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Hi, I never got fined....although my Mom was a yeller when

I was growing up:eek: ...so I either got that or the question




I just had to look it up, and "yeah" is actually IN the dictionary now!! So, don't try this with your own kids. :D :D

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I just had to look it up, and "yeah" is actually IN the dictionary now!! So, don't try this with your own kids. :D :D


LOL....I have no kids;)

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I would've been fine with any of the top three winning. I was rooting for Joe from the beginning of this episode, but I also think Terri is due. All three of them have promise.


I am happy that Jennifer is gone...she is just plain boring. However, if she had not been in the bottom two last week, I think Daniel would've been auf'd this week. He just totally did not get this challenge at all.


I agree with this 100% although of the top 3, Terri's outfit was my least favorite. There was something about the top on her outfit that I didn't like. It was probably just the way it showed on the tv screen, but it looked like once it got to the top of the chest area it switched to a nude colored fabric or was cut too, too low.


And I just have to say thank you to Jerrell for his editing because horizontal stripes across the hip area does not work for a large portion of the population.


Other than the top 3, most of the outfits were disappointing to me.

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I liked last night's show. It was an interesting challenge (certainly topical!) and Apollo was a good guest judge. I'm surprised how far some of the contestants missed the mark. I think it was made clear (to me, anyway) that the outfit had to be athletically inspired, and they even let them loose in the archive.....oh well.


I totally agreed with Korto's win. Her outfit looked great and moved well. Whereas Joe's looked good while his model was walking but not as much when she was standing still and you got a second (closer) look. It had a "been there/done that" feel to me.


I did like Terri's outfit too, in theory. In actual practice I'm not sure how well that neck piece (jabot?) would look on these very athletic women!


And I definitely agreed with aufing Jennifer. Two times at the very bottom of the pack AND she doesn't add a lot of "good TV" so it was a no-brainer.


Poor Daniel, he seems very stressed and I don't think listening to Kenley was a smart move. Stella (Sleatha) gives good TV, and actually her outfit was far from the worst of the bunch despite all the snide comments from her fellow designers.

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I may have liked Korto's creation more, but I liked Terri's outfit best for this challenge and think she should have won. Since the Olympics is a world event, I can not even imagine any country allowing its athletes to march in in sleeveless tops.


When I think of opening ceremony outfits, I think blazers and skirts/pants.


I understand thinking outside the box, but I also think they should have picked a winner that was in keeping with the true spirit of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

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The bottom three all deserved to be in the bottom three for absolutely not paying any attention to the challenge they were given. I'm happy that Daniel was spared, either Jarel (boring and silly, when is he going to produce the fabulous stuff he's promised???) or Jennifer were fine to go.


I'm going to start fast forwarding through the comments made by Stella, she's got nothing new to say each week, the whining voice is taking its toll on me. Woe is me, this is hard, this isn't what I do, blah blah blah. Thank goodness for DVR :) I can't repeat what my kids have to say about tan boy, it's not positive at all. He's so dull even with his weak attempts to be outlandish, with the fading skin he'll just disappear into vanilla soon.


I know with America's Next Top Model, my daughter and I always fast forward through the whiney parts and get to the meat of the show, which is the hysterical judging sequence. I'd love to do some of that with PR, but since I have so much history with sewing I love to see the garments in production. Maybe I'll start using the mute button!


To me, no matter what competition it is, this show or the myriad of others out there, there are just some people who don't get that the competition is about diversity, adaptation with your own personal flair and creativity. It's not just about them and what they like to do. The competitors and people who want to do this in the future need to really take a look at what major designers are really doing. They don't just do little cocktail dresses for tall skinny models. They do accessories, house wares, cars, suitcases, furniture....anything that can be designed. The opportunity for instant fame is there for the taking for the few who understand the whole concept of the game and are willing to focus and work hard. Plus having the talent to pull it off, of course. The bottom three weren't the only ones who didn't "get" the challenge, a few others made little dresses that had nothing to do with sports, Olympics or America in mind.


Joe's zipper was absolutely brilliant. Terry's outfit was fashion forward and beautiful. Kortos outfit I could see walking through the stadium.

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There was something about the top on her outfit that I didn't like. It was probably just the way it showed on the tv screen, but it looked like once it got to the top of the chest area it switched to a nude colored fabric or was cut too, too low.



I agree with you on this. There was something about the tube top that was not particularly flattering even on the model. I'd hate to see it on an athlete. But I liked the idea behind the outfit and the execution (outside of a low-cut top).

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I may have liked Korto's creation more, but I liked Terri's outfit best for this challenge and think she should have won. Since the Olympics is a world event, I can not even imagine any country allowing its athletes to march in in sleeveless tops.


When I think of opening ceremony outfits, I think blazers and skirts/pants.


I understand thinking outside the box, but I also think they should have picked a winner that was in keeping with the true spirit of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.


I don't think Korto's outfit was off base. Certainly looked better than our 2004 Opening Ceremonies gear (3rd photo):




Also, I thought the sleeveless thing played well -- a lot of athletes have quite large arms and blazers can be a hard fit. There have certainly been some countries in the past that have gone with fairly short sleeves, if not sleeveless, and quite casual:








(Love the bare midriffs in the last one....NOT!:o )

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I absolutely loved this week's challenge, even though I was disappointed in how many designers completely missed the mark.


The challenge was to create a look for the US athletes to wear in the Opening Ceremonies March.


I happen to know quite a bit about this, so I had an extra affinity for what was needed.

To give a bit of background - the athletes need to have something that will look great "en masse", represent the USA (especially colors), and look cool/sophisticated on the athletes.

These athletes have worked their entire lives for that moment. For some of them, that march is the biggest crowd and most attention they will get the entire Olympics. They don't want to look dorky.


There is also a separate casual or athletic team USA outfit that they wear during competitions (you will see these on the medal stands). This one is more sweat suit-y as it's literally worn on and off at the events.

Directly before competing, directly after competing, in between warm-ups, etc.


I just want to present that info, as it will relate to some of my comments.

I thought that Apollo was a very good judge, and I could also see him thinking these same thoughts.


They visited a historical exhibit for 30 minutes before the challenge, which had pictures of several past opening ceremonies. It seems like a lot of the designers just jumped right off the pictures from the 20s, 30s, and 40s from this exhibit - as if that was the challenge.

Recreate these retro looks in a modern way? It was absolutely not the challenge at all, and they completely missed the modern athlete aspect of it.


So here we go...

Please hold comments until I'm done with all the pictures.

Thanks in advance.;)

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Top Three

Korto wins!


I'm torn on this win. I do think it was top two. I don't think it's a bad win, I think it's a good win, but I'm still torn.


So, why do I like this?

It's a perfect elegant fit. It would look good on several different female athletic body types. I really really like the leather top/vest.


(Hey Sleathah! That's how you make leather look modern and sophisticated - pay attention!)


It's a really good balance between athletic, yet dressy. A lot of the female athletes would love this.

I also took into consideration what could translate well to menswear (I don't know if they ever mentioned it was part of the challenge, but I thought about it, and I know that Apollo did as well).


I could see this translating very well to the men, in a more masculine cut.

So, I give a big thumbs up for this entire look.


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Terri is second!


And this is why I'm torn. After sleeping on it overnight, I think this deserved the win.

Why? The athletes get one "nice" outfit for this ceremony and march. They might need to wear it for interviews afterwards or press events and parties.

They already have their separate official USA sweat suit (as I mentioned above) for before, after and during the actual competitions.


This is a more different alternative for them. It is smart, it is sophisticated, it is modern with a very smart eye and wink to classic American design.

It looks American - in just the way that it is supposed to look.


The jacket is beautiful and smart, and note the attention to the buttons and details. The pants are awesome, and I love the tuxedo stripe down the leg.

The top had a bit of a too tight "fit" (which is what you all are noticing as being a bit "not right" there), but she told her model it was going to be a really tight fit, and that is easily fixed in production - as these are basically just prototypes. The entire idea is there.


It would look great on a wide range of female athletic bodies. It is easily translated to menswear.

And the extra pop of the neckwear is great and different for the TV shots en masse.

I could easily see the female athletes using this jacket and pants after the Olympics for events, parties, press conferences, etc.


To me, this perfectly represented the challenge, and what the athletes would want and be proud to wear.


I'm still okay with Korto winning, but I think this was a step up the sophistication ladder and more actual female athletes would vote for it.


Which brings me to...


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Third place Joe.


They really edited the show to make you emotionally root for him and want him to win. But after stepping back a bit, I don't think he deserved to win.


I absolutely DO though, think that several female athletes would have voted for this as their "casual" outfit. Maybe translate the skort to long pants for practicality sake - and this would have been a more exciting version of their competition/medal ceremony sweat suits.


I know the blue and red zipper combination was a great enough idea, that several athletes female and male would have loved that little detail.

Again, this translates easily to menswear as well - another great aspect.


So for me, in reality I would have chosen Terri for the Opening Ceremony nice outfit and Joe for the casual warm up suits.


Maybe give them a Korto outfit for another alternative. I think that you'd have some really happy athletes!

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And I can't believe I'm saying this folks, but Blayne is closer to the top for me in the context of the challenge.:eek:


He listened to Tim and changed his idea. It's a bit retro, yet modern, and would work well on athletic bodies.


Is it perfect? No - far from it. But it looks like a modern athlete would wear it.

To me this is a similar idea to what Korto did, just not anywhere near as successful or sophisticated as Korto's.


But why do I have to put him up so high here? He actually listened to the challenge. As you will see, we are now going to get a whole bunch of people who did not listen to the challenge, and just did modern versions of the historical pictures they saw at the exhibit.


That was not the challenge people!


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Again basically a cute take on a retro picture. Not listening to the challenge.

But one of the reasons that I really disliked this in the context - it's plaid.

I love plaid. But you're representing the USA in a world context.


As soon as I see a sea of plaid marching down, I'm thinking they're from the UK somewhere. Not the USA. So major downgrade on points from me.

(This probably could have been super cute in a different color for the Scottish or Irish team);)

I also don't like that the blue is purple-ish tinged, and there is no red at all anywhere.


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And then we have Sleathah! I do give her points for actually designing something that at least paid attention to the actual challenge.

I downgrade her for Korto making leather work much better, when it's not even Korto's preferred material.

I'm just not sure what sport this would be...

Motocross girls? Mad Max car racing?


At least it's a bit "superhero", which I thought was a great comment from the judges.

Yes! These women DO want to look like Wonder Woman! In a cool athletic sexy way. They're training hours on end, and actually are the few women in the world who actually do have female superhero bodies!


At least Sleathah (and the others at the top) realized that in their designs.

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Bottom Three



I felt he was a bit robbed last week, but this week he deserves to be here.

The thing is that this would be interesting/cute in a different challenge.


Another thing I was going to comment on before, but will do so here...

There are a lot of different jobs that the host city designs special clothes/uniforms for...

The servers for the athletes in the Olympic village restaurants.

Olympic village nightclub staff, hotel concierges, etc.

Think of any normal job that people need if put up in their own village for 3 weeks or so. They need uniforms for all of this.


This and others above (like Kellie's, Leanne's Suede's) could have been really cute for that context. It's just totally not THIS challenge.

Definitely deserving bottom three though.


This has a few elements of cute and interesting. Paris Hilton does the Olympics?


This poor model girl has been given all the worst outfits. She has the Pocahontas one, and even got the shower curtain with the nig yellow rubber gloves in the first show.:(

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Speaking of uniforms for other jobs in the Olympic Village...

That's what this looks like. Olympic Airlines? Olympic City Guide? Cocktail Waitress?


See, could be cute in that context. But in this challenge, this was almost the most completely missing the mark of the challenge.

What is anything remotely athletic about this? Nothing.


Too cute. Too girly Betty Boop. I felt really bad for him missing this so much. Now I begin to wonder if he might be too stuck in his own thing.


I think he is very talented though, and deserved to stay another week.

Maybe this will be a wake up call? (crosses fingers and hoping)


But I do notice that I just posted, it does look a bit closer in color to the purple sad face there, compared to the blue Cruise Critic background...

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And finally Jennifer is aufed!


Navy blue and gold? What country is that?

And a direct and still boring take (I wouldn't even call this one a modern take) on some specific historical picture from the exhibit.


Nothing to do with the challenge. It's okay, but boring. It has nothing to do with athletics. It doesn't even look American to me (in the context).


So, second time in the bottom, generally boring designs, and generally boring TV personality gets her correctly aufed.


I don't think anyone disagrees. Check back to last week, and you'll note I said that one of Leanne or Jennifer would go ASAP - because they looked too similar and came across on TV too similar. One needed to be cut to make the other stand out more.

Glad it was Jennifer, as I think that Leanne has a more honed design talent at this point.


That's my take! Thanks for being patient! Have at the comments!

What do you all think?:D

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I agree with the top and bottom three selections, but agree with you Curt, that the winner should have been Terri.


The blazer had real style and designer detailing. The jabot is optional for anyone. And the top is fitted in production to be more universal.


Joe had a great idea, and deserved to be on top, but the uneven hem knocked him out of the winners circle. And yes, the producers pulled at our hearstrings by showing his young daughters and his voiceover saying how much it would mean to him to win this challenge.


Poor Daniel...he's so stressed he can't think. That dress was just too awful. And Jerrel....oh puleeze...it looked like BoBeep the Airline Stewardess.


I thought Jennifer's gold striped skirt was beautiful, but the top half of the outfit was soooo boring AND, it didn't say "Olympics". She was the right "auf", which is a shame because she's talented. But she has a certain style which doesn't work on a show on P.R.


Yes, Blayne did consider the challange, but no athletic looking girl could wear that silhouette.


I think that this was one of the best challenges ever.

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