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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Vancouver is expensive! Yes indeed. We used points for our hotel. Mom and Dad have stayed at Auberge, which usually has better rates. She’ll be back tomorrow but I know they think it’s a fine hotel. They were only two blocks from us. A lot within walking distance and also walking distance to Canada Place if you can deal with your luggage. Check it out.

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Congratulations pacruise. Always exciting when they get their first choices. Our oldest Grand is a college senior (ok, where did that time go?). He will graduate without student loans due to all of his scholarships, very fortunate (he’s graduating summa cum laude with double degrees in physics & math & a minor in dance. He wants to teach physics. His sister is a sophomore & is headed in same path but is doing PE to teach & science, right now she’s more interested in varsity rugby



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Cute top ! When we stayed in Vancouver it was close to Granville Island and it was not those crazy prices . I would keep looking and we were there in May .



Congratulations to Anita and Pacruise ., College looking is a stressful but interesting time .I remember when my kids applied and waiting to hear .My Son only wanted to go to MIT .We did make him apply to a back up but Luckily He got accepted and went to MIT.

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Thanks everyone:) If she can finish in 4 years (and maintain grades) it looks like our daughter should finish debt free for her bachelors between 529 savings and scholarships. She plans to pursue a masters in genetic counseling, so we are encouraging her to apply for as much scholarship as possible so she has more 529 money left over for that.

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Melody that's so you. Very nice find. I popped into TJMaxx over the weekend but just came out with navy pants. Not very interesting, but do you think I can find my blue pants anywhere? How does that happen??



My Mexican Riviera photo book arrived. It looks merely ok, so I am not happy with Shutterfly. The pictures look too dark and muted. So, I'm on the hunt for a different book maker. Boy do I miss My Publisher, they made a great product.




I use Blurb for photo books. I download their Booksmart

program to my computer, create the book and then upload to Blurb. I get the image wrap cover and the cheapest paper. Have several books of assorted sizes and happy with them. In addition to your book you can buy a PDF copy of the book. I put that on my iPad and phone. Blurb “hides” Booksmart, it was at the bottom of the web page last time I looked. They were pushing another program, Bookwright, which I hate. It’s not nearly as user friendly as Booksmart. Look around and you can find it. It’s free.


I do not like the Blurb app for the iPhone you do not have enough control and it’s too expensive.


I made one Shutterfly book and one Adorama. Was not thrilled with either. Costco said I had to buy two books as they were only sold in pairs. Nope! Back to Blurb.




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Thank you for the photo book feedback. I'll have to check out Booksmart. I am willing to trade a higher learning curve for the best photo reproduction I can get, the one that looks most like actual photos (which My Publisher was great at). I also like to really customize the pages with my own backgrounds and such. I spend a lot of time on them because it's fun (DH says maybe way too much time). :) I like to include text descriptions and I scan things like our cruise cards.




I was thinking of trying Mixbook based on these rankings from Tom's Guide:

Photo Book Services Ranked


1. Mixbook Photo Book ( on From $11.99 - Save up to 45%) - 9/10 stars - Read the Mixbook Review

2. Apple Photo Book ( on From $9.99) - 8/10 stars - Read the Apple Photo Review

3. Picaboo Photo Book ( on From $19.99) - 7/10 stars - Read the Picaboo Review

4. Shutterfly Photo Book ( on From $15.99) - 6/10 stars - Read the Shutterfly Review

5. Costco Photo Book ( on From $19.99) - 5/10 stars - Read the Costo Photo Review

6. Snapfish Photo Book ( on From $12.99) - 4/10 stars - Read the Snapfish Review

7. Amazon Photo Book ( on From $8.99) - 4/10 stars - Read the Amazon Print Services Review

8. Nations Photo Lab ( on From $29.00) - 3/10 stars - Read the Nations Photo Lab Review

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Thank you for the photo book feedback. I'll have to check out Booksmart. I am willing to trade a higher learning curve for the best photo reproduction I can get, the one that looks most like actual photos (which My Publisher was great at). I also like to really customize the pages with my own backgrounds and such. I spend a lot of time on them because it's fun (DH says maybe way too much time). :) I like to include text descriptions and I scan things like our cruise cards.








I was thinking of trying Mixbook based on these rankings from Tom's Guide:


Photo Book Services Ranked




1. Mixbook Photo Book ( on From $11.99 - Save up to 45%) - 9/10 stars - Read the Mixbook Review


2. Apple Photo Book ( on From $9.99) - 8/10 stars - Read the Apple Photo Review


3. Picaboo Photo Book ( on From $19.99) - 7/10 stars - Read the Picaboo Review


4. Shutterfly Photo Book ( on From $15.99) - 6/10 stars - Read the Shutterfly Review


5. Costco Photo Book ( on From $19.99) - 5/10 stars - Read the Costo Photo Review


6. Snapfish Photo Book ( on From $12.99) - 4/10 stars - Read the Snapfish Review


7. Amazon Photo Book ( on From $8.99) - 4/10 stars - Read the Amazon Print Services Review


8. Nations Photo Lab ( on From $29.00) - 3/10 stars - Read the Nations Photo Lab Review




Good for you! OK let’s take this to the next step! I like to use Photoshop Elements layers to make my whole page with background, scanned objects, photos arranged as I like and save it. Then put it in Booksmart as if it were one whole page picture. First step is deciding the size of your finished page and use those measurements as your Photoshop Elements background. Takes more work to make this kind of page, but with great results.



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Good for you! OK let’s take this to the next step! I like to use Photoshop Elements layers to make my whole page with background, scanned objects, photos arranged as I like and save it. Then put it in Booksmart as if it were one whole page picture. First step is deciding the size of your finished page and use those measurements as your Photoshop Elements background. Takes more work to make this kind of page, but with great results.



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Oops! My photo books look better than my posts!



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You're way ahead of me because I don't have Photoshop. It seems a lot of folks on the Photography board are using Blurb, so I'll definitely check it out. It's so frustrating to spend so much time and love on the book and have it turn out just meh. Also to have our beautiful photos look so dingy.


Anita, I'm glad everything continued to be safe for all of you. We stopped hearing much about the damage after a couple of days, even though we know from our experience with hurricane Sandy how sometimes the worst part comes many days later from the flooding. I am happy that in your case no news is good news. Also I'm really glad you liked that book. I have been thinking about it often ever since I read it. It makes me realize how easily my attention is waylaid.


I'm on the Melody diet. I broke a tooth and didn't know it -- it had a root canal several years ago so I didn't feel it, and it had snapped up inside the gum so it didn't show. It got very infected so they drained it and stitched me up last night. I'm on two days of antibiotics, then I have to go in so they can cut the crown off and pull the root out. I'm having platelet therapy in the pocket and I'll have to wait several weeks until it heals enough for an implant. For now just call me hillbilly Margaret.


I'm on a soft diet, but really I feel so crappy I don't want to eat. I knew something was wrong when I slept all weekend and ended up with a fever.

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I'm back!




Melody, that is a pretty top and very much seems to be "you". I can envision you wearing that.



Margaret, I have only had a few photo books printed. The ones I had done were from Walgreens, and they were great. However, that was not recently. I hope you find a good company to use.



I'm sorry about your dental issues. They are no fun at all. It's ironic that you mention it, in a way, because I was having a discussion with my husband this morning about my own teeth and overall dental health. For me, it's because I've always been a chronic overbrusher. I just never realized it, and my husband was always saying it to me and I thought it was just him. I figured he was confusing the fact that I brush rapidly with brushing hard. Well, the year before last, I was getting my teeth cleaned and the dental hygienist said the same thing to me. My dentist has never, ever said anything, nor any of the previous hygienists.




Getting to the point, I also suffer from dry mouth, and between the two, I have had a great deal of receding gums in the past two years to the point where the bottom teeth look like they are in trouble. My dentist doesn't see it as an issue, so I did a little research.



I'm going to get a different dentist - It is much worse than it should be. Has anyone else had an issue like this?



That sounds so painful for you Margaret. Sometimes, you can have issues and not be able to pinpoint them. I feel so bad, that has got to be rough.



Anita, it is good to hear from you. I know you had posted that all was good, but since there was an indication that continued heavy rains would bring more flooding, I wasn't sure if you might be affected afterwards.



I will post pictures soon, but I wanted to tell you a little bit about my trip. As you know, I'm a planner and like to have everything lined up. I try when we do a road trip to relax a little and go with the flow, so to speak. I find it very therapeutic.




We left early, but not really early in the morning. Instead of taking the 3 1/2 hour route, my husband said, "Let's go route 20. It takes longer, but there are all those antique shops you see on TV in Bouckville and we can stop at them."



So off we went! We stopped and did some antique shopping, and found a great place for lunch. We got to our hotel, checked in, and freshened up.




We then asked the hotel staff where to go to eat, and they told us about a place up the street called Crew. It's in a small plaza, and you are figuring it's like a diner or something...but it's not. It was a modern, fine dining type of experience, and it was excellent.



While we were eating, we were checking out the website for Walkway Over the Hudson, and we realized that they had extended routes you could take. 7 miles worth, to be exact. And that is what we did!



I'll post more later, but it was a great deal of fun to spend a number of hours on foot exploring Poughkeepsie, which is a great little area.



Then we had a detour on the way back that was a blast...I'll post tomorrow with more info, and maybe I'll get a few photos posted shortly.

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Magaret , Sorry about your dental issues . I have a ton of crowns . Last winter when I was so sick I used my waterpick and a crown popped off . What a time to have dental issues .Right now I am replacing a bridge to the tune of $5,000 and I seem to be on the crown a year plan at $1800.

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I think I used Mixbook for the book I made after our Celebrity Summit Spring Break back in 2014? I just used the software provided by Mixbook but I was happy with the results. The templates were good and the customization was also very good. I was able to do what I wanted with relative ease.


That is saying a lot from me because back in the day, when I worked outside the house, I was a desktop publisher...this is before everyone had a webpage, when printed materials were still very much in demand. I was proficient in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop...and to date myself, an absolute whiz with Adobe Pagemaker. So when I say that I was happy enough with the photo book tools available to me...that's saying a bit.


Photos can be printed with a full bleed (all the way to the end of the page) and it was easy enough to layer them, etc. I did find a template that I liked well enough for doing my first book, but I could add photos and text and move everything around so much that the template could almost be a why bother type thing to do.


I will say that I ordered with a code...and that they often have codes so if you miss the current one, just keep working on your project and grab the next one. The first printing was missing text...customer service was easy to work with and they quickly sent out a corrected book with all the text printed. I didn't notice that the photos didn't look good...but I might have been starry eyed with my first photo book. I was thrilled with the result. But again...not too much experience here.


I guess my point is I would recommend trying Mixbook.


All the dental issues! Yikes! So sorry you have to go through all that Margaret...and Sally. Ugh, I say. Not fun at all.


Yay for having a good weekend getaway Laurie! I'm looking forward to more pictures! Sounds like you were enjoying the journey as much as your destination. Fabulous!


The leaves should be turning here but I haven't seen much evidence yet. It was supposed to be 86 today! OMG. This weekend is "fall break" for DS. He gets Monday and Tuesday off. We might plan a drive up to the Blue Ridge Parkway. DH and I did that last year...so beautiful. I need to check this one website that reports on the progress of fall color up there...


I was very pleased myself the other day. There was a parent coffee talk thing at DS's school. I went. I wanted to look nice and so I actually put on some mascara. Cosmetics are rare for me...I'm not so skilled so I don't usually like my face made up too much. Mom had shared a video with me about dos and don't on makeup and she talked about putting on mascara...which apparently I have been doing not quite right for years. I did it "right" and actually felt comfortable with ONLY mascara and some lipgloss. Natural me with a kick. I felt good there.


But decided I really disliked the shirt I was wearing. It wasn't very flattering and I didn't feel good wearing it, so I'm going to cull it from the herd. I'm am currently going through our master walk in closet which is a bit of a catch all storage place in our loft. As I work my way through all the stuff, I'm also trying to dig out different items and test wear them...either become friends with more wardrobe items and get them into my rotation or let them go.

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Laurie, that looks like a fabulous dinner!


Anita, try the Better Than Sex Mascara. I buy the travel size at Ulta. It’s easy to apply, easy to remove & looks great every time



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Laurie, I'm enjoying your trip posts. I look forward to pics of the hike. :) It sounds like something we would enjoy and it's not too far from our cottage.




Yesterday I fried my blender making a smoothie. :( I'm doing ok but I'm still sore and very tired. It's been rainy so I don't have FOMO by parking myself on the sofa. I'm not supposed to exert myself or lift anything until I get my stitches out in a week. I'm all about pain management right now, so exerting myself is the last thing I want to do! My kitty is getting a lot of lap time.




If this had to happen, I am so glad it's now, with a long weekend to recover, and especially not while in the African savannah.

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Margaret, I completely understand your dental issues. I had two implants that were replaced 3 times before they finally took. I’d rather have anything other than dental pain, you just can’t get away from it. Rest & cuddle with your kitty. It’ll heal, but it’ll feel like it’s taking forever!



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Oh so sorry Margaret! Kitties are the best. You never want anything bad to happen, but I agree that this timing isn't the worst...before the holidays kick in and before Africa. Hopefully, you will heal quickly and everything will progress in the best way with no complications.

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We were not all that far from where this happened, but it just happened yesterday and we came back Tuesday.


One thing about those sort of routes - there are often areas of 55 mph with nothing but farm land, then you reach as populated area. You have to really pay attention. I'm not certain about where the accident occurred because it was near our travel route, but we weren't actually on this road.


It breaks my heart. 20 lives lost in seconds.


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Margaret, I hope you start to feel better soon. Aren't our furry friends the best when we aren't well? They are very perceptive.


I was talking to my husband earlier and I was upset. No yelling. No tears. Almost immediately though, Harvey ran over and was hitting me with his paw until I picked him up. Isn't it amazing how they do that? Both of my dogs are very loving.




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