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Disgusted Cruiser

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I'm just sitting here wondering how to supercharge my mobility scooter so I can mow down all of those rich under 60's on my next cruise......


But wait, I'm under 60 and I don't ride a mobility scooter....


Not to worry, I have lots of friends I've met on cruises who are over sixty and a couple even have mobility scooters - perhaps they'd let me modify theirs!




You'll be good to go - just don't cruise Carnival - they obviously don't want us :D as their "representative" has blatantly pointed out ;)

Edited by dizzy1948
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On my last Carnival cruise that I convinced friends to come with the ship was basically a floating retirement home and unfortunately some of them made it very uncomfortable for them, saying that we weren't welcome and that cruising is only for old people and that we shouldn't have went ,I kid you not! This was the complete opposite of Carnival cruise in March though which was much more family orientated.


The comments didn't bother me as I have done loads of cruises and know what it's all about, but for the people I had convinced to come to hear that on the first day is not a good first impression to make that I had convinced them to do a holiday only for old people. It annoyed me that they would say such a thing on a Carnival cruise as well, which is generally marketed not towards seniors! Maybe if it were a Seabourne cruise I would have taken it as a fair comment :p


I read over on the Celebrity boards that they want to start marketing their cruises towards the 20's-30's couples getaway and lose their image as an older person line because they think this would be a more lucrative market for the company and give them a point of difference to other competitors in the premium market. This was said by someone who apparently spoke to the Captains Club host on the Summit which is meant to be the ship they are trialling all the new initiatives on, so it could be a complete load of BS it isn't factual or anything. :rolleyes:


We all know how quickly rumours spread on a ship :eek:

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On my last Carnival cruise that I convinced friends to come with the ship was basically a floating retirement home and unfortunately some of them made it very uncomfortable for them, saying that we weren't welcome and that cruising is only for old people and that we shouldn't have went ,I kid you not! This was the complete opposite of Carnival cruise in March though which was much more family orientated.


The comments didn't bother me as I have done loads of cruises and know what it's all about, but for the people I had convinced to come to hear that on the first day is not a good first impression to make that I had convinced them to do a holiday only for old people. It annoyed me that they would say such a thing on a Carnival cruise as well, which is generally marketed not towards seniors! Maybe if it were a Seabourne cruise I would have taken it as a fair comment :p


I read over on the Celebrity boards that they want to start marketing their cruises towards the 20's-30's couples getaway and lose their image as an older person line because they think this would be a more lucrative market for the company and give them a point of difference to other competitors in the premium market. This was said by someone who apparently spoke to the Captains Club host on the Summit which is meant to be the ship they are trialling all the new initiatives on, so it could be a complete load of BS it isn't factual or anything. :rolleyes:


We all know how quickly rumours spread on a ship :eek:


Bit like a rock and a hard place - Carnival don't want "oldies" but will take the money - hey, cruising is cruising, I'm no expert - but ships that have climbing walls, big fun slides - tell me that perhaps that's not for me - once upon a time it was - I look for the lawn bowls and shuffle board now :rolleyes:

I certainly wouldn't object to a cruiseline being "age specific" (I'm sure that's not politically correct) for certain cruises - and why not if that's what they want - I spend my money where I want to spend it - when I want to spend it. What I don't like is some numpty like Cruisecool - a paid servant of Carnival - coming on here trying to be the "VOICE of CARNIVAL"

Edited by dizzy1948
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On my last Carnival cruise that I convinced friends to come with the ship was basically a floating retirement home and unfortunately some of them made it very uncomfortable for them, saying that we weren't welcome and that cruising is only for old people and that we shouldn't have went ,I kid you not! This was the complete opposite of Carnival cruise in March though which was much more family orientated.


The comments didn't bother me as I have done loads of cruises and know what it's all about, but for the people I had convinced to come to hear that on the first day is not a good first impression to make that I had convinced them to do a holiday only for old people. It annoyed me that they would say such a thing on a Carnival cruise as well, which is generally marketed not towards seniors! Maybe if it were a Seabourne cruise I would have taken it as a fair comment :p


I read over on the Celebrity boards that they want to start marketing their cruises towards the 20's-30's couples getaway and lose their image as an older person line because they think this would be a more lucrative market for the company and give them a point of difference to other competitors in the premium market. This was said by someone who apparently spoke to the Captains Club host on the Summit which is meant to be the ship they are trialling all the new initiatives on, so it could be a complete load of BS it isn't factual or anything. :rolleyes:


We all know how quickly rumours spread on a ship :eek:


I will tell you what if that was me that they said it to I would have responded right back at them and told them what I thought. One thing I cannot tolerate is bullies.


I could have easily started a very civil conversation and told them the elderly should not be cruising as they are too high risk and too slow and feeble if there were an emergency. I would reiterate a ship is a dangerous place for someone of their age and they were inconveniencing others by being a burden to them. I could go on but lets just say I would easily have turned the tables on them if they had said it to me and I would not hold back either. I hate bullies and I hate people that are rude to others and I am not afraid to put them in their place.

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As a 67 year old male, I have just completed the Sydney City to Surf run. Some figures that I found interesting about the run this year are the number of elderly finishers.

M60-69 ----1375







Of couse, as in all the other younger age groups, there were also a large number of non-finishers. But it is said:



COMING LAST BEATS DID NOT FINISH- but even more importantly









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All I am saying is that cruises have become infiltrated by older people.


Definition of "Infiltrate"


"to enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information"


I love a good conspiracy theory. The Grey Army is obviously on the attack!!





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Definition of "Infiltrate"


"to enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information"


I love a good conspiracy theory. The Grey Army is obviously on the attack!!






We shall recruit the young and gullible !


We shall brainwash them into devoting their lifetime in pursuit of ageing.


Our cunning plan is that they shall eventually replace us and keep the movement going forever ;)

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I think the original poster has a point.


They should have a cruise line just for the under 30's.


Only those whom are totally beautiful & awesome can cruise.


If you have any body fat forget it. Your off the ship. Is you hair and body not perfect? We don't want you. Got kids? We don't like you either. Don't wear designer clothes (OMG) UR so not one of us! Have a responsible job and have actually grown up. We don't like you either.


Are you totally self obsessed & can't resist taking selfies all the time to post to your 9 million Facebook & twitter followers your in!





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Oh I forgot. No one is perfect and if they think they are then they are totally obnoxious and not the type of person whom accepts others for whom they are.


It really is very sad that people can be so rude and discrimatory against people due to their age.


Judge a person based on whom they are inside and not what your perceived view is based on their age, gender, race or looks.


To accept all makes you a lot better person than one whom judges.


Cruising is for all and not just one demographic.



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I will repeat this again.


I have found cruise passengers getting younger in recent years.


I have 12 years of cruise history and use all my annual leave on a cruise holiday. When I started there were more elderly cruising. Now days there are more younger people finally starting to enjoy a cruise.

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This person who is so concerned about age, I wonder how she will be travelling in years to come. A person with an attitude of ageism doesn't belong in the travel industry.

It's a free country and people can choose where to spend their travel dollars. Cruiselines have different styles to appeal to all ages. Anyway age doesn't always dictate how you choose either.

The older I am getting the more I like Carnival after years of Holland America. I like the fun vibe.


I think Carnival as a corporation is the most profitable cruise co. because it is very diversified in its fleets with Holland America, Princess, Seabourn, Carnival, Costa etc. Large ships, small ships, river ships, adventure ships.... something for everybody.


Maybe older people have more time and money. There is a lot of inventory out there and prices are lower to fill them. After 2008 crash a lot of people who were expected to retire couldn't afford to. So ships fill up with who can and will.

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I don't know how to edit when using tapatalk. I didn't mean Carnival re river cruises.



I was about to ask about river cruises, but what about small ships every line seems to be going to these mega ships.

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I don't know how to edit when using tapatalk. I didn't mean Carnival re river cruises.


is that 'cause YOU ARE OLD lettienets???? :p Are you getting too old to post as well as cruise maybe ;) :D??? I am sure the OP will be back to remind you of your shortfallings and blame it on your age!!!! :)

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I came across this quote today reportedly from Shane Gibbons, business development manager for Carnival Cruise Lines Australia.

“The perception used to be that it’s for the older demographic. P&O were seen as ‘party’ ships, while Princess was for 55-plus and there was nothing in-between – this is no longer the case. People in their 20s and 30s are regulars and the demographic age has dropped. I’ve worked in cruising for nearly 15 years, but there’s a definite excitement about the industry right now, especially in Australasia.”


Not all singing from the same Hymn sheet at Carnival.:D

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I have cruised for 12 years since I was 20 years old and noticed some dramatic changes in the whole industry including the demographics.


I think over time more younger people have been doing cruises opposed to less.


As for older people there will come a time when they are no longer fit to travel at all. My grandparents for example are finding the cost of getting travel insurance as well as old age health problems is preventing them from travel. The chances of passengers over 80 these days is getting rare particularly if the cruise involves a flight. If the cruise does involve a flight then the age demographic is lower.


The issues I have taken main exception to is the financial cut backs of what used to be for free and then they give them back to you and charge a fee.


It is probably true that Australians are not brand loyal. Most Australians would not be able to tell apart the likes of Princess from Carnival.


I am now in my 30's and enjoy cruising and will continue to do so for many years. I spend all of my annual leave each year on a cruise ship and that has made me in the top loyalty levels of many lines clubs.


I too have been disappointed by some things done by cruise lines in recent years. The GFC hit many lines hard, there are some passenger types that are starting to cruise that are completely ruining the tradition of cruising in my opinion. The last thing I want to see on a cruise ship is the singlet top, thongs brigade with feet on seats turning a trendy place into a yobbo hangout.


So when it comes to the elderly versus the yobbos I would rather be on a cruise with the elderly. Provided the elderly are not yobbos.



OMG........I actually agree with what you have written! :eek:

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I came across this quote today reportedly from Shane Gibbons, business development manager for Carnival Cruise Lines Australia.

“The perception used to be that it’s for the older demographic. P&O were seen as ‘party’ ships, while Princess was for 55-plus and there was nothing in-between – this is no longer the case. People in their 20s and 30s are regulars and the demographic age has dropped. I’ve worked in cruising for nearly 15 years, but there’s a definite excitement about the industry right now, especially in Australasia.”


Not all singing from the same Hymn sheet at Carnival.:D


perhaps because of this announcement the OP felt they would stir the pot.:rolleyes:

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Come in spinners! I think you may have been part of the great Australian sport of "Ant stirring". As a young person (I was once!) in the country, much fun could be had by poking a stick into an ants nest, then standing back to watch all the ants run about looking for the "attacker". Something like what has happened here. Quiet day on the forums, so maybe Cruisercool though they would raise a few comments?

It has been fun watching everyone run about commenting!




LOL, I too think someone was bored! Dammit, I have been sitting on my hands 'til I have cramps, but I just have to give in.:cool::D


As some would consider me one of those selfish 'elderly infiltrators' and whose body may look it, but who's really 30 inside, :rolleyes: I feel sorry for the OP. When he/she becomes 'elderly' however will he/she cope? I shudder to think.


I think it is time we all found some patience, tolerance and respect for each other whether young, old or in between. Then the world would be a happier place. Oh, and don't forget a generous dollop of humour - it really helps, believe me. :D:p


(Oh yes, I'm cruising on Pacific Dawn on Saturday week. Hmmm, I wonder if the ship will be full of those darn young whippersnappers, whooping it up, partying, running around and trying to knock my feet from under me - thankfully, I don't need a zimmer frame QUITE yet.)


Just kidding folks. May you all enjoy your cruises! :)

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Disclosure: this is a rant, as such if you feel you will be offended, leave this page now and don't read on.


To begin with, I am disgusted with what the cruise industry in Australia has come to and the future is bleak. I have been on 6 cruises my first being in 2005 on the Sapphire Princess. I have also been working in the industry for a number of years. In 9 years, the cruising demographics have changed considerably, I fear for the worst. There has been a mass infiltration of the elderly older demographic in all cruise lines. Having worked with carnival cruise lines, it originally was a younger and family demographic and now it has drastically changed to have a large proportion of older people. It is drastically worse on Princess Cruises which is almost like a nursing home aboard, let alone holland america and world cruises. Even other lines like Royal Caribbean and Celebrity are very much the same case. It is true that the Austrlians are not brand loyal, and price seams to determine how you cruise. It is evident in Carnival Cruises now. This situation is in the whole australian market and is putting off first time cruisers for life. It sickens when people complain about carnival, when they are paying cheaper and expecting a princess product and complaining about young people. I have experienced this first hand. I understand it is affordable, but by the end of the decade, I fear it will only be 100% old people cruising. This will inevitably lead to the cruise industry essentially 'dying out.'


Again this is my own view, not reflecting any of the companies I have mentioned.




Age is only a number....not a death sentence......enjoying yourself and mixing with fellow passengers on any cruise line is one of the greatest pleasure in life irrespective of age......enjoying yourself is optional whatever age you are.......does one think once you hit 60 all you need is a kerosine heater and slippers....think again you will be that quicker than you think.....dont generalise and make ridiculous observations



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