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An oldie but a goodie I've posted b4


Sea Story follows:


Dateline...hmmm 1987....


I was Operations Officer on a Coast Guard Cutter working the Caribbean and we were making an R&R stop in Cozumel. Typically, we (@ 210 foot length) were slid into a place on the pier between the revenue producing cruise ships.


About 6pm I was on on board and after speaking to the gangway watch, I went to the bridge to watch one of the adjacent cruse ships leave.


The cruise ship cleared the pier and headed away when I looked down from the bridge wing to see a lady with a shopping bags in either hand running down the pier. She got adjacent to 'my' ship, stopped, dropped the bags & stared at the empty pier the cruise ship had just left.


I called down, "Is there a problem?"


"My kids and husband are on that boat." It was now just a few hundred yards away from the pier.


"Wait there."


I picked up the bridge to bridge radio, "I have one of your passengers."


They couldn't come back to pick her up, but.....


I rounded up a boat crew, gave her a life jacket and launched our fast rescue boat. The cruise ship lowered the same ladder they use for the pilot and the wayward shopper and mother was rejoined with her family.


Somewhere there's a lady with a very special cruise story....my guys felt it was a great change to a boring duty day!


There may be some good natured ribbing between our two services but the Coast Guard rocks! (This message will self destruct in 5 seconds and I was never at this keyboard:cool:.)

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About two years ago I was on a Bermuda cruise. On the last day in port, I did my usual "look for pier runners" routine even though I didn't think it would be all that exciting. We had been in port for 2 1/2 days and anyone with a bit of sense would have stayed somewhat close to the port on that last day. So I am hanging out on the promenade deck looking for stragglers and I don't see any movement. But I can tell from watching the security staff below me that there are some missing people. Around this time, I see the ferry from Hamilton approaching, and I think, "It would be kind of hilarious if people from the ship are on that ferry" but I didn't think it was possible that anyone would be foolish enough to take that late of a ferry from Hamilton on the day we leave port. So I continued to scan the port area for pier runners. A few minutes later, I noticed that instead of heading to the ferry dock, the ferry is heading straight toward the cruise pier! It pulled up directly across from us, lowered its gangway, and off walked two of the most sheepish looking people I have ever seen, of course greeted by plenty of cheering.



Last December in St. Thomas we were riding one of the open-air buses back to the ship from town. We got to talking to some of the others on the bus; one couple mentioned the ship they were on (it was NCL). We could see that ship pulling out of port as we drove along the sea.


The couple had no idea when they were supposed to be back on board and were clearly flabbergasted and of course panicky. I have wondered what ever happened to them as the ship was almost out of the channel at that point.


I just can't imagine not knowing and double-checking when our ship sails. We aim to be back one hour before sail-away with 30 minutes prior our limit. We almost never do ship excursions, but in Central America the ship waited at least 4 hours for one of their excursions to arrive. (We weren't on the excursion).


It always amazes me how clueless some people are about a cruise that they've spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on. Not pier runner related, but this reminds me of something that happened before my last cruise. I was having drinks at a hotel bar and started chatting with a couple next to me. They mentioned that they were going on a cruise the next day, and I asked them what ship they were on. And....crickets. They looked at each other, then looked back at me with blank stares and one of them asked, "Do we need to know that?" I was absolutely FLABBERGASTED that they didn't know this (not even the line they were sailing!) I wonder if once they got back to their room they checked their paperwork, if they even had any paperwork. I just hope they figured it out before arriving to the Port of Miami on a Saturday and having to tell a taxi driver where they should be going.

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Sounds like the causes are either alcohol, shopping, or a serious case of adulting. Last time I checked, at a job, you are expected to show up on time.


What I plan on doing before my next cruise is use Google Maps on my mobile phone and download offline maps of the ports I am in. Google added a feature when you can tap on the blue dot to set a parking location. That might come in handy later.

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On our last cruise, the cruise's excursion was 45 min late. We had the walk/run of shame as the entire port side of the ship watched us on their balconies. The only saving grace is that we saw another bus pulling in just behind so we were not exactly the last bus.


It shouldn't really be a walk of shame if it's a late cruise excursion. We had to do that once--it was an hour's bus ride out, a boat, hiking around, eating, and doing the same in reverse, so we were late back by...I forget how much. I'd be surprised if they're not late frequently on that excursion because they're trying to take on too much. Anyway, we had like 3 buses of people on that trip, I don't know.


We had the "walk of shame," but I didn't feel bad about it. I was just glad it was an official excursion, so they'd have to wait for us.

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I was having drinks at a hotel bar and started chatting with a couple next to me. They mentioned that they were going on a cruise the next day, and I asked them what ship they were on. And....crickets.


I bet they didn't think to bring any luggage, either. I'm amazed they even knew the date, although I guess it's entirely likely that the cruise wasn't on that date or even out of that port.

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I bet they didn't think to bring any luggage, either. I'm amazed they even knew the date, although I guess it's entirely likely that the cruise wasn't on that date or even out of that port.


Or it could be that their children had given it to them as a surprise and since everything was arranged there was no need to know all the details. They will probably pull out their paperwork the next morning and walk downstairs, tell them the ship and that will be all that they need to know. Clueless? Yes. But sometimes there are reasons.

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Last year we were on a ship in Cozumel and our ship sponsored shore excursion was a mess - there were too many people on the excursion and basically, they divided us into 2 groups and the first group went over long and by the time they got back it was only an hour until boarding time. The tour consisted of taking small boats that held 2 people and then doing some snorkeling. We were supposed to be able to play with the small boats, but by the time it was our turn, the guides told us we would just rush to the snorkeling site and then come back, which was NOT what we wanted to do. The tour guides wanted us to go out but I refused. They claimed it was "no big deal" and that they "ran late all the time" and the ship would "wait." My dad was a ship's captain and I know this is not OK. Anyway, we refused to go out and went back to the ship along with others. I complained to the tour desk and they refunded half the cost of the tour - frankly they should have refunded 100% AND cancelled their relationship with this tour provider if this is something they do all the time like they claimed. There were those who stayed, and to my surprise, the ship actually waited well over 30 minutes for these people however, they got a very rushed tour and a brief time to snorkel.


I also want to mention about the 12 missing passengers on the Med cruise - many passengers on these cruises actually will get off the ship and stay on land overnight and then use rail to meet the ship the next day. You are supposed to notify guest services if you decide to do that but it is possible that this is what happened to those 12. If not, in the Med it is usually fairly easy to catch up with your ship either by rail or a short flight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got hurt on a ship sponsored excursion in Roatan, we were in constant contact with the ship and they assured me they would wait. When we pulled up there was staff waiting for us with a wheelchair, however another cab came at the same time and one drunk said to the other, see they wouldn't leave without us. The HD who was waiting for me said we weren't waiting for you and if she hadn't gotten hurt, we'd be long gone by now.



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I believe that if the pull out time is 4:00 PM, the ship should leave precisely at 4:00 PM (ship excursion problems excepted) , even if the individual.is running down the dock and is almost at the gangway. After all, the runner is 1/2 hour late, not just a few moments late.


We all now people who are perpetually late for everything. I know someone who will be late for her own funeral. However, she did miss a flight to Hawaii and one day of her vacation because she got to the airplane gate after the door was closed. Her husband did not kill her and I don't think that ever happened again.



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~ Over our years of cruising we have seen and experienced some interesting things . Watching the late night pier runner's has always been a favorite past time of ours!


We have been pier runner's ~ never so late thou that we got left behind, however we have seen some sight's !


Leaving out of Cozumel ~ lol ~ our cruises are running together !

Saw 4 people from our aft balcony as our ship pulled out of port and got left behind ! Not sure if they ever caught back up with the ship !

However when they say to bring a credit card / photo ID / and a camera ~ They aren't joking .


Because it will take the credit card and a photo ID to catch the ship in the next port if your lucky !

And you may as well take a never forget picture as the cruise ship is pulling away and your standing on the pier as it pulls away! ..


After reading some of the replies , and taking into consideration I'm guilty of watching , rather then being ! ~ We look forward to our next cruise / and a view from the rail of our balcony


Have a nice day



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  • 4 weeks later...

A few years ago I worked part-time as check-in staff for Intercruises at the New York Terminal. just about every weekend about some last-minute passengers would come waltzing into the terminal thirty minutes before the ship was leaving.


We'd say to them you have about fifteen minutes to get on board and they'd suddenly start running and tripping over their bags.


These people have no concept of time. They are the same ones who miss ships in port. Once they arrived literally about five minutes before departure. They checked-in, the gangway was lifted, ropes untied and the ship steamed away. It was like a movie.



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About two years ago I was on a Bermuda cruise. On the last day in port, I did my usual "look for pier runners" routine even though I didn't think it would be all that exciting. We had been in port for 2 1/2 days and anyone with a bit of sense would have stayed somewhat close to the port on that last day. So I am hanging out on the promenade deck looking for stragglers and I don't see any movement. But I can tell from watching the security staff below me that there are some missing people. Around this time, I see the ferry from Hamilton approaching, and I think, "It would be kind of hilarious if people from the ship are on that ferry" but I didn't think it was possible that anyone would be foolish enough to take that late of a ferry from Hamilton on the day we leave port. So I continued to scan the port area for pier runners. A few minutes later, I noticed that instead of heading to the ferry dock, the ferry is heading straight toward the cruise pier! It pulled up directly across from us, lowered its gangway, and off walked two of the most sheepish looking people I have ever seen, of course greeted by plenty of cheering.





It always amazes me how clueless some people are about a cruise that they've spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on. Not pier runner related, but this reminds me of something that happened before my last cruise. I was having drinks at a hotel bar and started chatting with a couple next to me. They mentioned that they were going on a cruise the next day, and I asked them what ship they were on. And....crickets. They looked at each other, then looked back at me with blank stares and one of them asked, "Do we need to know that?" I was absolutely FLABBERGASTED that they didn't know this (not even the line they were sailing!) I wonder if once they got back to their room they checked their paperwork, if they even had any paperwork. I just hope they figured it out before arriving to the Port of Miami on a Saturday and having to tell a taxi driver where they should be going.


Years ago dh and I flew to Houston and took a but to the local hotel. We got to talking to people on the bus. The woman acted very superior saying she was a TA, but like the people you met she couldn't remember what ship she was going on the next morning. The next morning we got back on the bus to the airport to take the transfer to Galveston. She then started spouting off about how much she knew about the ship yada, yada, yada. Then we get to the airport she tells the RCCL agent that DH an I are part of "her" group and we needed to buy transfers! The agent comes up to me and starts telling me the price, etc for the transfers to Galveston. I quietly got up and went with the Rep and gave him our transfers we had purchased long before we got to Houston. The rest of the cruise we avoided this woman. The last day of the cruise she spotted me and ran up to me and gave me her card. Needless to say her card went into my circular file.


BTW - if you are a TA I am not trying to disrespect you. I just thought it was very rude for this woman to go from not knowing what ship she was on to being the "leader" of us and then give me her card in case I wanted to book another cruise.

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My recent trip to Cuba, I told the tour company I used (NOT NCL), Weds. the ship would leave at 4pm and I HAD to be ON the ship by 2PM. I upped everything in case there was a mechanical breakdown in the car I rented. The tour started at 10am, I was scheduled to be done by 1pm and had until 4pm to get on the ship. The ship scheduled departure was 5pm. I factored in plenty of time if the car broke down and I had to find a taxi to get to the port. As it was, the cars were fantastic, not a trouble with either of them on either day. I was back on board much sooner than needed, but again, traveling solo adds a bit of worry to everything.

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We were on a ship sponsored tour in Athens. The guide, a young woman, led us around at a slow trot which was very hard on most of the group who were seniors.


The last stop she took off at almost a run and two friends of mine on the tour could not keep up, so they returned to the bus to wait for us to return.


The goal of that last stop was to visit local shop that sold Gold. And, we stayed, and stayed, and stayed there some more. Finally I walked outside to take some local photos. While I did venture away form the shop I did maintain visual eye contact in case the group came out.


Finally we headed back to the bus and boarded. I pointed out to my Wife that we are already late. At that point a woman sitting in the back yelled out "We can not leave" "My husband and other daughter are not on the Bus". The guide then did a head count and went back to talk to the woman. Then the guide talked to the driver who made a radio call someplace.


We waited another 15 minutes, then the Guide made an announcement that the missing passengers were going to take a cab back to the ship. I thought to my self that is her covering her tail assembly. The woman in back looked like she was about to cry.


I asked the Wife if she had her passport and she said yes. I told her we may need them if this goat rope falls apart.


Any way, when we arrived back at the ship we were 50 minutes late and the dock was cleaned up with just one boarding ramp left for us to use. We never did hear if that man and his daughter made it back to the ship before it sailed.


I made a quick visit to the Tours Desk to file a complaint against that guide. While there my friends showed up also to file their complaint.



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