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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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Jeff, I NEVER use a rolling pin. All by hand. I've gotten pretty good at stretching and spinning the dough to the round pans. I will have to try the cast iron griddle idea. Yes, it was about 10 minutes total oven time.

JP, I do have several pizza stones, but have found the crust too doughy when I use them. The perforated pan seems to give me the best crisp crust for what I'm working with.

I use fresh slices of Mozzarella and the grill is just never quite hot enough to melt it, or I end up with a watery mess on soggy crust.

I guess I'm still working on my pizza art! But hey, there are worse things to have to do over and over to perfect.



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Shots, that is impressive. I was convinced you had used a pin because they were so perfectly round. :)


I have no idea whether any personal obsoervations about pizza dough are helpful because you seem to have so much of it perfected. In case it helps ... just a few things I have learned.


It seems to me that in most things Brits and Americans do with all things Italian we never seem to learn that less is more. So for example where as in Italy they use much less sauce on pasta and very little topping on pizza, we seem to over sauce and over "top" pizza. So I try to accept it doesn't show less love by putting less on. It's also toughand takes disciplain to bin stuff rather than add it as more topping.


As your handling skills are so proficient with dough then as close as you can get to 70% hydration with around 3% of that being good quality unfiltered extra virgin oil and you can make it more manageable by kneading a fair amount in its first mix. When a few forum members on the pizza forum went on a pilgrimage to Naples they visited Caputo and saw the man himself. Every few minutes his phone would go and there would be a customer seeking pizza dough advice, and all he kept repeating for each call was "add more water, add more water" following which he'd slam the phone down. This level of hydration with oil and extra knead will stretch gluten and the oil helps.


If you can miss the salt completely. Salt is the enemy of good pizza dough. Most of the flavour of the pizza comes from the topping and if you can miss the salt completely, then with the use of full bodied good oil, you probably won't notice it that much but your dough will produce a far superior crumb with a better rise and more holes. You'll think you miss it and you may manage to convince yourself you can tell, but this is all compromise and it is better to get a better crumb than have the salt. As you know salt kills yeast action and salt always wins any battle and yeast loses.


And when you stretch try and use some initial envelope folds to make the bubbles long. Then when you stretch, let it rest for a few minutes between stretches as it allows the gluten to recover. And only put the topping on just before it goes into the oven so it doesn't soak the dough.


It's presumptious of me to offer tips but I think that with the simplicity of this dish, there is a reason why so few pizza's that are sold are any good.


Looking forward to the next piccies. :)

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Hm. My grill, OTOH, can actually make the stone too hot. Sometimes my crust is closer to "panther" than "leopard" if I'm not paying attention.


Fresh mozzarella is too watery for pizza, IMO. I'll use it if I have it but it's better to use the regular stuff.


Jeff, tasty lunch. We did burgers and chips yesterday. Not sure what today's menu is. Off to work. Hoping to get done soon and enjoy the beautiful weather today.


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Hi JP,


That's funny because I thought you preferred fresh cheese ... I misunderstood. Because I'm trying to take as much liquid away from the pizza as I can because it can waterlog the base, I am a great fan of pre-grated mozzarella. My heart tells me it shouldn't be better but the results are always better than when I use fresh. And when I eat pizza out and they use fresh, the flavour and texture is lovely but the pizza is always sloppy and too wet.

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Jeff, thanks for the advice. I try to use minimal salt, and sometimes have been known to forget it all together.

The DH prefers LOTS of cheese, therefore I tend to indulge. A good pizza could be a wonderful crust and sprinkling of olive oil and Parmesan, IMO. But, last night I think I stumbled upon the perfect combo of fresh and shredded. Some shredded can turn out rubbery.

I tend to go light on the sauce. I am thinking that next time I will make two smaller pizzas and let DH mound his up, and I will make my more Italian version.


Those steaks look might nice. I love the grill in the stovetop. We are getting ready to remodel my kitchen and I am getting excited looking at all the high end appliances and gadgets. I do pretty well on my electric, even though I hate it and prefer gas. But, it is what I had when we moved in and it didn't seem sensible to replace one item when we will be redoing the whole thing!

I am looking forward to this event as we are planning to add counter space and cabinets, which will make my kitchen much more functional. Also, the design right now is NOT my style. We remodeled the entire rest of the house ourselves, but then ran out of energy and money for the kitchen. We will leave that to the contractors. Probably starting the project next spring. Until then, I get to plan!



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Edited by ShotsnCruises
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Nice brekkies Shots,


This seems to summarise what the French feel about their choices .............




Very Roughly ....... ( from my Franglais :))

"The biggest liar, the biggest cheater, the biggest traitor, the most paranoid, the most damaged.....

The best/victors of a campaign of the really rotten .... "

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This seems to summarise what the French feel about their choices .............


Very Roughly ....... ( from my Franglais :))

"The biggest liar, the biggest cheater, the biggest traitor, the most paranoid, the most damaged.....

The best/victors of a campaign of the really rotten .... "


Appreciate this fascinating and interesting summary from Jeff for the French Presidential run-off election today. All signs say things are very tight and that many will not be happy with the forced choice of the final two candidates on May 7. As often happens in politics these days, people are wishing for better and/or more perfect choices.


From CNN this morning they are saying: "Polls opened in the morning for France's 47 million registered voters under tightened security, with the country still jittery just two days after the attack on a police bus in the heart of Paris, which left one officer dead. The country is sharply divided -- with the latest polls suggest the results are too close to call."


The London/UK Telegraph is now headlining: "Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron leading the race as polls open".


Under these fluid conditions with such a large field of candidates, however, such polling can be very "unpredictable".


Full stories at:




THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Panama Canal? Just completed Feb. 28-Mar. 15, 2017, Fort Lauderdale to San Francisco adventure through the Panama Canal with our first stops in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, plus added time in the great Golden Gate City. Lots of fun pictures!! Those pictures start on the second page, post #26. See more at:


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No one knows what these results will be, but my concern is that when a third of the population claims when polled that they have yet to decide this often indicates that a great and decisive many have decided but they don't wish to say. And when they don't wish to say then that might indicate a vote for what others might feel is either the extreme right, or the extreme left and not an indicator of considering a vote for a moderate.


It is that factor that made me predict correctly the vote for Conservatives and Brexit the way I did and the silent majority who wanted Scotland to stay within the union. It was the scale of undecideds compared with the gap that needs bridging. All under-estimated what the "haven't yet decided" really meant when they weren't simply prepared to say.

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Terry, No one knows what these results will be, but my concern is that when a third of the population claims when polled that they have yet to decide this often indicates that a great and decisive many have decided but they don't wish to say. And when they don't wish to say then that might indicate a vote for what others might feel is either the extreme right, or the extreme left and not an indicator of considering a vote for a moderate. It is that factor that made me predict correctly the vote for Conservatives and Brexit the way I did and the silent majority who wanted Scotland to stay within the union. It was the scale of undecideds compared with the gap that needs bridging. All under-estimated what the "haven't yet decided" really meant when they weren't simply prepared to say.


Appreciate these excellent points and follow-up from Jeff. Polling can be complex and hard to read/analyze, especially as some in the public are not trusting the pollsters, government and/or media. In key states last fall in the U.S., some pollster missed what was happened when part of the Hillary "base" was not that excited and motivated.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 31,385 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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Appreciate these excellent points and follow-up from Jeff. Polling can be complex and hard to read/analyze, especially as some in the public are not trusting the pollsters, government and/or media. In key states last fall in the U.S., some pollster missed what was happened when part of the Hillary "base" was not that excited and motivated.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 31,385 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.


Exactly that.


There is a tendency for pollsters and therefore people that read the results of polls as posted by the pollsters to presume that the non-decideds are genuinely undecided and that their votes are "up for grabs". I've never agreed with that view. I believe the results often reside in that group.


Some of the undecideds are undecided, but a great number do not wish to say and so they say they are undecided in order to curtail discussion. Polls rarely break down this in a more meaningful way. If they made the first question something along the lines of "We are doing a poll on people's voting intentions. Are you willing to share with us how you are currently intending to vote?" If the answer is "yes" then you proceed and if it is "no" then you ask "is that because you are currently undecided or is it that you would prefer not to share your intentions?". That split would give two very useful pieces of information and you could have greater confidence in the undecideds and work out what to impute or conclude from the "coy". It would be a much better poll and is an approach I have used with my research organisation and one I have discussed with many all of whom immediately agree it is a more useful approach but never seem to do anything about it. That is why I feel that there is a fundamental flaw with all current poll methods and why so many have gone wrong. It is the lack of interest in the genuine reasons behind choosing the respond "I am undecided" and until they do address this inherrent flaw they will remain flawed. All of them. That is why yours truly managed to call those recent polls (Scotland, Brexit, General Election, US election) correctly when the pollsters didn't and I was using their polls as data.


Terry, you might be interested in this book summary in Today's Times which I've shared ...


Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes

Full of devastating detail, this account of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign puts the blame for defeat squarely on her.

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Exactly that. There is a tendency for pollsters and therefore people that read the results of polls as posted by the pollsters to presume that the non-decideds are genuinely undecided and that their votes are "up for grabs". I've never agreed with that view. I believe the results often reside in that group.

Terry, you might be interested in this book summary in Today's Times which I've shared ...



Appreciate the excellent added comments on polling assumptions from Jeff. That has always been a challenge as to how you guess and/or hope the undecided voters will perform, fall and/or land on Election Day. Or, not vote at all?


Great follow-up with the "Shattered" book highlight from the Times of London. Having read several summary from that book early this past week , that new publications hits some very key and important examples of "campaign malpractice" that happened with the Hillary operations. Plus, the short-coming that have been bluntly "credited" to her personally in this book.


In the past few minutes, here is what CNN is saying on France: "According to estimates from CNN affiliate BFMTV and polling company Elabe, newcomer Macron secured 24% of the vote, with National Front leader Le Pen close behind on 21.8%."


Macron has an interesting platform and series of promises in attempting to satisfy both the left and right. His background is a blend of Socialist with the current French President and business ties/wealth, etc. At age 39 with a wife 24 years older, his personal situation is some unique, too. Now, the digging and pushing for and against by both sides will intensify in France. Should be an interesting two weeks ahead. Clearly, the favorite is Macron. Am I guessing right or wrong?


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 178,312 views for this posting.

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Evening Coolers......


Great foodie pics and interesting conversation as usual......even though l know nothing about French politics....

Have been suffering all day sneezing and coughing which is not unusual following travel....air conditioning and aircraft don't seem to suit me these days at all....!!


Terry...your excitement is building for your Spirit voyage...it's my favourite ship and you will love her.


The pizza offerings today had me salivating so l ordered in but only managed a quick bite...maybe not such a good idea!!


Ah Well........S ☺️

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More work around the pasture today, and transplanted a maple tree from the woods into the back yard. We had one taken out by a tornado years ago, and I am hoping this one will grow strong and fast to provide shade for our deck.

Speaking of the deck, we put out the furniture and shade umbrella today. Plants will be next. We had BBQ chicken with veggies and potatoes one the grill for supper.

With all the work, I was too tired to take pictures. We are now waiting for the sun to go down while we watch the fire pots burn.

My office building is being remodeled and everything is closed until noon tomorrow. That means I get to enjoy a bit of an extended weekend.

Good day, good day.



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Hi Camels,


There's some in the lounge as well. I know I'm a bloke, but when I see flowers I like to see a proper bunch, not just a sad few.


Wifey has just gone to bed (2am here ...) and it's another couple of hours up for me ... so some Gouda with scallions on buttery seedy toast with a wee Armagnac ...





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Jeff, the flowers and snack look marvelous. You just so happen to be enjoying my most favorite type of Brandy! Can't beat that region of France. If I am lucky enough to find a bottle of XO here, I am sure to splurge. Mostly, have to settle for VSOP.



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Jeff, the flowers and snack look marvelous. You just so happen to be enjoying my most favorite type of Brandy! Can't beat that region of France. If I am lucky enough to find a bottle of XO here, I am sure to splurge. Mostly, have to settle for VSOP.



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Everybody in the world fits into one of two camps. Armagnac or Cognac. I also think that Armagnac drinkers also enjoy Calvados. You? I like to taste the grape or the apple and cognac doesn't taste of grapes double distillation removes the taste of what you started with. Also love Torres Brandy. And Keo. And Metaxa.


At the moment I'm drinking more Armagnac than wine! I'm old enough not to wprry about if it's causing any harm ....


Just in case anyone is enjoying the weekly Clarkson ....



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Good lovely morning, Jeff and Coolers,


You have a very strong and healthy digestive system! If I had that snack before bed I would get a tummy ache. We usually eat very early, American style, and then a bit of reading, writing, or sudoku (me) and then we both do exercise in our trotter while watching Netflix. By 10pm we are usually in Morpheus' arms. We have adjusted pretty well to being old geezers here; when in Europe with our friends, however, that's when the party starts!

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Jeff, yes, very much a fan if Normandy Brandys. We have a local winery that makes apple and pear brandy, and we mostly drink that when we do indulge. Mostly, we stick to wine, what with me still having to get up for work!

We are with Cam, in bed fast asleep by 10pm most week nights!



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