someone I can count on to help me is incredibly valuable to me. Our TA has put up with question after question after plea after cries for help, and they've been incredibly gracious and accommodating to us. I will gladly use them again, and I don't expect a bottle of wine on top of it. And to leave that kind of service for the sake of more free stuff is just not that important to me. But to each their own.


At any rate, this thread is beating a dead horse anymore. Off to more fun adventures!

Edited by panthers_4890
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If you love your TA and she does a lot for you, then by all means continue to use her. If you would like a sometimes substantial perk such as obc, prepaid gratuities or a special dinner or combination of these, and especially if you do the research yourself, turn the booking over to a TA that offers these things. I, myself love the obc and helps make me pay for any extras during the cruise.




Sent from my KFJWI using Tapatalk HD

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I have been using the same travel agent for years each year I have been booking a junior suite. Each year they usually send us a bottle of wine and strawberries. This year nada and I'm a bit upset, am I being Petty? Thinking of changing Travel Agents in the future am I overreacting?


The first time you received the wine & strawberries did they tell you they would be giving it to you before the cruise? was it a surprise? Just because you assume you would get it doesn't mean you are entitled to it unless it was an actual booking incentive, not just a gift.

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I think this all comes down to what you use your TA for. Not everyone has the experience and time to devote to hunting down deals and sales, so having someone I can count on to help me is incredibly valuable to me. Our TA has put up with question after question after plea after cries for help, and they've been incredibly gracious and accommodating to us. I will gladly use them again, and I don't expect a bottle of wine on top of it. And to leave that kind of service for the sake of more free stuff is just not that important to me. But to each their own.



I am glad that you have a TA that fulfills your needs. There are plenty of bad ones out there, so finding a good one IS worth something. But you seem to imply that I accept a lack of service by taking perks. I don't. I only require what I would label as minimal service. Whenever I do have requests or need something handled it is easy; I email my agent and within 24 hours whatever I needed was handled. In the event that I need something handled promptly and my agent is off I call and a manager will do it. I save a great deal of time over dealing direct with the cruise line, and I don't feel I am sacrificing quality of service.


This is a big box agency and generally I find service levels acceptable. If I needed something very complex or had a major issue I don't know that they would handle it any better or any worse than another agent would, but they are recommended by the cruise line and I've never had poor service. I do recommend my agent by name when questioned personally, and I know for a fact some of those people have used this agent and been pleased.


My point is, it is not necessarily a case of good service OR good perks. It doesn't HAVE to be one or the other. In the case of the OP a relatively trivial thing has made him/her question how good their TA is and in people answering that question have shown OP that in similar circumstances they are not just losing a bottle of cheap wine, they are leaving potentially hundreds of dollars on the table. In that way the TA may have done OP the biggest favor possible.

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I will assume that all of you, who expect a gift or something from your TA in return for all the money you have paid them for their hard work and MANY hours, are bringing them a very nice gift when you return home from your trip.


I am dumbfounded to the fact that the OP would go look for a new TA because she did not get strawberries and wine. YES, YOU ARE BEING PETTY. If I were your TA, I would fire you as a client. :eek:


Now, go "cool off" in the ocean!!


Yes, a very nice gift in fact, another booked cruise that I transfer to him/her after doing all the base work myself. Nice gift, huh?

Also I don't really think it is the strawberries and wine exactly. It is the point that the precedence set by the TA was suddenly changed with no warning or explanation. Considering the fact that it sounds to me like many people get much more than wine and strawberries, the Op has been very loyal and accepted that small token of appreciation without a thought to look for a better deal. So don't slam the TA for feeling slighted in this case.

Also, not every OBC or perk that a travel agency gives you comes out of their pocket. We have a group that travels often and lots of times the TA adds people to our group. Yes, the new people get the benefit of our group amenity and it didn't cost the TA any of her commision.

It looks to be pretty standard practice to offer perks for your bookings so I am sure that would not be the case if it didn't prove beneficial to the agent.

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I would probably bring it up with the TA. It's possible that it was ordered and either not delivered, or delivered to the wrong stateroom. I'd probably word the question something along the lines of, "We have always received a bottle of wine from you in the past, and were curious when we didn't get one this time around. We bring it up only because if it was ordered, you might want to talk to the cruiseline, as it wasn't in our cabin." Then take it from there. It would be a shame to forgo a long term relationship over a misunderstanding or mistake caused by the ship.

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