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All Things EARTH... part 2


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I wanted to do one more share...


I was going through some old photos...and I found the last one that I thought had captured what I see, or think I see when I look in the mirror. Some of you may remember this photo because I think a version of it was my avatar for a while:




In this photo, you can see the bluish colored ring around my iris...and my eyes look much more green than they do in the other photo.


When I do the color analysis, these are the colors that I pick out in my eyes:




From left to right:


My black...a sort of deep blue

My energy color...the darkest color in my iris

My tranquil color...the lightest color in my iris

The next two are the dark and light colors that are like accents in my eyes...I thought they were more golden, more yellowy...but they are coming across as a kind of aged bronze and a khaki color...but again, I've worn similar colors and thought they looked really good...so


I don't have a picture of what you are supposed to have to grab my romance color (my red) so I picked out red from around my eyes/lips, and this is my color palette with the romance color added:




According to the Zoya author/conceiver of this whole business of color, you should own lipstick in your romance color...and funny enough, I definitely have found that this color, or similar, is one that I always gravitate towards, and is in fact, my current favorite.


Mom was sharing with me earlier today her woes in trying to get a good eye photo. I recall that this photo was taken when I was looking at a window, a bay window actually, and IIRC it was a slightly overcast day and I remember the lighting being bright but not creating any shadows.


What's odd about this photo is that the color samples above are taken from my right eye (looking at the photo)...when I took color samples from my left eye...I think they were just too cool altogether, too influenced by the overcast day.


So...if anyone else can find photos of themselves that feel like a good representation of your eye coloring, I'd be happy to make a color palette for you...based on the photo and to the best of my ability. I think most of you have my email...but just in case, it's all one word:


cc anita latte at gee mail dot com


I'd actually love to do someone else's eyes...I think that the more I look at my own and really pick out the coloring...while the actual colors may vary based on the conditions for the photo...I think the general area of color is holding pretty true...and one thing is definitely true...I don't have much contrast AT ALL.


And again, IIRC, that is something of a hallmark of being SOFT Autumn. AND, I think that is also something that is associated with SOFT Natural.


Again, I have been finding having this color palette as a reference to be pretty handy when looking at colors on my screen. I know that colors can appear to be very different IRL from the way they are pictured (we all experience this) and even knowing how stretch fabrics will have a tendency to photograph cooler than IRL, having a point of reference has really helped when looking at colors online. I guess the proof would be in the resulting order...but one would hope that the sellers care enough to have a somewhat accurate representation of the IRL color in the photos.

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So both Laurie and Melody sent me photos...


I was actually able to grab some real color from Laurie's photo that she sent. Now, whether or not the colors that I was able to grab are good representations of the real deal...that remains to be learned. I just sent Laurie what I was able to pick up.


Now Melody's photo brings up a learning opportunity for us all. In the photo, we can all kind of see that Melody has bluish eyes. But the deal is that when I zoom into her photo and just grab a single pixel of color...it's brown. Every single pixel I can grab from Melody's photo is actually a shade of brown. And when I blow up that single pixel into a large field of color for the palette...it just looks brown.


Does anyone recall from when we were doing the color parties...let's say a green color party...that in when a single color is all grouped together, the different hues of that color come out. We no longer just say green, we call that one blue green, or yellow green, Kelly green, emerald green, forest green, army green, olive green, on and on.


So Melody's eyes are like a brown/gray pixel color party...and all together they are showing off toward the bluish and greenish kind of brown/gray...but really...the colors individually are all brown.


I think that this is because the light is not natural daylight...I think this is a light bulb...and not a daylight or full spectrum light bulb...and in addition, the lighting is a little on the dark side...it's more shadowed than lightened...and those shadows are bringing the brown in this photo...most likely, it's heading toward brown more than gray because that bulb may be an incandescent bulb? a warmer light bulb?


That's my report for now. We'll see what Laurie says about her colors.

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OMG...poor fire ladies. They are having such a hard time getting a picture of their eye! Kim sent me so many photos and there is just so much reflection in her eye...I could tell that she was wearing a teal/aqua colored long sleeved shirt! I could see her arms and hands in her eyes! And the lawn. The sky. The silhouette of the trees...OMG...and so it's just impossible to pick out the actual color of the eye in that situation.


Laurie says that I can share her photo and colors.


This is the photo that Laurie sent me:




I did do a crop on it...but what's interesting is that you can see the silhouette of the photographer in her eyes...but while the arms and such on the outline of that are there...it doesn't seem to be reflecting any color, maybe just making her eyes slightly more shaded...so these colors may be a shade of the true color...by that I mean literally, they could just be slightly dark...but these are the colors that I could pick out in Laurie's eyes:




From left to right:


Black...this is a not too surprising charcoal color.

Energy...a deep brown

Tranquil...I call it cement...LOL. To me, this is a kind of muddy khaki color.


Now the other two colors are just because I could pick them up in her eyes and I thought, having a mostly brown eye, that having energy and tranquil colors be such neutrals seemed not as fun to me as having more of a color...so I grabbed the lovely green tone. I think it might be more fun to go for that color tone in a deeper color for an alternative energy color, and light for an alternative tranquil color.


The far right color is an alternative black. In the other eye, I was able to pick out this color in Laurie's ring around her iris. I think a really deep teal color like this may be a nice alternative to charcoal for another choice for black.


I'm going to share more photos in another post...

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Laurie's Black:



Alternative Black:



Laurie Energy:



Laurie Tranquil:



Laurie Alternatie Energy/Tranquil



If anyone spends any time on Pinterest...it's all found under Zyla colors. This is a cool page explaining when you might want to wear your different colors:



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This is fun! It's so interesting to.see how my colors compare to yours and then seeing how it works with our eyes.


I'm finding a lot of good thought provoking ideas on Pinterest. I don't necessarily agree with everything I find, but it's a great way to research colors, styles and so forth.


I will check out that link you posted.


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Melody, great news! I agree with Margaret, it is always better to be home. Your own bed and being surrounded by things you love can't be beat.


Anita, thank you for your analysis regarding eye color. Isn't int interesting how yours and mine compare?


I tried contact lenses not too long ago, because I always feel my eyes are hiding behind my glasses. I loved being able to see my eyes, but I had a reaction to the contacts, which is just what my eye doctor predicted. I wish I could wear contacts, but now that I have tried them, I am more focused on just trying to make my eyes more noticeable.


I tend to like makeup to create more of a "flawless" look that to be made up. Does that make sense? I just want to look like myself, but for my face color to be even, for my eyelashes to showcase my eyes, etc. As a result, it is nothing too exciting. I did find brown mascara, and I love it. Everything is black now, and to me, it looked awkward on.


I'm starting to play more with lip color and eye shadow, looking for natural tones. I do have a red lipstick that I wear on some formal nights that is muted, darker, and kind of a rust-red color. It seems like the best red I can wear. But on a regular basis, when i put on a lip color it is very modest and natural looking and doesn't stand out too much.


Eye color - well, I love the neutrals. This was a gift I received from my daughter for Mother's Day, and I love it.




I do color my hair - the gray I have is very unruly, and it has created a very odd look with the rest of my hair. You can see from the picture that Anita posted that I color it a reddish brown color. My natural color is close, but not quite as red as this. I can't seem to find a color that mirrors my natural color. I do like the color I use though. I think I've been using the same color for the past 8 years or so? I often think about doing a little more for myself, in the sense of going to a hairdresser for regular visits for a cut and color. But for now, I color it myself and try hard to get somewhat regular haircuts...with little success, lol. I haven't had my hair cut since August, and it is driving me crazy.


My husband and I were talking a little about the two new lace dresses last night. I still have them hanging on the outside of the closet to admire. :-) I grabbed the multistrand golden pearls I wore on the last cruise, and they look nice with both dresses, but they aren't quite right. I thought about this one necklace I have and I put it with the long ivory dress, and thought it was quite nice. it has these flowers made of rhinestones. With the short dress, I really don't know what I want to do. Sometimes, I have an idea in mind and sometimes, I just know it when I see it. I have time, and I don't know if either dress is going on the next cruise but it is likely at least one of them is. I will make a decision once the other dresses are hemmed. It's nice having choices!


I think the shorter dress is such a nice color, and will be a nice choice for our "date night". Whenever we cruise, we go to a specialty restaurant once during the cruise and I think this dress will work out well for that. It will pack great.


Sally, you must be getting ready to leave soon, right? I think I am 11 weeks away right now. This is when I start to make sure I try on things to see if they are going to work out as planned. I am sure some of my skorts are going. I have three of them - a khaki/sand color, olive and navy. The olive and navy ones are my preferred style, and I can make the navy work with a warm top. The olive is already warm so that is great. The khaki is a great neutral.


Boy, I love planning for vacation! Right after that, I can get ready for our Boston weekend. That is way simpler, because it is shorter and I should be wearing Boston Red Sox attire almost the whole time!!!!


We have begun to discuss fall options. I don't think I will be able to schedule another cruise this year, sadly. But we are looking at some different options.

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I am cruising Feb. 17 th and right now I am home with the flu .It is awful . I had bronchitis but I did not feel bad and all of a sudden I got so so sick . I went to my Doctor and it was the Flu . I have severe asthma so I am really down for the count . I am on day 6 and still so weak I can hardly do anything .Hopefully this will leave and I will be strong enough to go.I have only thought about what I am taking but no real planning going on.

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Laurie, for snorkeling you can always get a prescription mask, or if you go through a proper dive shop to snorkel you can ask if they have ones to rent. Some will carry a selection, and while it may not match your prescription perfectly, it will be close. DH has such bad eyes that he got his own.


I can picture the shorter dress with a gold necklace with red accents and your red lipstick. Very classic.


I sent Anita my eye photo and am looking forward to seeing my palette. I think I am a medium high color person and a low contrast value person. I look best in a mix of colors of the same intensity in a medium/medium dark range. I rarely wear a light top with a dark pant and sweater, for some reason it just doesn't look right to me. I think pretty much everything in my wardrobe falls into this pattern, except for some oddballs that I only wear in certain instances. It also explains why I am not happy in a solid top.


I finally have some living room furniture. I took this picture to share with the woman on Chairish that I bought my table from, so it isn't the full room but will give you an idea of our style and palette. I think it shares my dramatic classic/eclectic beauty style statement. I still haven't hung anything on the wall over the sofa, so I think I will put my mirror back up until I make up my mind.





If anyone is looking for an EARTHy umbrella, this is my new Totes. I could not get it to photograph accurately but the colors are straight out of our palette: olive green, earth purple, mustard gold, teal, all muted. I just wish they were on a brown ground instead of black!



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Sally, we must have been writing at the same time.


I'm so sorry you have the flu, it's really a miserable one this year. DH has asthma too and it makes everything worse, doesn't it? (He is still battling his cold, 2 weeks now and counting.) I'm sure you are taking good care of yourself and getting lots of rest, and you have plenty of time to get on your feet before your cruise. It sounds like you already have a plan for packing, so no worries there. Sending you healthy thoughts. :)

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Sally, hope you get well quickly, this is a truly nasty bug.


Margaret, love the living room. We have glass coffee tables as well & I have the same umbrella (mine is a navy background)


We only have our reunion in late summer. I don’t think we’ll get to FL next month, I’m pretty wiped out from this surgery. It turned out to be a 15cm (6”) hiatal hernia. Luckily the doc could do it laparoscopic (so I have five one inch incisions that are closed with superglue). Doc said it was one of the largest he’d seen, just hope the repair holds! I’m taking it really easy. Melody



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Sally, we were talking about that. We did some last year, and want to do more this year. A lot of it is about timing it out. My vacation year runs January through December, but since my husband works for a university, his runs from July through the end of the following June. Since we are going in June, he is using the last of his vacation time for the trip and doesn't have any extra.


We had a blast exploring last year. I really felt I could have spent a week there, exploring continually and still not have seen everything we wanted.


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