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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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You remember before mobile phones ... when you were abroad .... and you always used public phones to call home ..... and always outside the hotels because it was a rip off. And you remember how you could never work out what code you had to dial because you added and missed off bits of the number. Well. :D


I called wifey one morning after the day and apologised for not calling the previous night but that I was too druink and I couldn't work out how to use the phone. It had taken me half an hour that morning to get through even though I was a bit more sobre.


She said "what are talking about .... you called me at 3am and told me that you had gone out to eat with ***** and you had set fire to him. You thought it was hugely funny because you thought he was wearing a polyester tie and you had decided that the best test would be how quick it would burn over a candle and if it ended as a plastic blob on the table. Evidently it didn't and it was pure silk. Expensive silk. I asked you if he was grumpy with you and had fired you and you had said that he was too drunk too remember. This morning he sent me a fax with a picture of you slumped in a corner with your tongue hanging out with a cake on your head on which were several candles. I think his memory is clearer than yours."


I remember Munich mostly for some of the best sausages, and beer and that they have a better and enviable range of potatos in the markets and like to eat enormous radishes. The thing I most dislike is taking a poor vegetable - cabbage - and then making it into a long life product ie sauerkraut - a thing I find so horrible I just don't believe people genuinely like it. I love kraut salad though - but that is different. And the staff in our local office had no humour and spoke poor English.


Mark (oops ..), yes that picture includes everything a man wants in his partner. And she responds to the simple command .... "fetch" ... but luckily in the schweizerhaus they deliver to the table!! Can you see how alert her eyes are in that picture. And sometimes a wet nose.



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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It's definitely autumn in Upstate NY; even though the leaves are still mostly green and still on the trees you can feel it in the air. Deep blue skies and around 70s/20 during the day, cool overnight in the high 40s / high single digits. Chris went in the pool Saturday afternoon while it was 80 degrees, but that's probably the last time this year... I didn't get home from work early enough to get in. :(


Tonight's dinner prepared for later... Roasted butternut squash with ham and scallions, pasta and a mascarpone cheese sauce. Can't wait to eat!



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Terry, thanks for the visuals. This one looks very much like the Augustiner restaurant that's on the pedestrian street between Karlsplatz and Marienplatz. We ate there several times when we were there two years ago. And funny enough, we have the same guidebook (Munich and the Bavarian Alps). I can see enough of it in your picture to recognize it!


Appreciate the super sharp eye and memory by JP. Glad you noticed my having one of the Eyewitness books. Also like those guides with their great visuals, maps, details, etc. Good picture by Jeff of his wife in that city with the beer mugs. Understand if you worked in Munich, it might have been very different from what we enjoyed while being there as tourists/visitors.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 186,018 views.




Here is my wife in 2002 at that Augustiner restaurant on this historic Munich pedestrian street. You can see their name on the edge of one of the large covering umbrellas. Great setting to do wonderful people-wataching, plus good beer, food, etc.:



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I thought Terry's piccies of those girls can be beaten by a wife piccy. People think she has a fine pair in this piccy taken at The Swiss House Vienna which is where it sometimes feels that we use to live. Jeff


jpalbny: It's definitely autumn in Upstate NY; even though the leaves are still mostly green and still on the trees you can feel it in the air. Deep blue skies and around 70s/20 during the day' date=' cool overnight in the high 40s / high single digits. [b']Tonight's dinner[/b] prepared for later... Roasted butternut squash with ham and scallions, pasta and a mascarpone cheese sauce.


Jeff's comment about his wife having a "fine pair" raised certain expectations as to the type of picture that would follow. BUT, however, it was a pair of beer mugs!! JP's dinner treat looked super wonderful and very tasty.


Yes, fall is getting closer with the nice day-time temperatures and cool evenings. Very enjoyable here in Central Ohio. Almost perfect weather that we will be having all this week here.


Yesterday afternoon, we did a local "Parade of Homes" and I captured a few images. Some have interesting fall touches and other varied items that might be worth sharing. See below!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 204,232 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




From a Central Ohio "Parade of Homes" yesterday afternoon, below are few visuals that capture certain signs of the season, including mums being the floral treat of the season. The second picture shows an unusual pool table with a base as if it was a red Mustang convertible. Cute!! The fifth picture shows one of the highlights from a basement rec room decorated and styled as Jimmy Buffett party theme. Fun! :


















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It's definitely autumn in Upstate NY; even though the leaves are still mostly green and still on the trees you can feel it in the air. Deep blue skies and around 70s/20 during the day, cool overnight in the high 40s / high single digits. Chris went in the pool Saturday afternoon while it was 80 degrees, but that's probably the last time this year... I didn't get home from work early enough to get in. :(


Tonight's dinner prepared for later... Roasted butternut squash with ham and scallions, pasta and a mascarpone cheese sauce. Can't wait to eat!



JP, your meal looks yummmmmmmy! It's getting cooler here too. Leaves have started to change and they are falling. Brrrrrr!

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Just a beautiful day here today. Low 70s/20s, low humidity, lots of blue sky, almost no wind ... .


mysty: Lovely pictures Terry! Love imaginative decor!


Appreciate these follow-up and comments. Fall can be one of the best times of the year as it can be nicely brisk' date=' cool and comfortable during the days and into the evenings. The trees, mostly oaks, all around our home in this ravine area, are getting to turn towards vivid fall colors. Am on our screened porch, watching TV, typing on my laptop and enjoying the time and weather. See below for the detailed "evidence" about our fine weather and times.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio[/font']


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 120,038 views for this posting.



Per AccuWeather for the next two weeks in Central Ohio, here is what we must face. Those high's temperatures in the mid 70'sF would equal about 23-27C, right? Seem good enough and/or manageable? Will we survive?:



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I didn't take an image of mains (eye fillet with roasted black sesame crust and Diane sauce done medium rare) but this was the pannacotta with orange syrup that followed


Edited to add I didn't do it in my usual mould so there is a bit of split often surface ...grrrrr


Edited by MrsWaldo
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Good Morning all - why am I craving sugar this early in the morning? Must be that delicious panna cotta on this thread!


Almost through this latest slog of 5 nights in a row on call. Worked every day since we returned from Germany including last weekend. After tonight it gets a little easier.


Managed to get the first blog post up. Have been busy when we're not working, finishing the outline of the trip log that will form the basis of the rest of the blog posts, and we've organized our pictures. So the rest will eventually follow!


Off to the Finger Lakes this upcoming weekend for wine tasting and general revelry with 2 other couples - 6 of 8 from our travel group (Silver Explorer, Africa, etc) are meeting up. Batten down the hatches and keep an eye on your wine glasses!

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Terry lovely piccies ...


Ms Waldo .... that piccy looks wonderful. When I first looked at it it looked like a caramel sauce and I had serious yearnings for that caramel sauce. I adore caramel sauce. Then I reread and it is an orange sauce and you appeared to have sugared or enhanced a slice of orange and that is really lovely. So now I yearn for that orange instead. If you don't mind mea saying it needed a crepe underneath and a slug of Grand Marnier. Or three.


JP, I guess it shows that my life must be content free .... but I am so looking forward to hearing about your trip with piccies. I know that you and Chrissy will make every trip you take memorable and great and I really want to see it all. There is nothing too trivial. In fact leave out the important stuff and focus on the trivial because it is the important stuff that is trivial and the trivial stuff that is important. I know you know what I mean. :)


Mysty. Where de piccies?!>?!" :eek: How are you getting on. Will you survive or propser in the life after Old Betsy.


I have had another few days in Nicos Taverna and remain perplexed at how useless I am at anything practical. When I say useless I mean deply useless. If I look at a hammer I bleed. I think well. But I "do" badly. I gave up with the electrics and called my man in and he did it.He had left a spare switching circuit but no instructions. So I was prudent and called him in.


Then all I had to do was cable in the light fittings. This involved the use of an electric drill and making holes. I could tum the drill on but the holes into metal I could not make. 3 days. Obviously blunt drill bits. I bought more. Lot's more. This didn't cure it. I still struggled and struggled and sat down being puffed out. Just for a few holes to screw the light fittings into metal. Then a thought occured to me. Does the drill go backwards and forwards? No I checked it has a hammer mode and a drill mode. And then I noticed another thing to press. I pressed it and tried. And the drill went through the metal like a knife in butter. I cannot say how dumb, stupid upset and annoyed I am. Why didn't anyone tell me that drills go backwards as well as forwards? :(


I told wifey. I always own up. She didn't laugh but consoled me. She said I was good looking and clever instead (I just lied about the first bit ...) and that is life.


However Nikos Taverna now has a new light circuit of Fishermans lights and old fashioned filament bulbs and I did it all ... even though it took me three days and I pulled my back.


Tommorow I have 2 kilos of lovely mussels, a box of langoustine and 4 large plaice to bbq for the next few days. Every cloud ......






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So that is where you have been lately, Jeff! Good to know that you are alive and kicking, even if you are kicking yourself. :( Seriously, I am so glad that you were able to make the lighting improvements to the Taverna. Now you can relax, rest your back and take some pictures! I have to attend to chores here so the new camera is just waiting for me to pick her up and take her for walkies. The dust bunnies were stampeding around here and needed a firm hand to corral them. They have been dealt with and I can move on to the fun stuff. Stay tuned!

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Just to change the subject from food(?) We are having people for lunch tomorrow, and I wonder if anyone from the UK remembers dear old Coronation chicken? Terribly old fashioned, but a nice lunch dish. I am currently poaching the chicken breasts in stock. For those to whom it is a mystery; just a cold dish of pieces of chicken, with bits of apricot and sultanas and toasted almonds in a mayo/greek yogurt dressing with a light curry flavour added. Also a bit of mango chutney and apricot jam, for me. Served alongside little gem, new pots and warm bread rolls. Very old hat , obviously dates back to 1953. It will be accompanied by Villa Maria sauv.blanc.


Does that meet with your approval, Jeff? Maybe it is a bit too 'ladylike'.



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Interesting dish, Lola. It sounds North African with the meat combined with sweet fruits such as raisins and apricots. That is a combo I rarely eat, but would try. A nice savvy sounds good but what about a heavier white like Viogner, or Marsanne-Rousanne?

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Just to change the subject from food(?) We are having people for lunch tomorrow, and I wonder if anyone from the UK remembers dear old Coronation chicken? Terribly old fashioned, but a nice lunch dish. I am currently poaching the chicken breasts in stock. For those to whom it is a mystery; just a cold dish of pieces of chicken, with bits of apricot and sultanas and toasted almonds in a mayo/greek yogurt dressing with a light curry flavour added. Also a bit of mango chutney and apricot jam, for me. Served alongside little gem, new pots and warm bread rolls. Very old hat , obviously dates back to 1953. It will be accompanied by Villa Maria sauv.blanc.


Does that meet with your approval, Jeff? Maybe it is a bit too 'ladylike'.



I don't know about Jeff, Lola, but that dish sounds divine to me! Have an awesome meal! :)

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Just to change the subject from food(?) We are having people for lunch tomorrow, and I wonder if anyone from the UK remembers dear old Coronation chicken? Terribly old fashioned, but a nice lunch dish. I am currently poaching the chicken breasts in stock. For those to whom it is a mystery; just a cold dish of pieces of chicken, with bits of apricot and sultanas and toasted almonds in a mayo/greek yogurt dressing with a light curry flavour added. Also a bit of mango chutney and apricot jam, for me. Served alongside little gem, new pots and warm bread rolls. Very old hat , obviously dates back to 1953. It will be accompanied by Villa Maria sauv.blanc.


Does that meet with your approval, Jeff? Maybe it is a bit too 'ladylike'.






Cornation chicken was really intended for leftovers wasn't it? It does however come into it's own for couple ordering corn-fed chicken of 1.7kg on flash sale from Ocado for coupples by themselves .................! ;)


In that situation I prefer the following. For the main meal always use the thighs legs and "generous" wings for the hot meal and leave the breasts for "day 2" and refrigerate.


On day two big dice the chicken. Mix a generous slug of Heinz Salad Cream with some medium or light curry powder, a small slug of tomato sauce, some sugar and a few dots of chilli ie tabasco or periperi or whatever with it for the core meal. To enahnce some chopped up salad / spring onion. To stretch mix with steamed quarted and cooled charlotte potatos and carefully mix together without breaking up. Shape it using a burger press on the plate.


That to me (apart from cold chicken sandwiches) is what you do with left over chicken breast.


But I'm just a bloke.





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So that is where you have been lately, Jeff! Good to know that you are alive and kicking, even if you are kicking yourself. :( Seriously, I am so glad that you were able to make the lighting improvements to the Taverna. Now you can relax, rest your back and take some pictures! I have to attend to chores here so the new camera is just waiting for me to pick her up and take her for walkies. The dust bunnies were stampeding around here and needed a firm hand to corral them. They have been dealt with and I can move on to the fun stuff. Stay tuned!


Very energetic. Also stacked a few lorry loads of kiln dried beech for the winter and that was the end of the back! Still at least we will be warm this winter.


I am looking forward to your piccies and interested to hear how you got on with P!





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Your cold chicken dish sounds heftier to me - the Coro. is quite light, and I hate salad dressing and tomato sauce! Vive la difference.


Yes, jp, I think it is a bit North African, and yes, Jeff, probably originally intended for leftovers. Although normally we prefer thighs to breasts (my DH certainly does, ho ho), this dish somehow is better with the latter. It does have a noticeable but not too strong curry flavour.


I also think it goes better with sauv.bl. than the others- plus we happen to have a few bottles in of it, which helped to make the decision jp.


Good eating to all,



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Very energetic. Also stacked a few lorry loads of kiln dried beech for the winter and that was the end of the back! Still at least we will be warm this winter.


I am looking forward to your piccies and interested to hear how you got on with P!






Your wish is my command Professor! My newest toy arrived today so I thought I would take this opportunity to test my P skills. :) (Not pee but P) I got an extendable light weight tripod as per your suggestion good sir. I want to try the time lapse thing on our desert excursion out of Dubai.


The first picture is the small version with no leg extension.




This next picture is the tripod with three of the four leg extensions in place. (I didn't realize there were four segments until after I took the photo, ooops).




And the last picture is with all the legs extended to fullest.





Cool beans right?

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Well, Mysty they look very sharp and perfect to me. How essential do you currently feel Old Betsy will be on your WC?


I do feel terrible, because I never suggested buying a full sized tripod. I bought a dinky little table top thing that will fit in my other pocket or wifey's bag. Your tripod takes more space than the camera. :eek:


Can you make a stew out of it, or make it i to a conversation piece? Oh ... it has become a conversation piece hasn't it!






edited| I do like that floor .... tiles! And those stairs seem comfy. I think, you, JP and I have similar'ish design tastes.

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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