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Keep the cruise. Change the doctor. Having worked with my mom battling through terminal cancer, I'm not to keen on doctors who just want their patients to lay down and die. (sorry for the wording there) they will likely never get another chance at a trip like this again and you should most certainly find a doctor who understands this situation and allows them an opportunity to live out their lives with dignity and without being restricted. We took the same liabilities with my mother. I'm hoping things work out for you OP.


As posted above, they can be denied boarding due to concern about potential medical crisis and no refunds given.

Acting against the current physician's medical advice can result in violation of their care center.

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A good corporation will work with you, however, Carnival will not. Sounds like you are a cheerleader, and I am just the opposite. Post like this need to be heard, so that others can make educated decisions on which cruise line to go on. The more negative Carnival gets, the better it is. Eventually, either Carnival will wise up, or others will flock to other cruise lines.


And if they had booked non refundable airfare and nonrefundable hotel rooms, it would be as stated "nonrefundable". No "working with", simply nonrefundable.

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I am sorry, I lost money ($100) for each of 2 cabins, but I am curious why you would not have checked with their doctor before booking? I recently had some eye issues and was prohibited from flying and did not book until cleared by my dr



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My son fell and had to have major surgery on his foot 6 weeks before his wedding. The doctor told him he couldn't fly to Hawaii for his honeymoon because of the danger of a blood lot.


BOTTOM LINE: You should never ignore the medical advice of your doctor. Suppose something did happen to thiis elderly couple and they tried to collect a claim on their cruise insurance if a medical emergency arose. You have to document everything and have your physician fill out forms when filing claims. It would be unethical and perhaps Illegal for a doctor to sign off on someone as physically fit to travel when their medical history and present health prevents safe traveling. The insurance company probably wouldn't reimburse them their medical care and/or medical evacuation if something happened. Telling folks to ignore the doctor and go ahead and take them on this cruise is not sound advice. It could just potentially lead to more financial heartache and personal misery.

Edited by HLGW60
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I'm going to say I'm so sorry for you! It sounds like from your story that you were told one thing by a rep of Carnival's and then when the poop hit the fan things changed. I had that happen to me and lost out on over 500$ in price drops on my Aruba cruise. I was beyond peeved. But it doesn't matter they don't record their calls because should they have to investigate ...and heaven forbid YOU ARE RIGHT and they have to fix something they told you wrong the world would end!:rolleyes: I'm CONVINCED that is why they don't record their calls..they don't train their PVP's right and when you get told something WRONG it's YOUR fault because obviously YOU can't hear...:rolleyes:

I think it's such an awesome thing that you tried to do something nice for them! Speaks volumes about you! Did you let your excitement get the best of you ..maybe but it is indeed the kind thought that counts! Blessings to your family and I hope someone at Carnival will listen and care.

Thank you so much...it really helps to heal my heart hearing your words...they are like a hug! Like I've said befor I know I made some mistakes but my heart was in the right place and so was my husbands...Mostly everyone has been supportive and I appreciate it.

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Personally, and being a nurse, I would say to get another doctor. No doctor should ever say someone shouldn't go on a cruise, unless they're pregnant. That's dumb.



You are the type of nurse that makes me cringe. The only thing you know about those two people are the tinest niplet of what the OP has said, against their doctor who has probably known them for some time.


How can you make a judgment call saying they are fine to travel, just shop around and find a new doctor who knows next to nothing about them and maybe that doctor will say it is fine.


They may be in fact fine to cruise for 4 days, but I would certainly never throw out a blanket statement of if they are not pregnant, they will be fine and anyone who thinks they are not is dumb.

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I am not a "Carnival cheerleader" and I'm not going to say that you should have looked into the Early Saver details before you made the purchase (because I think you already know that now). But I will say this: please do not try to make Carnival out as the bad guys simply because they are following their policy. I feel bad for your situation, but the reality is that everyone has a "situation" that they will swear is a bad as yours. Carnival cannot make exceptions for one person, because then they will have to make exceptions for everyone. Anyway, good luck, and I hope that you can find a vacation that your parents can go on. Maybe a land vacation closer to home, for a shorter amount of time.


I disagree with you. If a customer States their situation very carefully to a Carnival representative and that representative schedules them for a cruise but its obviously not the correct choice for their situation Carnival is at fault. It may not be Carnival Cruise Lines fault that her parents are sick but the OP didn't keep it a secret that her parents are sick and the representative who booked the cruise for them did not point out the potential hazards of their plan. What these folks should do is get a note from the doctor stating that their parents have become more ill and are unable to cruise then they can at least get their insurance.

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I don't know your parents' medical situation, but I am flabbergasted that your doc won't let them cruise with what you described of their health. I would insist on talking to him personally to know why and possibly get a second opinion. I'm sorry, but your doc sounds like a turd.


I actually was in the situation of having to tell a patient that he might not be able to go on a cruise. I was reluctant to tell him but he had an abdominal abscess that might've ended up requiring surgery and you don't want to end up having to have that in Mexico so I told him if his CT still showed an abscess that I recommended he remain in the USA. Luckily the scan came back good and he was able to go on the cruise without danger. Also he and his wife were quite understanding and said if they needed to cancel they would since his health was more important.

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Just take them anyhow. Who cares what the doctor says. Let them have some fun


OP, I am sorry that this happened to you but I kind of agree with this. The doctor can only advise. It's still up to your parents to decide whether or not they feel up to it and want to go.

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I booked a couple of cruises recently and my PVP was awesome. She made sure I understood every aspect of early saver, and everything as far as cancellation. I knew most of it already but I really appreciated her taking the time to go over everything.

One thing she told me that I thought was really great info is that she recommended when I booked the cabin for my daughter and her bf that I only put in my daughter's name and add the bf right before final payment. She said that way you avoid the fee if they break up and someone else goes instead. She said it happens all the time and she wanted to save me the $50 name change fee that comes with early saver.

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I booked a couple of cruises recently and my PVP was awesome. She made sure I understood every aspect of early saver, and everything as far as cancellation. I knew most of it already but I really appreciated her taking the time to go over everything.

One thing she told me that I thought was really great info is that she recommended when I booked the cabin for my daughter and her bf that I only put in my daughter's name and add the bf right before final payment. She said that way you avoid the fee if they break up and someone else goes instead. She said it happens all the time and she wanted to save me the $50 name change fee that comes with early saver.


A good pvp is awesome

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Is this your parents' doctor or the nursing home physician? I ask because I have extensive experience working to advocate for people living in nursing homes and some facilities are not always working for the best of the residents. You see, nursing homes can't charge for that day if the resident isn't there. So, if a resident is on a trip for a week, and that resident is paid for by insurance, the facility won't be paid while they're on vacation. With a couple, that's 14 unpaid days.


This may or may not be case, but I have seen it happen. I would hate for your parents to miss this opportunity needlessly.


My point is, don't take the opinion of a doctor employed by (and possibly a partner of) the nursing home. I recommend people keep their own doctor when in a nursing home for objective care.

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My point is, don't take the opinion of a doctor employed by (and possibly a partner of) the nursing home. I recommend people keep their own doctor when in a nursing home for objective care.


You are absolutely correct in this. My mother was put in a nursing home. She was in the hospital for pneumonia. The "social" worker thought it would be best that my Mom go to a rest home for 30 days. My mother was fine, nothing wrong with her. However, they knew she had excellent secondary insurance and with Medicare, they milked her insurance. She was under the care of the facility physician and NOT her regular doctor who did say my mother did not need to be in there. So you could be right, it's about the $$$.

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You are absolutely correct in this. My mother was put in a nursing home. She was in the hospital for pneumonia. The "social" worker thought it would be best that my Mom go to a rest home for 30 days. My mother was fine, nothing wrong with her. However, they knew she had excellent secondary insurance and with Medicare, they milked her insurance. She was under the care of the facility physician and NOT her regular doctor who did say my mother did not need to be in there. So you could be right, it's about the $$$.


From working in a nursing home, they love love Medicare and they can legally "milk". I don't think they are medicare though.


To explain about keeping their regular doctor, they can't unless their regular doctor has privilege to treat in that facility. Few doctors have them.

Edited by RuthlessBoss
added about privileges.
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Is this your parents' doctor or the nursing home physician? I ask because I have extensive experience working to advocate for people living in nursing homes and some facilities are not always working for the best of the residents. You see, nursing homes can't charge for that day if the resident isn't there. So, if a resident is on a trip for a week, and that resident is paid for by insurance, the facility won't be paid while they're on vacation. With a couple, that's 14 unpaid days.


This may or may not be case, but I have seen it happen. I would hate for your parents to miss this opportunity needlessly.


My point is, don't take the opinion of a doctor employed by (and possibly a partner of) the nursing home. I recommend people keep their own doctor when in a nursing home for objective care.


Good thought and thank you for that...but no it was their personal care physician. and part of my problem with circumventing his opinion is my brother who is the POA for my folks. This Doctor is also my brothers Dr and he thinks he( the Dr) hung the moon. My brother is the type of person who errors on the side of caution as they say and he is sickly himself. In fact come to think of it I better tell my Bro to check with this dr before he makes any crazy plans like a trip to the local grocery store as that may be out of the question for him as well...sorry, a bit of sarcasm there, woke up teary eyed again today, I'm still not over it. Going to church only the Lord can get my mind and heart straight. thanks again.

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I disagree with you. If a customer States their situation very carefully to a Carnival representative and that representative schedules them for a cruise but its obviously not the correct choice for their situation Carnival is at fault. It may not be Carnival Cruise Lines fault that her parents are sick but the OP didn't keep it a secret that her parents are sick and the representative who booked the cruise for them did not point out the potential hazards of their plan. What these folks should do is get a note from the doctor stating that their parents have become more ill and are unable to cruise then they can at least get their insurance.



And I wholeheartedly disagree with you. It's a consumer's responsibility to make informed decisions. You seriously have to have been born yesterday if you think salespeople are honest. They are out to make a sale, nothing more. Which is why, when I make a large purchase, I make it a point do the due diligence beforehand and research what I am buying before I buy it. I generally know exactly what I am going to buy before I ever walk in a store or pick up a phone, and I know all of the strings attached. And you know what, if I don't, well then shame on me. Can't blame the company for my lack of planning and understanding of their stated policies.

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And I wholeheartedly disagree with you. It's a consumer's responsibility to make informed decisions. You seriously have to have been born yesterday if you think salespeople are honest. They are out to make a sale, nothing more. Which is why, when I make a large purchase, I make it a point do the due diligence beforehand and research what I am buying before I buy it. I generally know exactly what I am going to buy before I ever walk in a store or pick up a phone, and I know all of the strings attached. And you know what, if I don't, well then shame on me. Can't blame the company for my lack of planning and understanding of their stated policies.


WOW! Perfection personified;)

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Good thought and thank you for that...but no it was their personal care physician. and part of my problem with circumventing his opinion is my brother who is the POA for my folks. This Doctor is also my brothers Dr and he thinks he( the Dr) hung the moon. My brother is the type of person who errors on the side of caution as they say and he is sickly himself. In fact come to think of it I better tell my Bro to check with this dr before he makes any crazy plans like a trip to the local grocery store as that may be out of the question for him as well...sorry, a bit of sarcasm there, woke up teary eyed again today, I'm still not over it. Going to church only the Lord can get my mind and heart straight. thanks again.



I really do understand your frustration and sadness in this situation. As someone who has said Carnival is not the bad guy here, I hope they make things better in terms of the finances for you since it sounds like the trip is off.


But finances aside, there are your folks. I think it's a great idea to do something with them. Have you spoken with their doctor about what type of vacation they would be able to do? if it's not a cruise, maybe something else like a trip to the beach or something like that.

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Sorry that your parents are in such poor health . As for you , this is your error not Carnivals .

You are not a newbie and hiding behind bad advice from the Carnival rep is evading your own responsibility .

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One of them requires oxygen though from time to time, and I do believe you need a doctor's requisition for that.



I took my mother and 2012 on the pearl out of Miami and she requires oxygen 24 seven.all I had to do was go through the ships medical department and she gave me a number to contact their medical supply people and they had the oxygen and all of the and all of the equipment waiting in the cabin all I had to do was prepay . With saying all that things may have changed.. But I do know the casino gave me a phone number I called arrangements were made for wheelchair and oxygen



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Yes, and that's reasonable advice from a medical professional. But it sounds like this doc just decided these people couldn't go. I would just want a full explanation. Plus it sounds like he didn't discuss it with the family, just made the decision. He still sounds like a turd to me, an arrogant one at that.


I would have a serious conversation with DR as to why he feels that way and than decide what to do.


He might have good reasons for this decision.

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So, let me get this straight?


In many states you can go online and get a legal prescription for medical marijuana. In many states you can go online and get a legal prescription for male stimulation drugs, et al;.


I would bet, don't know for sure, that you could go online and procure a prescription for oxygen.


Just sayin;)

Edited by Roscoe13
It wouldn't let me name the drug that starts with V
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