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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Sally, hope this illness is not too debilitating & that you’ll still be able to enjoy what you enjoy. Ever since Les had colon cancer we’ve traveled more & just enjoyed ourselves, life is sweet. Hugs to you Sally. Melody

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Thanks everybody ! I am still able to enjoy life . Today we are going for lunch at a nearby place overlooking the water . I have always traveled a lot and after retirement I really traveled like crazy . I hope everybody gets to travel again this year and at one point Covid is in the rear window.

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Sally...very sorry to hear that you have to live with a condition but glad that it can be managed and that it won't be too much of a hinderance...that you can still enjoy life. It's a good reminder to make the most of everyday...to not procrastinate...to not be ruled by fear or anxiety but to have an understanding that things can change drastically overnight.


I know 2020 has been a rough year for many...for those people that have had an active life...2020 may have been severely restricting. Certainly family get togethers, especially for those of us that don't live near family, were non-existent. And so many other changes to things that we expected to do and places we expected to go...but putting all that aside...2020 was a banner year for me.


It began on the best note possible with my parents and son home. Both were with us for an extended visit...DS for about 4 weeks...my parents for something like 6? A lady's trip in January that included my mom meant that my parents extended their visit with us...and the lady's trip was amazing...so much fun and one of those events that has sustained me in the months that followed. I've become so much closer to these ladies...we have talked WAY more over the past year than we have in so many years prior because of the current situation. I've had fun daily conversation in a way that I haven't had in YEARS...but this year, because everyone else's life was reduced so much, my life was filled up more. And we started having weekly Zoom calls which usually is a highlight of my week and a way that I mark time...and I've become so much closer to these ladies...I feel so blessed to have these friendships.


DH and I got that last cruise in in February...


DS came home before my birthday in March and stayed with us for 5 months. At the same time, DH's work enabled him to work from home...so we were able to have a very close and wonderful time together as a family that we didn't get during DS's final semester in high school when DH was traveling to FL from NC every week. 


DH got a promotion at work...


We bought a house for the first time in 10 years...and it is a very satisfying place with enough projects which is something that I really enjoy. And I'm so glad that DS was here to have some memories in our new home so that it won't be a strange place when he is able to return.


He found a wonderful flat in London with a great young man whose family lives in London...who have "adopted" him in some ways...helping us tremendously in so many ways...and honestly, making life easier for us (if stressful) because we had no way of doing anything except what we did...which is nothing much to contribute to the whole flat hunting and securing. And even though DS couldn't be home...this was bound to happen eventually...and when it did he had a family to celebrate with. He successfully finished his first college year and his school has been dealing well with the pandemic issues and his forward progress, while not a varied as it could be...not as enriched with all the guest instructors and performances and talks IRL...has continued without losing it's basic quality.


I'm grateful that overall, our health has been okay. It recent months...and even yesterday...my knee injury has made itself known...affecting my abilities to do what I want. This isn't unexpected after what could be 3 years of significantly reduced activity...and 9 months of SIGNIFICANTLY reduced activity.


I had imagined that the enforced inactivity would result in a focus on personal health this year...and that didn't happen. I had also hoped that I would have made inroads into figuring out what I want to be when I grow up...and that hasn't happened either. 2020 has been low for me in the personal growth department...and I'm disappointed in myself for that...but I have finally figured out some things regarding less important but still impactful things...like my taste in decorating and what things about my dwelling ultimately support me pursuing my best self. And feeling free to focus in some self improvement because there really isn't much else to do yet.


And I'm grateful for that as well. I also don't subscribe much to new year resolutions...coming to the same conclusion that it's best to just get started on changes you want...but with the spirit of the new year...that kind of invigorated attitude that can help motivate in the absence of other catalysts...I am hoping that this time next year I'll be expressing my gratitude for my improved physical conditioning...and maybe have sorted a bit more toward something more constructive to do with my time that satisfies that whole idea of what I want to be when I grow up.

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I don’t make resolutions, never have. I do start each year with the statement, make this your best year. Sometimes it’s worked, others haven’t  been as good. I start a new decade this month (I’ll be 70 on the 22nd). Only irritant with that is I’m not allowed to do some if the shore excursions when we start cruising again. 

Anita, happy belated bday to your husband, hope you enjoyed your camping trip.



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I haven't read up too much on changes to cruising...so Melody? There will be age limits to excursions?


We didn't go camping. I've done something to my knee and so, this was the first time in a long while where I limited my activity because of my physical condition. 😞 I'm not sure if it's related to my lack of ACL but in trying to read up on what I've been experiencing, it's related more to the fibula bone? It is MOVING around on me and getting out of place. It's actually AWFUL. The first time it happened, it didn't pop back into place well for about 2-3 days. And it has happened at least three times in memory now. My main problem is that I don't really know what it is I'm doing that is contributing to the issue, so I'm not sure what to do to stop it.


But this is a big motivation to just get moving purposefully again and restart doing my PT exercises, etc. 


DH said he would be just as happy having a more lazy day with happy food...so we went shopping for some fishing gear, which we would have needed to do anyway and then we went to check out a popular local fishing spot on Saturday. It was a lovely day...it felt very Florida LOL. DH did shore fishing and I literally just boat watched and bird watched and cloud watched and otherwise just zoned out to doing anything except texting with some friends and being present. Nice day.


I did cut my hair again! I need to get a good photo of it...it's about chin length. In looking at photos, I've determined that is really the most flattering length. If I can cut it myself, which I did and I'm happy enough with, then I stand a better shot of maintaining this length because my hair grows so fast...it has to be cut so often to maintain a shorter style.

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Here's one of my finds from Saturday. It's a comb jelly fish, which is the jelly fish that you see on bioluminescence tours. They don't sting like other jelly fish.




This little jellyfish is less than 2' long...I was really zoomed in for this shot. 


We have kayaks and we talked to a neighbor who talked about going out on their own to do a sort of DIY bioluminescence tour and I think we will definitely plan for one. One thing we have been meaning to do...another reason we didn't go camping/kayaking this past weekend...is an upgrade on our kayak seats. We have stadium chairs to upgrade the simple molded into the kayak design current chair style which is really annoying because there are water holes right in the seat base. We did a sort of hack before but it would be nice to be more raised up for fishing especially.


I thought the bio tours were more in the summer though...

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Anita, I second Sally’s response. It might be time to visit an ortho before you actually damage your knee/leg more. Les had an ACL repair, kept him from running for 3 weeks & he hadn’t had issues with it since. He didn’t want to go & I nagged at him till he went. His comment, should have done this months ago. 

some cruise excursions (especially strenuous ones) have always had age limits. Les & I are able to do all of them, but they won’t budge on the age limit...pretty irritating. 


im making a lemon chicken orzo soup in the crockpot (member it from Panera?). I think this recipe is pretty close, we’ll see. 

our storm door shattered this morning, no clue why...scared the devil out of us (we were asleep). Luckily it’s a Champion door so they’ll pay tor a new door (a lifetime warranty that actually works). It’ll take a week or so to be replaced tho, special order item. 

I ended up returning the air fryer that I got for Christmas. Realized I didn’t want to use so much counter space for something I’d likely never use. 

hope everyone has a good first week of 2021. Melody

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 I ended up returning the air fryer that I got for Christmas. Realized I didn’t want to use so much counter space for something I’d likely never use. 


Melody - We gave ours to Goodwill ---- seemed like a good idea when we bought it but only used it a handful of times.

Edited by 57redbird
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I’ll think about going to an ortho...but I don’t feel the need yet. I’m not in pain, more like I don’t trust my own strength right now and feeling cautious because of that. I have two knee braces...the non custom one will work...the custom one doesn’t fit my fat thigh right now. Thanks for the concern...if I feel I’m doing damage I’ll see if I can get a virtual appointment with my ortho that first treated me back in GA. That might be an advantage of COVID, the possibility of a virtual consultation. Our insurance sucks though and I’m not going to go unless it’s truly necessary. I don’t need to pay thousands to be told to do some PT and lose some weight to reduce the impact on my knee. I know I need to do that.


So I learned that the bio tours are actually a winter thing so we’re totally planning one!

Edited by Anita Latte
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3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

 I ended up returning the air fryer that I got for Christmas. Realized I didn’t want to use so much counter space for something I’d likely never use. 


Melody - We gave ours to Goodwill ---- seemed like a good idea when we bought it but only used it a handful of times.

I use mine constantly . I also bought my daughter one and she loves it .

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16 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

I use mine constantly . I also bought my daughter one and she loves it .

Sally, how big is yours?  This Cuisinart was huge. If it was smaller we’d likely have kept it. I don’t have a lot of counter space & I didn’t want to give up that much space (it was too heavy to move from pantry when I wanted to use it). Melody

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8 hours ago, awhfy said:

Sally, how big is yours?  This Cuisinart was huge. If it was smaller we’d likely have kept it. I don’t have a lot of counter space & I didn’t want to give up that much space (it was too heavy to move from pantry when I wanted to use it). Melody

I have a 6 quart Gourmia . I have tons of counter space so it is not bad.I think the appliance is perfect for people who want to cook fast . You seem to do a lot of slow cooking .I do a lot of quick cooking plus it keeps the kitchen cool in the summer .I would not have one if I had to move it from a pantry .

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13 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

I have a 6 quart Gourmia . I have tons of counter space so it is not bad.I think the appliance is perfect for people who want to cook fast . You seem to do a lot of slow cooking .I do a lot of quick cooking plus it keeps the kitchen cool in the summer .I would not have one if I had to move it from a pantry .

I started using a crockpot, slow cooker when I was working. Start in morning & dinner ready when you walk in the door. I have noticed that since I’ve been retired there seems to be more in the crockpot...no one sneaking tastes to see if it’s ok (Les 😂). I move the 7qt crockpot from pantry everytime I use it. In fact I just started a beef noodle casserole this morning. Weather has turned cold again. Melody

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Remember I got these clogs for Christmas?



I'll comment on the sizing because I had to exchange mine. They are European sizes, so the chart said 6.5/7 would be a 37. I'm a true 7 and they were just a bit snug and short (my right foot is closer to a 6.5 and fit perfectly). It took a while but the size 38 came yesterday and they are perfect. Normally a 7.5/8 would be large on me. You know when they sell flip flops as a double size, like 7/8? I can never buy them because the 7/8 is always too big.


They are very cushy without feeling loose or sloppy, and the elastic in the instep keeps them snug on the foot, great for going down the basement stairs. I think I'll ask for the blue ones for Valentines Day to keep in the city. 😁

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Further fashion update on the peach sweater from JCPenney that I posted earlier. I ended up exchanging it for the next size down because it has dolman sleeves (just one long seam from wrist to waist) and just seemed a bit bulky at the top. It was a good idea to switch it and I like the smaller size a lot better. I like the color but in general I don't find a dolman sleeve a good choice for my body type. They seem popular now because they are cheaper to manufacture, but in even in a higher end product I stay away from that style.



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On 1/8/2021 at 11:32 AM, MJC said:

Remember I got these clogs for Christmas?



I'll comment on the sizing because I had to exchange mine. They are European sizes, so the chart said 6.5/7 would be a 37. I'm a true 7 and they were just a bit snug and short (my right foot is closer to a 6.5 and fit perfectly). It took a while but the size 38 came yesterday and they are perfect. Normally a 7.5/8 would be large on me. You know when they sell flip flops as a double size, like 7/8? I can never buy them because the 7/8 is always too big.


They are very cushy without feeling loose or sloppy, and the elastic in the instep keeps them snug on the foot, great for going down the basement stairs. I think I'll ask for the blue ones for Valentines Day to keep in the city. 😁

I really love those clogs . I am just not sure how much I would wear them in Florida . 

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Clogs...I love them.  I really like those a lot, and can see myself wearing quite a few of them.  They are a go to for me, except during the summer when I prefer sandals.  Sally, I know Florida has some cooler weather but I have to agree, it does seem like you may not get a lot out of them.   Summer is short for us here, and spring and fall are perfect for them.  Winter too, except outside in the snow.


Speaking of snow, while we have had cold weather, we haven't had much snow at all.  I heard that may change next weekend so I better not get too used to it, lol. 


Dolman sleeves and I don't get along.  Broad shoulders plus being big in the chest area make for an awful look for me.  Sometimes, if the styling is right, it doesn't make a big impact.  I have a beige sweater where the sleeves and body of the sweater are all one piece, and it only has a slight dolman sleeve to it so I wear that.  


I am thinking a lot about those clogs though!


Anita, those jellyfish look rather cute, but I know I get nervous of anything moving in the water, overall.  I know a few times on cruises where I would feel something brush against my leg, and I would start looking frantically to see what it was, lol.    What is cool though is how you were able to get that picture and enlarge it so that we could see them.


Yesterday was a sunny day, and my husband and I spent a lot of time in the living room, talking about our choices.  For the most half, I only see the room at night, and the lamps don't provide a ton of light.  The weekend is when I can really see the room, and lately, it has been super gloomy.  Today is overcast but not too dreary, s I might be able to get some good pictures.  


The pillows I ordered have been interesting.  The one I really thought I would like didn't impress me.  The one I thought was a long shot is the one I am keeping.  These are for the couch. 


I wanted these to be a little darker, but they are a nice shade of ivory.  since they have a bit of a silk like sheen to them, they look lighter than they really are.  These I am keeping:






We also played with what size rug to get.  I grabbed a measuring tape and did a quick estimate, but my husband felt we should add tape to the floor to be sure.  I thought that was a good idea.








With that last picture, I think you can truly get a feel for the color of the chairs.  I got a good up close picture as well, althoughin real life it is a bit lighter, I feel like it captures the tones well, and this appears very close to what I see with my eyes..




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What a beautiful room Laurie! Those curtains really are nice. I just love the pattern so much... And that window...OMG...really lovely room. I know you are redone the seating and that looks really nice. The chairs especially look comfy. I like the higher backs and they seem to curve around a bit. Really nice. I've been looking at a lot of chairs lately and those are really nice...not too big nor too small.


The color is great...you have really accomplished that fresh feeling you were going for IMO.


I agree with Sally...the new table blends in wonderfully with the older table you have. 


We're moving forward again finally with the whole pantry addition. I think the motivating factor was when we gave ourselves permission to break things up in a way that normal people might not...but it's working. We're tackling what needs to be done with the scaffolding around the new pantry first...and then DH can continue with the pantry framing etc. So I've done the skip trowel texture and primed. Next is the color coat and the first coat for that will be tomorrow.


I did one of the 3 sides of a window with the new bullnose corner bead. OMG...for a reno it's more challenging...it requires so much mud to install...as I was doing it, I was thinking to myself...WHY? Why do I want this? But I got it up and it is so much nicer than the old corners. My windows don't have any casing or trim...only dry wall...and that is 30+ years old so this is a major improvement actually. I just have to get motivated to do the other two sides! The biggest difficulty is that I have to use 45 minute joint compound which has to be mixed up right before you use it...and that's a bit of a PITA truth be told. It's the next thing on my list though...


The window and the outside corner on an adjacent wall...these two walls are the next ones to get the new texture and paint color while DH moves forward with the framing and the sheetrock and all that entails.

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