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Freestyle gone too far?


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I was once on a Crystal cruise and every time I went into the Casino for the first few days, there was this woman who didn't particularly dress like the rest of the passengers, she was quite eccentric in her dress. While talking to the Manager of the casino, I was told that her table mates giggled and made comments about the way she dressed and the lady didn't want to go back to the table because she felt uncomfortable and didn't want to ask for another table, because she thought it would be the same outcome. I went over and asked her if she would like to join the table I was at, since one of the passengers wasn't there. She smiled and accepted the invitation. The lady joined us that night and we found out she was a highly known and respected professor at the University of California Berkeley, not only was she probably the smartest person I've ever spoken with, she had a heart of gold, as never once did she say anything unkind of her previous table mates, her only comment was that they didn't mesh together. Did she change the way she dressed, no. Did anyone at my table care what she was wearing, no. Everyone just cared that they were able to meet this amazing woman. I'm glad that I judge a person by their character, rather than what they are wearing, because if I did, I would have missed some wonderful conversations. Every once in a while, like know, I think back about this and can't believe how those at her first table were so small minded that they would actually laugh because someone didn't dress the way they think they should. Oh well, I guess some care so much about what is on the outside, that they probably never see what great is in the inside of people.

If someone is going to dress differently, they can't be bothered when others react to them being dressed differently. She might be smart, but too bad she lacks self-confidence.

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I used the word eccentric trying to be polite, I guess I could have just said that she was totally under dressed versus the rest of the passengers and you would probably consider her dress tasteless, as her clothes didn't match and she was somewhat disheveled.


No need to make myself feel better about myself, as I would never laugh at or feel uncomfortable about what someone else is wearing, as I'm only concerned with what I wear.


Fair enough. Although to me tasteless is more, vulgar t-shirts, intentionally trying to be offensive, etc. Showing up under-dressed because you didn't know better, something happened, etc. That deserves sympathy, showing up in a Speedo to formal night and flaunting your way through the dining room? That is simply tasteless.


Personally, I really don't care what people wear. As I said earlier, unless you were sitting at my table, then yes I would be bothered if the clothing was dirty, in disrepair, etc. Being under-dressed? I'd probably chuckle about it to myself and move on. I tend to be rather observant, so I would definitely notice what the people around me are wearing, but I'd quickly forget and move on as it doesn't matter to me.


Now I will say, no shirt, no shoes, no service is a perfectly good rule. That hygiene and not just fashion.

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I for one am not going to let people who dress in so called comfy clothing ruin my meal. I look at the heart of the person. Now don't get me wrong , wearing clothes that are down right bad, wearing bathing suits, body parts hanging out and what not I don't agree with. My bigger issue is with people who wear hats at the table. I always made my son remove hats in the house, at church and what not.


If the cruise line is allowing it not much you can do. It would be nice if they kept the one dining room for the formal. But I guess they have the say in it.

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I for one am not going to let people who dress in so called comfy clothing ruin my meal. I look at the heart of the person. Now don't get me wrong , wearing clothes that are down right bad, wearing bathing suits, body parts hanging out and what not I don't agree with. My bigger issue is with people who wear hats at the table. I always made my son remove hats in the house, at church and what not.


If the cruise line is allowing it not much you can do. It would be nice if they kept the one dining room for the formal. But I guess they have the say in it.


Well said.

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My bigger issue is with people who wear hats at the table. I always made my son remove hats in the house, at church and what not.


I always remove my head covering when in a church and am not a practicing Christian; I believe it is the right thing to do.


Last year I was "gobsmacked" when we went to Pearl Harbour and then over to the Arizona to see the number of visitors who continued to wear caps on the Arizona.



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I always remove my head covering when in a church and am not a practicing Christian; I believe it is the right thing to do.


Last year I was "gobsmacked" when we went to Pearl Harbour and then over to the Arizona to see the number of visitors who continued to wear caps on the Arizona.




With few exceptions, you should always remove headgear when indoors.


The visitors should be glad it is the Park Service that runs the Arizona Memorial and not the military... There are a number of videos online about what happens at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetery when people are disrespectful.

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If someone is going to dress differently, they can't be bothered when others react to them being dressed differently. She might be smart, but too bad she lacks self-confidence.


Quite the assumption that she is lacking self-confidence. But then again it goes right along with many of your posts!

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I always remove my head covering when in a church and am not a practicing Christian; I believe it is the right thing to do.


Last year I was "gobsmacked" when we went to Pearl Harbour and then over to the Arizona to see the number of visitors who continued to wear caps on the Arizona.




This isn't the "Arizona" [Hallowed ground], or a place of worship. Its restaurant on a cruise ship. Big differences here no offence.

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This isn't the "Arizona" [Hallowed ground], or a place of worship. Its restaurant on a cruise ship. Big differences here no offence.


Basic manners still says you remove your hat in a restaurant.


As long as it isn't my son doing it, I'm not going to let it bother me.

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Quite the assumption that she is lacking self-confidence. But then again it goes right along with many of your posts!


Obviously I don't know her, so yes, it's an assumption based on what was posted. Thanks for clarifying for others who might think she and I are friends. :rolleyes:

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Basic manners still says you remove your hat in a restaurant.


As long as it isn't my son doing it, I'm not going to let it bother me.


I could not disagree more about a hat in a restaurant, not to mention a restaurant on a cruise ship.

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I could not disagree more about a hat in a restaurant, not to mention a restaurant on a cruise ship.


Sorry, but you would be wrong. When was the last time you saw the Captain or one of his Officers wearing a hat while indoors?


Most are probably unaware, but hats are not worn indoors, most especially on a ship. Again, there are a few exceptions of which none would apply to a young man on a cruise ship.


Women may wear a hat, and Marines and Soldiers under arms. And even the military removes their headgear for religious services and a meal.


Again, it never has ruined my meal nor will it ever do so, unless it is a relative of mine and I will simply ask them to remove said hat.

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You know, I'm not really one for getting dressed up when I don't have to. I wear a suit and tie 5 days a week because it's expected and because the corporation I'm employed by has dress standards that I have to obey. But I really wonder what it is about having standards that some of us find offensive. One of the posters on this thread commented that they didn't mind if someone wore "nice" shorts for example, or that the quality of the jeans that a person wore to dinner mattered more than if they were just wearing jeans in general. Another person proudly states that their dinner in never affected by anyone's attire. The problem is where do you draw the line? And WHO is supposed to be the final arbiter on wether the shorts you wore to dinner are acceptable? Do we expect the hostess to stand there with a measuring tape and a color chart to see if our shorts pass muster? Does she have to read every persons T shirt to determine if it's offensive to someone? In today's world, almost everything we do can be construed as being offensive to SOMEBODY. Believe it or not, some people will feel offended because you are dressed like a slob. You may think you look fine, and others may disagree. Who's to judge? The only thing you can do that is fair and reasonable is to set some guidelines. Then there is no guesswork involved. Look the standards are already quite relaxed on NCL, and there are plenty of venues that you can select to find your comfort zone. Please just remember that YOUR comfort isn't the only thing that matters in the world.

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You know, I'm not really one for getting dressed up when I don't have to. I wear a suit and tie 5 days a week because it's expected and because the corporation I'm employed by has dress standards that I have to obey. But I really wonder what it is about having standards that some of us find offensive. One of the posters on this thread commented that they didn't mind if someone wore "nice" shorts for example, or that the quality of the jeans that a person wore to dinner mattered more than if they were just wearing jeans in general. Another person proudly states that their dinner in never affected by anyone's attire. The problem is where do you draw the line? And WHO is supposed to be the final arbiter on wether the shorts you wore to dinner are acceptable? Do we expect the hostess to stand there with a measuring tape and a color chart to see if our shorts pass muster? Does she have to read every persons T shirt to determine if it's offensive to someone? In today's world, almost everything we do can be construed as being offensive to SOMEBODY. Believe it or not, some people will feel offended because you are dressed like a slob. You may think you look fine, and others may disagree. Who's to judge? The only thing you can do that is fair and reasonable is to set some guidelines. Then there is no guesswork involved. Look the standards are already quite relaxed on NCL, and there are plenty of venues that you can select to find your comfort zone. Please just remember that YOUR comfort isn't the only thing that matters in the world.
The cruise line sets the standards and it is up to them to enforce the standards, whether they have the hostess or dining room manager confront guests and send them back for more appropriate clothing. It is done on some cruise lines and not so much on others. In the situation the OP mention was on the Getaway where, according to the OP, they are testing shorts in the more formal dining room. If someone wants to wear something outside the standards set by the cruise line knowing they might not be allowed in and the cruise line lets them into the dining room, then it is on the cruise line. In other words, don't make rules, if you don't intend on enforcing them. I say, don't judge others, just judge yourself and if you feel you are dressed accordingly, that is all that matters.
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The cruise line sets the standards and it is up to them to enforce the standards, whether they have the hostess or dining room manager confront guests and send them back for more appropriate clothing. It is done on some cruise lines and not so much on others. In the situation the OP mention was on the Getaway where, according to the OP, they are testing shorts in the more formal dining room. If someone wants to wear something outside the standards set by the cruise line knowing they might not be allowed in and the cruise line lets them into the dining room, then it is on the cruise line. In other words, don't make rules, if you don't intend on enforcing them. I say, don't judge others, just judge yourself and if you feel you are dressed accordingly, that is all that matters.



I'm sure the nudists will agree with you. ;)

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I see nothing wrong with nice shorts on men. Why am I allowed to wear capris but DH has to wear long pants? And why are long jeans more acceptable than a nice pair of golf shorts?


As long as clothes are clean and not torn or too revealing, why not?


I saw just last week on the Spirit a woman who was so stuffed into a strapless gown 2 sizes too small that she had 4 breasts. Ick.


Not saying this to kick your cat at all, not even close. Capris are the most god awful fashion item ever invented. They should be illegal for any female over the age of 13. When a grown woman wears them it looks like all HER clothes were dirty and she ended up wearing her daughters clothes!

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Not saying this to kick your cat at all, not even close. Capris are the most god awful fashion item ever invented. They should be illegal for any female over the age of 13. When a grown woman wears them it looks like all HER clothes were dirty and she ended up wearing her daughters clothes!


They're a godsend for those of us who aren't gifted with height. Over half my pants are capris ... That reach the top of my foot.


Just sayin'

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They're a godsend for those of us who aren't gifted with height. Over half my pants are capris ... That reach the top of my foot.


Just sayin'



Well played! Finding clothing that fits well if you are not one of the cookie cutter sizes of damn near anything can be difficult. I have a thin waist and long legs. Jeans in my size are difficult to find. Of course I have been wearing the same style jeans since the 70s when I was in high school (Levi 517 orange tab boot cut) and the only thing that has happened over the last 40+ years is that the waist measurement required is now 2" bigger. Of course the fact that these jeans have not been made in over 25 years adds to the difficulty. On topic, dressed up for me is a fresh clean pair of jeans and a black t-shirt normally with a band's logo on it. 99.999% of the time that is what I am wearing. The other 0.001% I wear nothing! :eek:

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I just came off a wonderful cruise on the Getaway on Feb 7. First I want to make clear I am a frequent NCL cruiser and NCL has been our preferred cruiseline over the years.


The freestyle suits us very much as it allows both the formal types and casuals to mingle rather well. I am 100% the casual type. However I was rather surprised and disappointed to see that shorts were allowed in ALL MDRs including the Tropicana which is the "formal" dining room for the Getaway. As we all know NCL allows shorts to all other complimentary dining rooms except for the one "Formal" one. And I do wear shorts occasionally (like on embarkation day) for dinner and I gladly go to the other dining room that allows shorts anytime.


I brought this up to the Assistant Hotel Director (Rohinto-great guy by the way) and I was told that it was on a trial basis for Getaway only. I told him I'd rather see that they keep at least the one dining room shorts free.


And sure enough there were people with shorts and flip flops all week in the Tropicana. I for one hope that NCL does NOT implement this fleetwise.


Any thoughts?




I'm with you. At leaset one of MDR's should have some "restrictions" in regards to clothes


If I want to Dine "lazy" I go to the Garden Cafe.

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When I go on a mass cruise line, the only expectations I have are of myself.


Everyone else is on their own with their choice of dress. There are many times I was dressed up and my hubby chose to dress down. Sometimes it was opposite. I do not think we were disrespecting each other as we wanted the other to feel comfortable. When I see someone who is dressed to the nines I love it! When I see someone who is dressed in shorts I love it! I think good for all of them. They are on vacation and I hope they are comfortable in their skin and with their choice of dress.


Ironically, I also feel bad for those who are bothered by other people's choice of clothing. I also want to meet the passenger who IS smelly, disheveled, and has ripped clothing as I would be way more interested in their story and what they are thinking than what is on the menu...


That is just me on a snow day from work this morning...and that is why I go with Norwegian Freestyle...I wonder what I will choose when I pack today for my upcoming trip?



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I'm with you. At leaset one of MDR's should have some "restrictions" in regards to clothes


If I want to Dine "lazy" I go to the Garden Cafe.


Restrictions on a line dedicated to letting passengers dress as they choose. Hmmmm. Something wrong with that picture:).

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