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Do you wear your wedding rings to travel?


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Hello all,


I have been on several cruises, 6 in total. I have traveled with my original wedding rings and never really considered until now maybe buying a "less expensive" set for my upcoming trip. Was just wondering what everyone else did. I'm not expecting to loose my originals, obviously... but I know sometimes things happen.


I can just envision me putting them in the safe on board and either forgetting the code or the safe getting stuck and not opening.


So, what do you ladies do? I have a friend that went on her honeymoon and wore just a simple "travel band", and left her solitare at home. I guess I'm just sentimental about my rings :o


I actually had my wedding ring fall off in the hottub next to the pool one evening. I did not realize I had lost it until the next morning. I expected the ring to be gone. My guardian angel was with me as I found it in the morning in a drained hottub.........is that lucky or what?

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On ships I wear jewelry. On port stops it goes in our cabin safe. ;)



That's me too, for cruises. Other trips, it depends on where I'm going. Europe, I'd probably wear my rings most of the time. Africa, I left them home and just wore a simple gold band, for example.


My wedding set is pretty nice; I'd hate to lose it, make myself a target for thieves, or seem to be flaunting it in a very poor country.


I would not buy a fake ring that looks like a large diamond if thievery was a worry.

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I wear mine every day, but I do take it off sometimes for various activities. Diving or snorkeling, for example, or any activity where it might fall off. Then I just leave it in the room and have never had a problem.


I did buy a "fake" ring once, but it was for kind of strange circumstances. I was doing a grad school fellowship in Ukraine, and it's one of those places where if you don't want to be harassed a thousand times a day, it needs to be clear you are married. So I left my real ring at home with the hubs and bought a giant CZ at Target and took that with me. Still got harassed plenty, but not nearly so much as I would have been otherwise! Ukraine also has a bit of a petty crime problem, otherwise I would have just worn my real ring. But I figured this way I was sending the clear message that I was married, but if I got held up I'd have no qualms about giving up the ring.


Anyway, that became much longer than I meant it to! I think most cruise destinations are quite safe. I'd be less worried about crime and more worried about having my ring fall off in the water or knocking it against a rock and losing a diamond!

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For those of you who don't wear your rings, are you afraid of losing them or having them stolen while on board?


I'm really torn. I will bring them but the Q is do I keep them on to climb Dunn's River Falls & go to Sting Ray City or leave them in the safe in the ship ? That option actually scares me more than wearing them.


Usually our cruises go to St Thomas where DH buys me the most lovely souvenirs so I often wear real jewelry on board.


DH Also proposed on the NCL Gem Having an expensive ring I wasn't used to that I had not yet had insured . . . that was nerve-wracking! But I kept it on during a canopy adventure tour (which to me was a Marine worthy obstacle course 40 feet in the air. Yuck! I kept telling my new FI that if he didn't want to marry me he should not have proposed; there was no need to kill me inside of a week. :p

Edited by trish1c
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I would never wear my rings on any water-related activity or in fact on any tour in the Caribbean. I am not worried at all about leaving them in the safe in the cabin--what is your fear about this?


I might wear them if just doing shopping or something in a port, depending on the port and how safe it is. Usually I don't, however.

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The one piece of advice I would give anyone who is travelling - if you are planning on "dickering" on prices (whether it be in a jewellery store or a market stall), you'd better make sure you aren't wearing any fancy, expensive looking jewellery. Vendors are pretty quick to size up their customers and if they think you have deep pockets, you can be sure their prices aren't going to come down very much.


To answer the OP's question, we always wear our wedding rings -we designed them in the mid 70's, so there are none like them and we wouldn't want to leave them behind. That being said, the only time they stay onboard is if we are doing water-based activities where they might slip off our fingers; then they stay in our cabin safe.


Smooth Sailing ! :) :) :)

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My rings fit snugly enough that it's an effort to get them off, so I don't worry about them falling off during water activities.

One reason I don't wear fakes is that I don't expect a mugger to have a jewelry loupe to determine what's real and what's fake, so I'm just as vulnerable to being hurt wearing a cz as I am wearing a diamond.

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I have always worn both my wedding ring and engagement ring; however, mine is not an expensive set.


If I had an expensive engagement ring, or one with a large stone, I may reconsider depending on the port and what our excursion plans are.

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For those of you who don't wear your rings, are you afraid of losing them or having them stolen while on board?


I'm really torn. I will bring them but the Q is do I keep them on to climb Dunn's River Falls & go to Sting Ray City or leave them in the safe in the ship ? That option actually scares me more than wearing them.


I am in the leave my ring at home camp. (I have a wedding ring...DH did give me an engagement ring with a stone that was given to him by his Grandma which I had reset into a ring that I designed with another stone that was MY Grandmother's. I wanted a wedding ring, just like men have a wedding ring. Not separates.) That said...


I am most concerned with losing my ring, not having it stolen. I think the safes in the rooms should be secure. I see no reason to doubt this. My body type is such that I deal with my fingers changing sizes throughout the day...so my ring will either spin around my finger OR it'll become so tight that it takes serious effort to get off.


Anyway...My stones aren't large, but they could still catch on things. And because of my finger issues, I can easily lose my ring in water. Thus, I do not like wearing my ring when I am doing active things or wet things (showers included...I tried that once and the stones and my hair do not get along well at all.) I don't sleep in my ring either.


For me, a vacation is filled with times when I would not wear my ring...while I trust that the ring would be safe if I were to keep it in the safe when I would not be wearing it, it just isn't worth it to me to worry about it for the opportunity to wear it to dinner. Granted, I am not alone in the stateroom...and since DS13 is one member of the cabin, there are issues enough with navigating and privacy for primping...I don't want to add dealing with the safe repeatedly into that mix. I like a carefree vacation...so in general, I don't bring anything with me which, if lost, would taint the memory of the vacation. My ring is truly unique and isn't replaceable...losing it would be heart breaking.


There are many other days and opportunities in the year for me to wear my ring. I don't care about the message of wearing a wedding ring in terms of what others think. For me, it's a personal thing...and so I have no interest in a travel band or other substitute.

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When DH & I were first married there was no $ for a nice ring. Was able to get a 14kt gold ring with a CZ...

A year later this lovely man got me a gold anniversary band with small diamonds...(I believe it was bout $500 at the time)

18 years later I was wearing the band, but due to loss of weight, it was large...somewhere along the way it slipped off my finger. Ironically it was on vacation, but easily could have been anywhere.

While we have the $ to buy me a nice ring, I'd rather spend it on vacation. I bought a platinum CZ set--I just wear the eternity band a lot, but on vacation I like the bling & wear the large solitare as well.

Do I wear it in port? No way. I don't want to be robbed of my personal items because of my large fake CZ!

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Cheap imitation costume jewelry for the cruise, even though it might look like bling. I am just forgetful enough that if I took the good stuff and put it in the safe, I would forget to take it out when we leave. So, my good stuff goes in my safety deposit box at the bank before we leave home.

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Oh and one more thing ..... my mother once lost a diamond out of her engagement ring because one of the prongs was loose. She used to wear her diamond ring all the time and never took it off. So, the continual wear and tear wore the prongs down. She heard the diamond drop on the floor and for hours we crawled around the floor looking for the loose stone. Eventually we found it and she had the whole ring reset. So, I could only imagine trying to find a diamond that might have fallen out of a ring on a ship.

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I had the diamond fall out of my engagement ring on a cruise.

We had just started to unpack when we got called or the muster drill, which was held in the theater. I noticed the stone missing when we got back to our room.

We found it on the floor of the closet--which surprised and delighted me, as I figured it was gone, too small (less than a carat) to see.

Now I have the jeweler check my prongs every few years.

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DH and I have Qalo silicone rings. I got them because he wanted one for work--didn't want to burn his finger around all the electrical equipment he works for. I got one to match his and wear when doing dirty stuff. He's worn his for about a year and we just found that it has a tear in in. Probably from some sharp piece of equipment he worked on.


We do wear our rings, but not on excursions. The most expensive thing I take on excursions is my camera and prescription sunglasses.

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I have a fairly substantial wedding set, as well as a right hand ring that I always wear. On our last cruise, I did lock them in the safe when in port, but did not substitute with any other rings. Big mistake, as even though I wore sunblock, between washing my hands, etc. my hands were not protected and those tell-tale white strips of skin got sunburned!!

I am not concerned with whether others recognize that I am married or not, as I always cruise with my husband and do not usually wander about without him.

All of that being said: When on board the ship, my rings are now always on my fingers. When we get off ship to go in port, my rings are locked in the safe, and I wear a simple silver band with no sentimental and little $$ value to protect my white skin bands!!

As for concerns about safe security...I have none!

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I'm one of those people who fidget and twirl their rings, and have been known to lose them in random places. So when it comes to certain activities, I have a fake CZ set I wear (i.e., hiking, kayaking, etc.) just to be on the safe side. I also took my fake set when DH and I cruised back in May so I wouldn't worry about losing it in the airport, ship, or on an excursion.


Daily though, I do wear my real set but I still have to watch myself to not twirl my rings and accidentally drop them (which has happened MANY times). I guess since I'm a twirler no matter what, there's not really a difference between losing my real rings and a fake set but I guess it's just a bit more comforting knowing I have a fake set on in certain situations and my real set is at home. If I drop my ring in my office, I can easily find it whereas if I drop it in the water while on a kayak, I'm SOL.

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I definitely travel with my rings. I feel naked without them.


If I'm going into port, I will just wear my plain wedding band and not my diamond engagement or anniversary band.


I've never worried about leaving something in the safe. We keep our passports in there, so the safe gets checked several times before we leave to make sure it's empty.

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Hubby and I did not even have bands when we first married, could not wear them while doing our jobs anyway. I had an engagement pendant! I had a plain bands, and now a fancy anniversary band. I have three "engagement" rings, all rather plain, but with nice stones (all sentimental, to mark milestones). I just do not wear of any them daily around the house; I paint and rings are a pain. I do wear them when I leave the house, except when I go to the pool or travel.


My hands swell when I fly sometimes, so I don't like to wear the rings then. I also cannot sleep with my rings on. So I got a darling stainless steel band with a tiny inset CZ and some rose gold detailing. $6 on ebay. Comfy and stress free if I have to take it off.


I may bring my nice set for formal evenings. I do trust the safe. I'll just fuss on the flight, I know it.

Edited by AntiM
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For those of you who don't wear your rings, are you afraid of losing them or having them stolen while on board?


I'm really torn. I will bring them but the Q is do I keep them on to climb Dunn's River Falls & go to Sting Ray City or leave them in the safe in the ship ? That option actually scares me more than wearing them.


Usually our cruises go to St Thomas where DH buys me the most lovely souvenirs so I often wear real jewelry on board.


DH Also proposed on the NCL Gem Having an expensive ring I wasn't used to that I had not yet had insured . . . that was nerve-wracking! But I kept it on during a canopy adventure tour (which to me was a Marine worthy obstacle course 40 feet in the air. Yuck! I kept telling my new FI that if he didn't want to marry me he should not have proposed; there was no need to kill me inside of a week. :p


If DH gives me a piece of jewelry when we're travelling that he has purchased before we leave the country, he adds it to the policy before we go. I'd be a wreck if it were uninsured, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wear mine on a daily basis, though I take it off at night and never shower or bathe with it on. I also don't wear it if I am swimming as I'm afraid of it coming off and losing it in the water. I do travel with it, but if I am going to be doing any sort of water activities, I'll leave it locked in the room. We're going on a Carribean cruise this summer, and while I will wear my wedding ring while on board the ship, I don't plan on wearing it while in any of the ports because I plan to be on the beach and in the ocean most of the time we're ashore.


When my DH and I went on our honeymoon to Hawaii, I bought an inexpensive replica set that looked very similar to my actual ring as I was advised by a family member not to take the real one in case I lost it. At the last minute, though, I just couldn't bear to leave the real one behind and took it with me anyway. I didn't have any problems and just locked it in the room safe when we went swimming.

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