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It's gonna happen, so let's suggest our own ideas...


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I don't know what this has to do with what I said about varying cruise fares as opposed to airline fares.


The activities staff on board now amounts to two people and a traveling person who usually comes aboard for TAs or cruises with lots of sea days. Unfortunately now they don't have people that they can use in other ways. They used to have a lot of these kinds of activities that were included in the fare and in order to offer them again they will definitely have to hire some people, especially if they are going to offer classes where the instructor needs to know something about the subject. If people are going to pay for activities they would expect the instructors to know their subject well.


They have already put a much heavier load on the employees and are using them in much different ways than in the past. I really don't see how they could possibly spread them around any more than they have already.


Many of the ideas here sound great as a concept but not so much as a practice. Charging separately for every single thing on a cruise ship is not really something that most people are going to like. It defeats the idea of a cruise.


People cruise strictly for recreation and there's a lot more involved than just getting from one place to another.


You will see I was replying to your point regarding cruising is for recreation and not like airlines! You also put a quote in your original post that was not mine, it was a quote from tnfcruise (unsure how that happened :confused:).


The activity staff has reduced to 2 people, however there are other employees on the ship that are qualified to perform these lessons. How many times do the singers and dancers perform during an itinerary? Could they not go on a rota for some of these lessons/classes? How many couples now take private lessons for dancing, especially prior to weddings etc? X need to make the cost of the extra activities reasonable. That's what's happened in the past: overpriced activities that attract little interest.


Look how busy the Celebrity Central area is when they promote those 'special offer' sales - pax are queuing well before the sale is due to start? If people think they are getting a bargain - there is more interest. By overpricing activities, they are doomed from the start. Just like having to discount the speciality restaurants on many cruises.


How about the late night disco area. I'm yet to see more than a few people utilising that area. Different activities could be held there that give incentives to do other activities, or themed functions/evenings e.g. Caribbean night, Greek smashing plate evening, Turkish belly dancing evening etc. Why couldn't some of the dance crew/performers do smaller shows here during these special evenings? We are all having to do more in our own jobs to maintain our employment, so it's exactly the same across the board ;).


The trivia and quizzes are packed because there is nothing else going on during sea days, especially if it's a cold weather cruise! Other options are just not available. The spa charges are not in line with shoreside (well, not this shore anyway :D.)


Just trying to give other suggestions that stay away from the 'class' system.

Edited by villauk
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You will see I was replying to your point regarding cruising is for recreation and not like airlines! You also put a quote in your original post that was not mine, it was a quote from tnfcruise (unsure how that happened :confused:).


The activity staff has reduced to 2 people, however there are other employees on the ship that are qualified to perform these lessons. How many times do the singers and dancers perform during an itinerary? Could they not go on a rota for some of these lessons/classes? How many couples now take private lessons for dancing, especially prior to weddings etc? X need to make the cost of the extra activities reasonable. That's what's happened in the past: overpriced activities that attract little interest.


Look how busy the Celebrity Central area is when they promote those 'special offer' sales - pax are queuing well before the sale is due to start? If people think they are getting a bargain - there is more interest. By overpricing activities, they are doomed from the start. Just like having to discount the speciality restaurants on many cruises.


How about the late night disco area. I'm yet to see more than a few people utilising that area. Different activities could be held there that give incentives to do other activities, or themed functions/evenings e.g. Caribbean night, Greek smashing plate evening, Turkish belly dancing evening etc. Why couldn't some of the dance crew/performers do smaller shows here during these special evenings? We are all having to do more in our own jobs to maintain our employment, so it's exactly the same across the board ;).


The trivia and quizzes are packed because there is nothing else going on during sea days, especially if it's a cold weather cruise! Other options are just not available. The spa charges are not in line with shoreside (well, not this shore anyway :D.)


Just trying to give other suggestions that stay away from the 'class' system.


I understand, but are you suggesting that they charge for these activities? I know the dancers are already doing duty for other things as they did away with the activities staff. They conduct dancing classes now, accompany tours, etc. I saw them in lots of unlikely places on our TA in November. In fact, the whole staff is required to participate in a lot more than they used to. You might not even recognize them when they are not where you are used to seeing them, but believe me they are there.


That's the real problem, they have already spread the staff around but there just aren't enough of them any more.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Umm....priced any 11+ night or European sailings lately? Prices HAVE been raised, and any further increases will push potential customers into the cabins of competing cruiselines. Celebrity provides a nice cruise experience, but pricing itself higher than the competition will only backfire.



Agree with you Tony 100%. We are decent, hard working people and have saved to have nice holidays. We have really enjoyed Celebrity and would love to continue to spend our hard earned money with them, however we are now thinking they have priced themselves out of our price range. I find it very insulting for people to say it would be best to increase the prices. Some people seem to just learn to be snobs, usually the ones who have 'new money'. Sad really.

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I understand, but are you suggesting that they charge for these activities? I know the dancers are already doing duty for other things as they did away with the activities staff. They conduct dancing classes, accompany tours, etc. I saw them in lots of unlikely places on our TA in November. In fact, the whole staff is required to participate in a lot more than they used to.


That's working day life for the majority of us in the present climate. I have not seen them accompanying tours, maybe standing on quayside putting people on buses, but not actually guiding the tours. Agree about the dance classes, but again, only 1 or 2 dancers, not the whole cast (perhaps a rota system). I'm not suggesting that they are sitting on their backside by any feat of the imagination, however instead of using the gym to keep in shape (which many have said to us they do during the day), they could rehearse routines to perform at these special paying events - killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.


You sound shocked that pax would pay for a 'special' themed evening in a more intimate venue? Say a few pax from the roll call all enjoying each other's company, and not just drinking at the Martini Bar every night. Yet look how many are willing to pay just for a meal in the speciality restaurants. Instead of continually hiking the prices and cutting back, they need to entice their clientele by offering reasonable alternatives where activities have been cut back to the bone.

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These great ideas that everyone seems to be coming up with would completely defeat the concept of cruising. It's one thing to have a separate venue for those who can afford to use it and quite another to make it obvious who can afford what. It's not like everyone is sitting at a table for two. The great thing about cruising has been that the basic experience remains the same regardless of how much one pays for his cabin.


So I better not order a decent bottle of wine in case I upset my table companions or shall I skip on the Irish Coffee?

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That's working day life for the majority of us in the present climate. I have not seen them accompanying tours, maybe standing on quayside putting people on buses, but not actually guiding the tours. Agree about the dance classes, but again, only 1 or 2 dancers, not the whole cast (perhaps a rota system). I'm not suggesting that they are sitting on their backside by any feat of the imagination, however instead of using the gym to keep in shape (which many have said to us they do during the day), they could rehearse routines to perform at these special paying events - killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.


You sound shocked that pax would pay for a 'special' themed evening in a more intimate venue? Say a few pax from the roll call all enjoying each other's company, and not just drinking at the Martini Bar every night. Yet look how many are willing to pay just for a meal in the speciality restaurants. Instead of continually hiking the prices and cutting back, they need to entice their clientele by offering reasonable alternatives where activities have been cut back to the bone.


Let me say it once more...the staff is already doing a lot of different things that have nothing to do with their main job. They have also tried a couple of themed parties recently that have been poorly received. They had a nightclub theme with mermaids in the Aqua Spa pool area that was a huge flop. The dancers were the mermaids. There were a couple of the dancers on the helipad for a private sail in to Venice and no one paid any attention to them.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Yes, you criticised my suggestion that people could pay for certain additional luxuries if they wished in the MDR - my point was that people already do when it comes to drinks! Many many restaurants now routinely upsell on the basic meal to offer an even more special meal.


Rather than criticising everyones suggestions wouldn't it be better to let Celebrity worry about how they turn some, all, none of these suggestions into reality?

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Sure, I won't comment any more since it seems only your opinion is valid.


The interesting thing is I'm only interested that they keep cruising a good experience for everyone. I hate seeing Celebrity become just like the rest but I guess that's what some people want.


It really doesn't affect me because I'm fortunate to have the means and loyalty status to enjoy whatever I want, but I don't like it to be at the expense of others who don't. Cuts don't affect the experience of those who can pay more.


I think I've made my point.

Edited by Ma Bell
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Yes, you criticised my suggestion that people could pay for certain additional luxuries if they wished in the MDR - my point was that people already do when it comes to drinks! Many many restaurants now routinely upsell on the basic meal to offer an even more special meal.


Rather than criticising everyones suggestions wouldn't it be better to let Celebrity worry about how they turn some, all, none of these suggestions into reality?


That's the whole point, drinks have always been extra.

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Rather than criticising everyones suggestions wouldn't it be better to let Celebrity worry about how they turn some, all, none of these suggestions into reality?

Personally, I don't care for ANY of the suggestions on this thread. I sincerely hope that the folks at X will have a good laugh around the water cooler after reading them.

Does that mean I'm criticizing? No. Just my opinion.


There are many options out there when it comes to choice of a cruise line.

All these "pay for perks" suggestions would take X down a path that I, for one, don't want to see it go down.

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Personally, I don't care for ANY of the suggestions on this thread. I sincerely hope that the folks at X will have a good laugh around the water cooler after reading them.

Does that mean I'm criticizing? No. Just my opinion.


There are many options out there when it comes to choice of a cruise line.

All these "pay for perks" suggestions would take X down a path that I, for one, don't want to see it go down.


Agree. The last thing Celebrity needs is suggestions on how to charge more for "perks". They are doing a fine job at that.

I do understand the OPs intent. As a stockholder, he is more interested in improving the bottom line so he can realize a higher ROI.

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Sure, I won't comment any more since it seems only your opinion is valid.


The interesting thing is I'm only interested that they keep cruising a good experience for everyone. I hate seeing Celebrity become just like the rest but I guess that's what some people want.


It really doesn't affect me because I'm fortunate to have the means and loyalty status to enjoy whatever I want, but I don't like it to be at the expense of others who don't. Cuts don't affect the experience of those who can pay more.


I think I've made my point.


I have to agree if everyone is so willing to pay up charges for everything they can sail on NCL. It seems that the Celebrity knows what they are doing in the way of cost cutting. They have eliminated chocolates at turn down, no more flowers in CC class, afternoon savories and ice upon request. these small changes do not add a cost to the passenger but they do cut down on waste which is cost saving. If anyone wants all the bells and whistles they can book a suite which is what Celebrity has arranged.

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I have to agree if everyone is so willing to pay up charges for everything they can sail on NCL. It seems that the Celebrity knows what they are doing in the way of cost cutting. They have eliminated chocolates at turn down, no more flowers in CC class, afternoon savories and ice upon request. these small changes do not add a cost to the passenger but they do cut down on waste which is cost saving. If anyone wants all the bells and whistles they can book a suite which is what Celebrity has arranged.


But they have made changes that have nothing to do with suite guest amenities. Look at the reduction in activity staff that has impacted on the activities that are now provided. On sea days, especially on cold weather itineraries (not TAs as they appear to have more on offer during the day according to posts on this thread), trivia and quizzes are absolutely bursting at the seams as there is very little else left to do (I realise this is not everyone's opinion). This shows that most pax want reasonable alternatives to break up the day. They may enjoy reading and 'chilling', however not ALL day, every sea day - if this was the case, attendance would be low at these activities and, in our experience and what others have posted on this thread, they are certainly not!


I'd love them to provide more free alternatives as they did when we first started cruising, however I can't see them retracting their new policy, can you?

Edited by villauk
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But they have made changes that have nothing to do with suite guest amenities. Look at the reduction in activity staff that has impacted on the activities that are now provided. On sea days, especially on cold weather itineraries (not TAs as they appear to have more on offer during the day according to posts on this thread), trivia and quizzes are absolutely bursting at the seams as there is very little else left to do (I realise this is not everyone's opinion). This shows that most pax want reasonable alternatives to break up the day. They may enjoy reading and 'chilling', however not ALL day, every sea day - if this was the case, attendance would be low at these activities and, in our experience and what others have posted on this thread, they are certainly not!


I'd love them to provide more free alternatives as they did when we first started cruising, however I can't see them retracting their new policy, can you?


It wouldn't be the first time they made a mistake and changed their mind. If they have enough complaints and people who were exclusively Celebrity cruisers going elsewhere they just might. I know many people who are now giving other lines a chance to get their business when they never would have before.


It's interesting to me that the CEO who instituted these changes has left before the ramifications of the changes have been completely evaluated for long term success. The profits were up in the short term. If things turn around, the new CEO will get the blame.

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I have to agree if everyone is so willing to pay up charges for everything they can sail on NCL. It seems that the Celebrity knows what they are doing in the way of cost cutting. They have eliminated chocolates at turn down, no more flowers in CC class, afternoon savories and ice upon request. these small changes do not add a cost to the passenger but they do cut down on waste which is cost saving. If anyone wants all the bells and whistles they can book a suite which is what Celebrity has arranged.
NCL doesn't charge for everything. Actually I had chocolates on my pillow each night, flowers in my cabin, ice delivered twice a day without asking and I even got q-tips and cotton balls in a glass container.
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IMHO Celebrity has developed a clear business strategy and it's currently being implemented. Their direction is clear if you simply look at the changes in the Loyalty program, the conversion of Michael's Club into a private retreat for select passengers and the soon to be opened Suite Restaurant. By the way I've heard from a number of sources including the person responsible for the rollout that the regular menu might be offered during the first two weeks. The strategy is designed to increase margins by luring the higher margin customer. They are more than willing to lose the lower end to Princess, HAL and others. Correctly or not, they view the "bargain" cruiser as less than desirable both in terms of profits and problems. They will test and modify new approaches and keep what works and modify or drop those that don't. Suggest if you wish. Debate if you want, but X will do what the numbers tell them. They see the whole picture in terms of their strategy, we don't. Happy cruising :)

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IMHO Celebrity has developed a clear business strategy and it's currently being implemented. Their direction is clear if you simply look at the changes in the Loyalty program, the conversion of Michael's Club into a private retreat for select passengers and the soon to be opened Suite Restaurant. By the way I've heard from a number of sources including the person responsible for the rollout that the regular menu might be offered during the first two weeks. The strategy is designed to increase margins by luring the higher margin customer. They are more than willing to lose the lower end to Princess, HAL and others. Correctly or not, they view the "bargain" cruiser as less than desirable both in terms of profits and problems. They will test and modify new approaches and keep what works and modify or drop those that don't. Suggest if you wish. Debate if you want, but X will do what the numbers tell them. They see the whole picture in terms of their strategy, we don't. Happy cruising :)


I think you are right about their business strategy.



Richard Fain once said they were able to have price increases and capacity increases at the same time (my paraphrase) WHICH is a best case scenario, which is the ability to increase margins and capacity at the same time. I think Celebrity is kinda there too with the bundling of perks and focus on the higher end customer. What a great idea.... raise prices and include things and call them free perks!


Celebrity has every right/obligation to maximize profits. I have every right to minimize my costs. Hope that Celebrity's pricing and my perception of the value proposition sync up. I don't like bundling in general as I am a low maintenance cruiser. I like free sunshine / free ocean breezes / good service ship wide / live music / good food and selection / ability to donate money in casino / nice clean cabin / good craft beers (struggling on this one) and a few other things.


I don't need luggage tags / chocolates / towel animals / champagne and I am sure other things. Then I am sure there are many small things I do like, but do not realize or think of them, but would miss them if removed/deleted.


I do think this thread like many others is a fun exercise and not sure Celebrity hasn't already thought of most if not all items. My company was always on the watch for things that we provided to our customers to see if the cost we spent on a particular item/service was still of value to our customers. We asked! Why spend $$$ on things that are not valued?! The best of all worlds would be to try and personalize each experience and have it done within a narrow cost range, i.e. here is your OBC for you to claim those perks you like from our menu of perks during the cruise. Not easy to please everyone to the same level.


I miss the live steel drum bands as my most missed feature that I have not seen/heard in awhile on a ship. Now I have to bring my iPod to to listen to them.

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Back to the OP's intent.


What would I like to see offered for a small extra charge, maybe available through Celebrity Gifts and at a table when you board, but not pushed after that.


  • I have had unlimited laundry package on HAL, brilliant, really missed it on Celebrity. Paid $90AUD for a two week cruise.
  • On Princess we intend to try out the Sanctury on a Port Day we are not disembarking for, don't want it for the entire cruise but will enjoy it for one day, willing to pay for a bit of pampering and a dedicated upmarket chair in swishier surroundings.
  • On P&O Australia as one of the first 200 to book for a cruise we were offerred a VIP package, an incentive to book early, not many of them available
  • Did not want to pay for Concierge or Aqua, did not think the perks were worth it on the Solstice but would really like some upgraded balcony furniture as we are balcony dwellers, willing to pay a fee for some footstools at least.


I can understand suite people not wanting an inside cabin to have all the perks for minimal cost that they have but there are individual little things, like me and footstools on the balcony, that would not impact greatly on anyone but would enhance some peoples experience.


So maybe a limited in number VIP package offered to everyone and once sold out, no more available. Could include unlimited laundry, upgraded balcony furniture, priority check in, upgraded toiletries etc. It could offer some tailoring within the package for individual likes and dislikes to make it more attractive. There could even be a Suite version that is not available to the rest of us in cattle class :D (said tongue in cheek).


It would make a perfect gift for children to give to parents for that special occasion, or a husband to wife as a surprise.

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And which path are you talking about?.....just where do you see such perks leading Celebrity?



Personally, I don't care for ANY of the suggestions on this thread. I sincerely hope that the folks at X will have a good laugh around the water cooler after reading them.

Does that mean I'm criticizing? No. Just my opinion.


There are many options out there when it comes to choice of a cruise line.

All these "pay for perks" suggestions would take X down a path that I, for one, don't want to see it go down.

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Back to the OP's intent.


What would I like to see offered for a small extra charge, maybe available through Celebrity Gifts and at a table when you board, but not pushed after that.


  • I have had unlimited laundry package on HAL, brilliant, really missed it on Celebrity. Paid $90AUD for a two week cruise.
  • On Princess we intend to try out the Sanctury on a Port Day we are not disembarking for, don't want it for the entire cruise but will enjoy it for one day, willing to pay for a bit of pampering and a dedicated upmarket chair in swishier surroundings.
  • On P&O Australia as one of the first 200 to book for a cruise we were offerred a VIP package, an incentive to book early, not many of them available
  • Did not want to pay for Concierge or Aqua, did not think the perks were worth it on the Solstice but would really like some upgraded balcony furniture as we are balcony dwellers, willing to pay a fee for some footstools at least.


I can understand suite people not wanting an inside cabin to have all the perks for minimal cost that they have but there are individual little things, like me and footstools on the balcony, that would not impact greatly on anyone but would enhance some peoples experience.


So maybe a limited in number VIP package offered to everyone and once sold out, no more available. Could include unlimited laundry, upgraded balcony furniture, priority check in, upgraded toiletries etc. It could offer some tailoring within the package for individual likes and dislikes to make it more attractive. There could even be a Suite version that is not available to the rest of us in cattle class :D (said tongue in cheek).


It would make a perfect gift for children to give to parents for that special occasion, or a husband to wife as a surprise.


To me, I see it as they already provide footstools for a cost and you just don't find you need the footstools that badly, OR the cost is too high.


When products are bundled to earn incremental revenue, it is a very careful process, or should be anyway. To simplify this, I'll use three examples:


Foot Stools

Priority Check In Line



Each has a value the cruise line puts on it, but they KNOW that not everything will be used, or have a perceived value by the consumer.


Footstools is worth 5

Priority check in line is worth 2

Champagne is worth 2


They package these together, and charge 7. You only want footstools, but you can't buy them for 5, you have to pay 7 to get them. The cruise line gets 7 instead of 5 if you want them badly enough. Some of these things barely cost the cruise line anything, or aren't utilized by most or all guests so the incremental revenue is almost all profit.


Celebrity got really smart with the S-Class ships and not only decided they would use the benefits to earn incremental revenue, they put many of thee "enhanced" cabins in less desirable locations (under public space, etc).


You can get footstools on your balcony, you just have to decide they're worth the price of a concierge class cabin :rolleyes:


Happy sailing,


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Back to the OP's intent.


What would I like to see offered for a small extra charge, maybe available through Celebrity Gifts and at a table when you board, but not pushed after that.


  • I have had unlimited laundry package on HAL, brilliant, really missed it on Celebrity. Paid $90AUD for a two week cruise.
  • On Princess we intend to try out the Sanctury on a Port Day we are not disembarking for, don't want it for the entire cruise but will enjoy it for one day, willing to pay for a bit of pampering and a dedicated upmarket chair in swishier surroundings.
  • On P&O Australia as one of the first 200 to book for a cruise we were offerred a VIP package, an incentive to book early, not many of them available
  • Did not want to pay for Concierge or Aqua, did not think the perks were worth it on the Solstice but would really like some upgraded balcony furniture as we are balcony dwellers, willing to pay a fee for some footstools at least.


I can understand suite people not wanting an inside cabin to have all the perks for minimal cost that they have but there are individual little things, like me and footstools on the balcony, that would not impact greatly on anyone but would enhance some peoples experience.


So maybe a limited in number VIP package offered to everyone and once sold out, no more available. Could include unlimited laundry, upgraded balcony furniture, priority check in, upgraded toiletries etc. It could offer some tailoring within the package for individual likes and dislikes to make it more attractive. There could even be a Suite version that is not available to the rest of us in cattle class :D (said tongue in cheek).


It would make a perfect gift for children to give to parents for that special occasion, or a husband to wife as a surprise.


I may be wrong, but I would venue to say that most passengers that do book Suites, aren't that concerned about the perks. They want the additional closet space, bathroom space, drawer space, and cabin space.


10 years ago, there were few additional perks...just larger cabins, and this was the attraction.


The perks are nice, but it isn't the primary reason to book a Suite.


Celebrity will often try new concepts, and eliminate them if they find the passengers aren't impressed.

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Why not include sea miles in to the Captains Club, the mileage can be used to upgrade your cabin, upgrade your beverage packages, free laundry, etc...


Some of us not have the funds (many many cruises) to reach zenith, etc. levels, but the mileage could keep guests loyal and they are able to upgrade their experience

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