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Room Service No Longer Free - NCL Starts $7.95 Charge Per Order


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... It is illogical to ask for "proof" positive that NCL's Daily Service Charge is being skimmed before responding as if it has.

In the real everyday world, we should act under worse case scenario.

If NCL fails to be completely transparent and candid where the money goes, there is reasonable suspicion that some or all is being skimmed ...


+1 << Like>> 2 thumbs up for your comments


It's pretty self-evident to me, fairly early on, the quasi-pseudo jury panel on NCL that gathered here will never come to a majority opinion, it remained a hung jury, perhaps a mis-trial - but, why bothered preparing for a better case with a new docket.

Furthermore, why should anyone bothered - in the future - post anything in the middle of their vacation in the ocean, while on a cruise with expensive airtime minutes or data plans, that - hey, folks - something isn't quite right onboard up ... heads up & beware. And, to get nearly lynched for certain comments deemed insensitive when the bigger picture is overlooked. Next time, don't say a word & let them faced shock-n-awe themselves with the surprises. It's much easier to be armchair cyber-forum experts from homes & offices on land. Besides, "the" website is the ultimate authority for their cruise contract(s) - or, is it ??


We voted with our wallets on the ship 2 weeks ago and each of us spelled out in 1,000 characters with the post cruise e-surveys on what we think. That doesn't mean we will be silent on other social media, travel sites and IM apps like the one with the big "T" or certain "F" site to share. Will just have to agree to disagree, and stop beating it.


It's none of my business if someone else wanted to sign an un-dated blank check payable to CASH (on demand) to fill in the blanks; but, I surely object if someone tried to endorse it & post it to our account.


# # #


On the topic of Room Service Charge, I don't have a problem paying VAT or sales tax, i.e. while docked in Florida (or NYC, for that matter) as that's being collected & (hopefully, as it should) forwarded to the appropriate tax authorities in the jurisdictions. Autogratuity of 18% is what was printed on the sales slip to sign on our Breakaway sailing, and, I quote, "however, please use the 'Additional Tip' line to recognize exceptional service." WTH, I won't even try to decipher who is/is not getting the D.S.C. - and, frankly, don't care what/how, ec. and it is NOT my business on how they are going to allocate it. It is not the money as some of us clearly said - the fundamental principles are what we have issues with.


This lack of transparency and unacceptable rollouts are part of the tarnished corporate image problems, and it is all fuzzy - not as simple as black and white, with many shades of grey images in layers. At some point, I (as in "we" in our clusters of cruisers among friends & extended families that often do things together as a group) will call it quits, suspend & cancel additional bookings ahead of final payment deadlines, and, move the business relationships elsewhere and don't care for someone saying ... just go & do it. We will help them save their 4 pc. Godvia in a tiny box & strawberries and less work for the laundry people since we won't be "abusing" the free perks. And, they can keep their $10 comp'd house wine for us and sell it to the sheepies for $30++

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I disagree. Logic would dictate that the business I go to is under no obligation whatsoever to explain to me what they do with the money they charge me for a service. When you go to a restaurant and pay your bill do you ask the cashier or manager where all or a portion of you money goes and to whom?


NCL is under no obligation to it's customer based to explain the increase in the DSC,how the DSC is distributed or why they implemented a RS,specialty dining fee or any of the auto-grats. The idea that a business that isn't "transparent and cnadid" about how it uses it's revenue is somehow ripping off it's customers and/or employees is nonsense in my opinion.


People seem to think that because NCL is opening it's books to the general public that something shay is going on when in reality they are like any other business. You don't see Coca-Cola explaining how they distribute their revenue to their employees.



NCL been more open about how the DSC is distributed because they wanted to be not because they have to be.


Again this is pretty simple to solve for anyone that is having an issue with these new charges. Deal with it for this cruise(provided you are already booked and can't cancel) and then book with NCL again or go elsewhere.


Regardless happy sailings for all.






You are either intentionally misinterpreting my post or unintentionally misreading them.


I did not say NCL has an obligation to divulge what they do with money they charge.


I did say:


If the CEO says he's going to raise prices and cut services and

The prices go up and

website wording that previously indicated the money was used as crew gratuties is changed to wording that it's for gratuities AND service charges;


The formulation of a suspicion that the increased money is going to the company coffers is logical, rational and reasonable.


I have been an NCL loyalist for 8 years and the only company that has recieve more money from me in my entire life is my mortagage company.


But loyalty should be a two way street. It becomes a one way street when I'm told $25K to $35K per year is not enough loyalty to deserve free delivery of a pot of coffee and juice to my cabin each morning in return.

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I disagree. Logic would dictate that the business I go to is under no obligation whatsoever to explain to me what they do with the money they charge me for a service. When you go to a restaurant and pay your bill do you ask the cashier or manager where all or a portion of you money goes and to whom?




NCL is under no obligation to it's customer based to explain the increase in the DSC,how the DSC is distributed or why they implemented a RS,specialty dining fee or any of the auto-grats. The idea that a business that isn't "transparent and cnadid" about how it uses it's revenue is somehow ripping off it's customers and/or employees is nonsense in my opinion.




People seem to think that because NCL is opening it's books to the general public that something shay is going on when in reality they are like any other business. You don't see Coca-Cola explaining how they distribute their revenue to their employees.






NCL been more open about how the DSC is distributed because they wanted to be not because they have to be.




Again this is pretty simple to solve for anyone that is having an issue with these new charges. Deal with it for this cruise(provided you are already booked and can't cancel) and then book with NCL again or go elsewhere.




Regardless happy sailings for all.











They are under no obligation whatsoever to tell you what they do with the dsc.


You are under no obligation to pay it either.


If you don't like paying some optional fee, just have it removed at the desk. No problem.

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They seem to be using a new form of words in the recently introduced/amended charges.


UDP - "An 18% gratuity and specialty service charge will be added to the package price."


Room Service menu - "An 18% gratuity and beverage service charge will be added to your check for non-complimentary beverage or special occasion items."


Previously it was just a gratuity.


This could be fuelling some of the speculation.



The statement "An 18% gratuity and specialty service charge will be added to the package price" makes it sound as if two seperate charges are being added to the package price.


I am assuming they mean an "18% gratuity/service charge" and should not have inserted an "and" into the statement.


But this wording does leave NCL wiggle room to apply only a portion of the 18% amount to the gratuity the waiter gets and they can then apply the "service charge" portion to their bottom line.


And as far as the flat Room Service "Convenience Charge" on Complimentry food, there is no way that this fee should not INCLUDE the gratuity for the person who brings it. If they are in fact applying an 18% gratuity to the convenience charge itself as has been reported, rather than only to fee items like platters, beverages, or special occasion items which carry a fee, I would have to go to guest services and have it removed.


Their whole concept makes no sense. The delivery person merits an 18% auto grat if he delivers a platter, but not when he delivers trays for a family of 4 who get only complimentry items? ( according to the * portion of the RS menu ).

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Why not discuss RCCL's dining policies over on the RCCL Board? It's confusing enough to keep NCL's policies sorted out;):).

OK, sorry to have cluttered up this thread with a discussion of up charges. Let me summarize what you might have missed due to my clutter: "You are a liar, no I'm not you are. OK, let us agree to disagree" (posted a few hundred times).

So, I will now leave this valuable thread. Bye.

Edited by CptSticky
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OK, sorry to have cluttered up this thread with a discussion of up charges. Let me summarize what you might have missed due to my clutter: "You are a liar, no I'm not you are. OK, let us agree to disagree" (posted a few hundred times).

So, I will now leave this valuable thread. Bye.

Please don't let anyone run you off, many of us enjoy reading your posts.
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Would I be out of line to say that many, no, make that most, passengers will pay the RS fee and gratuity* (for priced items) because they don't know that it used to be included in the cruise price? Many people I know think that room service, just as in hotels, costs an arm and a leg because of the convenience of them bringing food to you. I doubt there will be very many cancellations, phone call or emails complaining about the new fees or gratuities to NCL except for maybe a few from Cruise Critic forums, (of which most passengers don't even know exist).

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Weasel words and obfuscation by NCL seems to be flavour of the month at the moment. If NCL (a multi-million corporation) cannot express themselves clearly and unambiguously (maybe they sacked all of the English majors recently:rolleyes:) and communicate it clearly to their staff, then the only people who will profit from these ambiguities will be ambulance-chasing lawyers.


Perhaps the ambiguities are down to the fact that NCL have not really thought these things through properly?


It is coming over, to me anyway, as someone at NCL HQ comes up with a new 'revenue stream'/'nickle-and-dime' idea - so they implement it without thinking through all of the consequences (EU legislation for example), and then they are fire-fighting the PR fall-out (remember 'new Coke'?).


This could provide an interesting case for a Business Studies course - 'how to screw up the implementation of a simple change in one easy example'.


Just saying.

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You are either intentionally misinterpreting my post or unintentionally misreading them.


I did not say NCL has an obligation to divulge what they do with money they charge.


I did say:


If the CEO says he's going to raise prices and cut services and

The prices go up and

website wording that previously indicated the money was used as crew gratuties is changed to wording that it's for gratuities AND service charges;


The formulation of a suspicion that the increased money is going to the company coffers is logical, rational and reasonable.


I have been an NCL loyalist for 8 years and the only company that has recieve more money from me in my entire life is my mortagage company.


But loyalty should be a two way street. It becomes a one way street when I'm told $25K to $35K per year is not enough loyalty to deserve free delivery of a pot of coffee and juice to my cabin each morning in return.


I'm not intentionally misreading your posts, but I do believe that I'm not all that clear on your position.


I took your post of "suspicion" to mean that you believe that NCL owes you an explanation or that something underhanded was going on with the changes. This clearly doesn't seem to be the case and I was mistaken.


As far as your "loyalty" goes I'll say what I have maintained all along. People seem to have this false idea that NCL cares about your loyalty beyond the program they offer for passengers to enroll in(which you pay for anyway with your bookings) This is as far as their loyalty to you goes. They don't and they never have. Anything perceived otherwise was mistaken at best and foolish to believe at worst.


While in an ideal world it would in fact be a two way street the reality is that more often than not it isn't and in my opinion to expect otherwise just isn't realistic. I'm old enough to remember when this wasn't the case at all regardless of how big a company was but the world changed.


All I (and those that take issue with the new changes) can do is choose to use NCL or book elsewhere.






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I'm not intentionally misreading your posts, but I do believe that I'm not all that clear on your position.


I took your post of "suspicion" to mean that you believe that NCL owes you an explanation or that something underhanded was going on with the changes. This clearly doesn't seem to be the case and I was mistaken.


As far as your "loyalty" goes I'll say what I have maintained all along. People seem to have this false idea that NCL cares about your loyalty beyond the program they offer for passengers to enroll in(which you pay for anyway with your bookings) This is as far as their loyalty to you goes. They don't and they never have. Anything perceived otherwise was mistaken at best and foolish to believe at worst.


While in an ideal world it would in fact be a two way street the reality is that more often than not it isn't and in my opinion to expect otherwise just isn't realistic. I'm old enough to remember when this wasn't the case at all regardless of how big a company was but the world changed.


All I (and those that take issue with the new changes) can do is choose to use NCL or book elsewhere.





The difference in opinion/view seems to be between those have read the Del Rio interview and those who haven't- those who have are taking a dimmer view of things than those who haven't. At least that is the way that it seems (and of course like any generalization it isn't necesarily valid 100% of the time).


We'll see how it goes but as I said going forward they'll have to get me onboard with a lower price than what the competition offers.

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I realize I am very late to the party, but I would line to comment on the NCL convenience charge. The amount of this charge is not yet fleet wide and is yet to be determined. Thus the two different amounts being charged on two different ships.




Folks have complained for years about the lack of hot food, particularly on the breakfast menu. Guess what? NCL has responded and offered a menu with


hot food for breakfast. This does not come without some expense.




The old breakfast menu does not require rocket science to prepare. Basically, it is matter of producing toast, filling coffee carafes and placing cold items on a tray. The enhance menu requires a dedicated cooking staff to cook eggs and other items. That creates expense.




Also, if the ordered food is supposed to be hot when delivered, I presume it


will entail more personnel to deliver orders in a timely manner.




Basically, NCL is offering what pax requested. Some here think they are being ripped off.




Those who are past final payment probably do feel ripped off. When they booked their cruise, they did so knowing that room service was included in the price of their cruise. Suddenly, when they can no longer opt out of the cruise without financial penalty, NCL changes the terms of their cruise. The term bait and switch comes to mind.


To me, the fact that they are charging 2 different fees during the trial says that they haven't based this on the cost of preparing & serving the new RS menu. They are simply trying to find a price point that the public will accept. I would say most of these items are already being prepared for the MDR and buffet and it will just be a matter of plating and delivering them. Deliveries may not increase since the orders for coffee only orders will probably drop way down.


They could have been heroes and implemented this similar to the way Carnival has done it. That would have maintained a current free benefit and added extra options for those who wanted them, while still bringing extra revenue into NCL's coffers.

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I'm not intentionally misreading your posts, but I do believe that I'm not all that clear on your position.


I took your post of "suspicion" to mean that you believe that NCL owes you an explanation or that something underhanded was going on with the changes. This clearly doesn't seem to be the case and I was mistaken.


As far as your "loyalty" goes I'll say what I have maintained all along. People seem to have this false idea that NCL cares about your loyalty beyond the program they offer for passengers to enroll in(which you pay for anyway with your bookings) This is as far as their loyalty to you goes. They don't and they never have. Anything perceived otherwise was mistaken at best and foolish to believe at worst.


While in an ideal world it would in fact be a two way street the reality is that more often than not it isn't and in my opinion to expect otherwise just isn't realistic. I'm old enough to remember when this wasn't the case at all regardless of how big a company was but the world changed.


All I (and those that take issue with the new changes) can do is choose to use NCL or book elsewhere. TheCapt



Actually, there is a third choice to be made in the interim before either booking with NCL or moving on, and that is to express your opinion of these changes and the manner in which they were implemented along with the continued ambiguity and pond water clarity of much of what NCL has presented.


Companies want feedback, surely? If I were running a business, and my customers seemed outraged by something, I think I would want to know about it.


But I agree, not sure how much repeat cruisers are valued at NCL. Not nearly so much as the new cruiser, who is apt to be not as savvy and end up spending much more on board than the experienced NCL cruiser ever would.

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Carnival for instance, still delivered in giving goods and service as promised.

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Of course, there was that "minor" problem of no water and sewage in the hallways.:eek: How quickly we tend to forget. (Just kidding, Tiffygirl, but that is something that always comes to mind when I hear something good about Carnival.)


Is there a charge to get a refill on the popcorn? This thread's good!!

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Of course, there was that "minor" problem of no water and sewage in the hallways.:eek: How quickly we tend to forget. (Just kidding, Tiffygirl, but that is something that always comes to mind when I hear something good about Carnival.)


Is there a charge to get a refill on the popcorn? This thread's good!!




true, but *%#t happens!!!:D


but seriously, carnival turned it around, they took a serious hit to the reputation and folks bailed ship literally. fast forward 2015. according to the latest annual report filed in march, revenue, net income, and passenger capacity all rose significantly since that *minor* incident. why is that? short memories? yes. Improved product? yes. low prices? yes.


most importantly, i think they have rebuild the trust to the carnival brand, ergo, perception.


granted i have not been on CCL for awhile, but i will be moving some of my business in there direction.


yes there is a convenience fee of $3.95 but the butter and salt are always complimentary:D

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I came away with this feeling as well.




I understand the importance of paying attention to revenue and the need to increase revenue and profits. But I sense a lack of integrity here. Rapid and significant changes. Very poor communication regarding these changes. Breakdown in public relations to a solid customer base. All in all, it does feel slimy.




When I walk on an NCL ship for my vacation, I want to have an overwhelming sense of trust about the company and its management. NCL has built up this trust in recent years and has spoken of and communicated a feeling of "we are all family" in its transactions with customers. I can feel this beginning to slip away. If this continues without some significant reparations soon, it will hurt NCL.



Thank you. This is exactly what I have been thinking, only you expressed it so much better than I ever could.

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true, but *%#t happens!!!:D


but seriously, carnival turned it around, they took a serious hit to the reputation and folks bailed ship literally. fast forward 2015. according to the latest annual report filed in march, revenue, net income, and passenger capacity all rose significantly since that *minor* incident. why is that? short memories? yes. Improved product? yes. low prices? yes.


most importantly, i think they have rebuild the trust to the carnival brand, ergo perception.


granted i have not been on CCL for awhile, but i will be moving some of my business in there direction.


yes there is a convenience fee of $3.95 but the butter and salt are always complimentary:D


The problem with Carnival is the same as Walmart - company is okay /good but some of thier customers / passengers is what makes them look bad.....


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk

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The difference in opinion/view seems to be between those have read the Del Rio interview and those who haven't- those who have are taking a dimmer view of things than those who haven't. At least that is the way that it seems (and of course like any generalization it isn't necesarily valid 100% of the time).


We'll see how it goes but as I said going forward they'll have to get me onboard with a lower price than what the competition offers.



I've read the interview and in my opinion it's getting blown way out of proportion. First off he said and I quote:


"I'm not asking for the moon, but an extra $3 or $4 per person. There are two people per room, for a seven-day cruise that is an extra $50. Can I get $50 from you and your wife to come aboard my ships versus someone else's ships, and how do I get you to do that? I think I have a lot of different levers to pull.



Now from what I gather from these discussions a good majority are taking this quote from him as "I'm going to find every possible way I can to rake all of our customers over the coals"


Now if you take into account the recent new charges and changes I can see where you could interpret it that way. However I believe that the changes are just one of the "levers" he is pulling at the moment.


He is also stating that he wants to find ways to get the customer to use NCL vs. the competition. Now the new RS charge "lever" is certainly not looking like it's enticing people to use NCL if you go by the CC forums.


By stating that he wants more people using NCL it pretty much contradicts those "longtime savvy cruisers" that have posted that they feel he's pushing them overboard.


The way NCL went about rolling out the changes was not how I would do it, but they felt or thought it was worth the PR hit. Also Del Rio only publicly stated what every other head of a big corporation thinks and feels everyday and that is they all want to increase the bottom line. It might not have been smart but it was honest.






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I've read the interview and in my opinion it's getting blown way out of proportion. First off he said and I quote:


"I'm not asking for the moon, but an extra $3 or $4 per person. There are two people per room, for a seven-day cruise that is an extra $50. Can I get $50 from you and your wife to come aboard my ships versus someone else's ships, and how do I get you to do that? I think I have a lot of different levers to pull.



Now from what I gather from these discussions a good majority are taking this quote from him as "I'm going to find every possible way I can to rake all of our customers over the coals"


Now if you take into account the recent new charges and changes I can see where you could interpret it that way. However I believe that the changes are just one of the "levers" he is pulling at the moment.


He is also stating that he wants to find ways to get the customer to use NCL vs. the competition. Now the new RS charge "lever" is certainly not looking like it's enticing people to use NCL if you go by the CC forums.


By stating that he wants more people using NCL it pretty much contradicts those "longtime savvy cruisers" that have posted that they feel he's pushing them overboard.


The way NCL went about rolling out the changes was not how I would do it, but they felt or thought it was worth the PR hit. Also Del Rio only publicly stated what every other head of a big corporation thinks and feels everyday and that is they all want to increase the bottom line. It might not have been smart but it was honest.





Only time will tell how this will all end and I sincerely hope that I am wrong about Del Rio and the direction he wants to take NCL. Unfortunately this normally optimistic person isn't all that optimistic at the moment.

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The problem with Carnival is the same as Walmart - company is okay /good but some of thier customers / passengers is what makes them look bad.....


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


Corporately speaking Walmart are awful. Would not classify as "good". They treat workers like crap. Treat their vendors like crap. Treat their communities like crap. Treat customers like crap. But they have low prices...


Would not compare them to Carnival at all. That's offensive to Carnival.

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I came away with this feeling as well.


I understand the importance of paying attention to revenue and the need to increase revenue and profits. But I sense a lack of integrity here. Rapid and significant changes. Very poor communication regarding these changes. Breakdown in public relations to a solid customer base. All in all, it does feel slimy.


When I walk on an NCL ship for my vacation, I want to have an overwhelming sense of trust about the company and its management. NCL has built up this trust in recent years and has spoken of and communicated a feeling of "we are all family" in its transactions with customers. I can feel this beginning to slip away. If this continues without some significant reparations soon, it will hurt NCL.


As I reread each of your paragraphs, I agreed in both what you say and the way you say it. Thank you.

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Why not discuss RCCL's dining policies over on the RCCL Board? It's confusing enough to keep NCL's policies sorted out;):).


Because people are comparing NCL to Royal Caribbean, so it is important to be comparing the correct dining policies.

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Only time will tell how this will all end and I sincerely hope that I am wrong about Del Rio and the direction he wants to take NCL. Unfortunately this normally optimistic person isn't all that optimistic at the moment.



I can certainly see that point of view with all of the changes.


Happy sailings





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The problem with Carnival is the same as Walmart - company is okay /good but some of thier customers / passengers is what makes them look bad.....


Sent from my SGH-T399 using Tapatalk


Matter of opinion. That is why there are so many choices. Everyone has to find a ship/ cruise line that fits their needs, and offers the value that fits their budget. I like Walmart. It will sell me the same can of string beans 30 cent cheaper than I would pay at Harris Teeter. But I also like Harris Teeter because i like the bells and whistles so i know i will pay more for those weekly wine samples, free cookies, hot bar and salad bar:D


CCL knows there customer base and is ok with the Walmart image.


NCL, Im unsure what market they are going for in the future. Are they trying to make NCL more "Regent like", and target that high end customer base by increasing the fares so much that alienate the budget traveler?


Or is MR. FDR only concerned with the bottom line and get the money from any source he can, not caring about company image and reputation in the process?


We shall see.

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Only time will tell how this will all end and I sincerely hope that I am wrong about Del Rio and the direction he wants to take NCL. Unfortunately this normally optimistic person isn't all that optimistic at the moment.


I agree....

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Matter of opinion. That is why there are so many choices. Everyone has to find a ship/ cruise line that fits their needs, and offers the value that fits their budget. I like Walmart. It will sell me the same can of string beans 30 cent cheaper than I would pay at Harris Teeter. But I also like Harris Teeter because i like the bells and whistles so i know i will pay more for those weekly wine samples, free cookies, hot bar and salad bar:D


CCL knows there customer base and is ok with the Walmart image.


NCL, Im unsure what market they are going for in the future. Are they trying to make NCL more "Regent like", and target that high end customer base by increasing the fares so much that alienate the budget traveler?


Or is MR. FDR only concern with bottom line and get the money from any source he can, not caring about company image and reputation in the process?


We shall see.

I like Walmart too but sometimes the customers are just too mych to handle - so now I just buy it online and not from brick & mortar store unless its absolutely necessary. In the case of Carnival, good service, value and port stop choices for a low price but their passengers have issues especially if someone doesn't coalesce with thier perception / stereotype - yeah, my experience on Splendor with there...It'll take an reasonable affordable OV and up to go back, otherwise nope, sticking to NCL and maybe Royal for future - at least other NCL passengers haven't tap me on my shoulder multiple times and said something offense to my face...Let me put it like this, if I've let what happened on Splendor and negatives in this forum get to color my perception, I would never cruise again.



Edit: Personally, I think NCL is aiming for the couples and family that's willing and/or doesn't mind the extras; while on the solo front its whomever can pay the fare.



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