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Fitbit on board?


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LOL! I just tried bouncing up and down in my chair with my FitBit Zip and yep...it recorded the bounces! Of course I was expending energy there, so it was probably accurate. I don't think they made the Zip with bouncy roads in Land Rovers in mind. But then, that would not be a typical day for most of us.


I totally agree, so if the fitbitzip came up with a number that made very little sense, like this case in point, it would skew the weekly stats. Not a big deal in the long run.

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I'm retired and walk a lot...about 3 hours a day...walking the dog for an hour in the a.m. Plus lots more. I also do Zumba and that is a lot of steps. I walk fast too...I do about 10 miles daily. Like I mentioned, I'm somewhat of a fanatic...will walk around the yard in the dark to reach my goal. One day recently I walked 42,000 steps.

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I'm retired and walk a lot...about 3 hours a day...walking the dog for an hour in the a.m. Plus lots more. I also do Zumba and that is a lot of steps. I walk fast too...I do about 10 miles daily. Like I mentioned, I'm somewhat of a fanatic...will walk around the yard in the dark to reach my goal. One day recently I walked 42,000 steps.


In my second week with the zip, I am still trying to consistently get to 10,000 a day.

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I was under the impression that the fitbit synched over bluetooth. Do you really need wifi if all you want to do is synch you fitbit. Just turn your phone on, leave it on airplane mode and synch it via bluetooth. Correct me if I am wrong!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are back and here are my totals:


Day one: 15,165

Day two: 12,390

Day three: 6358 ( sea day)

Day four: 8964

Day five: 11,120

Day six: 10,608

Day seven: 8521

Day eight: 25,982 ( Boston walking the Freedom Trail)


A total of almost 60 miles walked!

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I was under the impression that the fitbit synched over bluetooth. Do you really need wifi if all you want to do is synch you fitbit. Just turn your phone on, leave it on airplane mode and synch it via bluetooth. Correct me if I am wrong!


Fitbit requires a network connection to their servers in order to sync. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I literally just got done chatting with the Fitbit Rep on their site. Here is the pasted conversation, hope it helps with everyone's questions:

Olinka: Hello Michelle, my name is Olinka. How can I help you?Me: Hi Olinka, I will be leaving for a cruise to the Bahamas from NY on 22 November. Will I be able to use my Fitbit Charge and sync it?Olinka: I'll be glad to assist you today in regards your inquiry.Olinka: Well, you can use the tracker and sync it if you have internet connection and a compatible mobile device or a computer with the dongle.Olinka: The only requirement is to have Internet and Bluetooth on.Me: so if no internet for 3 days, will it save info of my steps?Olinka: Yes, the tracker maintain the data for 30 days. The first 7 days it saves the information detail by detail on the other 23 days, it will be general information.Me: and will it stay charged for the 7 days if I fully charge it the night before I leave?Olinka: Yes Michelle. A full charge last 7 - 10 days. However, you can use a wall A/C to USB adapter, commonly found with smartphones in order to charge the tracker.Olinka: As a kindly tip, I want to recommend the following link: http://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/I-m-going-on-a-trip-What-should-I-know-about-traveling-with-my-Fitbit/?q=traveling&l=en_US&fs=Search&pn=1 this includes some tips for traveling with your Charge tracker, Michelle.Me: thank you so much!!

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Thanks, that conversation with the rep is helpful.


In addition to steps, use the stairs on board as often as possible and track # of Floors on your FitBit. If you're like me, you'll climb the stairs near the end of the day without really having anywhere in particular to go, just to reach your goal or exceed the prior days number.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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Made a commitment to stay away from elevators as much as possible. FitBit One did well and my week of data was saved & waiting for me back home, no problems. Funny part was the first day at sea, a VERY bumby ride, and it recorded 88 flights of stairs for that day...earned an extra special badge...LOL! The remainder of the week was fine. Loved being able to see my activity history. Great motivator.

Edited by CruiseFun56
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I'm currently on board Serenade of the seas to the southern Caribbean and I'm wearing a charge. It's great seeing my steps but the stairs count is not accurate. We had some fairly big seas yesterday and my charge had counted over 130 flights by 4 pm - I probably did about 15 to 20 at that point. As the ship bobs up and down the Fitbit records the change I elevation as having climbed stairs. Lol

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I'm currently on board Serenade of the seas to the southern Caribbean and I'm wearing a charge. It's great seeing my steps but the stairs count is not accurate. We had some fairly big seas yesterday and my charge had counted over 130 flights by 4 pm - I probably did about 15 to 20 at that point. As the ship bobs up and down the Fitbit records the change I elevation as having climbed stairs. Lol


How interesting about the stairs count being affected by the significant activity on the seas. But it did not seem to affect your 'step' count, is what I am taking from your post.

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I'm currently on board Serenade of the seas to the southern Caribbean and I'm wearing a charge. It's great seeing my steps but the stairs count is not accurate. We had some fairly big seas yesterday and my charge had counted over 130 flights by 4 pm - I probably did about 15 to 20 at that point. As the ship bobs up and down the Fitbit records the change I elevation as having climbed stairs. Lol


Fitbits use an altimeter to detect when you're climbing stairs (in conjunction with movement detected by the step sensor -- ie an elevator doesn't count because you're standing still). This particular altimeter uses atmospheric pressure changes calculate elevation change... at sea level pressure is usually 14.7 PSI and goes down the higher up you go.


So... what this means is that if the pressure is changing because of changing weather a fitbit can register phantom floors. Also, if you're walking forward or aft and the ship is pitching because of rough seas you can also register phantom floors.


These altimeters are simple and reliable sensors, but they are prone to these kinds of errors. :)

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I have a Charge HR and while I haven't used it on a cruise yet, I do find that the stairs feature is not very accurate if you do things 'out of the ordinary'.


One example: I teach people to ride motorcycles. I am an Instructor for the PA Motorcycle Safety Program. There is A LOT of walking involved and a little bit of riding, for an instructor. This is all done on a nice flat parking lot with no elevation changes. The step count (about 11,000 steps for the average class) is pretty accurate, comparing to step counting on my iPhone, Android Phone and a separate pedometer I had before the Fitbit. However, the Fitbit credits me with 15 to 20 flights of stairs for a 5 hour session with no elevation changes. The stairs seem to accumulate during the brief time I am riding a training motorcycle around this flat parking lot. Interestingly, I can go on a 2 hour ride on my motorcycle, up and down winding mountains, and end up with it only showing 3 flights of stairs during that time.


The way they calculate stairs climbed needs work, IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This might be a really dumb question, but here goes. In addition to tracking my steps with my Fitbit Charge, I use it as my one and only watch. I noticed that this watch, like my phone and other mobile devices, adjusted itself during daylight savings, so I assume the time is synced either via WiFi or Bluetooth. So....I keep hearing that one should have a watch on a cruise to keep track of "ship's time", whether in your cabin or out and about at at port. My experience to date leads me to believe that the watch part of my Fitbit might be as unreliable as I've heard phone clocks are when cruising.


Short answer, should I buy a cheap watch? ; )

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Yes. Buy a cheapo watch! My DH's charge did not keep up with the correct time. In fact it was days after we returned home before it ever corrected itself. I have the Flex that does not have the watch feature but we both ended up with watches because our iPhones were not even reliable at times. Enjoy your cruise.

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Yes. Buy a cheapo watch! My DH's charge did not keep up with the correct time. In fact it was days after we returned home before it ever corrected itself. I have the Flex that does not have the watch feature but we both ended up with watches because our iPhones were not even reliable at times. Enjoy your cruise.


Thank you!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I adopted my husband's Fitbit flex a few weeks ago, with the goal of losing weight before our cruise in September. Not wanton to leave him out of the pre-cruise weight loss campaign, I gifted him a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday.


I applaud everyone who has posted their step counts and expect we will do well onboard with respect to steps. My concern is how to determine calories for meals. Managing calories is a big part of my success and I don't want to ignore that while on our 10 night cruise.


Have any of you tracked your calories while cruising?

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I adopted my husband's Fitbit flex a few weeks ago' date=' with the goal of losing weight before our cruise in September. Not wanton to leave him out of the pre-cruise weight loss campaign, I gifted him a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday.


I applaud everyone who has posted their step counts and expect we will do well onboard with respect to steps. My concern is how to determine calories for meals. Managing calories is a big part of my success and I don't want to ignore that while on our 10 night cruise.


Have any of you tracked your calories while cruising?[/quote']


I don't know how to compute calories for the meals I eat at home....and don't worry much about it. I know that if I exceed my work load (steps and active minutes) and just keep moving forward, being careful of what I eat....all will be good. It has gotten me my success in the past. The Fitbit just helps me stay on target.


Cruising helps me reach new personal step levels....I can't reach over 20K in a normal day at home/work, but my last cruise on Her Majesty got me over the 23K mark for one day.


I just keep plugging along and ate what I wanted on the ship.

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I adopted my husband's Fitbit flex a few weeks ago' date=' with the goal of losing weight before our cruise in September. Not wanton to leave him out of the pre-cruise weight loss campaign, I gifted him a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday.


I applaud everyone who has posted their step counts and expect we will do well onboard with respect to steps. My concern is how to determine calories for meals. Managing calories is a big part of my success and I don't want to ignore that while on our 10 night cruise.


Have any of you tracked your calories while cruising?[/quote']


The best diet is the one tht you don't know you are on. Don't track calories, pay attention to what you eat, and how much of it and calories will take care of themselves. You need to avoid sauces, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and limit protein to a true 4 - 6 oz serving size or about the size of a deck of cards. If you eat correctly the calories are not an issue. BTW if you try to monitor calories you will likely be over your daily total before lunch is over because the food is so unhealthy. Just be very selective. Also don't be surprised if you gain five pounds rather quickly, it is from all the salt that they put in everything. When you get home give it a couple of days and it will disappear.

Edited by zqvol
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We did not track calories while on vacation. We had already lost what weight we wanted to and both of us just watched what we ate. We had been weight watching for about 8 months so kinds knew what we could do. We had dessert every day, sometimes twice. We ate what we wanted to and when we returned home after nearly a 2 week vacation we had not gained a single pound. We walked a lot and took the stairs every time we left the cabin. Enjoy your cruise and wear that FitBit.

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The best diet is the one tht you don't know you are on. Don't track calories, pay attention to what you eat, and how much of it and calories will take care of themselves. You need to avoid sauces, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and limit protein to a true 4 - 6 oz serving size or about the size of a deck of cards. If you eat correctly the calories are not an issue. BTW if you try to monitor calories you will likely be over your daily total before lunch is over because the food is so unhealthy. Just be very selective. Also don't be surprised if you gain five pounds rather quickly, it is from all the salt that they put in everything. When you get home give it a couple of days and it will disappear.


I agreed that eating smart is much more important than counting calories per se. I love,logging food,in my Fitbit because I can feel good about good food choices - and self correct when I go a,little bit overboard. Portion control has been a valuable lesson for both me and my DH, and using my Fitbit has really helped to reinforce the impact of sticking to measured portions.


Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables - mans staying away from bread and creamy sauces as much as possible - will probably be my MO during our cruise.

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I have a very basic question with regard to this Fitbit obsession. If you do not keep track of your exercise on an electronic gizmo, does this mean that your exercise does not count and is will appear to your body as if you did not exercise at all. How did we manage with exercising before Fitbits?



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I adopted my husband's Fitbit flex a few weeks ago' date=' with the goal of losing weight before our cruise in September. Not wanton to leave him out of the pre-cruise weight loss campaign, I gifted him a Fitbit Charge HR yesterday.


I applaud everyone who has posted their step counts and expect we will do well onboard with respect to steps. My concern is how to determine calories for meals. Managing calories is a big part of my success and I don't want to ignore that while on our 10 night cruise.


Have any of you tracked your calories while cruising?[/quote']


There are lots of good smart phone calorie apps. Check out this site which I found in about 1 minute by the very simple method of typing "android calorie aps" into Google - http://www.androidauthority.com/best-android-diet-apps-and-android-nutrition-apps-569702/



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