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Does anyone else get a little anxious before a cruise? About all the details?


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I plan all our cruises. Dh travels extensively in his job so the last thing he wants to do is plan a vacation. However, I don't stress out over the planning. We prefer the Allure so I book all the shows and dining and then we decide what excursions, if any, to do. The ship is our destination so if we don't get off in every port, we'll enjoy a quiet day on the ship. I agree with others that a December cruise cuts into the Christmas decorating so we usually like to leave right after Thanksgiving since that gives us plenty of time to get ready for Christmas. The idea is to enjoy the cruise and not stress over details.

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We are on the same Dec 3 cruise!

I’ve planned flights, hotels, day trips, transfers, onboard activities, excursions in the 3 ports, dining times, drink packages, parking, car rental etc. I will pack for all 4 of us this weekend. And print out all documents I need.

But I’m not stressing about Christmas.... because our tree is up and all the decorating is done!!

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I used to plan groups, that got old so now it's only the two of us. In fact we don't even tell people we are going anymore if we can help it!


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I understand completely your feeling. Our group sort of got decided during a New-Years eve party. Our family had already been booked on Anthem since the previous Cyber Monday sale. Then at the NYE party, we started chatting it up with other couples, about our march break cruise plans, and showing pictures of the Anthem... well, as soon as some of the kids seen those, that was it, Semi-drunk parents all said, Hey! OK! Lets do it!... and Voilà, we had a group of 8 families. The next day we had a TA friend that did all the cruise reservations for the other families, the TA also took care of the motor coach arrangements.. thankfully. And I did most information gathering for the activities, specialty Restaurants, beverage package and entertainment.


I'd probably would do it again... since I like it.



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Hi Tanyaewa-See you on the cruise-But I am jealous-my tree is up-just need to decorate it. I do have my sons presents wrapped and under the tree. The cruise is my husbands and I present to ourselves this year.I just feel like there is a lot to do in the next 10 days at home. We have Thanksgiving here to prepare-Canada does not-We both work full time and own a business-real estate city and county taxes to pay for 11 properties we owe on-and my husband has a small consulting job in addition to his 50-60 hour management job.He leaves in 3 days to drive 12 hours to clean out his deceased stepmothers house so they can try to sell it(his Dad passed 4 years ago) so he was a big support to her with 3 different kinds of cancer ( 2nd breast cancer- ovarian cancer-then leukemia developed after the radiation treatments) the last 2 years of her life.She died on my husbands last day of work-his boss gave 2 weeks notice he was selling the company. Luckily my husband found a new job-immediately-but he has not had a vacation in over a year-SO- it has been a stressful year-But we are blessed to cruise-Dec. 3rd-

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I feel that as I am getting older I am getting more stressed out about everything.... I have always been the planner, and was happy to do so. But, these past few vacations I have felt anxious about. Mainly due to things out of my control - like TA's having me run around Singapore trying to get paperwork, and flight details not coming through until I was at the airport. It's no wonder I have been so wound up, come to think of it!


I love the people I travel with dearly, but to be honest if I left the decisions about what we are doing to them, we wouldn't do anything eg:-


Me - What do you want to do today?


Them - I don't mind, what do you want to do???


(an hour later, still no decision made)


Lately I have started saying "NO - I ASKED FIRST"


AAARRGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yes-Susieanna- I also think I stress more the older I get-plus I feel like I have more stress in my family life- 83,79,77- mom and in-laws-one with dementia-a son in college-my work place got bought out by a corporation-to change 1/1/2018. Looking forward to relaxing on the cruise-NO CELL PHONE-we check in on free WI-FI -only in ports.

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I am a planner. I generally book a year out and the initial planning begins then. I do feel a fair amount of stress with the planning. I generally don't relax after I board the ship! :eek: DH is definitely NOT a planner about anything. I do envy him that.

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I am the planner between DW and I. I try to get her involved and will sometimes give her one day of the cruise and say "Here, honey, this is your day to plan". She will also look into where we're going and find the most interesting places to visit or do, and then I am tasked with finding a way to do it. I get involved early in roll calls to try and get in on user researched excursions because they are way better than ship excursions. I have yet initiate one myself, but they don't seem too difficult to do unless you are get involved organizing an excursion for a lot of people. Planning the trip is almost as exciting as the actual trip since it allows a lot of anticipation and I, too, often get a little melancholy the closer it comes to actual trip time since I know everything is planned and ready. For the person who doesn't like to plan, you can't imagine how many opportunities you might be missing out on unless you do some research ahead of time. A good example for us is the Scavi tour under the Vatican/St Peter's Basilica. You have to reserve this 6-8 months in advance since they only allow 12 people on the tour. If you're not one of the first 12 and that is your day to be in Rome on your cruise, you're out of luck. Looking for price drops is another thing I do. You can often get some really good deals on your already booked cabin by just paying attention. And you can get really good deals paying attention to your roll call. Last year I was able to get into an awesome aft cabin on Celebrity Summit because the person who had it upgraded to a suite and let us know on the roll call that the cabin was available. Sure enough, I called up and was able to move to this cabin one week before the cruise. I don't really stress about planning because planning for a cruise vacation takes me away from the real stress of my job.

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I think the older I get the less stressed I get planning for a cruise.


I used to obsess over the smallest detail especially fearing I've forgotten to pack something I couldn't live without for the duration of the cruise.


And now? As long as I have my make-up, down pillow, necessary meds, a bathing suit (which all go in my carry on) I'm good to go.


My cruise like the OP's, is also Dec. 3 but ours is on The Liberty. I just now started thinking about what to take.


Smooth sails to everyone and to all a Happy Thanksgiving.

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I feel that as I am getting older I am getting more stressed out about everything.... I have always been the planner, and was happy to do so. But, these past few vacations I have felt anxious about. Mainly due to things out of my control - like TA's having me run around Singapore trying to get paperwork, and flight details not coming through until I was at the airport. It's no wonder I have been so wound up, come to think of it!


I love the people I travel with dearly, but to be honest if I left the decisions about what we are doing to them, we wouldn't do anything eg:-


Me - What do you want to do today?


Them - I don't mind, what do you want to do???


(an hour later, still no decision made)


Lately I have started saying "NO - I ASKED FIRST"


AAARRGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mine would be the same. Hubby would be content sitting in a chair looking at the water with a drink in his hand, on the ship, or in port. I choose where he does that. :evilsmile:

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Me - What do you want to do today?


Them - I don't mind, what do you want to do???


(an hour later, still no decision made)


Lately I have started saying "NO - I ASKED FIRST"


AAARRGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This me and the family to a tee.


ME: Where do you want eat

THEM: I don't know

ME: What are you in the mood for?

THEM: Whatever, you pick.

ME: First pick

THEM: No not that

ME: Second pick

THEM: Anything but that


Just keep repeating that pattern about 10 to 12 times. Always ends with them saying "I guess we can go there I'm not that hungry anyway."


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Another planner here! I usually book ours when itineraries are released for the best prices; there have only been a couple of times that I called to adjust to a lower fare, so I believe in booking early! I have 13 cabins booked for Cuba in October of next year. We were originally booked on the Empress, which has just been changed to the Majesty, so now I am stressed about where our new cabins will be located!:eek: Will we all still be together or scattered!! RCCL's email said everything was to be sorted out today but, as of this moment, I have not looked at those bookings.


Luckily, our next cruise is in March for a 9-night on Navigator and it'll just be me, DH and 2 friends, so it'll be a time to chill and relax in the Caribbean!! I'll probably pull luggage out after the holidays and casually keep throwing things in them. DH can't understand why I always over-pack but I keep telling him that women need the option of what to wear, am I right?:rolleyes: Even though you pack things for certain days, sometimes you just don't feel like wearing that!!:confused: Especially when my stupid feet swell up and I can't fit them into my cute sparkly pink sandals!!!!:o Aaaaaaargh!!

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Funny... reading your post I get the feeling you're the least relaxed in this thread... no wonder you need a relaxing vacation ;phide.gif




Funny you felt the need to attack me because Travel does not stress me out? Funny you felt the need to assume things twice in this thread now that you know nothing about? I would like to personally apologize to DPOSTMAN, I did dnot realize that this was the "post in this thread only if you have OCD and agree with everything I say" LOL Relax, you are way to uptight. Oh and as for your snarky comment about needing a relaxing vacation? HELLOOOOO it's cruise critic, Dont we all need a relaxing cruise vacation? LOL


PS, this is IN NO way a slam for people who feel the need to Plan, or feel anxious about travelling. I do it for a living so for me a trip or a plane or whatever is as easy as brushing my teeth. My friends and I personally have a different way we like to vacation as our day to day life is very structured. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.


Please always remember that people have different experiences and opinions.. Just because it is not the same as yours does not make it wrong. After all, if everyone liked the same thing, Kelly Moore would only sell one color of paint.

Edited by TheTruthCanHurt
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Funny you felt the need to attack me because Travel does not stress me out? Funny you felt the need to assume things twice in this thread now that you know nothing about? I would like to personally apologize to DPOSTMAN, I did dnot realize that this was the "post in this thread only if you have OCD and agree with everything I say" LOL Relax, you are way to uptight. Oh and as for your snarky comment about needing a relaxing vacation? HELLOOOOO it's cruise critic, Dont we all need a relaxing cruise vacation? LOL


PS, this is IN NO way a slam for people who feel the need to Plan, or feel anxious about travelling. I do it for a living so for me a trip or a plane or whatever is as easy as brushing my teeth. My friends and I personally have a different way we like to vacation as our day to day life is very structured. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.


Please always remember that people have different experiences and opinions.. Just because it is not the same as yours does not make it wrong. After all, if everyone liked the same thing, Kelly Moore would only sell one color of paint.



I'm sorry things got out of hand. I apologize if my comment sounded like an attack. I truly only meant it as a poke in the ribs. I saw a bunch of different words in all caps, and to me it seemed a bit "not relaxed". And of course no one has to think the same and I don't think you have to be an excessive planner to post in this thread. I thought this thread was enjoyable and lighthearted, and was a nice change from many other posts on CC. Also, English is a second language to me so sometimes it does not come out as clearly as I'm thinking it.:(



Was fun while it lasted.




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Slightly OCD here as well, but the only thing that makes me really anxious is the thought that it will all be over soon....sniff, sniff:') I really get a little melancholy right before the cruise.


Ohhhhhhhhh this IS my wife the last night OF the cruise !:eek: On all of our past cruises, the last night of the cruise when we've outside on the balcony, watching the sunset, I've seen tears streaming down her cheeks and heard her whisper, 'It CANNOT be over !! HOW can X amount of days FLY by so QUICKLY ?!' Funny thing is, I completely agree with her !! Guess it's that old saying, 'Funny, HOW time flies when you're having FUN.!' Nothing 'funny' ( ha-ha) when a cruise is over.:mad:



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Thanks everyone for the comments-I feel better today-I got the day off unexpectedly for me- a Godsend-I got lots done already for Thanksgiving-I got this! My stress is almost gone-It is also amazing what a great night sleep can do for one. Happy Dance to all-:D







































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TheTruthCanHurt: Sorry but I really feel that dpostman did not mean to attack your post. I read it and didn't feel that way at all. Remember that text and typewritten messages have no emotions behind the words, so it is easy to misunderstand someone's intentions. I replied to a friend's text message one time and she called me immediately saying "Are you mad at me?" Absolutely not, I was just really busy and only had time for the one word answer, and had no idea that it may have sounded like I was mad. Just sayin'.:rolleyes:


dpostman: Hope you continue to post on CC and enjoy doing it!;)

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TheTruthCanHurt: Sorry but I really feel that dpostman did not mean to attack your post. I read it and didn't feel that way at all. Remember that text and typewritten messages have no emotions behind the words, so it is easy to misunderstand someone's intentions. I replied to a friend's text message one time and she called me immediately saying "Are you mad at me?" Absolutely not, I was just really busy and only had time for the one word answer, and had no idea that it may have sounded like I was mad. Just sayin'.:rolleyes:


dpostman: Hope you continue to post on CC and enjoy doing it!;)


Thank you, It is very kind of you. And no worries, my skin is way thicker than that. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes, posts get mis-read/mis-understood in ways we never intended. I've made that mistake before myself. I enjoy CC way to much to let anything like this stop me... or shut me up ;p:cool:



Cheers to you SilkySal :champagne-toast: And BTW, Interesting call name "Silky" Sal



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Thank you, It is very kind of you. And no worries, my skin is way thicker than that. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes, posts get mis-read/mis-understood in ways we never intended. I've made that mistake before myself. I enjoy CC way to much to let anything like this stop me... or shut me up ;p:cool:



Cheers to you SilkySal :champagne-toast: And BTW, Interesting call name "Silky" Sal




"Thank the maker" - C3PO

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Thank you, It is very kind of you. And no worries, my skin is way thicker than that. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes, posts get mis-read/mis-understood in ways we never intended. I've made that mistake before myself. I enjoy CC way to much to let anything like this stop me... or shut me up


Cheers to you SilkySal :champagne-toast: And BTW, Interesting call name "Silky" Sal




Years ago, DH and I rode with a group of bikers. One of the gals was charged with nicknaming the new members. We all rode out to Sturgis and stayed at a B&B, when she noticed that I was wearing "silky" PJ's. Hence, the name Silky Sal!!;) At one of the M&M's, I even won a bottle of wine for best CC screen name!!:cool: The RCI hostess said it sounded like a stripper name!!!:o LOL!! Of course, I do like to dance and our cabin on Navigator next March is the corner aft, which does have a pole in the middle of the room! Hmmmmmmmmm:confused:

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Years ago, DH and I rode with a group of bikers. One of the gals was charged with nicknaming the new members. We all rode out to Sturgis and stayed at a B&B, when she noticed that I was wearing "silky" PJ's. Hence, the name Silky Sal!!;) At one of the M&M's, I even won a bottle of wine for best CC screen name!!:cool: The RCI hostess said it sounded like a stripper name!!!:o LOL!! Of course, I do like to dance and our cabin on Navigator next March is the corner aft, which does have a pole in the middle of the room! Hmmmmmmmmm:confused:


I have to agree a bit ;p But did not want to assume...:D

I am always curious about how people come up with their handles/Screen Name... Back in the CB days, we called them handles.



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I'm the planner in our family and, in general, really enjoy all the planning that goes into any of our trips. I keep detailed trip folders with a budget spreadsheet, packing template and centralized area for recording confirmation numbers and travel plans. I will spend lots of time researching things to do, but generally try not to over schedule ourselves or book too many things (unless they are things that sell out and are 'must do' for us - like dog sledding on glacier).


My husband is not a multi-tasker and he deeply appreciates the effort I put into organizing our trips. The cruise he took with the kids and his mom without me (long story short I wound up too pregnant to go), they were all bored and said they needed me along to marshal the troops.


Where I get stressed is when suddenly at 10pm the night before we leave my husband decides it's *finally* time to start a load of laundry and consider packing. Then we're up late finishing things up rather than getting a good night of sleep. I've learned from this and now tend to build in buffer time at the start of vacation (i.e. planning to leave on Sunday rather than right after work on Friday).


We leave in just over a week to sail on Oasis and the major stress factor this trip is that he's on a business trip, arriving him at 2am the night before we drive over to the port. The deal we made is that he has to have both the trip and the vacation bags completely packed before he leaves this Sunday. He actually asked me today what was going on tonight because he was going to start packing....which is a HUGE improvement on his planning skills.


At the end of the day, we have 3 kids and both work full time. This particular cruise is for my cousin's wedding so I'm more wound up than usual about how we're dressed and we're traveling with a group of about 30. I did book us into a Star class suite and it has been wonderful having a genie to handle all the on board reservations. For once, I didn't have to do it! My husband told me that he thinks that he's just more willing to deal with the consequences of being unprepared than I am, and I agree. But I don't want cranky children on vacation. I want to be prepared and relax once on the ship.

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gingersvp - Wow! Looks like you've got it all together girl!;) We really enjoyed the Oasis and will be on her again in 2019! Cruising from PC is also the easiest! The Caribbean is a great place to tie the knot, so enjoy the upcoming wedding and take full advantage of your genie!!!!!!!:hearteyes: They are wonderful!!!!!!!!:cool:

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