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Has Carnival Given Up on Adults?


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Ever heard of a bubble? All of those things can change in an instant. Probably not a case of if, but when.


Maybe, but things are looking good right now. The changes and cutbacks that many reference have been going on for years but the cruise line is still attracting passengers.


I took the downward spiral comment to be from the viewpoint of the consumer regarding changes and cutbacks rather than an analysis of Carnival's bottom line.


The changes and cutbacks serve to strengthen Carnival's bottom line. The changes and the cutbacks haven't had a negative affect on the bottom line and it could be argued that the opposite is the case.

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Before I make my point I want to state that I am a parent of a 6 year old but I TOTALLY support adult only areas/ pools on any cruise ship....


An interesting way to look at it is that this is the way our "American" world is going in general...back in the day, as a general rule of thumb (or course there are exceptions on each end) most parents did not spend all their time focusing on entertaining their children every second of every day, instead they sent us outside to play until the street lights came on and we had to entertain ourselves...same with school back in my day my parents got an update on my schooling a handful of times each year...back to school night, parent conference and 2 report cards a year...now a days the parent gets an email from the teacher within 5 minutes of an child's assignment not being turned in on time...I could give a 100 more examples but my point is that this is the world today...at least in this country we cater to our children, spoils our children and gives our children a sense of entitlement that has never been seen before...of course cruise lines follow suit...they want to keep up with the changing tides like everything else....


Hello all, I am peeking in from the RCCL forums and saw this thread. I empathize with the OP and agree with famof4. I recently posted on the RCCL forum suggesting that they take one of the older ships (Majesty or Enchantment) and re purpose the kids areas to specialty dining, etc. and create an "over 21" ship similar to the over 21 land based resorts. We have cruised a lot with our kids over the years but they are now adults as well and we would like to be able to vacation in an environment without kids if we choose to. We are not anti-family at all. We support the family cruise concept. We just wish there was an alternative for those (young and older) who do not have young children or would like to have a "mom & dad" vacation. The response was kind of luke warm over there. P&O has cruises out of England that are 21+. They also offer family cruises. I think there is a market for both in the US but no one is filling it at present. Maybe Carnival will do this. I am signed up if they do. We cruise RCCL because that is where we started and we have the loyalty perks. I don't see a lot of difference in the two lines based on our friends that are loyal to Carnival. Both seem to be heavily marketing to families with young children, probably because mom & dad will not pony up for a cruise unless the kids are along. Back in the day our kids stayed with my sister while we were on our cruises. There were kids on board, but not very many. When ours were older, we started to take them along Over the years there has been more and more effort to entertain the young ones and teens. I agree that we adults could use a little pampering too. :)

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I think it's about the money. It's always about the money. If they can get 3-4 or even 5 people in a cabin instead of 2, why wouldn't they cater to the families? I just hope the kids stay out of the bars and clubs and then they won't bother me.

Interisting you said you hope kids stay out the bars. On our last cruise there was a kid in the red frog bar and he got mad at me because I didnt want to play tic tac toe with him. Really mad. Didnt know the kid or his parents but he was sure that I should play with him.


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I took the downward spiral comment to be from the viewpoint of the consumer regarding changes and cutbacks rather than an analysis of Carnival's bottom line.


This is the way I viewed it as well. Most of our cruises have been on Carnival and until recently, I've been happy with the product. Happy enough, not to seek out other options. But lately, it seems like the drip, drip, drip of things I don't like has increased. Not to the point of Chinese water torture, certainly, but a steady annoying drip, nonetheless ;p


I'm not in that group of people who seem to think the only 2 options are an all inclusive or a Carnival cruise. There are a LOT of options - some land-based, others sea and land-based. I don't like to fly to cruise. If I'm going to fly, I want to stay put somewhere. Flying is just not fun anymore. We tend to cruise out of ports where we can drive. Carnival out of NYC and Baltimore work to that end, and we're not wild about the Mega Ships. That narrows it down a bit.


We will still probably cruise on the Pride (love that ship and it has a great Serenity area with pool & hot tubs - for now), but more and more we are looking elsewhere. Frankly, I don't think Carnival gives a damn either way :cool: - to stick to the water analogy - we are but a drop in their very large bucket.


I must say, though, in reading this thread and others on the subject, I have come to the conclusion that BOTH kids AND adults are not good cruising companions :D so I'll be on my aft wrap with a drink to avoid both!


Two cruises in my near future, one on Carnival, one on Viking Ocean - talk about opposite ends of the spectrum!

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In fairness, everyone goes on threads that discuss the same topic and post the same opinion. If it's discussing the same thing then why would ones perspective or opinion change from one like-thread to the next? I understand people's points on both sides although what confuses me is how people are simultaneously upset about the adult pool being gone while complaining about kids in the pool. Weren't you in those adult pools before and therefore not around all the kids?
This isn't about someone voicing the same opinion across multiple threads. There's nothing wrong with that. This is about one person across multiple threads who falsely accuses people of being "hateful" just because said people point out that some of the kids do, in fact, misbehave.


I find it quite sad that there is so much "consternation" with regards to children on these threads. They (and their parents) seem to get a lot of blame for just being kids and acting like kids....as though they should be tiny adults minding their ps and qs 24/7 and that they shouldn't be able to express themselves or have fun or be active. Have people forgotten, so easily, what it means to be a child and how "hard" it is to be a parent of said children. Neither of these sub-groups are robots, they are living breathing humans who are trying their best.


Is it so hard to share space with people who aren't exactly like one's self. To show a modicum of tolerance....to "put yourselves" in someone else's shoes for a moment. To understand how both children and their parents actually love the fact that they get to spend vacations together, that they get to be families enjoying fun and the sun as a unit.


Sure children can be difficult but I wouldn't pass up the opportunities to see their faces full of smiles and their bodies shaking with excitement and their joy as they get to actually "play". As a society we complain all the time about the "younger generation" being tied to their cerebral activities...phones and computer games. But then the older generation don't want to give up one square inch to provide them with active pursuits...because, darn, kids are a nuisance. Funny how that works.

You're generalizing and end up comparing apples to oranges. Sure, there are people on board who don't want to be around kids at all, but I believe those people are in the strong minority. This is more about kids that run wild and misbehave, with little to no parental supervision, interfering with others trying to have a good time. There's a difference between kids being kids and unruly kids. Kids can still be kids and be well behaved.


You act as if anyone who disagrees with the new aft pool policy is being unreasonable. Not willing to "give up one square inch," you say. We're talking about a part of a lot of ships that was a very attractive feature to many people. Some even making their decision to cruise based in large part on that feature. Just because you try to downplay its significance doesn't mean it's insignificant. When those adult-only aft pools existed, I never saw a huge number of parents, either on this forum or the old Carnival forum, complaining that they wanted their kids to swim there. It seems like it was a perfectly acceptable policy to a vast majority of cruisers. Nothing was taken away from kids before, but something has been taken away from adults now. I doubt you, and those who agree with you on this matter, will take it lightly if Carnival takes something away that you found to be a significant part of your cruising experience.

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I find it quite sad that there is so much "consternation" with regards to children on these threads. They (and their parents) seem to get a lot of blame for just being kids and acting like kids....as though they should be tiny adults minding their ps and qs 24/7 and that they shouldn't be able to express themselves or have fun or be active. Have people forgotten, so easily, what it means to be a child and how "hard" it is to be a parent of said children. Neither of these sub-groups are robots, they are living breathing humans who are trying their best.


Thankfully I have been blessed with a nice long memory that includes both of these stages in my life...and I guess that has given me some insight that seems to be sadly lacking in many who actually tag themselves as adults. Some people, obviously, hated their own childhoods and tend to be "jealous" of kids who actually have one. Others must have hated being parents who had to put their lives on the back burner while they raised children who they presumably wanted


That's what I call "hating" but you said it better then me!:D😆

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I recently posted on the RCCL forum suggesting that they take one of the older ships (Majesty or Enchantment) and re purpose the kids areas to specialty dining, etc. and create an "over 21" ship similar to the over 21 land based resorts. We have cruised a lot with our kids over the years but they are now adults as well and we would like to be able to vacation in an environment without kids if we choose to. We are not anti-family at all. We support the family cruise concept. We just wish there was an alternative for those (young and older) who do not have young children or would like to have a "mom & dad" vacation.


Just an FYI - Viking Ocean has an 18+ policy. You have to be over 18 and traveling with an adult. It's expensive but it is an option and they are moving into US ports, the Caribbean and Alaska.

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Your giving CCL an attaboy for having options for adults when in fact they are doing it because they have no other choice and it's only when families can't cruise.


How about they do it all year long? Like somebody else posted it's all about the bottom line.



There's always a choice. And I wish they would offer at least a couple of longer cruises in the Summer. We would surely go. So would other families. I have no issue with their bottom line mentality. My point still is that not every change is for kids, which is what the OP suggested.


Done with this. There's really no disagreement on my part.


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Just an FYI - Viking Ocean has an 18+ policy. You have to be over 18 and traveling with an adult. It's expensive but it is an option and they are moving into US ports, the Caribbean and Alaska.


I did not know about that. I looked & you are right - a bit pricey! These are a little rich for our budget but at least someone is going in that direction. I keep hoping that one of the mainstream lines will at least experiment with the concept. The 21+ resorts in Cancun, etc. seem to do well, even with the non age restricted resorts right next door. By the way, this is not about swingers cruises or any of that. We just like to be in an environment with other adults sometimes. The same concept as getting a baby sitter to go out for an evening.

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I think it is perfectly fine that some people want adult only pools, it's fine to not want to be around kids playing loudly. And some people expressed that in their post and I don't have a problem with their opinions. What I do have a problem with is people who voice this option and add negativity towards children. In my OPINION they are hating on kids. "Hating on kids" does not mean you deep down hate children. It just means your being negative towards things that they do. You can voice your opinion without all the negativity toward children. Being a hater is more jealously than hate.

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This argument is tired and worn out. We're talking about changing the former adults-only aft pools to family friendly. We're not saying there isn't a place in general for adults to go where children aren't allowed, we're saying (for the most part) there's no longer a place to go with a pool that children aren't allowed in. Since there are only 2 or 3 ships with pools in the serenity area, telling people to just go to serenity isn't a comparable option.


Right, so if adults want to wade in a pool without kids cannonballing and kicking like mad as they swim splashing water in their faces and listen to yelling and screaming, they're out of luck. I understand your position loud and clear.

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I did not know about that. I looked & you are right - a bit pricey! These are a little rich for our budget but at least someone is going in that direction. I keep hoping that one of the mainstream lines will at least experiment with the concept. The 21+ resorts in Cancun, etc. seem to do well, even with the non age restricted resorts right next door. By the way, this is not about swingers cruises or any of that. We just like to be in an environment with other adults sometimes. The same concept as getting a baby sitter to go out for an evening.


A lot of people don't - that's why I mentioned it. We got our introduction through a river cruise last summer. They do include a lot in the price - the value being whether you would want those things - free or reduced airfare, unlimited wine & beer during dinner and lunch times (champagne for mimosas at breakfast if you are so inclined), all veranda cabins, specialty coffees & teas 24/7, no fee specialty restaurants, 1 excursion in every port, wifi, and probably a few things I'm forgetting. And an FYI - the 2 for 1 pricing is always available - not a special price. They do have special prices on the airfare, though, so watch for those.


Anyway - to get this back on topic :D ...

I've been reading all these adult only aft pool threads, because it's a feature I look for, and I see a lot of people throwing around the word "hate." Seriously?? Does anyone actually think such a large group of people "hate" children?


We are child-free by choice - not because we "hate" kids - we just didn't think we'd make good parents (something I personally think others should consider.) I love my niece and nephew and their children. Children can be delightful - but children who are properly brought up - more so than others.


Yes - I DO remember what it was like being a child. I had wonderful parents and a wonderful childhood. Part of the reason, I think I was hesitant about being a parent was that I thought I couldn't live up to that standard. My mother was very self sacrificing, and I didn't think I could be that person. We went mostly on car vacations. I'd not been on a cruise until I could pay for one myself, but I enjoyed EVERY one of those vacations and I have fond memories.


There was an edict in the time I was growing up that children should be seen, not heard. That did not mean we couldn't be kids being kids - it meant that there was a time and a place for everything. If we went out to eat, we behaved or one of my parents took us outside until we got whatever was in our system out of it :D I recall being spanked or disciplined for that matter on very few occasions - one being a time I scared my parents half to death by wandering off without telling them because I'd found a new playmate. I didn't feel damaged by my Dad's consternation over this!


We played, we ran around, we probably yelled at times - but if it was not the time and place to do so - we were told in no uncertain terms, and we knew the parent WAS the boss of us. If there were adults around we were not to bother the adults - period. If the adults invited some kid play - that was okay.


I don't think any of that took away from a very enjoyable childhood. I do remember thinking that I couldn't wait until I grew up so I didn't have rules and didn't have anyone telling me what to do. Boy was I in for a shock! :o Still despite the rules - I wouldn't have traded one second!


Parenting is different now a days - there are books and experts every day telling parents they are doing something wrong. Back when I was young - parents just winged it. There were no guidebooks or experts. I think most of us turned out just fine.


So I vote for adults only areas, including a pool or hot tubs. I vote for having it enforced, not just by Carnival, but by parents who teach their children that everyone has boundaries of one form or another - and at an early age.

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I have noticed that several have mentioned other cruise lines that are more geared to adult cruisers.


Anyone care to list any that are in Carnival price levels?


We both retired 3 years ago, age 62 and 59 now, and have been on 3 cruises, all Carnival, with 1 scheduled for February 2018. I have at least 5 or 6 drinks per year, so don't do booze cruises. We like to lounge in adult pools, having quiet conversations with other adults, without someone splashing pool water in our iced tea.

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A lot of people don't - that's why I mentioned it. We got our introduction through a river cruise last summer. They do include a lot in the price - the value being whether you would want those things - free or reduced airfare, unlimited wine & beer during dinner and lunch times (champagne for mimosas at breakfast if you are so inclined), all veranda cabins, specialty coffees & teas 24/7, no fee specialty restaurants, 1 excursion in every port, wifi, and probably a few things I'm forgetting. And an FYI - the 2 for 1 pricing is always available - not a special price. They do have special prices on the airfare, though, so watch for those.


Anyway - to get this back on topic :D ...

I've been reading all these adult only aft pool threads, because it's a feature I look for, and I see a lot of people throwing around the word "hate." Seriously?? Does anyone actually think such a large group of people "hate" children?


We are child-free by choice - not because we "hate" kids - we just didn't think we'd make good parents (something I personally think others should consider.) I love my niece and nephew and their children. Children can be delightful - but children who are properly brought up - more so than others.


Yes - I DO remember what it was like being a child. I had wonderful parents and a wonderful childhood. Part of the reason, I think I was hesitant about being a parent was that I thought I couldn't live up to that standard. My mother was very self sacrificing, and I didn't think I could be that person. We went mostly on car vacations. I'd not been on a cruise until I could pay for one myself, but I enjoyed EVERY one of those vacations and I have fond memories.


There was an edict in the time I was growing up that children should be seen, not heard. That did not mean we couldn't be kids being kids - it meant that there was a time and a place for everything. If we went out to eat, we behaved or one of my parents took us outside until we got whatever was in our system out of it :D I recall being spanked or disciplined for that matter on very few occasions - one being a time I scared my parents half to death by wandering off without telling them because I'd found a new playmate. I didn't feel damaged by my Dad's consternation over this!


We played, we ran around, we probably yelled at times - but if it was not the time and place to do so - we were told in no uncertain terms, and we knew the parent WAS the boss of us. If there were adults around we were not to bother the adults - period. If the adults invited some kid play - that was okay.


I don't think any of that took away from a very enjoyable childhood. I do remember thinking that I couldn't wait until I grew up so I didn't have rules and didn't have anyone telling me what to do. Boy was I in for a shock! :o Still despite the rules - I wouldn't have traded one second!


Parenting is different now a days - there are books and experts every day telling parents they are doing something wrong. Back when I was young - parents just winged it. There were no guidebooks or experts. I think most of us turned out just fine.


So I vote for adults only areas, including a pool or hot tubs. I vote for having it enforced, not just by Carnival, but by parents who teach their children that everyone has boundaries of one form or another - and at an early age.


We didn't wear seat belts or helmets for bikes either, and we played with glass clacker balls that exploded with alarming frequency. Most of us survived to laugh about it later. We didn't have smart phones either, so we had to hang out in parking lots somewhere and actually talk to each other. We had such traumatic and horrific childhoods. LOL

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I have noticed that several have mentioned other cruise lines that are more geared to adult cruisers.


Anyone care to list any that are in Carnival price levels?


We both retired 3 years ago, age 62 and 59 now, and have been on 3 cruises, all Carnival, with 1 scheduled for February 2018. I have at least 5 or 6 drinks per year, so don't do booze cruises. We like to lounge in adult pools, having quiet conversations with other adults, without someone splashing pool water in our iced tea.

Viking and Celebrity would be a good starting point. With specials and inclusives not much difference in some cruises.

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In all fairness the poster that Thorncroft was responding to said this




So apparently they did NOT know this ;p I was going to respond the same way - no need to stop cruising because you are not happy with Carnival. I don't know why people seem to think that all inclusive is the only option - and I've seen this response more than once. We do a lot of traveling and have never stayed at an AI - and probably never will! There's whole world waiting out there!



It was really just an attempt at humor in my part with my friend.



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I think it is perfectly fine that some people want adult only pools, it's fine to not want to be around kids playing loudly. And some people expressed that in their post and I don't have a problem with their opinions. What I do have a problem with is people who voice this option and add negativity towards children. In my OPINION they are hating on kids. "Hating on kids" does not mean you deep down hate children. It just means your being negative towards things that they do. You can voice your opinion without all the negativity toward children. Being a hater is more jealously than hate.


Sounds like YOU are hating on people that are "hating on kids".


hate is hate, no matter where its directed. have a nice day!!

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I have noticed that several have mentioned other cruise lines that are more geared to adult cruisers.


Anyone care to list any that are in Carnival price levels?


We both retired 3 years ago, age 62 and 59 now, and have been on 3 cruises, all Carnival, with 1 scheduled for February 2018. I have at least 5 or 6 drinks per year, so don't do booze cruises. We like to lounge in adult pools, having quiet conversations with other adults, without someone splashing pool water in our iced tea.


For a quick comparison, I have listed three 7 day cruises for Feb 2018, all with the cheapest listed balcony cabin: Carnival Magic, Holland America Nieuw Amsterdam, Princess Regal. The prices are listed on the Cruise line website. I have gotten on board credit on both Holland and Princess the last time I sailed them, making the price equal to, if not better, than Carnival. Do your homework and you will be surprised at what you can find.

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I think it is perfectly fine that some people want adult only pools, it's fine to not want to be around kids playing loudly. And some people expressed that in their post and I don't have a problem with their opinions. What I do have a problem with is people who voice this option and add negativity towards children. In my OPINION they are hating on kids. "Hating on kids" does not mean you deep down hate children. It just means your being negative towards things that they do. You can voice your opinion without all the negativity toward children. Being a hater is more jealously than hate.

Someone saying they don't want to be around the "things" kids do is not being negative or hating on them. You seem to have this fascination with the word "hate".


I myself quite enjoy hanging out at the adult pool/hot tub area with an adult drink meeting new people and I like to do that without kids splashing pool water in my drink and ruining it. That's not negative or hateful in any way towards kids and what they do. People are just asking that the kids do their kids stuff in another area is all.

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Someone saying they don't want to be around the "things" kids do is not being negative or hating on them. You seem to have this fascination with the word "hate".


I myself quite enjoy hanging out at the adult pool/hot tub area with an adult drink meeting new people and I like to do that without kids splashing pool water in my drink and ruining it. That's not negative or hateful in any way towards kids and what they do. People are just asking that the kids do their kids stuff in another area is all.


I agree with you. Your post didn't call kids, unruly, misbehaved, snowflakes, narcissist, running wild Ect. I'm simply responding to the people who are saying these negative things about children

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It's funny how people are fine with saying negative things about children but as soon as someone says something negative about you, it's a problem. I don't care how the pools are either way, I don't have a problem with the pools. The only problem I have is with all the negativity spewed towards children on this board. I prefer children, and that's my Opinion period. I could have been like some of you all and post my opinion like this: " I rather hang around children playing in a pool then a bunch of stick in the mud, pretentious adults who only want to stand around in a pool drinking and talking about trifling things and their frist world problems"

But that would be hateful.

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I agree with you. Your post didn't call kids, unruly, misbehaved, snowflakes, narcissist, running wild Ect. I'm simply responding to the people who are saying these negative things about children

But what if I had? It's still not hate. People don't hate the kids, they dislike the kids actions when they are misbehaving. If you haven't seen any kids on a cruise misbehaving you either have blinders on or find it acceptable or been really lucky. I've seen a couple young boys (10-12) pushing each other, splashing, jumping, etc to the point nobody could even use the pool until someone finally complained and security came and made them leave.

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On 4/1/17 Magic 1500 kids, many of whom ran everywhere, screaming to talk to one another, hitting all elevator buttons, playing in the atrium elevators. Horrible. Almost got run over a few times. Had to ask a group of 7 tweens to stop the party they were having in a niche by the elevator on my deck. 6 doors down and they were loud.

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