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CSI: NA Reloaded (Nieuw Amsterdam 11/30 to 12/14/14)


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Cruz Chic -


I ran into Arman, our wine steward from three weeks ago, as I passed through the Lido this afternoon. He said to tell you hello. For those of you who didn't read the first CSI:NA, Arman is an excellent wine steward. If there was a Holland America Wine Steward Hall of Fame, Arman would make it in on the first ballot.


Not to take anything from our current wine steward, Dominic, who is quite good, but Arman was great. I think Cruz Chic would agree, and she's not an easy grader. ;)

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Don't get too excited. It's not going to be new material, since we'll be home. It will simply be recaps and reviews. We'll try to keep it exciting, but at the end of the day, it's still going to be leftovers.


I LOVE leftovers - and am especially looking forward to yours :D

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Here's tomorrow's On Location. It's a Sea Day.




I do have to warn you though. We still don't get our hour back, and we're entering Crisis Mode*. We'll try to keep the posting up, and maybe even get some additional Christmas decoration photos posted.


*Our last two bottles of wine are headed to dinner tonight. We have one bottle of Champagne in the on-deck circle, but that's it. I guess we'll be sampling the Admiral's Package 3 Bottle Selection to round out the cruise.


Have a great evening!

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You MUST get a photo or two of that Chocolate Ball dessert thingy! Before and during the melt!!


Please! For Ruth and me!!


7 more days! YAY!!!!!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!!".

What I want to know is if you can smuggle one off the ship. I'll meet you on the other side of Customs. ;)

Edited by RuthC
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Here's tomorrow's On Location. It's a Sea Day.




I do have to warn you though. We still don't get our hour back, and we're entering Crisis Mode*. We'll try to keep the posting up, and maybe even get some additional Christmas decoration photos posted.


*Our last two bottles of wine are headed to dinner tonight. We have one bottle of Champagne in the on-deck circle, but that's it. I guess we'll be sampling the Admiral's Package 3 Bottle Selection to round out the cruise.


Have a great evening!


My guess is that you'll get that hour back soon :D:p;).

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Cruz Chic -


I ran into Arman, our wine steward from three weeks ago, as I passed through the Lido this afternoon. He said to tell you hello. For those of you who didn't read the first CSI:NA, Arman is an excellent wine steward. If there was a Holland America Wine Steward Hall of Fame, Arman would make it in on the first ballot.


Not to take anything from our current wine steward, Dominic, who is quite good, but Arman was great. I think Cruz Chic would agree, and she's not an easy grader. ;)


I'm not an easy marker. I think he's the best one I've ever encountered. The wine service on the NA on the whole was the best I've had on any ship. I hope this is a sign of things to come. I'm looking forward to my yet to be booked Panama canal cruise in 2016 on the NA.

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"Yes! Yes! Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!!".

What I want to know is if you can smuggle one off the ship. I'll meet you on the other side of Customs. ;)


Get two: I'll be right behind her!


You two are so bad, have you been reading Joanie's thread about the chocolate purses?:D:eek::D

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You two are so bad, have you been reading Joanie's thread about the chocolate purses?:D:eek::D

I've had my share (more than my share :D) of those delicious desserts over the years. Wish that HAL would bring them back for regular appearances.

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I miss cappuccino bombs. Some say they've had them fairly recently but it's been years since I saw them on a dessert menu.



There's a pretty decent substitute, but it's in pie form. It's on the menu for tomorrow (formal) night, along with Florida Lobster. DW and Cruz Chic had the cappuccino pie - or was it espresso? - a few weeks ago. Anyway, Chandra says that it's back for tomorrow night.


I'll make sure to get the correct name as well as an assessment from someone who really (and I do mean really) likes the coffee/chocolate combo.

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We had a very fine dinner in the MDR Thursday night. We managed to take some reasonably acceptable food photos, but since they're on my phone, they won't be available until we reach American shores on Sunday.


I'll fill you in on the details later, when we get the scanned menus posted. The Department of Scanning Things has the evening off. (They're a union shop, and we have to abode by certain work rules.)


In the meantime, let me tell you about Date Night. I know what you're thinking... Poohby Joe's Champagne & Chocolates in the boudoir was cute, but please don't veer into the realm of "Too Much Information." Sorry folks. I know this is a family website and all, but it's time you learn the cold, hard (or warm, sticky) truth.


Our cheese plates had honest to goodness dates on them tonight. These were Deglet Noor dates, not Medjool. (And most certainly not prunes.)


"How do I know?", you ask, Well, this isn't my first date night. (I crack me up. :) )


Sorry for burying the lede, but we have secured Melting Chocolate Balls for Saturday night. We will do our best to get you hot, melting, chocolate action photos. Maybe even some sultry fork-on-plate action shots.


I think that about does it for tonight. See you in the morning.


DW keeps telling everyone how great the melting chocolate ball is. I fear that this will make it very difficult to smuggle off enough for everyone. :D

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In the meantime, let me tell you about Date Night. I know what you're thinking... Poohby Joe's Champagne & Chocolates in the boudoir was cute, but please don't veer into the realm of "Too Much Information." Sorry folks. I know this is a family website and all, but it's time you learn the cold, hard (or warm, sticky) truth.




I need to get my head out of the gutter, but methinks the Institute of Cheers is freaking hilarious and pun-ey.

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In the meantime, let me tell you about Date Night. I know what you're thinking... Poohby Joe's Champagne & Chocolates in the boudoir was cute, but please don't veer into the realm of "Too Much Information." Sorry folks. I know this is a family website and all, but it's time you learn the cold, hard (or warm, sticky) truth.




I need to get my head out of the gutter, but methinks the Institute of Cheers is freaking hilarious and pun-ey.


Couldn't have said it better!! :D

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There's a pretty decent substitute, but it's in pie form. It's on the menu for tomorrow (formal) night, along with Florida Lobster. DW and Cruz Chic had the cappuccino pie - or was it espresso? - a few weeks ago. Anyway, Chandra says that it's back for tomorrow night.


I'll make sure to get the correct name as well as an assessment from someone who really (and I do mean really) likes the coffee/chocolate combo.


I think it was espresso. That dessert was the best dessert I've had in a very long while. It didn't make a reappearance on my second week:(. It was a big piece too by hal standards.

Edited by cruz chic
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On this Day in History - December 12th - Hear that sucking sound? Feel that tugging at your wallet? Today in 1800, Washington D.C. was established as the Capital of the United States.


I know that this post comes awfully early on a Sea Day, but nothing makes one leap out of bed like the triumphant high you feel when you receive a prune-free, absolutely correct-according-to-the-menu cheese plate. There's smile on my face and a song in my heart.


Tonight is our final formal night of the cruise. An interesting observation: So far, on every formal night - and this will actually be our sixth one in a month - there have been poppyseed rolls in the bread basket. Huskerchick loves poppyseed rolls, poppyseed bagels, lemon poppyseed cake, you name it. She's one poppyseed loving lady. This means that every formal night, we're sitting at the table as the ship's photographers* make their rounds, and we have this conversation:


Huskerchick: "Do I have anything in my teeth?"


Me: "You just ate a poppyseed roll. What do you think?"


DW: "Where are the seeds?"


Me: "Between your two front teeth, just to the left of center."


DW: "Did I get it?"


Me: "No. Your left, not mine."


DW: "The other left?"


Me: "Yup."


Both of us, to the photographer, simultaneously: "No thanks. No picture this evening."


Stunning Research Conclusion: They'd sell more formal night photos if they'd lay off the little black seeds on these days.


*Who doesn't love these people? They give you opportunity after opportunity to see your smiling mug on the wall on the way to dinner. Nothing brightens my day than playing, "Let's find our pictures!" and being told that I should smile in photos. (I don't smile in photos. You can ask anyone who knows me. It's gotten to the point where if I even so much as smirk, it gets credited as, "Look! He's smiling in this one!")


Gentlemen: I don't know how it works in your household, but in ours a "good picture" is one in which Huskerchick looks good. She's very photogenic and takes a nice picture. I could have one eye closed, and drool running down my chin, but as long as she looks nice and doesn't have poppyseeds in her teeth, it's a "good picture."


You: "So, how was dinner last night?"


Me: "Thanks for asking." Dinner was very good last night. DW started off with the Tomato & Buffalo Mozzarella, followed by the Caesar Salad, sans anchovies. DFIL started with the Bacon Cheddar Cheese Soup, and a Caesar as his second course. I had the Sweet Breads with Roast Cos Lettuce. The Cheese soup was next. The Sweet Breads were a Culinary Council item, so someone needed to try them. This job fell to me, as my lovely - and photogenic - wife knows that sweet breads are neither bread, nor are they sweet. ;) For the record, they were good if you like that sort of thing.


DFIL had the Rustic Homemade Lasagna for his main course. DW had the Short Rib with Smoked Onion, which was the Culinary Council entrée of the evening. I had the Cajun Seared Tuna. It is normally served medium to medium well, which is fine for the food safety police, but not for me. I ordered mine medium rare. Our waiter and the kitchen came through for me. My tuna was very good, and the Cajun spices gave it some kick. My dinner was served with a horseradish-potato rosti, and a plum tomato** confit. The tuna portion was extremely generous.


**Are sun-dried plum tomatoes called "prune tomatoes?"


DFIL liked his lasgana, but prefers extra sauce on his pasta. Huskerchick liked the short rib, but wished for some more meat. The portion size wasn't bad, but compared to the tuna, it looked small. This may have been because the short rib was off the bone. The bone would have made the dish appear more substantial. (The bone also would have been great to give the "Out of Control Dog on the Amsterdam." Based on the number of thread views over there, I can only assume that the dog has now began marking passengers and is on his/her way to chewing a hole through the hull.***)


***I don't really follow the dog thread using my precious Internet-at-sea minutes, but I always see the thread at the top of the HAL boards. I assume that there must be an epic man-versus-beast struggle going on over there. Is the dog smoking in the main dining room while wearing shorts or something? I'll have to check when I get home.


For dessert, DFIL went directly for the Peach Melba Sundae. (He loves him some sundaes.) My wife and I each ordered a cheese plate. She also ordered a side of Tiramisu ice cream, because after the great biscotti ice cream discovery of 2014, we're not taking any chances on missing the next big thing.


We our excellent assistant waiter, Ketut, dropped off our cheese plates, the skies opened and a heavenly choir of angels appeared single the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah. The cheeses were as-billed on the menu, and there were honest-to-goodness dates on the plate. (Deglet Noor dates, not the prunes that apparently pass as Medjools in some places. - I'm just having fun with you. I know it's hard to tell from the way the three prunes were arranged on the back cheese board.)


We had the last two bottles from the Institute of Cheer's Deluxe, 18 botlle wine package last night, a 2010 Tenuta del Portale Aglianico del Vulture Aglianico from Basilicata, Italy, We also had a bottle of the 2012 Loosen Brothers "Dr. L" QbA Mosel Riesling (Germany.) The Dr. L was the #40 wine on the Wine Spectator Top 100 of 2014. The list hadn't been published when we left for the cruise, so this was just good fortune on my part. We were down to one bottle of Nicolas Feiullatte Brut left from American Express, and the red lights began flashing and the klaxons began to sound. We remedied the situation by purchasing a 3 bottle Admiral's package to get us through the end of the voyage. We have stood down from wine crisis mode.


We caught the comedian, Rondell Sheridan last night. Very funny. Glad we went.


Today, we're going to try to find Roger & Joanie. We've not managed to run into them yet, but we did talk to Joanie on the phone. (They can't hide from us. We can always rappel down onto Joanie's aft smoking porch from the outside pool deck. :D )


I'll post last night's menu as well as the one from the previous night, later today.


A couple of shout outs to wrap up my morning missive: Our room stewards, Ari & Ari are absolutely great. Our MDR waiter, Chandra is fantastic. His assistant, Ketut is very good as well.


Jackie, Oscar, and Lara from the pool and the Queen's Lounger/Ocean Bar/Silk Den are on their "A" game. Henry in the Explorer's Lounge is very good. Ryan in the Crow's Nest makes a wicked good espresso martini. Also from the Crow's Nest, Kurt is always quick to help us if we're in the seating area with DFIL's dad. Last, but certainly not least is Jeffrey. He is absolutely hilarious, and is our favorite bartender by far. Our only regret is that the rest of the Institutes' regular beverage research staff isn't along on this trip.


We'd also like to thank this week's cabana attendants, John & Ed. They're always there when you need them.


We have some more people to thank, but we want to spread the love out a little. The cheese guy is redeeming himself. Perhaps he hears the little plush footsteps and smells the honey in the air. The person at the front desk who is in charge of never ever printing our extra stationery remains steadfast. It's been a week since I requested it the first time, and a few days since my second request. I guess it's time to dispatch the bear.

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Another fabulous update POA. You're close on the dog. It's all dressed up many times, relieving itself in inappropriate places, sitting on it's owner's lap in the MDR, etc., etc., etc. It doesn't smoke though. That's about the only thing it appears it doesn't do:p

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The Institute's Department of Scanning Things has had a busy morning, bringing you a dynamic duo of menus from the Manhattan Dining Room.


Here is a link to last night's MDR menu, 12/11/2014 - St. Thomas night.




and here's one to the previous night, 12/10/2014 - Grand Turk. We did not partake of the December 10th menu as we were otherwise occupied in the Pinnacle and mesmerized by the Melting Chocolate Ball. It looks pretty good though.




There's Stilton in the Lido this afternoon. There's now some in the fridge at the Institute of Cheer's field office. I also grabbed a couple of little honey cups (like the jams and jellies come in) for Poohby Joe. I glanced at tonight's MDR formal night menu. It's the new four panel format. I forgot that there's no cheese course on the formal night menu. I picked up the honey so that Poohby Joe would remain calm in the event the cheese guy can't come through tonight. The bear gets hangry (so hungry that he's angry) when there a rumbly in his tummy.


Another random shout out to Tony the wine director on this ship. He's a very nice, very knowledgeable guy, and it was a pleasure to sail with him.


One of the choices is Florida Lobster tails with filet mignon. (We will probably get something other than the surf & turf. It's bad enough that we leave Maine in the cold of winter. We're afraid that if we eat foreign lobster "from away" that we will be denied reentry next summer.)

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Point of Americas I - It's where we live. I wanted something short, and it was available. In hindsight, I should have picked something better, like "Vice Chancellor of Fun" but POA1 is easy to type. :)


OOH! I was actually pretty close. I am an old horse person, so everytime I see POA, my brain reads PONY of the Americas.... LOL :D

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