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First X Cruise:SILHOUETTE JAN 17 2016


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Thanks for the review so far Norris, great as always 😀


Thanks Debbie, glad you are following along!


I think you are going to enjoy this St Kitts day....lots of fun coming up!



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This already was our third night on the ship and on the prior two nights I had noticed Lawn Club Grill was packing them in for dinner. It's easy to find if you (a) sniff the air like a Bloodhound and (b) look between the funnels. We hadn't eaten anything other than each other's Segway dust since 8 hours ago.




We were ready for anything-except the waiter that served our table.

We both love Indian food and music. I used to have Indian friends when I lived in London, curry capital of the World. They were bright and very witty companions-just a lot of fun, bursting with personality.


Enter a whirling dervish of energy and wit called Valeriano(call me Val or Doctor V.) He's been with X for 14 years. His passport is Portuguese and his ancestry is from the former Portuguese colony of Goa, India.


He's our kind of waiter which means he is loose, not stiff or shy, and can take a joke and understand my deadpan schtick and give it back to me-just like Murano's Walter did with his "it's fresh warm-water lobster....from a can".

I am sure some of you have been served by this happy face....





Nearby a young couple were making their own salads then the woman got a lesson in making her own flatbread followed by her husband cooking their steaks on the grill. They were having so much fun!! We could also watch them on the overhead TV monitors. What a great concept this restaurant has!


While your steaks were being cooked by the chef, and there were few people left I asked the pizza tosser supreme, a beautiful young girl called Puta from the Far East to show me how she prepares flatbread..... (video)



More to follow....




I made Flatbread in the LCG, but I can say mine looked nothing like Puta's. Mine had many holes & I missed the catch on the toss. It was fun though!

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The sight of the two beautiful sister ships together made me almost wet myself..




The public restrooms on the ship may be small but they are beautifully detailed and have orchids and cloth towels as well as paper to dry your hands. I also love the button to automatically open the door so you don't have to touch a handle.




Ok-now to some interior shots while we're waiting for the ship to clear the Port Authorities...


I'm going to take a walk along this deck. The shops won't be open as we are in port but that's better for me. I just want to show you "who's onboard".




The smaller forward atrium above Celebrity Central. I'm walking towards the stern.







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I made Flatbread in the LCG, but I can say mine looked nothing like Puta's. Mine had many holes & I missed the catch on the toss. It was fun though!


Debbie- you had fun and that's all that matters. I hope Puta's training video will help you next time!



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My French toast with bacon




Another fine Blu breakfast sets us up for the day!




There are 3 true things in life,

1) First and foremost, EVERYTHING is better with BACON,

2) Scotch is meant to be a fine single malt (no less than 15 years aged in fine oak sherry casks),


3) Montecristo #2 or Partigas Series D #4 are the best smoke ever, specially when accompanied with item #2


Keep up the great review.

Hope to bump into you on a future cruise, where here on Celeb or over on RCCL in the Connoisseur Lounge. :D

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Hi Norris!

Really enjoying your review so far! Which pier were you docked at in San Juan? Pan American or Old San Juan Pier? It looks like maybe Old San Juan, Celebrity told me today that they dock for the day in Pan American, I am hoping the lady I talked to was wrong. This would mean we have to take a taxi into Old San Juan.


Angel--if you are taking a ship out of San Juan its at the Pan American but if you are coming for a stop for the day its at the Old San Juan pier.

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There are 3 true things in life,

1) First and foremost, EVERYTHING is better with BACON,

2) Scotch is meant to be a fine single malt (no less than 15 years aged in fine oak sherry casks),


3) Montecristo #2 or Partigas Series D #4 are the best smoke ever, specially when accompanied with item #2


Keep up the great review.

Hope to bump into you on a future cruise, where here on Celeb or over on RCCL in the Connoisseur Lounge. :D


Thanks Count for the 3 point list of excellent things in life.


I. Bacon IS life. The smell of bacon frying in the morning is even better than the smell of Napalm and guaranteed to rouse anyone from their bed.

When Armani finally gives in to my pleas and introduces a fragrance called "Bacon-per L'Uomo" (Bacon for Men) then we'll enter a new dawn of Mankind.


2. Have you ever tried, say Glenfiddich mixed with blue Curacao, olives and crushed banana? Don't! My "Mixologist" which is a poseur with a Doctorate in following a recipe and then shaking it in a stainless steel vessel made one for me and I did a spit take- all over his face. The colors were interesting, I'll say that much. I take mine in a glass with or without ice depending on mood but it's usually Jameson (Irish) as I am bound to their contract at birth.


3 I have tried a Monte Cristo. It's usually during a special occasion such as (a)

celebrating a birthday (b) celebrating a birth or © someone has just bought a box of Monte Cristo.


Yes, it would be nice to meet on a cruise and relax and chat.


I'm glad you are enjoying the review and thanks for the encouragement!



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I was very excited to catch one of your cruise reviews so close to when you started writing! I'm on CC sporadically, so I don't always catch them as they are happening.


I love you perspective, pictures, and commentary. I have read many of your summaries and have enjoyed them immensely!


I can live a bit vicariously through your stories. I wish I could escape during January too! Thank you for the time you take to post all the details you do. I look forward to reading about your thoughts on a different cruise line than what you have been using. I typically cruise NCL, but like to see others perspective as well as the different ports people visit.


Thank you again for your diligent efforts on Cruise Critic!



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Molecular Bar




I love the Hummingbird visuals!






Passing by Cafe al Baccio




These are from what is really an empty corridor as you walk to Ensemble Lounge but I can't stop looking at them as I pass. The sound of birds and a river are piped in. Brilliant! However-those apples have been lying on the floor since we got on the ship. I called Housekeeping and they did nothing about the mess.





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I was very excited to catch one of your cruise reviews so close to when you started writing! I'm on CC sporadically, so I don't always catch them as they are happening.


I love you perspective, pictures, and commentary. I have read many of your summaries and have enjoyed them immensely!


I can live a bit vicariously through your stories. I wish I could escape during January too! Thank you for the time you take to post all the details you do. I look forward to reading about your thoughts on a different cruise line than what you have been using. I typically cruise NCL, but like to see others perspective as well as the different ports people visit.


Thank you again for your diligent efforts on Cruise Critic!




Marie, thanks for stepping from the shadows to say Hi!


I'm glad you like my ramblings and have read more than just this one.

Thanks for saying so!


Stay for the long haul and pop in when you feel like it.



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Norris, I am thrilled that I stumbled over your post, which might be the best thread I've ever read on CC. I've never been on the Silhouette but have adored the Solstice and Eclipse and will be on the Equinox for the first time two months from tomorrow. One of the things I love about your travelogue is that, unlike some others on this site, you don't spend a lot of time boasting about how great your accommodations are and how you just have to have the premium extra-special hotsy-totsy eating and drinking package or you might as well just die. You get pleasure out of what you're doing and you pass it along to the rest of us. Thank you so much (and if you can get Equinox to open a Lawn Club before April 4, I would really appreciate it).



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I'm heading towards the stern and once I am done there will retrace my steps to show the rooms I have passed through without photographing so far.













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[quote name=Bimmer09;48975797

2. Have you ever tried' date=' say Glenfiddich mixed with blue Curacao, olives and crushed banana? Don't! My "Mixologist" which is a poseur with a Doctorate in following a recipe and then shaking it in a stainless steel vessel made one for me and I did a spit take- all over his face. The colors were interesting, I'll say that much. I take mine in a glass with or without ice depending on mood but it's usually Jameson (Irish) as I am bound to their contract at birth.



This would make anyone stop in their tracks. Glennfiddich 15 is my go to house scotch, a drop of water and one ice cube, makes perfection. Balvenie doublewood aged is my other house favorite. Since we are heading to the Caribbean in March, my tastes will need to move over to Ron Zaccapa 23 or XO fine rum.

As for Jameson, you are an Irishman! Enjoy.

Edited by TheCount
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Norris, I am thrilled that I stumbled over your post, which might be the best thread I've ever read on CC. I've never been on the Silhouette but have adored the Solstice and Eclipse and will be on the Equinox for the first time two months from tomorrow. One of the things I love about your travelogue is that, unlike some others on this site, you don't spend a lot of time boasting about how great your accommodations are and how you just have to have the premium extra-special hotsy-totsy eating and drinking package or you might as well just die. You get pleasure out of what you're doing and you pass it along to the rest of us. Thank you so much (and if you can get Equinox to open a Lawn Club before April 4, I would really appreciate it).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Bess, thanks for the kind words and for coming aboard and letting me know you are reading!


I did upgrade to the Premium package-so that I could get a beer that costs $7 for a six pack in my wine shop across the street. LOL! Great margins on the shipboard drinks! I get your point though.


My reviews are super-long and I know not everyone wants such a long read but they can skip it or scroll through it fast and look at some pics. I am a very quiet person yet I have lots to say in print where people don't feel like I am talking over them. It's also quieter when I let my fingers do the talking.


My main goal is to make it a quick and enjoyable read, despite it's length. I don't read it all until I am finally done and I like it to read quickly.


The only way I remember where I am or where I was or what I did is through Carol's notes and the photos-which are all put up in the order I took them which is why photos of the Eclipse are followed by a trip to the bathroom. I take the cameras everywhere and was the only guy I saw on the ship toting a 7 lb bag of them around.


For me it's worth it.


Thanks again Bess!



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I just wanted to tell you that instead of the Noro virus I have been diagnosed with the Norris virus! The symptoms are refreshing your computer screen over and over, hoping for a new installment from Norris! :D


In December we will be on the Silhouette in an SV (7366), but I checked and your 7309 S1 down the hall is still open for or sailing, and is very enticing after seeing your photos and video. I would be honored to stay in the "Norris & Carol Suite" (with it's stripper pole/magnet holder, wow)!

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We'll be eating in Tuscan Grille at some point so there will be more pics then. (The photo was taken the night we dined and is added for continuity.)




This is an art piece by the same man who designed "The Bean" (Cloud Gate) in Chicago: the Indian sculptor Sir Anish Kapoor






Detail from the Blu entrance- little white roses in each hole



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I just wanted to tell you that instead of the Noro virus I have been diagnosed with the Norris virus! The symptoms are refreshing your computer screen over and over, hoping for a new installment from Norris! :D


In December we will be on the Silhouette in an SV (7366), but I checked and your 7309 S1 down the hall is still open for or sailing, and is very enticing after seeing your photos and video. I would be honored to stay in the "Norris & Carol Suite" (with it's stripper pole/magnet holder, wow)!


Norris Virus? LOL!!


I have written a lot today but it's time to call it a night and return tomorrow with a great fun excursion to show you.


You would not be unhappy in 7309!


Thanks for the kind comments.



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My French toast with bacon




and Carol's omelette, fingerling potatoes, asparagus and English muffin.




Another fine Blu breakfast sets us up for the day!


While we have been munching we have arrived at the dock in Basseterre.

I was looking forward to this day as cruisetimetables.com had told me there would be a friend berthing beside us.










It's always so cool when sister ships are in port together. I don't know if there's a lot of shifting ships on Celebrity, but I know when Disney ships are in port together (pretty rare, but it does happen) it's always fun to see the crew - especially the officers - get so excited to see their friends!!

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It's always so cool when sister ships are in port together. I don't know if there's a lot of shifting ships on Celebrity, but I know when Disney ships are in port together (pretty rare, but it does happen) it's always fun to see the crew - especially the officers - get so excited to see their friends!!


Yes, members of each crew were shouting over to each other and making plans to meet on the dock so it's probable that crew get shifted around periodically.



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Nancy, I'm sure it would lift your spirits sky high to get back on the sea and there are only a couple of decks on most ships where the elevator doesn't go and stairs are involved. You could ask your Doctor if it's a good idea once you pick a month to sail.


I'm sending out good vibes to your knees- you may feel them tingling but that's just part of my treatment process.




I thought I had DH convinced to let me book another cruise today, but he got cold feet when I complained about my tingling knees! Now I have to convince him that the tingling in my knees is a sign of healing. I'm sure I will manage that before too much longer. :D


I am really enjoying your ship pictures. I know we will be sailing Celebrity at some point because I think their ships are absolutely beautiful.


I can't wait to hear about your excursion in St Kitts. We really want to do that excursion the next time we are in St Kitts.

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Norris, I hope you did not miss the our favorite the bird cages. I fairly certain they are coming later.


I heard the crews were going to have a football (soccer) match, but they did not for some reason. It was interesting watching the two crews interacting especially when the Silhouette was holding a crew drill.

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Really enjoying the review Norris. Your photos bring back such great memories and also show us what we missed.


Husband (the passenger injured in the segway accident) had successful surgery today to repair fracture(s) to his shoulder. He has enjoyed reading along too, although he is not a CC member/poster.


Enjoying your restaurant reviews too--we had a lovely, quiet lunch in The Porch one port day. Husband had his usual burger and I had the "seafood tower" which was a nice collection of steamed shellfish, including shrimp, lobster and mussels and I recall, served cold on ice. Not sure if there was a charge for eating there, since our package provided "unlimited" specialty dining.


We thought food in Murano was good, but the restaurant was a bit loud (busy, and therefore loud?) the night we were there and we felt somewhat rushed by the servers. Wine pairings were good and our points perhaps minor. We agreed we would eat there again.


We never made it to the Lawn Club Grill. Will have to try it next time.


Our next cruise is X to Western Med with a group of ballroom dance friends this spring. Then we go to Alaska on Princess this summer. I have read your Coral Princess review and am afraid X has me spoiled! I will have an open mind though.


Carry on--Great project and so appreciated.



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I thought I had DH convinced to let me book another cruise today, but he got cold feet when I complained about my tingling knees! Now I have to convince him that the tingling in my knees is a sign of healing. I'm sure I will manage that before too much longer. :D


I am really enjoying your ship pictures. I know we will be sailing Celebrity at some point because I think their ships are absolutely beautiful.


I can't wait to hear about your excursion in St Kitts. We really want to do that excursion the next time we are in St Kitts.


Nancy, good luck with your DH.


St Kitts videos coming tomorrow.




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