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Live from QM2


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Aboard the QM2 bound for Halifax ,then New York then returning back to Southampton. Currently in the middle of Atlantic and after 5 metre waves and force 5-6 winds ,it is now calm although weather is murky.We left Southampton late last Thurs, after 6 pm due to late running repairs and missed time slots.

Ship seems in fine shape witha mixed bunch of English, Americans and many Germans who joined at Hanburg.

Food is still good and we are going to book our free lunch at Todd English soon, For finally becoming Diamond members .

Enjoying the crossing,just hope the sun comes out !

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Aboard the QM2 bound for Halifax ,then New York then returning back to Southampton. Currently in the middle of Atlantic and after 5 metre waves and force 5-6 winds ,it is now calm although weather is murky.We left Southampton late last Thurs, after 6 pm due to late running repairs and missed time slots.

Ship seems in fine shape witha mixed bunch of English, Americans and many Germans who joined at Hanburg.

Food is still good and we are going to book our free lunch at Todd English soon, For finally becoming Diamond members .

Enjoying the crossing,just hope the sun comes out !


Hi violette, I'm doing a B2B in August, hope you have a great time. Will be watching for the next instalment.



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Congratulations on becoming diamond!


Enjoy your crossings!


Let us know what is going on----Who are your speakers? How is the evening entertainment?


I am looking forward to your next installment.


Happy Sailing!

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Thank you for posting your live blog! Can't wait for the next installment! Glad the waves calmed down a bit and I hope the sun does come out for you. Congratulations on becoming Diamonds!

Edited by alibabacruisers
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Hi violetta58,


I am also looking forward to reading more, thank you for posting. I also hope the sun comes out for you :) Have the most wonderful time, but please make sure everyone looks after QM2; I board in Southampton when you get off (so sorry that I'll miss meeting you).


Bon Voyage! :)

Edited by pepperrn
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I am also on this crossing. The weather has been very mixed with quite a bit of rain. It's raining quite hard now.


We have just been to one of the Planetarium shows and a Seth Gopin lecture on skyscrapers.


Other lectures have been Bill Miller on cruise ships and also an ex-astronaut (his name has gone out of my head).


As mentioned in the New York Excursions thread, Films have been 12 Years a Slave, saving Mr Banks and Lego 3D.

We've seen the Cunard production shows before but tonight is a comedian. Last night we saw a RADA production of Arabian Nights.


We're looking forward to Halifax in two days.


Another point about last Thursday was that the QV was also in dock at the QE2 terminal and some people had done the Round Britain cruise on that and then came over to the Ocean Terminal to join the QM2.


Some time today we are passing by/have passed by the final resting place of the Titanic. We have taken a southerly course to avoid any possible icebergs.

Edited by Ray66
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Thanks for all your kind comments

Ray 66 who is also in this trip ,hope you are enjoying it as much as we are

Pepper - sorry not to meet you too, I enjoyed reading your posts of your transatlantic trips in the past.

NYteacher - glad you are joining us in NY and it's your first time on QM2 , you will love it !

Northeast lady - lucky you ,enjoy your B2B


Only a day and a half to Halifax now.We are travelling the north circle route and the Capt told us that we are going a little south as the ice fields have been extended this year so we obviously want to avoid any stray icebergs ! On a more sombre note tonight we sail about 100 miles from Titanic's final resting place.


We are travelling at around 22 knots today and the day started clear with at last some warmth in the air,wind still blowing with some bursts of sunshine.We sat out in the deck for an hour with many others ,glad to get some fresh air. Went to see the dogs on board,there are at least three as we met them in Southampton but they didn't come out while we were up on deck 12 . Hope to see them tomorrow. This afternoon ,heavy rain but ship very stable with relatively calm seas.


There's always too much to do at sea, there are three speakers on this sector ,Jeffrey Hoffman ,an astronaut who has done many space shuttles trips and talked about these and the Hubble telescope, Colin Preece a forensic psychologists who is talking about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes ( very interesting ) and Seth Golpin who is talking about American skyscrapers. The final speaker is Bill Miller taking about the Golden age of Liners We also did the Trivial quiz and did badly ,however everyone else did too so we dint feel too stupid.


In the evening there is the dance band with a good soloist and last night was party night with the band from G32 who are called XTASEA ( not too sure of the name ! ) They are were however very good and able to do old numbers with more modern ones .The dance floor was full all night.IMHO they are better than the other similar bands on Cunard,Vibes,fusion etc... We had seen them the night before at G32 and they were great.The DJ too is a right character and knows how to get people dancing. The only problem is they let smoking upstairs in G32 and last night it was like walking into a wall of smoke as people at the party night in the queens room went there to smoke as it was nearer than going outside . I feel it should not be allowed there or they should at least have an effective extraction system.


Tonight (formal) is the World Club meeting and then the Big Band Ball.There is also comedian on tonight Adrian Walsh ,we have seen him before and he is funny . Too much choice as usual ! We are off the early dinner then the World Club meeting then probably pop into the Queens Room and G32 .



Any question re life aboard QM2 please ask and I'll try to answer,

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Hullo, Violetta - another one who'll be joining you in NY on the 13th for the return run. Herself and I are looking forward to it; it's a first for both of us - her for going to sea at all, me for going to sea but not having to stand watches :) See you onboard!


Halifax is great, though not as beautiful as it could be. But if you get the chance, run down the coast to Peggy's Cove; some really gorgeous scenery along the way. I lived in NS quite a few years and I still miss it.

Edited by Jackytar
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Sailed into Halifax yesterday morning with beautiful weather ,went up to 21 degrees in the day,sunny but quite windy. I love the sail in to Halifax past all the trees in sable island last time I was here it was Sept and they were just turning orange/red.We moored at pier 20 and as we have been round the city before and the fantastic pier 21 immigration museum ,we concentrated on doing the harbour walk which was lovely and well laid out with shops,restaurants and many monuments to varies Canadian events along the way. After saying hello to the statue of Sir Samuel Cunard we ended up at the Museum of the Atlantic which is well worth seeing especially the Titanic exhibits, very moving .The walk back is about a mile and we stopped off at the Garrison Brewery near the ship where they have sample beers for $2 , husband had Tall ship ale which he liked but they are strong ! Went back to ship via the numerous shops in the embarkation building .


Last night was another formal which was hard work after a day in the sun and was also the Masquerade ball. It seems strange having a formal on a port day but then the whole trip is not a normal b2b .It started in Hamburg ,so there are a lot of Germans aboard and in Halifax some passengers got off and some embarked for the two night trip to New York hence the formal ( there are 7 formals on this trip ) . It does give the trip a different feeling to other transatlantics ,not sure why. I suppose it's a way of getting more income from the German and Canadian Market.


We couldn't cope with a late night tonight so early to bed for us and we awoke the next day to calm seas and sun/ cloud on our way to New York.

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Yes, we also enjoyed Halifax and Peggy's Cove. Lovely weather too. Thursday also.


Yesterday in NY was very heavy mist/fog, followed by rain, followed by very hot sunny weather, followed by a thunderstorm when leaving. But we managed to dash out onto the top deck for the sail under the VZ bridge!


It was so strange at 4.30am yesterday (Friday) getting up to look out of the hull balcony and just seeing a blanket of grey! It was like someone had pulled a roller blind down.


We have a starboard room and our view all day long was of the Statue of Liberty to the left and the Manhattan skyscrapers to the right. The view from the port side of the ship - not so nice!

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Yes, we also enjoyed Halifax and Peggy's Cove. Lovely weather too. Thursday also.


Yesterday in NY was very heavy mist/fog, followed by rain, followed by very hot sunny weather, followed by a thunderstorm when leaving. But we managed to dash out onto the top deck for the sail under the VZ bridge!


It was so strange at 4.30am yesterday (Friday) getting up to look out of the hull balcony and just seeing a blanket of grey! It was like someone had pulled a roller blind down.


We have a starboard room and our view all day long was of the Statue of Liberty to the left and the Manhattan skyscrapers to the right. The view from the port side of the ship - not so nice!


Thank you for your vivid description, Ray. Off you go, out into the Atlantic…Please keep your commentary coming!

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Like Ray 66 said it was strange to wake up in thick fog/mist sailing into New York ,we had been awake early that night to repeated code alphas over the tanoy in the corridor referring to a cabin at the back and numerous medical staff racing down to the cabin. Heard no more about it but did see an ambulance come up to the ship and unfortunately also a black one so I have a feeling it might not have ended well for someone - very sad if that was the case.


We missed watching the sail in to New York as it is so lovely but you could hardly see the Statue of Liberty.As we were in transit it was easy to disembark and get through customs and we were off by 8.30 and waiting for our friend who was taking us around New York,we had been twice before but there is so much to see. It was still misty but very humid and we got torrential rain as we waited that continued through the morning.By the afternoon it was sunny and hot and humid and we enjoyed the sail away especially watching the dark clouds roll in again and seeing the thunder and lightning and seeing the mist roll in.


Fog continued through the night and I love hearing the fog horn with its mournful sound . This morning bright and sunny and very warm. We went to a lecture this morning with an aviation captain which was good followed by a quick walk on deck to see the dogs! full kennels this trip. An hour forward at midday that messes up lunch and formal tonight plus World Cup match Eng v Italy as well as the Senior officers party ,just too much to do !

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Thank you for the update on the code in the night. We were on Deck 10 and heard the faint announcements. So did others in our area. That sounds very unfortunate.

We had experienced another set of announcements during the Norwegian portion regarding a small smoke problem in the crew area at around 2am one morning. That was followed by Captain Oprey coming on half an hour later to explain why we had all been awakened. Apparently it was not too serious.

I hope that your crossing is smoother than the last two. Both had moments of heavy seas and winds.

Safe journey.

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How is your return to Southampton going? I was onboard from Southampton to Brooklyn. Now I'm having serious QM2 withdrawal.


The "Code Alpha's" early Friday morning were medical related? I figured the fire team was investigating a smoke sensor going off or something. It did keep me up before our foggy arrival into NYC.

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Hi Violetta - just to wish you a good return trip on my favourite ship - if you remember we finally met on the QE - (well in the luggage hall afterwards actually) - last year!


I have jumped ship :D (excuse the pun!) from Hertfordshire and now moved to Devon - where I see boats everyday from my window!! Loving it! :)

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Hi mysticalmother great to hear from you again.You are lucky to live by the sea ,we hope to move there one day.

This has been a lovely trip .We are now mid Atlantic with a slight swell and the weather is clearing up a little. Saw the spouts of two whales yesterday although too far to see them.

Sue Cook is aboard who English people will remember from Nationwide and her talks are quite interesting. We also have the director Wes Anderson on board with actors Tilda Swindon and Jason Schwartzman and they are showing film they are in and giving talks too.

The World Cup matches are being shown on board and we can even see them in the stateroom which pleased my husband !

We are off to Todd English for lunch today, it's our free one for finally getting to diamond status.

Don't really want to get off this wonderful ship.

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The weather is lovely this morning (Tuesday 10.20am ship time). The sea is very calm and looks like wavering blue ribbons.


We are finding having the clocks put forward one hour at noon quite inconvenient as suddenly it's 1pm and time for lunch. When we sailed to the Baltic the clocks went back one hour overnight.


We are aft on deck 4 and found the music from the ballroom/G32 very noisy last night. The first time it has really bothered us.

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How is your return to Southampton going? I was onboard from Southampton to Brooklyn. Now I'm having serious QM2 withdrawal.


The "Code Alpha's" early Friday morning were medical related? I figured the fire team was investigating a smoke sensor going off or something. It did keep me up before our foggy arrival into NYC.


Code A is always medical.

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Disembarked from her this am in Southampton and was in London by 1200. The longest delay I've experienced yet was at Victoria Coach Station to get a cab to our accommodations.


About the ship herself, I cannot say enough good things! The ship's company were unfailingly friendly and polite, and made this first crossing experience for Herself and me the gold standard against which every cruise we take in future will be measured. I'm thinking it's quite possible I met some of you during the transit but if there was a get-together in the daily program, I missed it.


I'll post something about my impressions and upload a bunch of onboard photos when we get home (Herself has journalled 17 or 18 pages to date) but for now I'm keeping things short as typing on the tablet is time-consuming.


The biggest problem? I didn't want to get off! Must cruise more, yes, we must, precious... :)


ETA: I'm curious now if I did cross paths with any of you? Herself and I were at table 222, in the Brittania dining room, first sitting - port side, upper level. On the formal nights I was wearing Royal Canadian Navy mess uniform, which may ring a bell...

Edited by Jackytar
fix spelling errors
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