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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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UKcruisejeff suggested I post this in the water cooler section. I mistakenly posted in the regular Silversea area. I am hoping that I am doing it right! Here we go.....


I haven’t posted in a while. Most times, I come in read, and get ideas and see the reviews. I recently had a thought…..Have you ever met your cruise broker? Here is our story, as we are fairly new to cruising. I was fortunate enough to retire almost 3 years ago at 45. We have a love of the Ocean and have chartered yachts in the Mediterranean and Caribbean in the past for vacations, but decided to try cruising, and were bitten by the proverbial bug. My wife and I were at a charity event here in Greenwich, and were chatting with a few neighbors/friends about it. They recommended a guy they have been using for quite some time. I gave him a call, and we seemed to hit it off at once. He too loves anything to do with the water, and also was telling me he was into purchasing, remodeling, and selling homes in his spare time. (Something I want to start to do now that I’m retired). We booked our very first cruise on Silversea and were hooked. After a few more cruises, we were chatting and I mentioned we were looking for a place to buy in Montauk, Long Island or Cape Cod, Massachusetts and since he is out on Long Island maybe he could make some suggestions. He said he had a vacation place in Montauk and would gladly meet up with us and show us around. Well, that is where the fun began! We drove out there early one morning with the intention of spending a day or so looking to buy. His place was amazing, and he started showing us around. During lunch, my wife mentioned the possibility of buying on Nantucket, and his face lit up. He excused himself from the table and when he returned a few minutes later he said he had a surprise for us. We got in his car, and he took us to the airport in East Hampton. Unbeknownst to me, his family owns a jet! Not the Net-Jets, or those other timeshare jets! It is their families jet. Now I am NOT one to be easily impressed since I was fortunate enough to earn a huge amount of money with a very big name firm – and have basically “seen it all” while working. This was one amazing plane! He proceeds to take us to his Families compound in Nantucket for the night! The next day was just as special as the first! My wife and I could not stop talking about the adventure we had, and were telling everyone we know. When we met, I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years he came from Real Wealth, or should I say "Old Money". I guess that is how he gives us such a large discount on the cruises we book. He said he does it as a quasi-hobby, and just loves chatting with folks, and planning holidays with them. He certainly is NOT in it for the money! Every time I see our friends who recommended him to us, I thank them over and over! Thanks to him, we are the proud owners of a great home in Madaket on Nantucket! We are so thrilled that we met him, and actually socialize with he and his family on occasion while we are on Nantucket. I cannot say enough nice things about him! We are very fortunate! Don

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UKcruisejeff suggested I post this in the water cooler section. I mistakenly posted in the regular Silversea area. I am hoping that I am doing it right! Here we go..... Thanks to him, we are the proud owners of a great home in Madaket on Nantucket! We are so thrilled that we met him, and actually socialize with he and his family on occasion while we are on Nantucket. I cannot say enough nice things about him! We are very fortunate! Don


Appreciate this interesting and unique posting, sharing. Sounds like fun!!! We have not, yet, been to Nantucket, but, it is on our future to-do listing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 61,409 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!


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Appreciate this interesting and unique posting, sharing. Sounds like fun!!! We have not, yet, been to Nantucket, but, it is on our future to-do listing.




THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio




If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 61,409 views.


Venice: Loving It & Why??!!








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The problem is that however it plays out in Turkey it is going to be unsatisfactory. If the coup succeeds it is military rule, if it fails Erdogan will become more extreme. Tough either way. Jeff


There have been many stories and analysis "news" pieces trying to figure out what happened in Turkey and the next steps there. It is still unclear how these legal "processes" will finish/complete, how it ALL will impact tourism there, etc.


In the Wall Street Journal on-line this morning, here are a few of their key headlines: "Turkey’s Erdogan Widens Post-Coup Crackdown as Mass Funerals Begin", "What We Know About the Failed Coup", "Analysis: Erdogan Avoids Morsi’s Fate", "Turkey Arrests Incirlik Air Base Commander", "Coup Attempt Forces More Flight Cancellations" and "In U-Turn, Erdogan Embraces Social Media". Yes, that use of social media was interesting as a special angle/twist for how this coup effort was evolving/happening.


From the New York Times this morning, they have this headline: "Turkey Was an Unlikely Victim of an Equally Unlikely Coup" with these highlights: "If the attempted coup in Turkey came as a surprise, there was good reason: The event went against decades of research on how, when and why coups happen. Coups are usually driven not solely by individual plotters, but also by structural factors. Political scientists, by tracking factors like economic trends, political freedoms and public health, have identified several predictive patterns. At-risk countries tend to have high rates of infant mortality, a common measurement of poverty, and poorly performing economies. Turkey’s economy has been growing, and infant mortality has been rapidly declining. Ulfelder’s research found that a country is less likely to face a coup when there is armed conflict in nearby states, perhaps because of a rally-around-the-flag effect. Research suggests that carrying out a successful coup is a bit like baking a cake: There is a recipe, and if you skip steps or leave out ingredients, you’ll almost certainly fail."


Full NY Times story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 200,855 views.


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I am a bit mystified, to use the most benign word I can conjure up, after reading the post about meeting one's TA.

Maybe it's just me...

I just don't get it.

I don't mean to be intolerant or unappreciative of what may be true exuberance.

I may be too old. Or my values a bit skewed.


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I am glad that I am not the only to be rather stunned by post 4030. Don't want anyone to feel unwelcome on the Cooler, however. Any comments, Jeff?


I met our Thomas Cook travel agent when shopping in a local Mall once.


The end....


Best I can do to compete im afraid. Interesting story though. From a chance meeting weird and wonderful things can and do happen. A chance meeting I had caused my first SS trip.

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Hi Coolers........I think we were all a tad mystified with Don's post but l wouldn't like him to feel unwelcome on the cooler. It is after all a space for us all to be able to chill out and write stuff off topic and even vent from time to time......whether we agree or not ...it usually makes for a great debate!

Maybe Don could follow up with some pics of his Nantucket home on the Cape.....it's a place on my bucket list to visit mainly because of the Kennedy history......l have a friend with a holiday home there so l have no excuse!!


It's hot and humid here in Wales.....l took furry babe out at six thirty this morning to avoid the heat of the day...the walk was delightfully cool with not a soul about....very refreshing.

Other than that it's a mundane Monday...my chiropodist has been and l have blood tests later to sort my arthritis problem out but I'm busy stocking the closet up for the TA on the Spirit in November which keeps the old chin up..[emoji6]


Sophia [emoji4]




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Hi Coolers........I think we were all a tad mystified with Don's post but l wouldn't like him to feel unwelcome on the cooler. It is after all a space for us all to be able to chill out and write stuff off topic and even vent from time to time......whether we agree or not ...it usually makes for a great debate! Maybe Don could follow up with some pics of his Nantucket home on the Cape.....it's a place on my bucket list to visit mainly because of the Kennedy history. Sophia


Yes, great idea by Sophia, for posting some pictures of his nice home on Nantucket. Not totally sure about the connections for "the Kennedy history" on Nantucket. Most of the Kennedy fame is associated with the "compound" of the Kennedy's with three houses on six acres of waterfront property on Cape Cod along Nantucket Sound in Hyannis Port. Right? That is where President Kennedy had his summer White House and presidential retreat until his assassination in November 1963.


Now there was the "fame" for Teddy Kennedy on nearby Martha's Vineyard when there was "party" on Chappaquiddick Island that resulted in a fatal car/bridge death. That happened on July 18, 1969, exactly 47 years ago today.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 32,479 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.


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Good afternoon coolers,


Wifey and I have a very close association with Nice having had a property there some time ago.


The wooden structure you see in the pictures provides shade for some benches which included our favourite of which was one that overlooks the sea. Seeing the carnage there a week or so ago has been a bit too much to take for us and this overlaid over the terrible situation in Istanbul. has made us numb.


I cannot speak for other posters and I don't know whether the full extent of Nice was shown in the US but seeing the covered bodies of children and people lying beside their dead loved ones because they were unable to leave them has really effected many Europeans really badly. The French and Brits may bicker but when it comes to things like this we are all solid. Consequently discussing stuff like the repercussions on tourism and other stuff seems inappropiateto me at the moment so with your indulgence I'm signing off for a while.


all the best



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The French and Brits may bicker but when it comes to things like this we are all solid. Consequently discussing stuff like the repercussions on tourism and other stuff seems inappropiateto me at the moment so with your indulgence I'm signing off for a while. all the best Jeff


Appreciate Jeff's perspectives and his added connections with Nice and these other wonderful areas of southern France. Yes, this has been a very sad and tragic situation. Clearly there are no easy or quick solutions. Unfortunately, France is in the target zone and will get more terrorist attacks in the future.


Hope I am not being disrespectful, but below are three visual samples from Saturday morning when doing our Clintonville neighborhood farmer's market in our part of Central Ohio. It was a nice, pretty Saturday and weekend.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Wonderful Kotor and nearby Montenegro? Check these postings. Have had over 29,383 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:




Here are three visual samples from the Clintonville market this past weekend. Lots of fresh items, including sweet corn, veggies, flowers, fruits, baked goods, crafts, etc.:









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Dear fellow coolers


We all used to say 'the world has gone mad'. Well now it seems as if it has. Let's all try to keep our sanity, think about the lovely things which are still around, and hang on in there. I am not finding it easy.


Loving thoughts to all the good people in the world,



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Greetings Coolers!


Lola...Like you and many others I'm sure, I am torn between feelings of grief, shock, fear and the sense that we are losing our grip on what it means to be human versus the overwheming need not to let them win! We all need to deal with our feelings about the current world situation in a way that works best for us as individuals. And as a group, we need to maintain hope for a better world, love in the face of hatred and an appreciation for the joy and beauty our world can still deliver!


Like you Lola....I am sending loving thoughts to all!

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A little bird told me today that Adam Wright CD on the Wind is leaving when she arrives at Tower Bridge on the 20th July...... and will be Joining Silver Wind in December.


Just if anyone is interested!

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Hello all. Hope you are well.

The days go by like waves, each washing in the other.


I continue to watch the world events. My therapy has been sanding and refinishing the salterini wrought iron furniture. I will have finished that months long project by the end of today.

I will need another distraction to feel grounded and a sense of accomplishment rather than constant grief and powerlessness.

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Hello all. Hope you are well.


The days go by like waves, each washing in the other.




I continue to watch the world events. My therapy has been sanding and refinishing the salterini wrought iron furniture. I will have finished that months long project by the end of today.


I will need another distraction to feel grounded and a sense of accomplishment rather than constant grief and powerlessness.



Well said Spins....it's so hard to know what to say with such tragic events happening.

My forthcoming project is to start work on turning the now empty apartment next door into part of my bungalow as my Father won't be coming back...it's quite a sad time with many mixed emotions....life can certainly change in a heartbeat......


Sophia [emoji4]







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A little bird told me today that Adam Wright CD on the Wind is leaving when she arrives at Tower Bridge on the 20th July...... and will be Joining Silver Wind in December.


Just if anyone is interested!


Interested as we're sailing on the Wind in a month. Who is replacing him? Is Sergio coming back from vacay in August?



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Interested as we're sailing on the Wind in a month. Who is replacing him? Is Sergio coming back from vacay in August?





I was told Colin is back on board - and no answer about Sergio.


Apparently the Tower transit was shown live on the internet... Not sure where but will find out!

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Greetings Coolers! Our world is broken and we feel powerless in the face of constant tragedy and heartbreak, violence and despair. I have no magic to aid all those who are suffering. I have only words to express caring and support.


The ripples of your sadness

Send tremors through my heart

Your pain is being telegraphed

Though we are far apart.


Your world may feel quite empty

Your heart drained of loving grace

I know tears blur your vision

Though I cannot see your face.


The darkness in the lonely land

Where you have pitched your tent

Wraps icy fingers of despair

Around a heart now bruised and bent.


You sit in deadening isolation

Convinced the world has cut you loose

Turned its back on your desolation

Your pain tightening like a noose.


The silence in your reclusive camp

Thunders through your lonely land

But you are not alone, my friend

There is someone close at hand.


I’m sending ripples of my own

Across time and space to you

Waves of caring and support

To light your world anew.

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And now Munich.


Yes, very sad. As being reported now on cable news, it does not appear to be an ISIS or related Middle-East type of attack. More domestic connected.


Have many wonderful memories from visiting there first way back in December 1970 as they were getting ready for the 1972 Olympics. Our second visit there was in 2003. Lots of history, great architecture, food, people, beer, etc., to enjoy there.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 149,868 views for this posting.

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