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Maasdam: on the way, then "live from".


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Back at the port, in the terminal building, decided to log on and try uploading photos again. I hope there is actually one attached now...

There is. Congratulations! I really enjoy your writing style. Thank you!

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Well, for some reason I can’t find my previous thread..(?) titled “Maasdam: On the Way…..” I’m trying to keep my online time to the bare minimum on this “sea day” so I’ve written this installment in Word and will paste it in here. If anyone can figure out how to merge my threads, that would be great, or maybe if someone can find the original … you could just post the link to that one here? Sorry for being so lame!! Meanwhile, continuing with my trip report:


Sunday, Continued..


Got back from Quebec just in time for the rain to start. I was so lucky –my two taxi rides through the city had both been in sunny weather! And a short walk around the Chateau Laurier area – absolutely beautiful. Then as I returned to the ship, the rain started, and continued all afternoon. Lots of people were just leaving the ship as I arrived back (around noon) intending to spend their afternoon in Quebec City. I felt very good about having been out and about in the morning and back on the cozy ship now that the weather had turned.


Up to Lido for another Dive In hamburger. Just as delicious as yesterday! The wait (again, they give you a pager) is about 15 minutes, and totally worth it. Of course, this was a port day and there was not a big crowd at the Lido pool. It will be interesting to see tomorrow how long the lines will be at the Dive In on a “sea day”. I added some guacamole from the Mexican buffet right in front of the Dive In. Yum.

After reading for a while on the Lido pool deck I went back to the cabin to get ready for the thermal suite. Spent the next couple of hours relaxing in the hydro pool and lying on the heated ceramic chaise. Even though the view from the suite was grey and rainy, it was absolutely heavenly and incredibly relaxing.


Came out of the spa feeling ravenous so went to Explorations Café for a snack and a coffee. Caryl, the wonderful barista was there again, greeted me by name, and knew exactly what I wanted. Americano (decaf in the afternoon) with half and half. She ran to the kitchen for the cream again to make sure it was what I liked! What service! After the coffee and a couple of little tuna thingies form the Café, I went down to the wrap around deck on 7 and took a walk “in” the rain (the entire deck is covered). By the way, everywhere I go I note that the Maasdam is gleaming and beautiful. I make a point of thanking all the crew I pass polishing and washing things. Their hard work is keeping Maasdam in excellent shape and I appreciate it.


Dinner at the Lido Buffet. (My SO won’t believe this. On previous cruises I’ve always avoided the buffet, claiming that “I don’t wait in line for food”. We’ve always eaten in the Pinnacle or the MDR, or on Eurodam in the Asian restaurant whose name escapes me at the moment). I am finding out, as a solo cruiser, that the buffet is excellent! I had a New York Strip steak, done to my order, and a wonderful fresh salad (made up to my order – still no self service – I am hoping that will start tomorrow). Everything was delicious, and the staff on the Lido are so friendly and accommodating and cheerful. Still raining… My one complaint about the Lido is it always seems to be freezing cold in the restaurant! I was glad I had my hoodie and jacket with me and wore them all through dinner!


The show in the Showroom at Sea was “Unforgettable” with the production cast. They are very talented, and I really enjoyed the show. I love all those old songs. Perry Como! Elvis! It was really fun and some of the cast members have truly amazing voices. Before the 8 PM show the CD (Jeremy) did the traditional toast and they handed out free champagne to everyone. The captain was not introduced, however, and Jeremy explained that while the ship is in the river the Captain is expected to stay on the bridge. I guess it makes sense – when a big ship is navigating through a relatively narrow space in bad weather… ?

Jeremy announced that there are 150 children on board. I have not seen them.

Received two (count ‘em) phone calls in my stateroom. Both times the phone rang I was so curious! Being on the cruise alone and knowing nobody.. it was a bit jarring.. The first time it was the front office telling me they had reinstated 29 minutes of internet time that I had lost when the “logout” system hadn’t been working. (thank you!!) The second call was to ask my intention regarding the Mariner’s luncheon tomorrow. I had received two (count ‘em!) paper invitations to the lunch. The person on the phone said they would like to give me a medallion (the invitation also mentioned this) for my “loyalty”. I told them I intended to be at the lunch and thanks for the call. I guess they need to know how many medallions to bring to the dining room.

Turned in early again, but with turning the clocks forward it wasn’t THAT early… we crossed into another time zone on our way to Prince Edward Island.



Up at dawn again, but today “dawn” was not as impressive due to the cloud cover still hanging on as we go northeast. I did go up on deck around 6 AM but it was very cold and damp outside. Took my Kindle to the Lido and sat at a table in Canaletto (the best chairs are to be found there J) and read until 7 when Explorations opened. There was Caryl again! All smiles as usual! And of course within seconds I had my Americano WITH half n half J I asked Caryl about herself and she left her boyfriend and family in the Phillipines, where she was a barista at Starbucks – only two weeks ago! It was her dream to work on a cruise ship, and now here she is. She (like most of the crew) Skypes with her family on port days when they have free Wifi at the cruise terminals. I can’t help but wonder how different it was 20 years ago for the crew members from the Philippines and Indonesia. At least technology makes it so much easier now to stay in touch!

I had received a $50 drink card the first day (A summer promotion I think. I also received $50 on board credit from my TA). Since I’m not really drinking any alcohol on this cruise (seems sad to drink alone, and helps with the low-carb intentions as well)… I expect my bill at the end to be lean! YAY! The drink card will cover my coffee habit almost completely, and the credit will help toward what I’ve already spent for the thermal suite pass. I intend to use the cash I’m “saving” to tip my wonderful room stewards, Caryl in the Explorations, and whomever else I feel a personal connection with on the staff by the end of the week. My SO is always a generous tipper and will seek out our Pinnacle wait staff, and anyone else we know by name at the end of a cruise and I’ve picked up on this habit. I really want to show these wonderful people a lot of appreciation. They are what make HAL a very special cruise line. Last fall on Celebrity – on an 11 night cruise – I left not even knowing the name of my cabin steward. I don’t think we ever saw him! Not that he did a bad job, but the personal connection was not there. In contrast , Wilet, on this cruise, greets me by name and sincerely asks if I need anything, at least twice a day! J


I had ordered room service breakfast for 8 - 8:30 AM today and got back to the room by 7:45, remembering that it had come early yesterday, and sure enough, at 7:50 the knock came and my steaming hot breakfast was delivered. Bacon and eggs were hot, yogurt and berries cold. I was a little disappointed that a different server brought breakfast today because, speaking of tipping, I had not given yesterday’s server anything and intended to get him at the end of the cruise, assuming he’d be back every day… now that I see it could be random, I scrambled to give today’s server the rest of my loonies and toonies from yesterday, and will have cash ready each morning now.


After breakfast I settled in to get a little work done (perfect time for it since there is nothing to see outside!) and received another phone call.. this time it was someone asking if I had received my breakfast and how was it? I was very pleased to tell them that I had received it and it was perfect! A few minutes later there was another knock and someone collected my tray! Wow! How very nice is that. I don’t like having the used dishes just sitting around, so was very pleasantly surprised by this! Then I realized that they probably always do this, but I’m not usually in the cabin so didn’t know it! Anyway.. it’s nice.



BTW for the person who asked yesterday, I am oblivious to sports.. and haven't heard anything around the ship, sorry.

Any other questions about Maasdam I'd be happy to try to find out for you if I don't already know.


Okay, back to the thermal suite. I have such a hard life. J

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...My kind of girl - to travel is to be willing to "go with the flow" and accept the hiccups (like your late bus ride) and go forward. It gets tiring listening to people moan and groan over every non-perfect moment.


It's much more fun just accepting the odd things and looking forward to the next. I'd be willing to travel with you ANY day! (Said by a woman who is taking a cruise next year with a slightly persnickety sister.)...


Just a note. This is the ideal way to travel and says what we waned to say on a Nile cruise many years ago. The only things that happened in accordance with our itinerary were the flights to and from Cairo. Everything else was a mess, but we eventually saw everything and loved the "ad hoc" nature of the experience.


Now back to the well written original thread by Moriah.

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Well, for some reason I can’t find my previous thread..(?) titled “Maasdam: On the Way…..” I’m trying to keep my online time to the bare minimum on this “sea day” so I’ve written this installment in Word and will paste it in here. If anyone can figure out how to merge my threads, that would be great...


The two threads are now merged. (I love reading these "real time" journals, especially one as well written as this one.)

Edited by Host Walt
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Monday, Continued. (Spa, more spa, formal night, solo notes, and etc.)


First – a correction to my post from Quebec City. I wrote that I was sitting at a Starbucks across from the Frontenac hotel. Actually it was the Chateau Laurier, in a different part of town from the Frontenac. Sorry!! Quebec City is not that big, and I’ve spent quite a bit of time there (previous cruise, plus a weekend I drove up there with SO), and got confused.


Well, I think I left off yesterday when I settled in for the morning to get some work done. I was up early, and very aware that it was now the start of the work week, and as I mentioned earlier, I had not told my clients and colleagues I was “gone”. I, quite literally, sneaked away onto this ship! I did as much as I could offline, then logged on briefly when I needed to send something or check correspondence or go online to check something for a report. It’s much more comfortable to work in an internet environment, of course, but I made the on again off again work for me well enough. I had delegated a lot before I left. So around 10:30 AM I decided to close my eyes “for 20 minutes”.

THEN IT WAS 1:00!!!! I must have been much more exhausted than I thought! I never nap! Okay, so the good news is - I took a nap. The bad news is – I slept through my Roll Call Meet n’ Greet at 11, AND the Mariner’s lunch to which I had been invited 3 times (two paper, one phone) and promised I would attend was starting NOW.


While my cabin may be not be dark, it is definitely QUIET!! There is no other way to explain my feeling of being in a capsule far from reality, and it being so easy (too easy) to sleep!

I decided not to scurry around and get dressed to go to the luncheon. (I had been working – and sleeping - in half a pair of jammies), and instead just got ready slowly and ended up at the Lido again. I suppose they will find a way to give me my medallion, but if not, I’ll try go to the lunch on my next cruise (Alaska in September)

I bet you can’t guess what I had for lunch! Yes, a burger from the Dive-In. Decided to go for the regular cheeseburger since I was a bit baconed-out from breakfast and it was really really good! It’s a sea day so the Lido pool was fairly crowded but the crowd was sedate (although cheerful) and I still did not see any sign of the reported 150 children on board! The Hal Cats played by the pool again, and again I have to mention – they sound good! I often find that the “music” by the pool is just noise (probably more to do with the acoustics than any lack of talent, but still), but this cruise I’ve really enjoyed it! It doesn’t seem too loud and it adds to the pool-party atmosphere! Good job Hal Cats!

By 2:30 PM I was in the Thermal Suite, and there I stayed for the next 2 hours. SO delightful! I felt a little self-conscious checking my mail on my phone every half hour. It’s not really an environment for devices, but as mentioned, it’s a work day, and I knew I couldn’t relax unless I at least glanced to see if someone something from me urgently. I did this by logging on to the ship’s internet for literally less than a minute each time – just waiting for my mail to download – and then switching it off. It was still a very wonderful 2 hours of alternating between soaking in the hydro-pool and baking on the heated ceramic. I should mention for those who have been on the Vista ships and/or Eurodam or N. Amsterdam that the hydropool on Maasdam is the size of a small hot tub and is in the same room with the heated lounges. I actually like this. While the big hydropool on the larger ships is wonderful, I love having it all right in one location and it being so easy to go back and forth. Around 4:45 I noticed that for the first time all 5 lounges were taken, so I decided it was time to go. I didn’t want someone to come in and see no vacant chair when I’d been there 2 hours already…

Leaving the spa, as I went to pick up my key at the spa desk, I noticed they had specials posted – and I decided on impulse to try the $89 sampler. They had availablitiy at 5:30 which was just a short wait. Three 20 minute treatments in a row. I chose facial, back and neck massage, and scalp massage. Aaaaahhhh… just lovely. I always mention at the start of a treatment that I am not interested in product but would like to enjoy the treatment without much conversation. They are always very respectful of this request, and I always tip well. I realize that it adds greatly to their income if we do purchase product during/after a service, but it’s just not what I want, and I’ve learned to speak up. I do use one of the Elemis products and have for years – ever since my first HAL cruise – Elemis Collagen Marine Face Cream. It’s very very very good. And I usually buy one jar on each cruise. Well, I happened to mention this as part of my “please no chit chat” speech, and my darling masseuse said, “oh no, I think we are out of it!” What? It’s only Monday! I usually buy it at the end of the cruise! She ran out and came back with a jar of it marked “Display”. We made sure it had never been opened, and she put it aside for me to purchase. Apparently there are newer products, more popular ones, and this one is being phased out!???

The “sampler” treatment was delightful. I especially enjoyed the facial part and might return later this week for the full facial monty. I wish I could remember her name – I’ll let you know later – facials are her specialty and while the massages she gave me were nice too, the facial was something special – I have had many but I felt that after 20 minutes of this I looked like I’d had a face-lift! Can’t beat that, right?

So, leaving the spa (finally!), at around 7 PM, I was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, hair greasy from the massage, and carrying my bathing suit and a few other sundries in my arms, and got into the elevator on 11 near the spa. Have I mentioned it’s Formal Night? Nobody in the elevator. Good. We stop at deck 10 on the way down, and then it happens. Four people (two couples) looking absolutely drop dead GORGEOUS in their eveningwear enter the elevator. I say ‘oh just ignore me – you all look so wonderful – just pretend I’m not here!’. Honestly, when you are dressed for formal night and in that festive fancy mood on your way to dinner, you probably really don’t want some drowned-rat looking person coming from the spa standing next to you. But these people were just so sweet and gracious and not at all put out. I hope they all had a fabulous evening! It’s funny when you’ve been on a lot of cruises, you realize how many different ways there are to do it. On cruises with my SO, or even with friends, it’s so different and the rhythm of the ‘schedule’ you keep is so different. I’m just flowing to a different rhythm on this solo cruise, and enjoying it more with each day that passes… So anyway, escaping from the elevator (and the hallways filled with more gorgeous dressed-up people) I ducked into my cabin for a quick shower and then headed (dressed casually but much better than before) up to the Lido to get something to eat before dinner ended. Salmon (excellent!) and a big salad (my usual - I love that self-service is finally allowed starting today.) and some good cabbage dish that I tried just a bit of and then went back for a little more it was so good.

Wilet, my cabin steward, has been absolutely amazing. I’ve never had a steward so visible and available. I almost wish I needed him for something, LOL. He’s always asking if he can do something… and after my first requests on embarkation day, there really hasn’t been anything I can ask him to do. I love that he remembers my little quirks. I always save the flowers from my breakfast tray and put the little vase in the bathroom – I just think it brightens things up. Yesterday he switched the day-before flowers to today’s flowers. He noticed that I sleep with two blankets (I keep the cabin cool at night), so he took the blanket off the other bed and put two together in one duvet cover). There are other things too, and it’s nice to be noticed and “known”. I don’t know how they do it. He has about a million other guests and cabins to take care of.

I had planned to go to the magician/comic show, but was sooooo relaxed it didn’t draw me in, so after stopping to see Caryl at the Explorations and having a decaf, I decided to call it a night and read in the cabin. I was asleep before 10 again.


Cloudy as we sail into Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. I’m glad it’s a port day. Yesterday was excellent, but I’m ready to get off the ship for a while. I’m back in the Explorations, writing this up before I log on to post. Breakfast was hot and delicious as usual and arrived at exactly 6 AM. Now it’s 7 and Caryl is getting my strong Americano ready. (one of my very few “complaints” would be that room service coffee is not drinkable – but that’s just me, and admittedly, I’m a bit of a coffee snob…)

Hope I haven’t forgotten any important detail. Thanks for reading this “journal”, and let me know if you have any Maasdam questions.

I'll try to post more photos when I get to free internet on PEI.

(Thanks to the mod who merged my threads!)

Edited by Moriah
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Tuesday: Charlottetown, PEI


Tuesday morning (yesterday) I spent my usual time up on deck in the early AM, but I could already tell it was going to be a muggy, cloudy day.. We docked at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island and I went back to the cabin to meet my breakfast, which, as usual, was hot, on time (or a little before) and delivered with a smile. I noted “extra crispy” bacon X 2 on my order form left on the doorknob last night, and received a huge pile of crispy bacon. Yum! Also, my usual bowl of berries and Greek Yogurt. After the already reported half hour at Explorations I went ashore to the terminal building and worked using the free wifi there for about 3 hours and got a lot done. At 11 AM I went back on board to drop off my laptop and get some lunch (yes, Dive In again..) Then back outside to meet the group going to the Musical “Anne and Gilbert” done by a local troupe that has apparently toured Canada to rave reviews. I bought the ticket last night on an impulse by calling the shore excursion desk and was told that we would be walking to the theater which was only a 10 minute walk from the ship. That sounded perfect to me. Meeting time 12 noon. What I was not told is that this is actually a tour. I found out AFTER meeting the group at 12 that the production begins at 1:30 (!) PM, so the 90 minutes before that you walk SLOWLY through town with a guide who tells you lots of stories and history. I had already toured Charlottetown on a previous cruise so wasn’t that interested in the slow walk, but the people were delightful, and although the weather was drizzly, it was very pleasant. Our guide, local resident Linda, was very knowledgeable and clearly loves “her” island and town. Hard for someone like me (a fast walking and let’s-go-already kind of person) to do a 10 minute walk in an hour, but I managed J The musical was very good! The acting, singing, and dancing was wonderful and I enjoyed every minute of it! (well, every minute I stayed for) At intermission I found out it was to end after 4, and we’d then have to hurry hurry back to the ship for the all aboard. All aboard was at 4:30, and as said, it’s only a 10 minute walk to the theater, but still, I wanted a little more time out and about… so I left at intermission. I’ve no doubt the second half was just as delightful, but I enjoyed what I saw and then also enjoyed an hour just ambling about in Charlottetown, including going to a local coffee shop full of locals and cruisers with their laptops, along the lovely pedestrian mall. Very nice.


It was lightly raining as I made my way back to the Maasdam. Back to the cabin to suit up for the thermal suite. Uh-oh. At this point I discover…toilet in cabin not working. On the way to the spa I stopped at the main office on deck 7 to report the malfunctioning toilet and noted that I hoped they could send the plumber in the next couple of hours while I was out. They assured me it would be done. (And no, I had not deposited anything in the toilet other than the allowed toilet paper and I’m even careful not to overdo that!)


Up at the spa, the thermal suite was JUMPING! Wait, this isn’t the disco.. what’s going on? There were people coming and going and talking and even yelling… so many of them! Even out on the balcony in front of the heated lounges there were people gathered. (How do they get out there? I didn’t know there was access from anyplace but the TS?) The hydrotherapy pool was full of folks, and of course the heated chaise lounges were all taken. I waited a few seconds and someone vacated a lounge. I looked at the people in the pool thinking they must be in line for it, but they all motioned me to go ahead and take it, so I did. I tried to relax but with all the “traffic” it was hard. I gave up my chair around 5:30, soaked briefly in one of the hot tubs near the Lido pool, and then headed back to the cabin to take a shower.


Toilet still not working. While I was in the shower, someone knocked on the door. I turned off the water and shouted that I was in the shower, and they shouted back something I didn’t understand… I finished quickly and got dressed and out and then ran into my cabin steward and he said he knew about the toilet and mine wasn’t the only one and they would have it fixed before I got back from dinner.


Up to the Lido for my usual wonderful salad and some brisket (very good). Then to Explorations Café for some after dinner coffee and more browsing in the library. I also went online using the ship’s wifi to check on the work I’d done this morning and sent off to the client. I decided to relax in the Explorations for a while and give them plenty of time to take care of the plumbing…


Around 7:30 I went back to the cabin and sure enough, all fixed. J

At the Showroom at Sea at 8 PM the production cast put on a great show called GOODE. I really enjoyed it. The humor, the dancing, and the singing, were (IMHO) all great. It’s not Broadway, people, but it IS a group of wonderfully talented young people who do their utmost to give us an enjoyable and entertaining evening on the ship, and I think they do a great job.


“G’night!” Lights out in Moriah’s inside cabin at 10 PM.


Wednesday: Sydney, Nova Scotia


Nothing too interesting to report today. Same old same old routine that I’ve come to love! More work in the cruise terminal today and.. a little shopping… bought my SO (yes, I saw that someone asked, and that means Significant Other in old fashioned Internet Acronym Language. My gay friends use “partner”, unless they are married, “boyfriend” sounds like we are 16, which we are considerably past. I don’t particularly like the term “significant other” – I actually think it sounds ridiculous… but what else is there? To tell you the truth when talking I often just say “husband”. Nobody has asked for our marriage certificate yet. But when I’m typing I usually use SO… okay that’s more explanation than you asked for on that!”) so as I was saying I bought my SO (who thankfully never looks at CC) a gift here in Sydney. On a trip to Sedona last year we both fell in love with bolo ties, and I got him a one of a kind pounded silver one there. Today they had petrified wood bolo ties – very interesting, again one of a kind, and not the kind of thing you see everywhere… anyway, I got one and hope it will remain hidden until Christmas, or at least his birthday, which is earlier in December. Hmmm... I hope I don’t break down and give it to him earlier… OR forget I bought it and/or hide it so well even I don’t know where it is!! Anyway, it’s pretty cool and I think he’ll like it.


So.. other than that little bit of shopping, and the work I did this morning, and my lunch in the Lido… it’s been a quiet day. Now up to the Thermal Suite for more relaxing. Thanks for reading!

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