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Carnival Imagination 4 Day Review Mar 20-24, 2016


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Great review! We sail on the Imagination next week. How was the temperature inside the ship? Did they blast the a/c?


I'm curious about the AC in ship as well. Last spring when we were on the Imagination I found it to be really chilly in all the public areas. I had to wear a jacket or sweater all the time. We have a cruise booked on her 12 days from now and I'm trying to decide how many sweaters to bring!

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Very nice review/report and also enjoyed your photos.



Hi Keith, Thank you!


Great review! We sail on the Imagination next week. How was the temperature inside the ship? Did they blast the a/c?


We found the temperature very comfortable. I don't think we were ever cold and adjusted the temperature inside our stateroom very easily with the control:)

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Great review!!



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


Thanks for coming back and reposting your reviews and photos. I'm enjoying reading about all there is to see and do on this cruise and I really appreciate the Fun Times.



Thank you all very much! I hope I replied to everyone. GradUT are you missing any info I haven't posted?

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This has been such a great review, thanks so much for taking the time to be so thorough!


I’ve got a question if you don’t mind... could you go through how the debarkation and customs process went? I will be taking my daughter on the Imagination for her 16th birthday coming up in May and I’m trying to figure out my best plan for getting us to LAX that morning. Our flight is also with Westjet but headed to Edmonton (We are fellow Albertans :)) at 12:00pm. That is the earliest time Carnival has posted for return flights so I’m pretty confidant it should work out, but I also know that is assuming all things are smooth and on schedule that morning. Could you explain what Canadian/non US residents do for customs? Do we go to a designated area or lounge on the ship (that was what we had to do on the Legend a few years back) or is it outside the ship...? What time do they ask you to vacate your room? What did you guys do for disembarkation and how/when did you get to the airport?


I noticed you said at the beginning of your review that your shuttle experience after the cruise wasn’t as great so I’m anxious to hear details! I haven’t booked transportation yet and am trying to figure out what to do. How long did it take to get there? Any suggestions or advice? Thanks so much again for your review!

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Thank you all very much! I hope I replied to everyone. GradUT are you missing any info I haven't posted?


No, I'm not missing a thing. Your report, photos and Fun Times have helped me plan what to do on our trip in August. Thanks again!

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Looking forward to the Chef's Table report and the getting home shuttle report...my rides were awfully long on both ends with that shuttle and will do something else next time. I loved this cruise and all the things you are speaking of either have done or will do. You and your family are beautiful. Thanks so much for coming back and redoing it...it is a wonderful review and you are taking us there....Sarah



Like little history things and will do that Casino tour, the wine tour next time in Ensenada, and so glad the Queen Mary did right by you and you did not let it ruin your joy of it...it is simply fabulous history and I love it too.

Edited by sjn911
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This has been such a great review, thanks so much for taking the time to be so thorough!


I’ve got a question if you don’t mind... could you go through how the debarkation and customs process went? I will be taking my daughter on the Imagination for her 16th birthday coming up in May and I’m trying to figure out my best plan for getting us to LAX that morning. Our flight is also with Westjet but headed to Edmonton (We are fellow Albertans :)) at 12:00pm. That is the earliest time Carnival has posted for return flights so I’m pretty confidant it should work out, but I also know that is assuming all things are smooth and on schedule that morning. Could you explain what Canadian/non US residents do for customs? Do we go to a designated area or lounge on the ship (that was what we had to do on the Legend a few years back) or is it outside the ship...? What time do they ask you to vacate your room? What did you guys do for disembarkation and how/when did you get to the airport?


I noticed you said at the beginning of your review that your shuttle experience after the cruise wasn’t as great so I’m anxious to hear details! I haven’t booked transportation yet and am trying to figure out what to do. How long did it take to get there? Any suggestions or advice? Thanks so much again for your review!



I am just posting the last day….. let me know if you still have any questions. I will do my best to answer :)

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Looking forward to the Chef's Table report and the getting home shuttle report...my rides were awfully long on both ends with that shuttle and will do something else next time. I loved this cruise and all the things you are speaking of either have done or will do. You and your family are beautiful. Thanks so much for coming back and redoing it...it is a wonderful review and you are taking us there....Sarah



Like little history things and will do that Casino tour, the wine tour next time in Ensenada, and so glad the Queen Mary did right by you and you did not let it ruin your joy of it...it is simply fabulous history and I love it too.


Sarah thank you so very much for your kind words. It takes me back for sure! I can't wait for my next one :D

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After we had enough sun we came inside to cool down and wandered around a bit. I wanted to check out photos and make sure we purchased all we wanted. I also took some photos of the atrium.


We decided we would take the kids to supper in the MDR and say goodbye and thank you to our head server Yoseph and assistant Sori who was the most amazing!!!! man ever with our son. His kindness made dining way easier on us as parents and on our son who does not do so well with new situations and people! We also wanted to say a fond farewell to our table mates. We had so much fun with. We ran into the other Canadians later and were told that the kids were extremely well behaved and our son got his groove on to Gangnam style with all the waiters and just gave it with his dancing! They were all very impressed.


My husband and I went to the Chef’s table and I can say it was a highlight of our trip. It was delicious food and well worth the money! We started off in the lobby with our chef Saby and Dimitar as the head waiter/ assistant to Saby. There was also a young man who was helping and I didn’t get his name but I can say he was very dedicated to his job, personable and extremely attentive! 




We first went to the galley where we were served champagne and 4 appetizers! They were absolutely gorgeous- from presentation to taste. I was selected by Chef Saby to help the head pastry chef prepare chocolate melting cake mmmmmmm........ and then we were given the recipes signed to take home!







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After we went to the library where we were served another 7 delicious courses of food, paired with white and red wines that was free flowing...... Dessert was the most stunning thing ever! We were all given a picture of the evening as a memory. I can honestly say we do not regret doing this and will do it again and again (at least once a cruise!) So worth it! RELAXATION at the maximum.











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I have heard grumblings about not taking your kids.... we had three join us one who was 12, one who was 16 and one who was just 19. (so not really a kid). I would say if you have a child who enjoys food, can sit for a few hours to enjoy a relaxing dinner and want to do something extra special with them they would really enjoy it! (oh.... our kids were not the ones that came!)


After supper the kids headed off to their clubs and enjoyed farewell parties. They both came home with T-shirts signed by their club mates and really enjoyed their evenings.


We packed and put out 3 of our 4 cases for pick up (Zone 1) and filled out our customs declaration and headed off to bed. We received a package that detailed where we were to be and when for disembarkation along with the luggage tags and customs declaration.


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Day 5



We got up about 630 am in stages, DD and I first then DS and DH. We all showered, dressed and then headed to the Lido deck for the buffet. Our DS wanted one more of his favourites...... make your own omelette. We were to be in the Dynasty Lounge for 815 am as we had FTTF. We barely arrived and sat and we were immediately escorted to disembarkation. We swiped our card a final time and headed down the gangway... sad to leave but knowing we were going to cruise again!


We proceeded to the customs line up and got in the queue. It was fairly quick (10 minutes maybe?). I did not see any separate area/line for non US residents and when we went to the agent at our turn, we turned over our declaration, our passports, answered a couple of quick questions-- when we were leaving and to where and off we went. We gathered our luggage and headed off to find the Prime Time shuttle area.


This is where things start to derail. :eek: I went over to the Prime Time attendant at about 845am showed him my paper work, gave my name and told him we were early for our 10 am shuttle. I pointed out that we had reserved and prepaid for an exclusive 7 passenger van service for the 4 of us with our luggage. I said if the driver could come early great otherwise we could just wait until 10 am. He was pleasant at first and said okay it will only be about 30-45 and for us to go sit to wait. SO..... we went over to wait. He came over a bit later and wanted to reverify our confirmation number and details. And we waited. And we waited. About 930-945 am I went over to him and asked if he had an update on the shuttle. His attitude at this point changed. :confused: He refused to answer me said wait I have other people to go. Ummm Ok will it be here for 10 am then? (That was my reservation time) He refused to answer.


A porter from the port authority noticed the dilemma and I asked if there was a phone somewhere... He graciously offered me his personal cell phone to use and I called Prime Time. The guy there was very pleasant and checked and said we were to be on shuttle 655 and it was at the port or just pulling in. We checked and there was the shuttle but others were in it going somewhere else and the attendant was adamant the guy on the phone knew nothing and this was NOT our shuttle :(:confused:


My husband who cannot be ruffled EVER and is very PATIENT (very opposite to me) was becoming frustrated as the attendant kept leaving, would not answer us and would not give us any details. He finally ended up saying listen buddy you need to deal with this instead of saying wait wait wait and walking off....... Finally another shuttle arrived about 1020. The driver got out and opened the doors, the attendant started to talk to him and we started to hand over the luggage... A woman came running up and said can you help us? is there anyway you have room in your shuttle for LAX? It’s me and my husband and son. My husband replied that we were supposed to have a private shuttle as that is what we paid for but at this point we didn’t care if the driver was ok with it we were fine....


(We needed to be at LAX for 1130 as we were flying international and were very worried.) Well the driver slammed the doors on the shuttle, jumped in and PEELED...... I MEAN LEFT RUBBER SMOKING and tore out of the port. The Prime Time attendant then said to my husband you F****N A*****E what did you say to him? What did we say??? we were just talking to the lady, you were talking to him, we said nothing! The port security came running wanting to know what happened and why the attendant was swearing and yelling at my husband. They were hauling off the Prime Time guy when we left and the porter who had helped us said I will vouch for them this guy is awful..... get him out of here! He can’t treat people like this!


I can honestly say this was the WORST thing I have ever had happen EVER on vacation. We were not getting in a Prime Time shuttle and we ended up getting in a yellow taxi cab.... paid him slightly less than we did for the Prime Time shuttle (with tip) and headed off to LAX. We did hit some traffic but he was a good driver, whipped around and he got us there in good time. We checked in with Westjet and I said to them I am SO SO happy to finally get some polite service. We went into the airport, through security and arrived at our gate with no issues. DD was excited again to get Starbucks, quick snack and then we boarded our plane. The entire trip we encountered such pleasant, friendly and kind individuals it was so disappointing to have had this experience. I talked with a friend who had taken Prime Time a few weeks before out of Long Beach and they too had been given the runaround by the attendant with Prime Time. I would recommend if you stay at the Queen Mary before the trip....... go over there at the end of the trip the bellhops are great..... give them a tip as I am SURE they will get you a taxi/car/shuttle and not have to deal with the Prime Time attendant. He was awful!


Our flight home was uneventful..... and we arrived home to a sprinkling of SNOW???? what happened to the nice weather.... oh well time to book our next cruise! AND WE HAVE :D:cool:



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Thanks for concluding your great review! I'm so sorry for that ridiculous shuttle fiasco as a way of winding things up for your family.... that is truly bizarre behaviour from that driver not to mention the run around you got for an hour and a half. One thing I know for sure now is that I will NOT be using Prime Time Shuttle!!


(Best wishes to your daughter and the upcoming graduation! Savour your next few months before the first little bird flies the nest!)

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Thanks for concluding your great review! I'm so sorry for that ridiculous shuttle fiasco as a way of winding things up for your family.... that is truly bizarre behaviour from that driver not to mention the run around you got for an hour and a half. One thing I know for sure now is that I will NOT be using Prime Time Shuttle!!


(Best wishes to your daughter and the upcoming graduation! Savour your next few months before the first little bird flies the nest!)



You didn't say when you cruise is.


Noon is a bit early for an international flight out of LAX. LAX is 30 minutes without traffic on a good day. If you're debarking on a Thursday need to add more time. Truly need 3 hours at the airport. Get off the ship ASAP. If you can self assist, do it. Taxis can use the shortcuts, shuttles will have to go to several different terminals. If you're flying out of T3, T4, T5 or TBIT add extra travel time. Taxi rank is to the left and is a flat $75 to LAX.


Non-US CBP is to the left when entering the Dome from the gangway.


We have sailed many, many times out of our homeport of Long Beach.

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You didn't say when you cruise is.


Noon is a bit early for an international flight out of LAX. LAX is 30 minutes without traffic on a good day. If you're debarking on a Thursday need to add more time. Truly need 3 hours at the airport. Get off the ship ASAP. If you can self assist, do it. Taxis can use the shortcuts, shuttles will have to go to several different terminals. If you're flying out of T3, T4, T5 or TBIT add extra travel time. Taxi rank is to the left and is a flat $75 to LAX.


Non-US CBP is to the left when entering the Dome from the gangway.


We have sailed many, many times out of our homeport of Long Beach.

Hmmmm... well I'm a little more nervous now! But I can't change my flight, so I've just got to get entirely prepared for the best plan of action that morning. We are doing the May 22-26 cruise so ya, that's a Thursday disembarkation. I was considering booking the Carnival transfer option, my flight time home is already noted on my booking, and then speaking to guest services on the ship to let them know I have an early international flight and also definitely do self assist. My thinking was that maybe carnival transfer customers with early flights are tended to accordingly? But I don't know how their process works as we've never used their transfer service before... And it seems they are twice the price as just pre-booking a shuttle myself with say SuperShuttle (not prime time!!) Maybe it's worth starting my own thread with this question!

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Hmmmm... well I'm a little more nervous now! But I can't change my flight, so I've just got to get entirely prepared for the best plan of action that morning. We are doing the May 22-26 cruise so ya, that's a Thursday disembarkation. I was considering booking the Carnival transfer option, my flight time home is already noted on my booking, and then speaking to guest services on the ship to let them know I have an early international flight and also definitely do self assist. My thinking was that maybe carnival transfer customers with early flights are tended to accordingly? But I don't know how their process works as we've never used their transfer service before... And it seems they are twice the price as just pre-booking a shuttle myself with say SuperShuttle (not prime time!!) Maybe it's worth starting my own thread with this question!



Don't do the Carnival shuttle. It's a huge travel bus and can take a while to fill. A shared shuttle can take less time but will still have to go to several terminals or you'll wait for others who also are going to your terminal. As a nervous traveler I'd spend a few extra dollars and take a taxi.

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