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Platinum Member with Bed Bugs on Epic 3/15/15


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Ahhhhh, a voice of reason. How refreshing and civil. To the original poster, thank you for your contribution. This is the kind of post that I find informative. I feel for the next guests who have to occupy that cabin and those near it.


did you miss the part about the exterminator taking care of the cabin. I think that shoul eliminate the problem. BTW, you say this is the kind of info you like to see on CC, will this change your mind about cruising NCL? Of course that is the attempt of the OP, too let everyone know how terrible he was treated and how bad NCL reacted...I find this to be unacceptable, but am glad CC allows us to vent. That is what he is doing, even though it isn't going to get him anywhere I am sure.

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Very nice response Eroller.

OP, sorry to hear of your challenges while on vacation. Sounds really unpleasant. Hope your next vaca is more peaceful.



Don't let some people here get to you. Personally I feel they have no right to rip apart the length or intensity or your facts in your letter. As far as I can see you were being nice trying to inform the CC community of your horrible experience. I totally sympathize with you. I freak whenever I see a bug, so I for one appreciate the info you relayed in your letter.

Safe sailing

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Don't let some people here get to you.

Personally I feel they have no right to rip apart the length or intensity or your facts in your letter. As far as I can see you were being nice trying to inform the CC community of your horrible experience. I totally sympathize with you.

I freak whenever I see a bug, so I for one appreciate the info you relayed in your letter.

Safe sailing


We've been on several cruises and never seen a bug.

Edited by $hip$hape
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Don't be shocked. This is Cruise Critic after all. Unfortunately what you will get on here is people attempting to protect "their" cruise line at all costs, and in the process do everything possible to discredit you. They will pick apart your story, practically call you a liar, boast of how unprofessional your letter is, accuse you of stirring the pot because you only have one post, etc. etc. Frankly I'm surprised you even came back to explain yourself. Why bother? Honestly it's not worth it and you certainly don't need the buy-in or acceptance of anonymous strangers on a message board. I assume you made your original post so others can hopefully learn from your experience.


I can empathize with you, and whether or not I like your letter or think you received too much or too little compensation is completely irreverent. Only you went through what you did and only you know the complete facts of your situation. Everyone else commenting is pure speculation.


I do hope your final outcome will be satisfactory. Bed bugs are not something to mess with and yes they can absolutely spoil an entire vacation. Anyone who has actually dealt with them knows this to be true. Good luck!


Well...this reply is refreshing.

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Don't be shocked. This is Cruise Critic after all. Unfortunately what you will get on here is people attempting to protect "their" cruise line at all costs, and in the process do everything possible to discredit you. They will pick apart your story, practically call you a liar, boast of how unprofessional your letter is, accuse you of stirring the pot because you only have one post, etc. etc. Frankly I'm surprised you even came back to explain yourself. Why bother? Honestly it's not worth it and you certainly don't need the buy-in or acceptance of anonymous strangers on a message board. I assume you made your original post so others can hopefully learn from your experience.


I can empathize with you, and whether or not I like your letter or think you received too much or too little compensation is completely irreverent. Only you went through what you did and only you know the complete facts of your situation. Everyone else commenting is pure speculation.


I do hope your final outcome will be satisfactory. Bed bugs are not something to mess with and yes they can absolutely spoil an entire vacation. Anyone who has actually dealt with them knows this to be true. Good luck!



Be honest, do you really think the OP's underlying motive for posting this on Cruise Critic was so that others could "learn" from his experience? And what exactly is it we are supposed to learn? Don't travel, because if you do you might encounter bed bugs somewhere? I think most of us were already aware of that fact. Don't cruise with NCL because they have bed bugs and they didn't comp my entire cruise? It was done to trash NCL because the OP had the bad luck to encounter BBs which can happen anywhere, apparently even my Miami Downtown Hilton according to another poster. No surprise, and I will stay there again. Some people have other types of bad luck, like Noro or much worse. Is it the ship's fault someone brought it aboard?


None of us were on that ship, we don't know the couple's behavior, what was said, or in what tone of voice. All we have is the rambling, over the top letter he wrote. They certainly seem like the most reasonable and low maintenance type of people, so rectifying the situation should have been simple, right? Thank heavens they didn't find any "Hair:eek:, as well! We know their room was cleaned and "debugged". All their clothing was cleaned. They were given not one but two new rooms, and they were given $500 OBC. Seems to me like they did pretty much everything any reasonable person would expect. And if the OP feels that is not enough, he is free to write to NCL as he did. I agree perhaps the ship management could have done more to placate the couple on board, but I suspect at some point they determined that nothing was ever going to suffice, they tired of dealing with them, and got as far away as possible.


Maybe the OP himself will learn something from his situation and the outcome, but I doubt it. Take it to Judge Judy. You got bed bugs. Unfortunate, but nobodies's fault. They fixed it. They compensated you for what amounted to a full day's loss of cruise enjoyment. You came to NCL and publicly trashed them with no possible understandable positive outcome for yourself or anyone else. Enough. Case closed.


And this has nothing to do with "cheerleading" for NCL. That's just an easy way to try to discredit the valid points that others make. If you think I am a cheerleader, you should check out a few of my other posts on certain topics.

Edited by punkincc
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why? Because they expect not to have bed bugs in their room? why is that a luxury request? its a most basic expectation not to have bugs in your room.


I was not referring to the bed beg issue as even a 5 star resorts can have bed bugs. I was talking about the other complaints he mentioned in the letter.


"The sink was chipped in two places and was completely unacceptable"


" We went to the other Mini-Suite at 8055, and we had issues with this room as well. It was very noisy, and had lots of vibrations in the floor"


"This does not include any of the other issues related to this ship, including way to many people, people fighting over chairs on the pool deck and at the buffet, lots of stress on board, no free deck chairs on the pool deck. We could never enjoy the pool deck on the sea days"


This is my favorite quote of the OP. What this has to do with his bed bug complaint I do not know?


" I am lifetime Platinum with Marriott, and I am only 38 years old. I have been to over 40+ countries around the world"

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did you miss the part about the exterminator taking care of the cabin. I think that shoul eliminate the problem. BTW, you say this is the kind of info you like to see on CC, will this change your mind about cruising NCL? Of course that is the attempt of the OP, too let everyone know how terrible he was treated and how bad NCL reacted...I find this to be unacceptable, but am glad CC allows us to vent. That is what he is doing, even though it isn't going to get him anywhere I am sure.


You would stay in a cabin known to have bed bugs just because an exterminator came in the room?? I wouldn't. Ever.

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You would stay in a cabin known to have bed bugs just because an exterminator came in the room?? I wouldn't. Ever.


You probably already have!;). Do you ask every hotel for a list of the rooms that have been exterminated prior to your arrival?


Of course anyone would want a new room. And they were given one, and then another.

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Only you went through what you did and only you know the complete facts of your situation. Everyone else commenting is pure speculation.



And I wish he would have kept 90% of what he said to his self so only he knew about it. Frankly I got a headache reading it yours was almost as bad. People are going to keep comenting on this cause its funny the OP is acting like Kim K. Dropping names of fancy hotels and travel experience around. Oh man. I could never do that it would make me feel like a little weasel. Here is how it should read Start of thread I got bed bugs in such and such room, next room was dirty and no compensation was offered above $50 and dry cleaning. I expect a free trip for scratching my ankle. lol

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This guy probally does this everywere he goes. (There is a hair in my room) Oh man that was great! This food is not what I wanted I said no onions I expect a free meal. This drink smells funny I didnt notice till it was half empty I want a free one. and on and on and on.

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You probably already have!;). Do you ask every hotel for a list of the rooms that have been exterminated prior to your arrival?


Of course anyone would want a new room. And they were given one, and then another.


The comment was made that an exterminator came into the room that day. It doesn't work that way. The entire room would have to be bagged and cleared first. Bed bugs don't just disappear like that. I would never have stayed in that room that same day, no matter what they told me.

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I may regret voicing my view here later, but I will do so anyway and run the risk of being flamed.


I agree with the opinions that suggest the OP might have written a different letter with a different tone and with far less information. Were his expectations unreasonable? Maybe or maybe not. It depends on who you ask. I know that had this happened to me, my letter would have been very different. But I am not the OP.


Aside from the particular issue at hand, I am disappointed that judgements and name calling continue in posts. No one here but the poster knows about his wife. To repeatedly label her a "drama queen" is discourteous. Then, there are the assumptions and assertions about the character of the OP. Sheesh.


When forum threads degenerate like this, I find myself wanting to completely disengage. I can certainly do that and someone may well invite me to do so. My expectations are probably too high to think that we can have a genuine online cruising community here free of snarking and the like. Sadly, this is often what happens in online communities when people can be anonymous and post away impulsively.



Edited by Levanah
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It's a shame the OP and his wife had to deal with having bed bugs in their cabin. Is it possible THEY are the ones that had them and brought them in? Could they have brought them from their pre-cruise hotel? If the problem had been in the cabin for any great amount of time, wouldn't the previous folks in the cabin have been bitten and complained? That is why I'm curious and wondering if maybe the OP brought the bb's in. I guess I don't know enough about bb problems.


If the bb's had been in the cabin for very long, wouldn't they have been bitten much worse??? Wouldn't the bb's have reproduced? LIke how fleas can get out of control super quick??


A cousin of ours had bb's in their home. They couldn't for the life of them figure out how they could have gotten them. But their young daughter was away on a trip to the ocean. They slept in their home for ONE night. That poor child was covered all over in bites. From head to toe. At first they thought it was fleas, and they were absolutely horrified to learn it was bed bugs. They are super neat people and buy nothing (beds, furniture, etc.) used.


OP's post won't keep me from cruising with NCL. It isn't their fault that one of their passengers, maybe themselves, brought bed bugs onboard. If the OP acted with staff onboard like he is sounding in his post here, they probably didn't want to keep trying to please them. I don't think he could have been pleased.


I've only known NCL staff to be kind, helpful and going to great lengths to make your cruise pleasant. I have a feeling they wouldn't have been able to do what it took to get the OP to settle down and accept all of their efforts to correct the problem and help them in all ways they could.


This post has been good for me to read and informative. I really never thought about checking the bedding and furniture in a hotel before I occupy it. Or leaving my luggage in a safe place until I do. But I sure will in the future.


But, as I said. OP's post has in no way diminished my probability of cruising with NCL. I know enough to know that bed bugs can be on any cruise ship and in any hotel! And get into any home pretty easily. If I do run into that problem on a cruise ship, I will expect the problem to be corrected to my satisfaction. Which would mean being moved to a new cabin, my things being made free of any possibility of bed bugs. And heck, I would probably ask for a FREE dinner at Le Bistro. But only because I've been dying to try that place! ha! But other than that, I wouldn't feel like NCL owed me any more than that. It was not a problem that they caused.


When I got home, I would probably send a letter to NCL letting them know of my bad experience. I would explain the problem that happened and what was done to correct it. And, if I was polite I'm guessing I would be offered something "free" without even asking. ha!

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You finally did it. I am now scared for life and totally traumatized from seeing your post. You better send me $500 cash, comp my future cruise and issue a public apology forthwith or I am going to call you out and trash you on CC. You have 48 hours to comply.

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Put yourself into my shoes..and ask yourself what you do? If you have bed bugs what would you want? If this is your first cruise and you have bed bugs would you want to come back?



We did not bring any bed bugs in from outside. We left our house on Saturday morning, and stayed at the Conrad Hilton in downtown Miami. This is a 5 star hotel.


You may think every time to look for bed bugs in a room, but as someone that has stayed in 75-100 nights in a hotel room every year I do not.



The second room had chips in the sink and was noisy. We could have been fine with a chipped sink but not noise and vibrations in the floor.


1st off I want to say I do feel for you and your experience but, IMHO NCL did go above & beyond what they needed to. Changing your room a 3rd time was not necessary. $500.00 was more than enough compensation. I believe they DID bend over backwards to try to please you and your wife.


Now as far as you NOT bringing them in - Who know's? But I Just googled "downtown Miami Hilton Hotel ever have bed bugs", guess what? Numerous times!!!:eek:


Do yourself & your wife a favor - next time you stay away from home - Check for Bed Bugs! IMHO not to is just plain ignorant!!

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Do yourself & your wife a favor - next time you stay away from home - Check for Bed Bugs! IMHO not to is just plain ignorant!!


Apparently bed bugs know better and avoid people who travel 70-100 nights a year so checking for them is not really necessary. :eek: :p

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The comment was made that an exterminator came into the room that day. It doesn't work that way. The entire room would have to be bagged and cleared first. Bed bugs don't just disappear like that. I would never have stayed in that room that same day, no matter what they told me.


This is what the OP has told us. He boarded on Sunday. They found a large stain on the Duvet. It was promptly changed.


On Monday they went to Guest Services to complain about the "cleanliness" of the cabin. If they ever mentioned bed bugs at this point the OP does not indicate that. They met the supervisor at the room and it was "thoroughly cleaned" according to the OP.


On Tuesday, they went to Guest Services and informed them they had bed bugs. They were told to meet the supervisor and pest control back at the cabin. The OP reports that both the supervisor and pest control were at the room when they arrived. The OP states "they had the room turned upside down", which I translate to mean they were beginning the process of stripping the room so that the little critters could be dispatched. They were told "they were going to call guest relations and get us another room". They sorted their belongings for cleaning and signed for them. They then left with their key to the new room. It's my guess that the person from "pest control" is responsible for makeing sure the rooms contents are handled properly prior to starting fumigation.


You find it disbelieveable that an exterminator came to the room "that day"? I would find it disbelieveable if one didn't. It sounds like NCL takes this very seriously, which I am happy to hear. And they were given a new room at the first mention of a bed bug.

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I am glad this thread was started by the OP as not only have I learned a lot about bed bugs, but I have also gotten a great education on how to check for the critters when I go to a hotel or on my next cruise. I would never have thought about putting my luggage in the bathtub while checking the room. So for this info I thank the OP and fellow posters.

I do however stay with the thoughts I posted much earlier in this thread. And please forgive the personalization, but I have dealt with people from all over the world in my job and unfortunately the OP falls into the category of "never being pleased" with whatever you do for them. His second post confirms this for me. Do I believe he has a legitimate gripe with the BB's? You bet. I would have been in Medical and then to Guest Services with the Hotel Director to check our options. The difference would have been the approach. You have to treat people as equals and not your servants. To expect people to bend over backwards to make you happy is difficult especially when you are making them feel like they aren't helping you at all. I have experienced this many times and their expectations are grandiose. I have had people demand that I pay for their hotel, change of airfare, food and give them distress pay because they missed a $7.00 event, and it was their fault they were late!!!! I am not kidding about this.

Remember the old adage "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" and stay on topic. That is what I hope others remember when trying to get help from others in any situation.

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I may regret voicing my view here later, but I will do so anyway and run the risk of being flamed.


I agree with the opinions that suggest the OP might have written a different letter with a different tone and with far less information. Were his expectations unreasonable? Maybe or maybe not. It depends on who you ask. I know that had this happened to me, my letter would have been very different. But I am not the OP.


Aside from the particular issue at hand, I am disappointed that judgements and name calling continue in posts. No one here but the poster knows about his wife. To repeatedly label her a "drama queen" is discourteous. Then, there are the assumptions and assertions about the character of the OP. Sheesh.


When forum threads degenerate like this, I find myself wanting to completely disengage. I can certainly do that and someone may well invite me to do so. My expectations are probably too high to think that we can have a genuine online cruising community here free of snarking and the like. Sadly, this is often what happens in online communities when people can be anonymous and post away impulsively.




So well said = thank you. I agree totally.



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You find it disbelieveable that an exterminator came to the room "that day"? I would find it disbelieveable if one didn't. It sounds like NCL takes this very seriously, which I am happy to hear. And they were given a new room at the first mention of a bed bug.


I do not find it unbelievable that an exterminator came into the room that day; however, that is not how bedbugs are handled. As stated, the entire room would have been bagged and removed. More than one treatment would have been required, which is why the OP's statement that she would have stayed in the room after the exterminator left (or expected the OP to) is illogical.

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The bed bugs would have totally grossed me out and if you took them home, that is thousands $ to take care. I would not have been able to sleep either after that. ( I also would have left the chipped sink out of it as that makes you sound picky and takes away from the real issue.)

Good luck although I don't think you'll get much else since you accepted what they already offered. Let us know.

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