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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Anita, that is a really nice table and chair set!  From what you said you were looking for, this sound ideal.   I believe you said you were painting this area...I think you called it a great room, right?  With areas designated for different things?  


Tuesday night, my daughter mentioned that her and my grandson would be moving back out.  Her husband is going to be traveling to Florida for a few weeks, then will fly back and drive down with them.  I guess this place really, really wants him to work for them, and would rather have him start earlier instead of later.


So she needs to address their two dogs and two cats, which we can't have here with our dogs so she will be staying elsewhere.  


It's funny, because we felt kind of claustrophobic with everyone here, but we were really enjoying our time together at the same time.  Suddenly, the house feels really empty, and kind of sad.  My grandson is a big chatter, but being only a year old, most of what he says is baby babble.  However, he thoroughly mastered saying "hi, Papa!" whenever my husband walked in the room.  I

am really missing that right now.


We will have our little trip to Lake Placid to distract me.  I am usually so ready, but not this time with everything going on.  My husband has to work overtime on Saturday, which is a rarity in the current COVID environment.  While he is working, I will do laundry, housekeeping, and get my clothes ready.  


I'm currently carrying those 7 COVID pounds still.   Since my husband's quarantine, I have been limiting getting out and about just in case.  That is officially over now, so we go back to our gym schedule.  Most of my clothes are fine, but a few things feel a bit snugger at the waist than I would like.  I already have a few ideas on what to bring with me, but I need to make sure I check the forecast first.  It's been cool here, and it is colder in the Adirondacks.  Sweater, scarves and boots or booties are definitely going to be in the wardrobe.


If I have time, I will take pictures of the clothing to share.  I was just thinking how I don't have as many long sleeved shirts to wear under a sweater as I used to, but we really don't have time to go anywhere to shop before we leave on Monday.   We have a Marshalls nearby if I want to make a quick trip, but the layout, as you all know, isn't really ideal when you are looking for something specific.  Everything is mixed in so it is more the kind of place where I browse and see if anything jumps out at me.


Did I tell you guys I got a Chadwick's catalog?  I thought for sure they would not reopen, but they did!  I'm going to order a few of those cardigans I loves so much.  It is pretty much the same store.  Not cheap, not expensive, and not much for coupons.  But those cardigans are perfect for work.

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Almost packed!  We are going to leave tomorrow around 9AM.  It's about 4 1/2 hours, and we plan to stop as we see fit.  I'm figuring lunch at some out of the way place, and maybe a stop in a little antique place or something like that.


I was really stuck on what to wear, considering the temps would be in the mid 50s.  Currently, one of the days is calling for rain but not the rest.


I got to thinking that layers are the way to go, not so much for being able to shed layers if I get warm, but the opposite.  I wasn't really looking to choose a coat to bring, although I'm sure one will end up in my car to have.  I wanted to go with long sleeved shirts, cardigan sweaters, and scarves.  As to bottoms, I was planning on jeans and then I will add booties to the mix.  For times when I am walking more, I have some very comfortable mules, and I can also have a pair of sneakers with me.


I've been told that some things are open, some are not so we are just going to wing it.  The idea is to have fun and relax.  The hotel has a pool and hot tub, and our room has a whirlpool!


Here are some photos.  First, here are the outfits together.  You can't really see a lot and the colors just wouldn't seem to photo that well.  They are close though.  




I decided to hang everything up, and take pictures that way.  There is more here than what I need,  but I often like to change my top before dinner, and if I don't wear them, that is just fine.  I also tried to find things where I could switch around scarves, sweaters and jewelry if I wanted to.  It's nice to have options like that.


The sweater on the left is a spice color.  the long sleeved knit top underneath is a very muted golden color, that seems to pick up green undertones a bit.  The scarf I have had for a very long time, and I get a lot out of it.  It is not necessarily warm, but colorful.  This will be worn tomorrow, when a good chunk of he day is traveling.


The gold shirt on the right I have had for about 4 years now, and it gets quite a bit of use.  It is not warm, necessarily.  I might wear it to dinner one of the nights we are there.  All meals and outings are casual so these outfits can be worn anytime.




With the next two, the warm teal/blue colored sweater I got from Kohls on clearance in March.  I also have it in a similar color to the spice sweater in the previous picture.  The scarf I got from ...now I am trying to remember where?  Not JJill, but another catalog that I get from time to time.  It is really pretty.  I opted for a light weight oatmeal sweater under it. Light colors aren't the best for me, but I like the way this all looks together.  


To the right is heavier olive green sweater that is a bit longer.  The shirt under it is actually sleeveless, so I am not certain how I feel about that but I am going to give it a try.  The scarf is different for me too.  It was a gift, and when I put it with the sweater, I thought it looked fun and it has a little sparkle in the thread, so that nice too in case I wear it to dinner.




The last two sweaters could be worn during the day, to dinner, with a sweater, with a scarf, etc.  The one on the left is nice because it is mid-weight.  The one on the left is a cold shoulder sweater, so I don't know about that.


Here is the jewelry that is going along with me.  I know I keep talking about options, but I could easily remove a scarf and add a necklace, and it is really interesting to see how things work together.


Excuse the bad pictures, but the lighting was throwing me off a bit.









Now I just need to get it all in the suitcase!  Road trips are great - I don't care how much I bring, lol.  

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Laurie...you look set up for a great break! It’s fun to see vacation clothes that I’ve never seen before 😂! I’m quite used to seeing your dresses, I think I could imagine several items that I know are in your closet. You say you’ve had the yellow shirt for 4 years and I’m like...I’ve never seen that shirt before! lol 


Take pictures so we can enjoy a virtual road trip with you! I hope you have a wonderful getaway!

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Laurie, you must be on your way by now! I'm so excited for you and I hope you and your DH have a lovely time. I imagine the fall color must be pretty nice up there by now. We will probably peak in about a week, depending on the weather.
I meant to tell you how much I like the fabrics you chose for your home projects. They have a fresh, calm, happy feel to them. I imagine your rooms will feel really different for a while until you get used to the change. It was that way for me when we did our apartment. It is more truly our style now which makes us happy.
Thank you for sharing your clothes for packing. As Anita said it was fun to see some things of yours that we are not familiar with... cold weather as opposed to warm cruise clothes. I love all your scarf pairings and jewelry too. I think I recognize the one from Coldwater Creek?
Our lake is only an hour from NYC and this area also has lots of hiking trails, orchards, and small wineries/distilleries. So, on weekends the traffic has been terrible as there are only two-lane country roads to all those places. We have been staying put on weekends and try to run errands during the week. We have city friends coming on Wednesday for hiking and a cookout so that it won't be overcrowded in the park we want to visit. It turned out we picked the one day that will be sunny.
Miss kitty and I both had doctor appointments in the City last week. She needs a tooth pulled, poor thing, but is otherwise super healthy. I had a spot biopsied to be on the safe side but otherwise my skin check was very good. My doctor is in Manhattan so I rode a Citibike to the subway nearest the river, took the train one stop, then walked about 1.5 miles to the doctor. Then I did the reverse to go home. I went in the middle of the day so the subway wasn't crowded at all, and everyone was wearing masks. The streets are still very quiet, you can see that outside of Bloomingdale's wasn't busy at all. It is normally a busy area with Sephora and other the stores close by.
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2 hours ago, MJC said:
Laurie, you must be on your way by now! I'm so excited for you and I hope you and your DH have a lovely time. I imagine the fall color must be pretty nice up there by now. We will probably peak in about a week, depending on the weather.
I meant to tell you how much I like the fabrics you chose for your home projects. They have a fresh, calm, happy feel to them. I imagine your rooms will feel really different for a while until you get used to the change. It was that way for me when we did our apartment. It is more truly our style now which makes us happy.
Thank you for sharing your clothes for packing. As Anita said it was fun to see some things of yours that we are not familiar with... cold weather as opposed to warm cruise clothes. I love all your scarf pairings and jewelry too. I think I recognize the one from Coldwater Creek?
Our lake is only an hour from NYC and this area also has lots of hiking trails, orchards, and small wineries/distilleries. So, on weekends the traffic has been terrible as there are only two-lane country roads to all those places. We have been staying put on weekends and try to run errands during the week. We have city friends coming on Wednesday for hiking and a cookout so that it won't be overcrowded in the park we want to visit. It turned out we picked the one day that will be sunny.
Miss kitty and I both had doctor appointments in the City last week. She needs a tooth pulled, poor thing, but is otherwise super healthy. I had a spot biopsied to be on the safe side but otherwise my skin check was very good. My doctor is in Manhattan so I rode a Citibike to the subway nearest the river, took the train one stop, then walked about 1.5 miles to the doctor. Then I did the reverse to go home. I went in the middle of the day so the subway wasn't crowded at all, and everyone was wearing masks. The streets are still very quiet, you can see that outside of Bloomingdale's wasn't busy at all. It is normally a busy area with Sephora and other the stores close by.

Hard to believe that is NYC on a weekday in the fall 😢

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Aw those photos are sad but at the same time they are hopeful. I think I might be more distressed to see more people on the subway. I often wonder how the Tube is...and if there are a bunch of people on it or not. Does it look like that photo? DS rides the Tube...has to in order to get to school...


Over the weekend I bought another pair of the waterproof Birks. I got the two strap style this time in the Bronze color. I have a thong style in a turquoise color. I have worn them quite a bit. They are good rain shoes. But I find that I'm needing shoes to wear around the house. I have laminate floors over the concrete slab...they are HARD...and my usual barefoot routine is not conducive to happy feet, especially if my activity is requiring a lot of standing. I also find that I do a lot better if I wear my compression socks on more standing type days and they are slippery on my floors! So I need some HOUSE shoes. LOL. So I'm designating these bronze ones for house shoes. I also ordered a pair of slippers from LLBean...which haven't come yet but I'm slightly concerned that they will be too hot until the weather cools a bit more.


We're still very warm.

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I'm back!   We had a great time.  We relaxed, went for some great rides, and spent a day at the Ausable Chasm, which gave us a healthy dose of exercise.


I will organize my photos to share with you.  I have pictures of my outfit for each day, except for the last evening.  That was the day we went to the trails, so I changed what I was wearing during the day.  I admit that I goofed a little - I totally forgot to bring hiking clothes, knowing that there are trails and what not.  Thank goodness I remembered my sneakers and my layers made it easy for me to put on a shirt I had already worn that would be suitable.


We got back yesterday, so I am working on laundry today, and we took some time to go back to the furniture store.  We tend to be particular sometimes, but in this case here, we knew we would want to be selective about the fabric so we want to go with the same company we used for the sectional in the family room.  We were able to pick the layout, fabric, firmness level, seat size and the legs on the bottom when we bought the sectional, and we love it..  


I don't know about any of you, but I like a fairly firm seat and I want to be able to sit up right so if the seat is too deep, I have to put pillows behind me or my back bothers me.  When we got the sectional, they had us sit on three sizes to choose what worked well for us.


So the living room will be the same.  Here is the issue though...I had olive green in mind.  I was totally shocked to go through hundreds of fabrics, and not see an olive green I liked.  Really though, there wasn't an olive green at all, except for one fabric.  There was a very dark shade, that looks mostly gray unless you hold it in the light just so.  Everything else was a completely different shade of green, and that was totally throwing me off.


So then they told us that Bassett also has a custom line, with hundreds more fabrics to choose from.  Yay!  Except I couldn't find an olive green.  I  wasn't being that picky either.  Even the helpful person at the store that we always use was kind of shocked.


So I got to thinking that maybe I need to be more open to options.  We choose a handful of fabrics, and brought them home knowing that the light changes drastically throughout the day.


After I got home, I eliminated two fabrics for two reasons: 1) they felt a bit too formal due to the pattern, and 2) they wouldn't look that great with the chairs.  So we are still toying with the rest of the colors.  It was very overcast and gloomy today, and then later on, the sun came out.  Now the sun is setting.  It is so interesting to see the impact on the fabrics.  I just lined them up on the dining room table next to the other fabrics, and loved them all.  Except the one green that was like an olive green, but darker.  It feels kind of rough, and looks gray most of the time.


If I can find that golden brown color like is in the print for the dining room chairs, I would do it.   I didn't see anything like that though. This has me thinking a lot about a light and airy room, and how the rug would play a role as well.  For example, this isn't necessarily light, but it feels really good:


https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Hand-tufted-Ferring-Sage-Wool-Rug-710-x-11/7326850/product.html?kwds=&option=9889201&refccid=VSQ3NDML4TB26GSJVV3MUPYBT4&rfmt=color%3AGreen|rug size%3A6' x 9'~7' x 9'~8' x 10'~9' x 12'|sale%3AOn Sale&searchidx=696


This here has light colors in it, and a very traditional feel:


https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Hand-tufted-Tiana-Traditional-Wool-Area-Rug/9692476/product.html?kwds=&option=14505375&refccid=HVBD3K3R66PJMESDGCIDP2NXIM&rfmt=color%3AGreen|rug size%3A6' x 9'~7' x 9'~8' x 10'~9' x 12'|sale%3AOn Sale&searchidx=444


Or how about a more faded, tranquil look?


https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Alexander-Home-Austen-Antique-Washed-Traditional-Inspired-Area-Rug/28285077/product.html?guid=b8781071-7bb3-4d95-b70e-679a6462bf81&kwds=&option=49528795&osp=true&refccid=SRL5F5AQ26IJDKCEBXXF3S25DU&rfmt=color%3AGreen|rug size%3A6' x 9'~7' x 9'~8' x 10'~9' x 12'|sale%3AOn Sale&searchidx=65


So I am thinking that I need to think about the overall feel of the room.  I may have gotten a bit too focused on looking for a specific color...a very, very specific color.


And in other news, we called on the chairs and he has been so busy, that instead of them being ready now, it will another 4-6 weeks.  Like the coffee table and ottoman.  🙂


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Laurie, welcome back!  Looking forward to your pictures. How nice that you can go to a specialty store like that!  That’s true customer service. Our very first living room set was an olive green tweed. I didn’t think that thing would ever die!  Went thru 15 years, 14 moves, 3 kids & dogs & then we sold it (for more than we’d originally paid, Les still had the original sales receipts)

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Margaret, it does seem strange to see NYC like that.  I have only visited once, and I have always wanted to go back as I didn't have the chance to spend much time there.  


Sally, we took a picture of the fabric we choose for the chair, and I did some cropping to create a swatch, so to speak.  It is a light neutral color but it has some texture and variances so that it feels a bit more relaxed.  I also found a "before" picture of the chairs.   Just now, I was looking at our receipt, and realized the brand and number of the fabric was on it.  So you know it looks different, in a way.  computer monitors versus a picture taken with a cell phone...but I think even with the differences, you can still get the feel of the fabric. Imagine the color being between the two is what I am going to do.  We are also going to call and see if we can pick up a little swatch for reference.  The zoomed in cell imagine is a bit darker than the reality.  It was in a booklet like thing, so there was a bit of a shadow cast.


cell phone cropped image first:




Now the online picture.  When you run the mouse over it online, it looks so much clearer than what you see here.



Are you ready for the "before" pictures of the chairs?  This is rally bad.  I believe I told you they were totally unusable.   The angle is a little off, as these chairs are not big.  Not tiny, but more fitting for the room.





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These chairs belonged to my husband's mother, and they were given to her used.  The family that had them before her were well to do for the day and age, and had beautiful furniture throughout their home.  They liked these chairs a lot, and had them recovered in a dupioni silk.  When they were starting to show some wear, they gave them to my husband's mother, as she didn't have much.  Truthfully, they were like new at the time. She used them for many years, and one of them broke so she put it in the basement, hoping to fix it someday.  Eventually, the other chair moved to the basement too.  Since we liked the shape of the chairs, we talked about re-doing them for years and years.


More recently, I have spent some time in the land of misfit furniture (basement) to ask myself what we were planning on doing with some of this stuff.  That is when we decided to move ahead on the project.  


One thing that I am doing that is very helpful, is copying the fabric swatches and putting them in a word document.  It makes it easy to see how the colors and fabrics work together.  The chair fabric has a distinct woven texture, and I wanted to go that route for the couch too, possibly.  


So we brought home that big bunch of samples yesterday, and eliminated more than half of them.  Today, we brought back the ones we eliminated and brought home a few more. It is amazing how difficult it can be.  My focus was on fresher and lighter.  Comfortable, but with a little bit of elegance since it is the living room.  When my husband and I were talking, we discussed why we liked a fabric, and what we didn't like about it.  Then I went back to the original concept of lighter, fresher and inviting...


We have a winner.  I probably ended up with about 6 fabrics that could work well, but not all of them checked the boxes for the feeling I wanted to evoke.  I'm a tiny bit scared of my choice, because I have seen a pattern in what I choose - warm mid-tones that are muted.  I love olive, gold, brown, rust.  I wanted something different, as the room gets a wonderful light during the daytime, but at night, it is rather dark as there is no overhead light.  I had to make sure I could see the fabric when it was cloudy, sunny, in the morning, in the afternoon.  Looking at the picture below, it is the green fabric next to the floral.  




It is fun picking something a little different.  The golden color is great, but I have that color in a lot the house already, and I wanted something different.  The color is a bit brighter than this photo shows.


This isn't a good picture of the fabric itself, but it shows the color a little better:




I have some other thoughts going on right now too.  For example, I think that floral may make a fabulous grommet top drape, and it would bring together the chairs and couch so well, don't you think?


And they sell grommet kits.  I checked Pinterest, and they are really easy to do.  I don't like waffling, but I was thinking that if I did this for the drapes, then I would put a solid on the dining room chairs.  Easy enough, since the amount of floral fabric I have will make one panel - no waste.  I would just add more.  I could easily purchase more of the gold that I am using on the kitchen chairs, if I want.  By the way, that was the last fabric to come in.  It is beautiful, but lighter than what I was expecting.  It kind of goes with the whole lighter and brighter look that I want to achieve.


I think the only downside of the couch color is find a rug that picks up on that shade correctly.

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I think I found the fabric online.  I'm not positive, but it appears correct and this is from the manufacturer's website.




My issues is the number.  My sample from the store say 8025, but that doesn't look right at all.  To make sure there isn't a mix up, I'm going to ask for swatches first.

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Laurie I like that green, looks more springy (i.e., lighter) than the olive. That floral will be fabulous in drapes. I was going to tell you that if you have a JoAnns Fabrics They have grommet kits, but sounds like you already found them. Buy enough of the floral to make some toss pillows too!  Melody

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I spent today toying with the fabrics, getting some ideas.  The drapes are really an easy thing to do.  It will be more the handling of all that fabric that is difficult, not the sewing itself.  I am looking forward to doing it all.  I prefer more uninterrupted time spans to take my time, but it will likely be spread out in smaller increments.  


The kitchen curtains are a bit different, because I am making my own pattern for them.  I unrolled the fabric and played with it a bit, and then used a kitchen towel and pins to do a mock up.  I will double check everything twice before I cut.  I had to think out the lining a bit too.  


I talked to my husband a bit about the curtains and an area rug.  After envisioning some different things and talking about the pros and cons, I will use the print fabric and make the drapes.  Instead of using the print fabric on the dining room chairs, I'm going to use the same golden fabric as I use in the kitchen.  In many ways, this makes so much more sense.  I chose that fabric because I loved it so much, and if I only used it on the chair seats, the only time you would even see it is when the chairs are pulled out.


For a rug, we are going to look for a light, neutral area rug.  I think it would lose the serene feeling to add another print.  I saw a jute rug that looked really nice and textural, but it would be too rough.  There are a ton of shag rugs, but they really aren't my thing.  I might be able to find a monochromatic rug with a pattern in the rug itself to create some interest.  


Since I won't have the chairs for another month or so, and we haven't ordered the couch yet, we have plenty of time to get a rug and finish the curtains.


I must be boring you all so much with this.  I'm sorry.  I really enjoy this though.


Melody, I brought home so many fabrics. We kept going back to that color.  It is springy, like you said.  Not so much as a fire color, but it is on the brighter side of the autumn/earth spectrum.  


I am still getting the pictures together, as my husband has a lot of them on his phone.  I can start with this much though....


We headed out in the morning, and wanted to take our time.  There are not really a lot of options for how to get there.  You can jump on the throughway for a little bit, but the rest is long and winding roads, very scenic.  We always spend a lot of time figuring out where people work when we go through little towns with just a few little stores and restaurants.  Do people drive for an hour to get to work?  


We stopped for lunch at Long Lake Diner, which we always do.  It is a basic little place, but it is a fun tradition that we have.  It was such a pretty drive, seeing all the changing colors.  I found myself paying a bit more attention this time, and we talked about how some areas had a lot of maple trees, while other areas had a lot of birch trees.  As you get farther north, you see more and more evergreens too.


We arrived around 3:30, so we went to the hotel first and checked in.  They are being very cautious, and I appreciated that they were so attentive.  Our room was ready, so we unpacked and settled in.  To me, that always signals the start of vacation.  We were a little hungry, but not a lot due to stopping for lunch.  We decided that since it gets darker out earlier now, we would head down to the village, and wander around a bit.  Main Street has a bunch of little shops and restaurants around.  We started with our mandatory picture with Mirror Lake in the background:






The air was cool, but the sweater and scarf were ideal for keeping me comfortable.  I never realized until I saw the picture that I needed to readjust my scarf so it wasn't so tight looking, lol.


We ate dinner at a place called The Black Bear Restaurant.  We went here once before.  Sadly, both times were okay, not great.  And expensive.  Dinner wasn't much to brag about, but I had the best company.  My husband changed from his Red Sox quarter zip to a fleece quarter zip, but I ended up wearing the same outfit since I didn't feel like changing.


We headed back to the hotel a little early, as we noticed a lot of places were closing.  I don't know if that is typical for this time of the year, for Mondays, or perhaps restricting hours due to Covid.


The next day, we got breakfast at the Dancing Bear Restaurant, which has a nice breakfast menu.  We began to plan out our full two day stay at that point.  We had all the ideas in advance, but most places said to check back for hours when we were researching last week.


I do have to say that I was shocked to see so many places closed, or only open on weekends.  The village was filled with tourists, looking for things to do in addition to hiking.   Tuesday was supposed to be rainy off and on, but so much was closed.


We decided we were going to go for a driving trip towards Keene.  We found a lot of wonderful vistas to stop and take pictures at, and we found a little place selling maple syrup and the like off the beaten path.  












The north peaks color-wise before we do here in CNY, so we figured there wouldn't be many leaves still on the trees.  It was nice to see how much color there was.  


I wore the green sweater because it is heavy, and like a jacket.  

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Laurie...not boring at all! I love all this. It is very much what I am doing also.


I love that spring green color. It is reminding me of the formal dining room chairs that I had in GA. Very much that spring green. Very cheerful green without being neon about it. I found that it went with everything really. It would go with all sorts of seasonal decorations too.


Seeing your fall photos are wonderful. It is so far from what I am dealing with right now...it is lovely to see. I like your layers and your color mixes. Fall is really the season when it is so fab to be earth...all the mixing and matching of the easy to find and typical colors just works so well and it feels like the one season when we can really do that. It's just not as easy to wear a rusty orange and olive green combo in summer or spring.


The area you went to looks gorgeous. Looking forward to more photos!

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Laurie , Your pictures are great . Fall is the one season I really miss . I think your green choice is spot on for a couch . It will look so great .

I recently ordered new curtains for my dining room and kitchen . They are sage green .The dining room ones are a leaf print and the kitchen ones are solid sage green . The match perfectly and I bought them on amazon . They were so inexpensive I could not believe it .Last place I would ever look for curtains . 

We are trying to figure out the holidays . Thanksgiving we have usually gone out to a restaurant for but that is not happening this year . Christmas we usually have a large party with Gary's family but that is doubtful .So we are playing it by ear and hoping for the best . 

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Laurie, fabulous pictures. I especially like the one of you in the green sweater...your colors. 

I finally found what I wanted to decorate with for fall...LED glass pumpkins. They will go from September 1 thru Thanksgiving. Melody





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