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I am Certain Princess would act differently


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We were on the Ocean Princess in 2014 with a port stop in Rouen, France. We were walking back to the ship from town and encountered a couple who were having mobility issues. We were assisting and two members of the ship's dance company stopped to help as well. Because all-aboard for crew is typically a half-hour to an hour before passenger all-aboard, they just missed their all-aboard time (us passengers were fine). We found out that they got "dinged" for showing up late in spite of helping passengers. A word with the CD to explain the situation was required to get the "ding" eliminated.

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We found out that they got "dinged" for showing up late in spite of helping passengers. A word with the CD to explain the situation was required to get the "ding" eliminated.


You should be commended for doing the right thing and speaking to someone to get the "ding" taken off their record. So, consider yourselves commended!! :D:D. Tell the people at Passenger Services on your next Princess cruise that you deserve a special onboard credit for your good deed. (It probably won't get you squat, but if it does, let me know so I can be truly amazed! ;)



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I have been trying for a long time to get chair hoggers to defend themselves but no takers so far.

Hope you aren't holding your breath. Nor from those who get left at the pier because they were late.

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You should be commended for doing the right thing and speaking to someone to get the "ding" taken off their record. So, consider yourselves commended!! :D:D. Tell the people at Passenger Services on your next Princess cruise that you deserve a special onboard credit for your good deed. (It probably won't get you squat, but if it does, let me know so I can be truly amazed! ;)



Seeking reward for doing good by somebody is a pretty lame excuse to live one's life, Pierless!

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Christmas Eve 2015 - Emerald Princess - Bonaire. Repeat paging for 4 passengers. Sail time comes, still paging. 30 minutes past sail time Captain Fortezze reports to those of us onboard that "we" are missing a family of 4 (2 small children; 2 adults). Their stateroom has been checked, they have not answered pages and local law enforcement reports no incidents/accidents reported with this family. Captain Fortezze said that he could not leave this family on Christmas Eve, so we'll wait for them to return to the ship. One hour after sail time, this family strolls down the dock...

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You should be commended for doing the right thing and speaking to someone to get the "ding" taken off their record. So, consider yourselves commended!! :D:D. Tell the people at Passenger Services on your next Princess cruise that you deserve a special onboard credit for your good deed. (It probably won't get you squat, but if it does, let me know so I can be truly amazed! ;)




Seeking reward for doing good by somebody is a pretty lame excuse to live one's life, Pierless!


If you're referring to the good deed performed by the persons to whom I was replying in my posting (beg3yrs), they did not say, nor indicate that they were seeking any "reward" for for their good deed, They simply told what they had done.


If, on the other hand, you were referring to my comments about going to Passenger Services, Keith, you must have missed seeing the humor icons in my message or misinterpreted something along the line as what I was saying was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and humorous. Neither beg3yrs nor myself were seeking any reward for anything. After reading what they had done, I merely wanted to complement them for what they had done and bring a smile to their faces, which I hope I did.



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I have been there. My husband and kids got back on the ship and I said I would catch up and stayed in the shopping area. I was dumb and made it back as one of the last 3 passengers on the ship. Guess who's fault it would have been if the ship had left? Mine. While I was running I was thinking that my hubby was going to kill me. I would have been on my knees sobbing also. But it still would have been my fault. My arrogance and over familiarity with Grand Cayman almost made me miss the ship. It was all on me and it sure sounds like it was all on this mom also. Because if she had some traumatic reason why she was late, it would have been all over the press.

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Christmas Eve 2015 - Emerald Princess - Bonaire. Repeat paging for 4 passengers. Sail time comes, still paging. 30 minutes past sail time Captain Fortezze reports to those of us onboard that "we" are missing a family of 4 (2 small children; 2 adults). Their stateroom has been checked, they have not answered pages and local law enforcement reports no incidents/accidents reported with this family. Captain Fortezze said that he could not leave this family on Christmas Eve, so we'll wait for them to return to the ship. One hour after sail time, this family strolls down the dock...


Some people don't adjust their watches to the ships time clocks & can result in being late. Luckily for them the ship waited otherwise it might have been a bad Christmas eve.


I have been there. My husband and kids got back on the ship and I said I would catch up and stayed in the shopping area. I was dumb and made it back as one of the last 3 passengers on the ship. Guess who's fault it would have been if the ship had left? Mine. While I was running I was thinking that my hubby was going to kill me. I would have been on my knees sobbing also. But it still would have been my fault. My arrogance and over familiarity with Grand Cayman almost made me miss the ship. It was all on me and it sure sounds like it was all on this mom also. Because if she had some traumatic reason why she was late, it would have been all over the press.

Was shopping that important that you had to stay behind for the last few minutes knowing the time the ship was scheduled to leave?

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One thing no one else has mentioned: What would happen to a cruise line that gained a reputation for waiting for late passengers. I believe that you would have passengers showing up hours late. You would have many, many people take advantage.


The only way to impress upon some people that arriving on time important is to have a zero tolerance for lateness policy.


Exactly right. If you set a policy then don't stick to it, some people will take advantage. Even some conscientious people will start thinking, "There will be other people who are late, I can afford to take a few more minutes". People would start aiming to get back to the ship right on the last bell, instead of leaving a safety margin.


Ask anyone who teaches evening classes to adults. Say the class is supposed to start at 6pm but you know people are rushing from work, so you wait for a few late arrivals and start at 6.10 instead. The following week, a third of the class won't turn up until 6.10 - and the original latecomers won't arrive till 6.15. And so on.


I know one dance teacher whose class is advertised as starting at 7pm. She's too soft-hearted to insist on starting on time - so gradually over the course of this year, her start time has got later and later. She still arrives at 7pm on the dot, but most of the time she doesn't get started teaching till 7.30!

Edited by Marisawrite
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Christmas Eve 2015 - Emerald Princess - Bonaire. Repeat paging for 4 passengers. Sail time comes, still paging. 30 minutes past sail time Captain Fortezze reports to those of us onboard that "we" are missing a family of 4 (2 small children; 2 adults). Their stateroom has been checked, they have not answered pages and local law enforcement reports no incidents/accidents reported with this family. Captain Fortezze said that he could not leave this family on Christmas Eve, so we'll wait for them to return to the ship. One hour after sail time, this family strolls down the dock...

I have made many comments about this humongous charge for solo travelers. Feel after all maybe peace of mind knowing one is cared for and safe while on vacation is worth the price.

This is again why I started this thread because many times the Princess ship I was on waited for late passengers returning.:).

Edited by kruisey
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Awhile ago on a cruise, I was safely on board and I heard my name being called, I thought something happened to my husband and I frantically found a phone and called - my seapass card wasn't read when I got back on the ship.


This might sound ugly but many times, we would watch the "runners" run to the ship - usually with big balloon hats and larger glasses - Carlos n' Charlie was the last stop!!!!

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Christmas Eve 2015 - Emerald Princess - Bonaire. Repeat paging for 4 passengers. Sail time comes, still paging. 30 minutes past sail time Captain Fortezze reports to those of us onboard that "we" are missing a family of 4 (2 small children; 2 adults). Their stateroom has been checked, they have not answered pages and local law enforcement reports no incidents/accidents reported with this family. Captain Fortezze said that he could not leave this family on Christmas Eve, so we'll wait for them to return to the ship. One hour after sail time, this family strolls down the dock...


Captain Forteeze was our captain on the Emerald Princess in January when we sailed from St. Thomas with a missing couple well within sight of the ship at Crown Bay and the port agent calling to crew inside the open hatch door that they were coming. I commented about it to the captain later at an MTP event and he said "Of course I left them. They were 25 minutes late!".


Moral of the story: the hearts of even the softest hearted captains can harden over time.

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I have been there. My husband and kids got back on the ship and I said I would catch up and stayed in the shopping area. I was dumb and made it back as one of the last 3 passengers on the ship. Guess who's fault it would have been if the ship had left? Mine. While I was running I was thinking that my hubby was going to kill me. I would have been on my knees sobbing also. But it still would have been my fault. My arrogance and over familiarity with Grand Cayman almost made me miss the ship. It was all on me and it sure sounds like it was all on this mom also. Because if she had some traumatic reason why she was late, it would have been all over the press.


At least you're honest about it and willing to admit your error (a fact that floridalover5623 seems to have missed.)



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At least you're honest about it and willing to admit your error (a fact that floridalover5623 seems to have missed.)




I didn't miss it.

Again- was shopping that important that almost missing the ship worth it?

Doubtful. ;)


Maybe they should have everyone sign an agreement to the effect that if their the ones that hold up the ship the additional port charges will be added to their tab at the end of the cruise. :p

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I don't think anyone is or was arguing that shopping is more important than catching the ship. People make mistakes, time gets away from you, you misjudge distance, any number of things. So many judgemental people on this board.

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I don't think anyone is or was arguing that shopping is more important than catching the ship. People make mistakes, time gets away from you, you misjudge distance, any number of things. So many judgemental people on this board.

Folks that are always very judgemental about others always fall the hardest when something happens to them.

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This is again why I started this thread because many times the Princess ship I was on waited for late passengers returning.:).


In this particular case, it's obvious the ship did wait, for quite some time. The husband had had time to realise it was sailing time, talk to the crew, arrange with his relatives to take care of the kids, collect his and his wife's travel documents, get off the boat to look for her, etc. That didn't all happen in five minutes!


You say that you saw Princess ships wait for late passengers many times. How long did they wait? I would be surprised if it was more than half an hour to an hour.

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Maybe they should have everyone sign an agreement to the effect that if their the ones that hold up the ship the additional port charges will be added to their tab at the end of the cruise. :p


Yes, that would be a possible change. However, delaying the sailing time could cause many other problems down the road that would affect the all of the passengers, not just cost the late arrivals more money. By sailing on time, or after a minimal delay, the vast majority of the passengers suffer minimal delay/discomfort/whatever and the ones suffering the brunt of the cost/loss/etc. are those who caused the situation to occur in the first place. That seems more logical to me.


I do wonder how many times somebody actually does get left behind. I know it happened about a week ago on a cruise from SF-Ensanada-SF on the Grand when a couple was late getting back to the ship. My wife was on that ship with her mother and watched them come walking up toward the ship only to find the gate onto the pier was locked and everybody gone. When the couple found they couldn't get on past the fence, they ran over to the next pier where the Crown (or some other ship, can't remember which one just off hand) where they found the same situation. Don't know how they got back to SF but it was probably a real hassle and expensive. Nobody wins in a situation where somebody gets left. :(



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Longest I saw was about 75 minutes, HOWEVER, there was an announcement made that passengers not on a Princess tour had called in due to a mechanical issue and were waiting for another vehicle, and the harbormaster had granted permission to stay. They even got permission for the replacement small bus to come right to the ship..


When it arrived I noticed more applause than the usual catcalls, because the tour folks had done the right thing allowing the staff to take appropriate action.


The key here (and in my prior post) is that IF there is a legitimate issue, contacting the cruise line's agent early will allow all possible accommodations to be made. If you don't, that's on you.


In this particular case, it's obvious the ship did wait, for quite some time. The husband had had time to realise it was sailing time, talk to the crew, arrange with his relatives to take care of the kids, collect his and his wife's travel documents, get off the boat to look for her, etc. That didn't all happen in five minutes!


You say that you saw Princess ships wait for late passengers many times. How long did they wait? I would be surprised if it was more than half an hour to an hour.

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The key here (and in my prior post) is that IF there is a legitimate issue, contacting the cruise line's agent early will allow all possible accommodations to be made. If you don't, that's on you.


Very true and the points you made were very valid.



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Longest I saw was about 75 minutes, HOWEVER, there was an announcement made that passengers not on a Princess tour had called in due to a mechanical issue and were waiting for another vehicle, and the harbormaster had granted permission to stay. They even got permission for the replacement small bus to come right to the ship..


When it arrived I noticed more applause than the usual catcalls, because the tour folks had done the right thing allowing the staff to take appropriate action.


The key here (and in my prior post) is that IF there is a legitimate issue, contacting the cruise line's agent early will allow all possible accommodations to be made. If you don't, that's on you.

If one is not taking a Princess Excursion to take the ships agents number with you.Better to be safe than sorry.

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I don't think anyone is or was arguing that shopping is more important than catching the ship. People make mistakes, time gets away from you, you misjudge distance, any number of things. So many judgemental people on this board.


Ayeup. ;) The usual suspects.

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