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The Butler


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Hi Everyone,

I am new here and would like some information. We are cruising celebrity Infinity on Dec 8, 2005. We have cruised 15 + cruises but have never sailed celebrity before and wonder what a Butler does? How to maximize our use of this person and what is the range of services perfomred by this person? Any help would be useful and thanks in advance for your responses. :)

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Hi Everyone,

I am new here and would like some information. We are cruising celebrity Infinity on Dec 8, 2005. We have cruised 15 + cruises but have never sailed celebrity before and wonder what a Butler does? How to maximize our use of this person and what is the range of services perfomred by this person? Any help would be useful and thanks in advance for your responses. :)

We've had a thread going on this for a while, and the most recent posts are from 5 November. Click here:



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Imagine all the things that a good cabin steward does. Now split those things that don't have to do with actually cleaning your stateroom off into a separate position, and have a personable man in a tail coat perform them for you. That's the butler's job.


In reading these boards it seems that some people are intimidated or at least unsure about the butler. Don't be. He'll introduce himself and make sure you know your way around the room. He'll answer questions. He'll bring you tea in the afternoon and canapes in the evening. He'll deliver your room service orders, too. If you need extra help with something, he'd be the first person I'd ask.


As far as "maximizing the use of this person," that sounds kind of like figuring out how to get the most you can on your plate at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Either you want or need something or you don't. I guess I'm not the kind of person who would make up something just because there happens to be an extra person assigned to my cabin. I've taken two cruises in suites that have butlers and we didn't want or need anything extraordinary other than having ice left in our cabin every afternoon. Having tea and snacks brought to us every afternoon while I was reading on our balcony was a nice enough "use" for me. And I'd call him if I had some kind of minor problem, like I needed a corkscrew or I had broken a heel on my shoe and needed superglue or if I lost my tender ticket or something like that.

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Am I the only person who doesn't want a butler? I'd much rather pack/unpack my luggage myself. A butler is only someone else to get in the way. How pretentious can we get?????????


First of all, I have never asked my butler to pack or unpack for me. But as for "getting in the way" - I couldn't disagree more. I work hard 50 weeks of the year and I love being pampered and cared for during my 2 week cruise. A good butler makes your trip more enjoyable, more carefree, and more special. I love getting a full breakfast in bed, or espresso on the balcony, or a full dinner brought course by course for us as we watch the moon reflecting on the water.


If you don't want that, fine. But I wouldn't accuse anyone who does of being pretentious.....


I love feeling like a queen for a couple of weeks. What's it to you?


abby....I'm worth it :)

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I would have to second Abbymac remarks. I have always traveled with Butler service and find it an integral part of my cruising pleasure. I also have never had my butler pack and unpack for me but I am sure that he would be happy to accommodate. I am far from pretentious. I enjoy a Big Mac but also enjoy a fine dinner.


I define the different duties of the staff as a cabin attendant's responsibility is to take care of all of your needs as it pertains to your room. The Butler's responsibility is to take care of you as a passenger. You can maximize your enjoyment of butler service by deciding how much pampering you wish and let your butler know. Sometimes I don't feel like any special assistance and service, other times I might wish to be pampered. All of the butler's I have had the pleasure to sail with have been great and finding just that right balance.

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Yes, I agree with Abby and Jim. We had the opportunity to have a butler on our last cruise and it was just wonderful. We felt so pampered and special. He also did not pack or unpack for us, but he helped us in so many other ways. Enjoy.

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It's always interesting to read butler threads because I think some people have the mistaken idea that the butler is constantly in your stateroom doing everything for your except handling nature's calls. This is not the case. The butler's position is exactly as Jim describes: cares for you as a passenger. You could call this person a "passenger comfort specialist" and you'd be talking about the exact same thing. There's nothing pretentious about it -- as I've said before, the butler does what a very good cabin steward would do, it's just that he is dedicated to the particulars of looking after "his" passengers, and so can focus on it rather than also having to clean and prep the room every day. Having a Butler means that some things might get done a little faster because he attends to it directly, such as delivery of room service orders during peak hours like breakfast. Having a Butler means that some things are done for you, like making you a cappuchino rather than you having to run down to the Cova Cafe. If you don't want a butler, then don't get a stateroom that comes with one, and don't pick on those of us who happen to book suites and happen to be comfortable with the idea of having a Butler. It's a form of reverse snobbery and I'm getting tired of it (I hear it on these boards from time to time...look, I get the suite, I pay for it, and I don't go around being snooty to people about what they've chosen to book, so don't go around calling me pretentious for what I've chosen to book.)


It's just another level of service, like Business Class on an airplane. You get flight attendants no matter where you sit, it's just that there's more of them per person in Biz Clas so you get quicker/more attentive/more personal service. Meanwhile, in coach, you can get some very pleasant and efficient flight attendants, but they have more passengers to care for so it's not quite as much of a treat as it is flying in Biz Class. And the ones who are really good in coach and get recognized get moved up to Biz Class and even First. Similarly, I'll bet the best Cabin Stewards get picked to become Butlers at some point -- it's a career advancement for them. Which leads to my next question: has anyone seen a female Butler yet? I think that would be cool. They have female Head Waiters, Sommeliers, and Assistant Maitre'd Hotels now on X.

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I understand the OP aprehension. Earlier this year was our first butler experience, and one does not know just what to expect. I found the expereince really enjoyable. Butlers are quite subtle, while servicing you. The butler finds a way to make you feel comfortable and help you decide to what extent you would like to use his/her services.


I am pretty sure you will enjoy this experience as we did.

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Someone on another thread suggested just talking to the butler on the first day to find out what he usually does for people. The butlers I've met are nice -- not like the characters you see on British TV comedys or that was on that "Joe Millionaire" show on FOX a couple of years ago. They want you to be happy and have a nice time, after all.

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I understand the OP aprehension. Earlier this year was our first butler experience, and one does not know just what to expect.
Dh and I are going into this whole butler thing not knowing what to expect.


I do know my 90+ year old grandmother is not expecting her butler to assist her in unpacking :) She had free laundry on HAL and did not make use of it, for fear someone would see her "unmentionables" :D


Also cannot figure out, if you did have your butler upack for you, how would you ever find where he put anything? I'd spend half my trip trying to get dressed 'cause i couldn't find my clothes :confused:


So what did your butler do for you?

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For me, the butler (Raj on Galaxy) added yet another pleasurable dimension to the cruise. When the trip was over, I had some great memories and a new friend. I still smile whenever I think about our interactions...like the moment the normally imperturbable Raj burst into laughter upon seeing the rent-a-tux pants legs that were 6 inches too long puddled on the floor around my feet. The fact that he had the pants altered and back in time for dinner was handy, too.



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Lisa, I love your grandmother :-)


This is what Tailan (Horizon) and Santoso (Mercury) did for us:

* kept us well-stocked with ice (that's the one thing that we always request when we first meet our stateroom staff)

* noticed that our embarcation bottle of sparkling wine was half-drunk and so corked up the bottle and re-iced it for us

* asked me when I was reading in my deck chair if I was warm enough and if wanted another blanket (he was in delivering the afternoon tea snacks at the time)

* delivered the afternoon tea snacks and evening canapes -- and if we weren't in would put them on the coffee table with a napkin or plastic wrap over them so they'd stay fresh

* brought us our tender tickets for the one port that requried a tender

* brought us toilet paper when we ran out

* delivered our room service orders

* one left a bottle of champagne (yes, the actual French stuff from Champagne) in our room when someone told him it was our anniversary. The only person we told was our Assistant Maitre d'Hotel, we hadn't even told Celebrity in advance....

* always greeted us with a pleasant remark and reminded us that if we wanted or needed anything not to hesitate to ask, and always said we looked nice when we headed out for dinner :-)

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Lisa, I love your grandmother :-)
Yes, we love her too :) She is taking the family on this cruise as our Christmas present. When she saw some on the pictures online of the cc cabins, she decided we all needed more room so upgraded to the SS's. :) My 9 year old is getting waaayyy too spolied :rolleyes:
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Having just returned from a cruise on Mercury, I have a great butler story. My daughter and I had a Sky Suite. I told the butler we were very low maintenance so he would probably not have much to do for us. He was very kind and was always trying to find something to do. Some of our Cruise Critic friends had the Penthouse Suite and were having an open house for the CCers. I thought it would be nice to take them a bottle of wine. He actually got them to open the wine room so he could get a bottle for me. He brought it to the cabin all iced down in a silver bucket on a tray. I told him I would just take the bottle to the cabin. He wouldn't hear of it and insisted on taking it for me. So off we went, down the hall with Zenobio following along behind me with his tray and silver bucket. Needless to say everyone thought it was the best entrance ever to a party. Just bring your own butler.:D

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Crusinistops, which deck of Infinity will you be on?

Our favourite butler works deck 8 & 9, hope you booked your suite on one of these, you will have a great butler. "Smashing-Nicky"





You are soooooo right. Smashing Nicky (Nicholas) was the best by far. And, it is nice to see you posting. :)

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Some of our Cruise Critic friends had the Penthouse Suite and were having an open house for the CCers.Just bring your own butler.:D


I wonder who that could have been?! ...


Yes a very classy entrance, and the invitation didnt even SAY 'BYOB' (not booze!, BUTLER!) ...




Our butler (Savio) was great too. As was Alfred last year on Infinity (i could always remember his name because of 'Batman'). We have also had Reuben (Century, I think), and the renowned Lawrence (also from Century)....

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Yes, it was T and L who were the occupants of the Penthouse. (I didn't know if you wanted to be incognito or not.) It was very kind of them to have open house so we could all see how the other half lives.:D They had a very nice get together for the Mercury Amigos. Thanks again!

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(I didn't know if you wanted to be incognito or not.)


Well, yes, pretty much incognito because after all we didn't 'buy it', but it was a great upgrade obtained for us through Celebrity and our TA. Have you ever priced these 'PH' things? ... WHEW!


We booked 'Connie' for Jan 07' BTW, so we will give you a report on her.

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I think you always have to remember some butlers are better than others. We have had one excellent, one good and one very very average. The last one was on our last trip and I wonder if the expectations were getting too high (excellent was on trip 2). To be honest, INfinity (though we did not have Nicholas) was very little more than a second stateroom attendent. He could not even remember when leaving things for afternoon tea that my husband is allergic to nuts and I do not eat creamy cakes because of a mild allergy - despite us telling him about both allergies when we first met and impressing on him in the case of dh that it could be v serious if he had nuts. (Dining room staff and assistant maitre d were first class on that) So its not only what YOU ask the butler to do but WHICH butler you have

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Having just returned from a cruise on Mercury, I have a great butler story. My daughter and I had a Sky Suite. I told the butler we were very low maintenance so he would probably not have much to do for us. He was very kind and was always trying to find something to do. Some of our Cruise Critic friends had the Penthouse Suite and were having an open house for the CCers. I thought it would be nice to take them a bottle of wine. He actually got them to open the wine room so he could get a bottle for me. He brought it to the cabin all iced down in a silver bucket on a tray. I told him I would just take the bottle to the cabin. He wouldn't hear of it and insisted on taking it for me. So off we went, down the hall with Zenobio following along behind me with his tray and silver bucket. Needless to say everyone thought it was the best entrance ever to a party. Just bring your own butler.:D

Just to add that Zenobio was also kind enough to get me a bottle from the cellar too even though I was staying in a non-butler stateroom as Joan was good enough to call for him whilst I was there. He knocked on my cabin door and handed the bottle to me, which I carried myself and presented to our gracious hosts, sans ice bucket (Bring Your Own Bucket). I know my place in life;):D Great party Tom. Thanks again.



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Just to add that Zenobio was also kind enough to get me a bottle from the cellar too even though I was staying in a non-butler stateroom as Joan was good enough to call for him whilst I was there. He knocked on my cabin door and handed the bottle to me, which I carried myself and presented to our gracious hosts, sans ice bucket (Bring Your Own Bucket). I know my place in life;):D Great party Tom. Thanks again.




You know that wonderful Scottish slang phrase - he takes one helluva bucket - so it did not apply to you I am glad to hear

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