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NCL changed Latitude rewards without any notice!!!


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We just got off a two week cruise and were shocked when we read the notice on our bed. We booked this cruise a year ago and understood what we were entitled to with our platinum level. Many things were changed or taken away. No more "dinner for two with wine at the Bistro" for each person. Now it's per cabin. We are both platinum level and lost our 4 bottles and 4 dinners at Bistro (2week cruise B2B). Also, we could always exchange the champagne for wine--- no more! The changes went into affect the week before our cruise. I'm DONE with NCL. You can keep your reward system. There were a lot of other changes. None good!!!



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We just got off a two week cruise and were shocked when we read the notice on our bed. We booked this cruise a year ago and understood what we were entitled to with our platinum level. Many things were changed or taken away. No more "dinner for two with wine at the Bistro" for each person. Now it's per cabin. We are both platinum level and lost our 4 bottles and 4 dinners at Bistro (2week cruise B2B). Also, we could always exchange the champagne for wine--- no more! The changes went into affect the week before our cruise. I'm DONE with NCL. You can keep your reward system. There were a lot of other changes. None good!!!


The change was widely advertised when it was implemented last month. We got multiple emails about the change. Maybe you just deleted or ignored those messages.

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I don't see how you lost 4 bottles and 4 dinners. If there are two of you in a cabin then you should have received the same number of meals (although not all of them at Le Bistro), so surely got the same number of meals, with two less in Le Bistro, replaced by either Moderno or La Cucina.


The replacement of the sparkling wine was never official, as far as I am aware.


It's a shame you didn't know about the changes. As well as being discussed on here a lot, the details are on the NCL site and we have received something in the post, as well as an email (I think we got an email anyway, but can't remember for sure).

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There has always been some variability with b2b cruises: Some people get the benefits on each segment, some people only get them once for the entire trip. You may have gotten lucky and received two sets of benefits per person on all of your previous b2b's, but it was never a sure thing. Ditto for exchanging the sparkling wine; plenty of people were told "no" even under the old program.


Anyway, with the new program you should have received 2 dinners for 2 (one of which could be redeemed at Le Bistro) and one bottle of wine. It is a reduction, but it is an exaggeration to say that you lost 4 dinners and 4 bottles of wine (because that would mean that you received nothing at all).


NCL did give advance notice about the new program. They announced the details of the new benefits a week or so before they went into effect. I don't know if they notified each booked passenger individually, but they actually did a better job with communicating these changes than they usually do.


It's your choice to turn your back on your status with NCL and cruise other lines going forward, especially if you have comparable or higher status on other lines. And even after making this declaration that will stay in the Cruise Critic archives forever, you will always be free to return to NCL.

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There has always been some variability with b2b cruises: Some people get the benefits on each segment, some people only get them once for the entire trip. You may have gotten lucky and received two sets of benefits per person on all of your previous b2b's, but it was never a sure thing. Ditto for exchanging the sparkling wine; plenty of people were told "no" even under the old program.





I assumed that the OPs cruise was booked as two separate cruises. If that was the case and they were only given one set of meals then that is nothing to do with the new scheme, but an error by the onboard staff.


If it was just one cruise then, as you say, they should have only got one set even under the old rules. People used to get them doubled up (we did once), but that was just a bonus and I'm sure it will continue to happen sometimes in the future.

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We were on the cruise when the changes went into affect. WE GOT NO NOTICE. Another change, previously, you could order whatever you want at Bistro. Now, one app, one meal , one dessert! We like salad and soup before....everything is ala carte. So, you pay for anything extra. NCL shouldn't depend on sites like this to notify people about major changes. If a B2B is booked as two separate cruises, you get double benefits.



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We were on the cruise when the changes went into affect. WE GOT NO NOTICE. Another change, previously, you could order whatever you want at Bistro. Now, one app, one meal , one dessert! We like salad and soup before....everything is ala carte. So, you pay for anything extra. NCL shouldn't depend on sites like this to notify people about major changes. If a B2B is booked as two separate cruises, you get double benefits.



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If you just got back from a two week cruise then you can have been on it when the changes went into effect, as they started over a month ago.


The changes were announced 6 weeks ago.


As I said earlier, if you only got one set of meals on a b2b that was booked as two separates then that isn't anything to do with the new rules, that was an error.


The actual changes themselves have been discussed on here a lot, along with the arguments as to whether they are an improvement of not. Personally, I think that they are fairly neutral, with some improvements and some things lost.

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We were on the cruise when the changes went into affect. WE GOT NO NOTICE. Another change, previously, you could order whatever you want at Bistro. Now, one app, one meal , one dessert! We like salad and soup before....everything is ala carte. So, you pay for anything extra. NCL shouldn't depend on sites like this to notify people about major changes. If a B2B is booked as two separate cruises, you get double benefits.


But, the 1 appetizer, 1 entrée, 1 dessert is NOT a change. That rolled out in November 2015. We always order additional appetizers (which we are willing to pay for,,,, $5 bucks on a cruise is not going to break the bank).


Emails were sent out on or about 1/27 (that's when we got our). The subject was "Updates to our Latitudes Program". Sorry if you didn't take time to review the changes.

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In the OP's defense, I was on a cruise that left on 1/29 and never received an email from NCL about the changes. When I returned home and logged onto Cruise Critic, and read multiple pages on the topic, was the first I learned of it.

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I'm DONE with NCL. You can keep your reward system. There were a lot of other changes. None good!!!



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I agree, I think you should find another cruise line where the perks and communication is better. Please let us know which cruise line you switch to and what perks they offer.
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In the OP's defense, I was on a cruise that left on 1/29 and never received an email from NCL about the changes. When I returned home and logged onto Cruise Critic, and read multiple pages on the topic, was the first I learned of it.

I was pretty sure I'd never received one, either. I just checked--I got one about all the points I would lose if I didn't hurry and sign up for the Norwegian credit card but nothing about the changes. If I didn't read CC (actually, I do get info feeds), I may have tried to bring on a bottle of water in October because I never had any messages about it. When I booked a cruise on March 3, my PCC did explain all about it--details and how great it is. The thing is, who knows what the conditions will be by August, 2018?

As long as they do the somewhat "freestyle" concept, I'm still sailing with NCL.

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I was pretty sure I'd never received one, either. I just checked--I got one about all the points I would lose if I didn't hurry and sign up for the Norwegian credit card but nothing about the changes. If I didn't read CC (actually, I do get info feeds), I may have tried to bring on a bottle of water in October because I never had any messages about it. When I booked a cruise on March 3, my PCC did explain all about it--details and how great it is. The thing is, who knows what the conditions will be by August, 2018?

As long as they do the somewhat "freestyle" concept, I'm still sailing with NCL.


Under the "Things to Know" portion of your eDocs, there will be a big, bold.

"BEVERAGE POLICY: IMPORTANT POLICY UPDATE EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 2016. Please click link for frequently asked questions: https://www.ncl.com/faq/liquor-beverage-policy"

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In the OP's defense, I was on a cruise that left on 1/29 and never received an email from NCL about the changes.
But the changes were not relevant for your cruise. Or were they?


I can't figure out from what the OP wrote if the changes went into effect during their cruise ("We were on the cruise when the changes went into affect.") or if they went into effect before their cruise started ("The changes went into affect the week before our cruise.")

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I'd say most NCL cruisers don't live on these boards and don't sail every three months. I rarely get emails from NCL, even when I have a cruise booked, and rarely even get the mailings that offer no real information. The only email I ever got was when we were bumped from Harvest Cay not being finished. People never hear about the multitude of changes that NCL has recently made. So many policy changes to Lattitudes levels, UBP drinks lists, carry on water/soda, etc... and feel blindsided when it changed from a year or two ago. Sure, OP could have found this out easily by monitoring this site. But NCL is obviously offending a lot of people who don't want to have to keep checking what the new changes are.

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But, the 1 appetizer, 1 entrée, 1 dessert is NOT a change. That rolled out in November 2015. We always order additional appetizers (which we are willing to pay for,,,, $5 bucks on a cruise is not going to break the bank).




That is very true.


Although it could be argued that was a change that was made to the scheme without notification being given, so the OP may have a point about that, even if it is 18 months after the event.

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I'd say most NCL cruisers don't live on these boards and don't sail every three months. I never get emails from NCL, even when I have a cruise booked, and rarely even get the mailings that offer no real information. The only email I ever got was when we were bumped from Harvest Cay not being finished. People never hear about the multitude of changes that NCL has recently made. Lattitudes levels, UBP drinks lists, carry on water/soda, etc... and feel blindsided when it changed from a year or two ago. Sure, OP could have found this out easily by monitoring this site. But NCL is obviously offending a lot of people who don't want to have to keep checking what the new changes are.




Absolutely. NCLs communication is generally appalling.


As was said above, the latitudes change probably had better communication than many things. It wasn't great, but if the OP is platinum then I'm surprised that it is a surprise to them.


More the issue though, for me, is that the changes which seem to have particularly annoyed the OP seem to me misunderstandings, errors or changes that happened months ago.


They say they got one meal for two per cabin. It should have been two.


They say they only got that meal once whereas it should have been twice if the cruises were booked separately.


It sounds like something went wrong onboard. I wonder what communication the OP had with the relevant staff.

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I'm bummed about the "enhancements," too. We were 4 points away from silver status. Now, we're 16 points away. I was so excited to jump up a level on our next cruise, now it seems too far away to care. I know I could book an insider offer 9 months in advance, but I'm feeling like there's less of an incentive to stay with NCL. After I found this out, I did apply for MSC's loyalty match. So, it won't be like starting over to switch lines. I just wish MSC had more US itineraries.


We just got off a two week cruise and were shocked when we read the notice on our bed. We booked this cruise a year ago and understood what we were entitled to with our platinum level. Many things were changed or taken away. No more "dinner for two with wine at the Bistro" for each person. Now it's per cabin. We are both platinum level and lost our 4 bottles and 4 dinners at Bistro (2week cruise B2B). Also, we could always exchange the champagne for wine--- no more! The changes went into affect the week before our cruise. I'm DONE with NCL. You can keep your reward system. There were a lot of other changes. None good!!!



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I can't figure out from what the OP wrote if the changes went into effect during their cruise ("We were on the cruise when the changes went into affect.") or if they went into effect before their cruise started ("The changes went into affect the week before our cruise.")



The whole thing is certainly very confused. Considering the OP says they just got back from the cruise then some sort of time machine would be required for all three statements to be correct.


I'm not accusing the OP of anything, but it is an indication of how confused the everything seems to have got.


There is also the fact that they say they only got the one meal. It makes me wonder whether part of their pack was missing, or whether they missed something.

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I'm bummed about the "enhancements," too. We were 4 points away from silver status. Now, we're 16 points away.
The threshold for Silver went up by 10 points, so your math may be slightly off, but I understand your point. Anyway, unless you have higher-level status with a particular cruise line, there really is no reason not to try other lines.


As for MSC Status Match, I presume they gave you 1 point, which is better than nothing (it'll get you 5% off most bookings), but you'll need probably 3-4 cruises to advance to Silver with them, too.

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LOL! That is why I'm an author and not an engineer. ;p Yes, we were 6 points away and now we are 16. It's still disheartening. We were one cruise away from a new level. Now, a few months before the cruise that would have bumped us to silver, we are 2.5 cruises away (unless we finagle points).


Yes, MSC gave me 1 point, but it's better than starting from scratch. For those at higher tiers, it would be a better deal. On the bright side, we'd never sail below Aurea class. And, since they give you points for on board spending, it should be easier to zip up to silver in one cruise, haha.



The threshold for Silver went up by 10 points, so your math may be slightly off, but I understand your point. Anyway, unless you have higher-level status with a particular cruise line, there really is no reason not to try other lines.


As for MSC Status Match, I presume they gave you 1 point, which is better than nothing (it'll get you 5% off most bookings), but you'll need probably 3-4 cruises to advance to Silver with them, too.

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We are both platinum level and lost our 4 bottles and 4 dinners at Bistro (2week cruise B2B).



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Right, this is the part that seems off.... under the old plan didn't you get 1 dinner for two to Le bistro pp... now you get 2 dinners for two per cabin; one to Le bistro/la cucina and one to somewhere else... so it sounds like that on a b2b they should have gotten 2 sets of these so they should have gotten their normal 4 meals for two, just only two could be used at Le bistro. Yes, can see the loss of the wine being an disappointment but they still got 4 specialty dinners for 2, they just couldn't use two of them at Le bistro...



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Emails were sent out on or about 1/27 (that's when we got our). The subject was "Updates to our Latitudes Program". Sorry if you didn't take time to review the changes.


Because you received the email, you assume everyone did.


I never received the update notification email. Evidently I am not alone.

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Because you received the email, you assume everyone did. I never received the update notification email. Evidently I am not alone.


I make no assumption. I stated fact. I got an individually addressed (i.e., not mass mail) email notifying me of the change.

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I make no assumption. I stated fact. I got an individually addressed (i.e., not mass mail) email notifying me of the change.


I'm going to be petty here.


By saying "sorry you didn't take the time to review the changes" you are assuming OP received the information on the changes. The tone of your post was rather obvious.


I realize it is popular here to rebut with "I stated facts!!!1!1" but in this case, you didn't.

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We just got off a two week cruise and were shocked when we read the notice on our bed. We booked this cruise a year ago and understood what we were entitled to with our platinum level. Many things were changed or taken away. No more "dinner for two with wine at the Bistro" for each person. Now it's per cabin. We are both platinum level and lost our 4 bottles and 4 dinners at Bistro (2week cruise B2B). Also, we could always exchange the champagne for wine--- no more! The changes went into affect the week before our cruise. I'm DONE with NCL. You can keep your reward system. There were a lot of other changes. None good!!!



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many other things were missing, like what? Did you consider the things that were added? Did you think it was NCLs place to email everyone about the changes? Had you even been on CC you would have know about the changes. Are we a bit disappointed about some of the changes? Sure, but I don't remember the last time a airline company set us a notification we needed more miles now to get a free ticket or a hotel chain telling us about the additional nights needed or points to get free stays. If you are going to let something like this bother you, I doubt NCL is going to miss you much. :rolleyes:

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