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Is RCI spraying ships for mosquitos?

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Jeez.... i cant believe this got posted. Mosquitos don't live at sea.


This is almost as bad as the the lady I heard in CoCo Cay ask why Royal didn't take the jelly fish out of the water before the ship arrived.....



Sure they can the ship is in port,some Mosquitos fly inside the ship.The ship leaves port,Mosquitos live at sea.:DNow i won't mess with the Jelly fish. :D

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We too had a family reunion cruise and celebration of my 60th. birthday last month. All my remaining family were coming, along with our son - only child - his wife and our Grandbaby. We were So excited about this cruise. Then we read about the risks of Zika, and cancelled our son's family since our daughter-in-law is pregnant - 16 weeks the day we left. Were we disappointed that they were not able to join us? Of course we were, and they were so sad to have to miss the cruise. BUT ..... how on earth could they risk the life of their unborn child just in order to enjoy a one week vacation? They, and we, could never have lived with ourselves if we deliberately put this baby in harms way. Part of being a parent is sacrificing what you really want to do, in order to do what you need to do.


Please read what I posted above.


I do not appreciate being belittled. I know about sacrifice. I make educated decisions. I am already a mother of 3 and would never put them at risk. This was not a willy-nilly decision. Your daughter could have gone and been fine. You didn't go to Brazil. That's where the issue is.


Mainstream media has turned too many people into alarmists. It's far more reckless for me to drive to Walmart than to go on a cruise.

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Please read what I posted above.


I do not appreciate being belittled. I know about sacrifice. I make educated decisions. I am already a mother of 3 and would never put them at risk. This was not a willy-nilly decision. Your daughter could have gone and been fine. You didn't go to Brazil. That's where the issue is.


Mainstream media has turned too many people into alarmists. It's far more reckless for me to drive to Walmart than to go on a cruise.


So skip a trip to Walmart and even out the risk?

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We too had a family reunion cruise and celebration of my 60th. birthday last month. All my remaining family were coming, along with our son - only child - his wife and our Grandbaby. We were So excited about this cruise. Then we read about the risks of Zika, and cancelled our son's family since our daughter-in-law is pregnant - 16 weeks the day we left. Were we disappointed that they were not able to join us? Of course we were, and they were so sad to have to miss the cruise. BUT ..... how on earth could they risk the life of their unborn child just in order to enjoy a one week vacation? They, and we, could never have lived with ourselves if we deliberately put this baby in harms way. Part of being a parent is sacrificing what you really want to do, in order to do what you need to do.


Please read what I posted above.


I do not appreciate being belittled. I know about sacrifice. I make educated decisions. I am already a mother of 3 and would never put them at risk. This was not a willy-nilly decision. Your daughter could have gone and been fine. You didn't go to Brazil. That's where the issue is.


Mainstream media has turned too many people into alarmists. It's far more reckless for me to drive to Walmart than to go on a cruise.


Robocake, no where in their post did I read Cello56 belittle you. From what I read they were speaking of their own experience. It doesn't matter if it was Brazil or the Caribbean, as Zika cases have been reported in more than just those parts of the world. In 8 months there might very well be a spike in infected children, due to the Zika Virus in numerous other parts of the world.


Having had a daughter born with Microsephaly, due to genetic reasons not the Zika virus, I would recommend doing what one is comfortable with. Only an individual can make that choice. Having cared for a child that was unable to do anything but breath I personally find the Zika virus to be a much more concerning than a drive to Walmart.


Now in regards to your OP question, I have seen mosquitos in Cozumel at Nachi Cocum which is not far away from where you swim with dolphins. We did swim with the dolphins a year ago but did not see any there. I hope this helps in your decision making.

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Please read what I posted above.


I do not appreciate being belittled. I know about sacrifice. I make educated decisions. I am already a mother of 3 and would never put them at risk. This was not a willy-nilly decision. Your daughter could have gone and been fine. You didn't go to Brazil. That's where the issue is.


Mainstream media has turned too many people into alarmists. It's far more reckless for me to drive to Walmart than to go on a cruise.


Since your from Tx im not sure if you have seen this


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Thank you! We have a surprise stowaway on the way and I will be 15 weeks pregnant.


I would hate for this to become a debate about going/not going. .


Give this lady a break and stop lecturing and interjecting your (obviously unwelcome) opinions.


Dear Robotcake...Take prudent precautions, enjoy your cruise and filter out the negativity.

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Mosquitos don't live at sea but the ships call at ports and those mentioned, Cozumel, Belize and Honduras have mosquitos. Not great mosquito control as they are in jungle zones.


The first lady mentioned swimming with Dolphins. One of the Dolphin places is at Chankanaab Park. Nice big lagoon inside the park with iguanas and mosquitos.


Agreed. And all it takes is one bite.

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They listed several contraindications to the dolphin experience, but not pregnancy. I figured, if it's safe enough for a 5-year-old, its safe enough for a pregnant person?


The reason that many places will not allow pregnant women to participate in the dolphin encounter/swim is because Dolphins can sense pregnancies very early on through their sonar or echolation. The dolphins get very excited when they sense a pregnancy and this excited behavior has the potential to cause problems. Possibly by the dolphin becoming overly excited and potentially scaring or even injuring the mother to be or those around her - or present a huge distraction by focusing exclusively on the pregnant participant to the exclusion of others.


I think it's fascinating and amazing that the dolphins can detect pregnancy so easily through their echolations and that it would be amazing to experience that. However because of the behaviors that it can evoke many places to not allow pregnant guests to participate. So I would definitely check before hand. The restrictions may be different for the dolphin "encounter" vs. the dolphin "swim"


It sounds like you have done your homework re: the Zikka virus. Do what you feel best with. I did read that it is only in Brazil that the spike in birth defects is occurring. This has been linked back to a certain chemical that they were using to reduce the mosquito population in preparation of the 2016 summer olympics........ sounds like it may have backfired on them.

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Agreed. And all it takes is one bite.


I wouldn't go if I were pregnant but that is a personal decision between the traveler and their doctor.


That being said they haven't haven't confirmed one way or the other if the zika virus has actually caused the microcephaly. And as stated in the post above there is talk that the problem may have stemmed from chemicals used to prevent mosquitoes which would explain why only one country is showing the high amount of children with microcephaly and others that have the mosquitos aren't.

Edited by BeachChik
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We have been to Cozumel several times and have never been bothered by mosquitoes.


No disrespect intended but, we have been to Cozumel over 40 times cruising and on dive vacations. There are plenty of mosquitos on Cozumel. Especially, if you get away from town.


In fact, a year or so back we were staying at Secrets and they were horrible. The hotel was spraying inside and outside every day.

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For the record, I was at the Money Bar Beach yesterday (which is just down the road from Chankanaab Park where the dolphin excursion is located) and didn't see a single mosquito. We were there for several hours. My son is an absolute mosquito MAGNET, and he didn't get a single bite, either.



You think it is a hoax? There are mosquitos in Cozumel, Belize and Honduras. There have been suspected cases of Zika near Cozumel.


The "hoax" part isn't related to mosquitos or Zika -- it's related to the fact that it's NOT Zika that's been causing the birth defects. I continue to be AMAZED that the mainstream media hasn't done one iota of actual research into this, and instead they keep spreading the same baloney about mosquito bites causing birth defects. :rolleyes:


There is a larvicide that is added to surface water in poor areas of Brazil in an attempt to reduce the mosquito population (mosquitos lay their eggs in still water). It is the women who drink from these water sources who are having babies born with microcephaly.


Zika has been around for over sixty years. It's ONLY been since this larvicide was used that babies started being born with birth defects, and it's ONLY affecting babies born to women who drank the treated water. The company that sells the larvicide is likely spending big bucks to spin this so the virus is the culprit, not their birth-defect-causing pesticide.





Robotcake, you're a smart woman -- take typical precautions, but don't bother going overboard on this whole Zika thing -- if you're not drinking water in Brazil, you're not going to have a problem. (I would avoid DEET-based repellents, though, while pregnant, but that's just me -- talk to your OB/midwife for more info.)


Enjoy your family reunion vacation!

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Info about larvicide vs Zika:





Item to note:


However, the evidence is overwhelming. The Washington Post reported in January that after experts examined 732 cases out of 4,180 Zika-related microcephaly, more than half were not related to Zika at all. Only 270 cases were confirmed as Zika-linked microcephaly.


How can Zika be causing the microcephaly if the majority of the mothers with affected babies never even had Zika?





Another article:





They also noted that Zika has traditionally been held to be a relatively benign disease that has never before been associated with birth defects, even in areas where it infects 75% of the population.


Again, Zika has been around for several generations, and never before has microcephaly been linked to the virus.... UNTIL the larvicide was introduced.



The increase in this birth defect, in which the baby is born with an abnormally small head and often has brain damage, was quickly linked to the Zika virus by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, according to the Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, the Ministry failed to recognise that in the area where most sick people live, a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was introduced into the drinking water supply in 2014. This poison, Pyriproxyfen, is used in a State-controlled programme aimed at eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes.



Things that make you go, "Hmmmmmm....." :rolleyes:

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For the record, I was at the Money Bar Beach yesterday (which is just down the road from Chankanaab Park where the dolphin excursion is located) and didn't see a single mosquito. We were there for several hours. My son is an absolute mosquito MAGNET, and he didn't get a single bite, either.










The "hoax" part isn't related to mosquitos or Zika -- it's related to the fact that it's NOT Zika that's been causing the birth defects. I continue to be AMAZED that the mainstream media hasn't done one iota of actual research into this, and instead they keep spreading the same baloney about mosquito bites causing birth defects. :rolleyes:




There is a larvicide that is added to surface water in poor areas of Brazil in an attempt to reduce the mosquito population (mosquitos lay their eggs in still water). It is the women who drink from these water sources who are having babies born with microcephaly.




Zika has been around for over sixty years. It's ONLY been since this larvicide was used that babies started being born with birth defects, and it's ONLY affecting babies born to women who drank the treated water. The company that sells the larvicide is likely spending big bucks to spin this so the virus is the culprit, not their birth-defect-causing pesticide.










Robotcake, you're a smart woman -- take typical precautions, but don't bother going overboard on this whole Zika thing -- if you're not drinking water in Brazil, you're not going to have a problem. (I would avoid DEET-based repellents, though, while pregnant, but that's just me -- talk to your OB/midwife for more info.)




Enjoy your family reunion vacation!



Well you start off badly and dig yourself even deeper. I have been to the Yucatan many times over the last forty years and your for the record of not seeing them at one bar one time is meaningless. There are mosquitos there. Even when you don't notice them you could be bitten and not know.


Then you post that it is not Zika causing the defects. Which you don't know. You post some conspiracy theory. Some always think the earth is flat.


Here is the latest research on Zika from today's Washington Post.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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For the record, I was at the Money Bar Beach yesterday (which is just down the road from Chankanaab Park where the dolphin excursion is located) and didn't see a single mosquito. We were there for several hours. My son is an absolute mosquito MAGNET, and he didn't get a single bite, either.





The "hoax" part isn't related to mosquitos or Zika -- it's related to the fact that it's NOT Zika that's been causing the birth defects. I continue to be AMAZED that the mainstream media hasn't done one iota of actual research into this, and instead they keep spreading the same baloney about mosquito bites causing birth defects. :rolleyes:


There is a larvicide that is added to surface water in poor areas of Brazil in an attempt to reduce the mosquito population (mosquitos lay their eggs in still water). It is the women who drink from these water sources who are having babies born with microcephaly.


Zika has been around for over sixty years. It's ONLY been since this larvicide was used that babies started being born with birth defects, and it's ONLY affecting babies born to women who drank the treated water. The company that sells the larvicide is likely spending big bucks to spin this so the virus is the culprit, not their birth-defect-causing pesticide.





Robotcake, you're a smart woman -- take typical precautions, but don't bother going overboard on this whole Zika thing -- if you're not drinking water in Brazil, you're not going to have a problem. (I would avoid DEET-based repellents, though, while pregnant, but that's just me -- talk to your OB/midwife for more info.)


Enjoy your family reunion vacation!


I second this. Why people are believing all this. I will never understand. It seems so clear that its from the larvacide. Yet other case of a company trying to cover their $sses. I also wouldn't use deet as it is a nerotoxien . Take the trip have a blast.

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I second this. Why people are believing all this. I will never understand. It seems so clear that its from the larvacide. Yet other case of a company trying to cover their $sses. I also wouldn't use deet as it is a nerotoxien . Take the trip have a blast.



You are falling for a debunked theory that it is the larvacide.




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Thank you kindly for some of these awesomely genuine and researched posts. I also know that many of you who discourage my cruise come from a caring place. I continue to keep tabs on the zika news, but the media is reliably unreliable. Ahem.


I have never been on a cruise or to Mexico or Belize... So I wanted to be mentally prepared for what I was to see.


One thing I have realized is that I will need to be prepared for "looks" or words of discouragement from the people I may come across while I am traveling. I will definitely be showing by then, as this is my 4th. I already have 3 young kiddos so I am somewhat used to the "hands full", "you know what causes that", etc, types of commentary. :) People like to share what they think!


I am absolutely fascinated by the dolphin/pregnancy thing! I hope my daughter will still participate even if I cannot get in the water with her. I will wait and see...

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  • 2 months later...
Thank you! We have a surprise stowaway on the way and I will be 15 weeks pregnant.


I would hate for this to become a debate about going/not going. It's a family reunion and I won't change the whole darn thing over me. Instead, I am stocking up on long-sleeved lightweight clothing (including a swim rashguard) to treat with permethrin and deet for my exposed skin. Same for my husband.


I know this post is a little older now, but I just stumbled across it... Congrats on the baby! I hope you had a great trip!


My wife and I are setting sail in a little over a week and recently found out she will be about 10 weeks prego. We are curious how your trip went with the little stowaway. Were you able to relax and have fun, or were you stressed out a lot of the time over zika? How were the mosquitos on the ship and in the ports? We have done research and will be taking precautions with treating ourselves and clothes, limiting time off of the ship, and avoiding inland areas. We have altered plans for our excursions/etc, but some feedback from someone in the same (recent) situation would be awesome.


We’ve had this trip planned with a large group of people for over a year and have decided to not cancel, so I’m really hoping this doesn’t spark the go/don’t go debate.


By the way, our ports/plans right now are as follows:

Roatan: Little French Key (stay on beach or in water -head back to ship if mosquitos are apparent)

Costa Maya: Stay on ship (maybe walk around port for a short time after another person in our party scouts out the port area)

Cozumel: Chankanaab (maybe try dolphins then go back to ship)

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I know this post is a little older now, but I just stumbled across it... Congrats on the baby! I hope you had a great trip!




My wife and I are setting sail in a little over a week and recently found out she will be about 10 weeks prego. We are curious how your trip went with the little stowaway. Were you able to relax and have fun, or were you stressed out a lot of the time over zika? How were the mosquitos on the ship and in the ports? We have done research and will be taking precautions with treating ourselves and clothes, limiting time off of the ship, and avoiding inland areas. We have altered plans for our excursions/etc, but some feedback from someone in the same (recent) situation would be awesome.




We’ve had this trip planned with a large group of people for over a year and have decided to not cancel, so I’m really hoping this doesn’t spark the go/don’t go debate.




By the way, our ports/plans right now are as follows:


Roatan: Little French Key (stay on beach or in water -head back to ship if mosquitos are apparent)


Costa Maya: Stay on ship (maybe walk around port for a short time after another person in our party scouts out the port area)


Cozumel: Chankanaab (maybe try dolphins then go back to ship)



Chankanaab, I have seen mosquitos there. There is a lagoon and it is a jungle like area. Nice mosquito habitats. Costa Maya is in a jungle like area. Roatan,been there. I would not count on much mosquito control there.


Today the first Zika related case of Microcephaly has been reported in Puerto Rico.



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You think it is a hoax? There are mosquitos in Cozumel, Belize and Honduras. There have been suspected cases of Zika near Cozumel.


We just got back from Mexico on Sunday. We stayed at Playa Paraiso on the mainland. We could see the buildings on Cozumel on clear days. We did not encounter any bugs of any kind the entire week we were there. Flew home to Houston and the mosquitoes and gnat were swarming us as we tried to get in our house. I am not as worried about Zika as I am about West Nile virus. They found mosquitoes infected with West Nile in our town nearly every week last summer.

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We just got back from a Western stopping in Belize, Honduras, Costa Maya, and Cozumel. Did not see mosquito one during the whole trip, and we were in the jungle in Honduras and a bit off the beaten path in Costa Maya.


Treat all your cloths with a Permethrin spray before you leave on the cruise, uncovered skin with either DEET or Picaridin. Lotions are better than sprays, IMHO.


Latest I've read about Zika is that it is already in TX and unless something changes it will be all the way up to IN by summer time.

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