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Project Runway?


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I recall Tim scolding them for not being finished.


It's probably my age, the only ones I even came close to liking this week were the dresses made by Kenly, Terri and Daniel. My daughter loved the winning dress and I expected to (she watched the show before I got home, but watched it again with me), she kept telling me I was going to adore it.


I've looked and looked at it and all I see is a mess. Sure, it took him some time and the concept is good, but the weaving is sloppy looking to me. Not that I want to see even and symetrical, but it's just all over the place. Not being able to see the finish work close up, it almost looks like there are loose threads, unfinished seams, poorly cut strips. I like the skirt, I like the colors, I like the silhouette. I suppose in person it may look better.

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I'm wondering if the producers and editors are editing the show only showing the whiney side of some of the contestants.


Halfway through the show, I was hoping Wesley was the one cut simply because of his statements feeling sorry for himself, the fabric he had to work with, woe is me. Although I don't care much for leather lady and I've heard her whine one too many times, she did say one thing on this weeks show that I do agree with, staying focused on your own work and not worrying about the next person.


I watch and see these people complain about all the details and I just don't care. They are there to win a competition, they are supposed to be creative, certainly some of them have watched before and have a clue about the challenge that ensues. Every season has its wacky materials and the designers are all thrown for a loop.


I watch it for the design, the finished product and most of all, the judges commentary on the runway show. I can do without the "reality show" clips and many times just fast forward to the little interviews they do when contestants bit*h about each other and the challenge that is put up to them. It's about making a silk purse out of a sows ear.


OK, done with my whining about the whiney people on the show ;) :)

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I agreed with the winner and loser again this week. I do think that Terry should have been in the top 3 this week over Leathuh lady (I loved her mop-sweater in last week's challenge too). She may very well be the hidden gem of this season.


In response to some of Kurt's comments, I think the designer that yelled to a model before they went shopping might have been Kenley (it was definitely a girl). She was yelling about making sure she remembered closures (zippers, elastic, etc.) I also happened to really like Korto's dress except for the wings on the side. If she had edited a bit more, she certainly wouldn't have been in the bottom three. And, finally, I would definitely have worn Leanne's dress over Jerell's and even Jennifer's (I just don't like her design style). Not that I like Leanne's dress, but I would be less embarrassed.

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That dress for $280.00??? Not a prayer! (rolling my eyes for you curt!)

Oh C'mon. I know it's a loss leader for Bluefly but there's no way that dress can be made for that little money.


Three Choices:


1. It's either going to be a different dress - and they'll copy the colors and the tulle and try to convince shoppers it's the same dress. Duh?


2. Bluefly is going to make the real dress, and then charge it to their advertising budget and it'll be something for the press to tawk about. They'll lose money in garment profit, but it'll be considered marketing money well spent.


3. It's going to look like garbage. A cheap wannabe!


That dress is waaaaay too intricate to be made for $280. No way, no how!

Thanks Jane! All of these thoughts were running through my head when they announced the Bluefly sale aspect during the show.


And as artistic and couture as Suede's dress was, I kept thinking Kenley is going to win, because it was cost effective manufacture-able.

I even had a momentary thought of "Oh my gawsh! Are they going to choose Sleather because her dress is so simple to manufacture!?!?!"


And then Suede won, and I thought "How are they gonna do that!?!?"


I even got excited for a moment again, when I saw that they were selling it for $280 - thought about ordering one for FMCJW, as she's similar enough looking to the model that she'd probably look great.

And then all the thoughts you posted above on how they could do it went through my head, and I thought not worth the gamble right now.

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Regarding the timing issues that people are having questions about...


It's one of the things to create as much fairness as they can for the show - the time on how long they get to work is monitored closely.

No one gets one more minute than anyone else.


But, what they do (this would be considered a two day challenge) is:

First day:

They have a limit to work until - in this case Midnight.

Tim is talking to them as - if they are really smart and doing what they should, they should be finished with the major portion on that first night.


Second day:

Then the next morning, they have an hour or so before the models arrive.

This is ideally (for a good time managing designer) the time for fine tuning, maybe extras like buttons, zippers, etc.


If they are not close to that stage by then, then they are going to be still sewing as they are going down the runway (which as you see - happens a lot). This is also why you end up where the judges are complaining about unfinished seams, hems, threads, etc.


So sometimes in the editing you get a different take on it.

When you hear Tim say things like "Designers, you need to be finished by midnight. 1 more hour".

He's not saying the rules are:

they have to be finished,

he's saying - "If you have any chance in heck of not being eliminated, you NEED to be finished with the main work by midnight. Otherwise Nina is going to verbally tear you apart for not finishing your seams".


Make sense?

(Hopefully I explained that understandably).


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Regarding the timing issues that people are having questions about...



So sometimes in the editing you get a different take on it.

When you hear Tim say things like "Designers, you need to be finished by midnight. 1 more hour".

He's not saying the rules are:

they have to be finished,

he's saying - "If you have any chance in heck of not being eliminated, you NEED to be finished with the main work by midnight. Otherwise Nina is going to verbally tear you apart for not finishing your seams".


Make sense?

(Hopefully I explained that understandably).




Yes, that makes sense. Love your line above about Nina -- her "shiny, tight and short" comment needs to join "Make it work" and "Fierce" as one of the best lines of the show.

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But, what they do (this would be considered a two day challenge) is:

First day:

They have a limit to work until - in this case Midnight.

Tim is talking to them as - if they are really smart and doing what they should, they should be finished with the major portion on that first night.


Second day:

Then the next morning, they have an hour or so before the models arrive.

This is ideally (for a good time managing designer) the time for fine tuning, maybe extras like buttons, zippers, etc.


If they are not close to that stage by then, then they are going to be still sewing as they are going down the runway (which as you see - happens a lot). This is also why you end up where the judges are complaining about unfinished seams, hems, threads, etc.


So sometimes in the editing you get a different take on it.

When you hear Tim say things like "Designers, you need to be finished by midnight. 1 more hour".

He's not saying the rules are:

they have to be finished,

he's saying - "If you have any chance in heck of not being eliminated, you NEED to be finished with the main work by midnight. Otherwise Nina is going to verbally tear you apart for not finishing your seams".


Make sense?

(Hopefully I explained that understandably).



In past seasons, I recall him saying you'll have til midnight tonight and then 2 hours tomorrow morning. I can't swear he said that in every single episode, but it was something he said on more than one episode.


This season Tim specifically says, "You have til midnight to finish your garments".


Then they come in and have more time in the AM?

That doesn't make it work for me. <g>


He should say what he means, and mean what he says! :)

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Nina got a new job. I now forgot which magazine will be graced with her holiness, perhaps Marie Claire or Allure? Sorry, I read it late at night.


So, it'll be interesting to note if they credit her new publication.


Curt, is Elle a sponsor of the show?

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Nina got a new job. I now forgot which magazine will be graced with her holiness, perhaps Marie Claire or Allure? Sorry, I read it late at night.

Are you saying you don't care for Ninotchka?:p



Editor-at-Large for Elle through Sept.1

Fashion Director of Marie Claire starting Sept. 2.

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Can't believe what I just did.

I thought it was on in my area at 10:00. I turned it on JUST in time to see who was aufed. Now I have to wait til 11:00 to see it from the beginning.:(


BUT, I had been on the phone and computer booking another cruise so now I'll be doing a b2b.:D

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Can't believe what I just did.

I thought it was on in my area at 10:00. I turned it on JUST in time to see who was aufed. Now I have to wait til 11:00 to see it from the beginning.:(


BUT, I had been on the phone and computer booking another cruise so now I'll be doing a b2b.:D



I don't like the new time as it puts it at the same time as So You Think You Can Dance. I have to wait until 10pm my time to watch it.


And what cruise did you book?

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I like that they moved it earlier:) most times I was about ready

for bed before....guess I am getting old:rolleyes:

But 5:15am comes early:eek:

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I'm sorry Emily got auf'd instead of the "surrealist" girl. I thought her dress was much better made even if it wasn't very exciting....oh well.


I would've had a hard time deciding which of the top three looks should win....I thought they were all interesting and showed the designers' POV. I thought Terry was going to win based on Sandra B's comments.


Holla at cha boy! *snicker*

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will be interesting to read Curt Jerome's comments about tonight...I thought the judges' top 3 and bottom 3 picks were reasonable and close to what I would have done


I think I would have chosen the 2nd place dress as the winner over the one that did win...in fact, I think even the 3rd place dress was better than the winner


as for the worst design, I think either of the other 2 in the bottom 3 should have gone before before the one that did...my choice for last place was the one that had all the scraps of fabric making up the dress...that ws horrific

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I too would've picked Leanne's dress over Kenley's. I would wear that in a heartbeat...not many could or would wear Kenley's. However, I have liked Kenley's stuff throughout the whole show, as have the judges, so maybe they took that into account as well.


I would've aufed Jennifer before Emily. At least Emily's dress underneath was well made and something people would wear. Jennifer's hems weren't done well and she has a complete lack of style in my opinion.


I wasn't thrilled with the print on Terri's dress, but I did like the design itself. She is still one of my favorites.

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I loved the top 3, although I would've chosen Leaane (my preference - I lurved that skirt!) or Terry over Kenleys. But I thought all 3 were original, well thought out, and well made.


I actually liked the scraps of fabric dress so disagreed with the choice of it as bottom 3.


And I would've auf'ed Jennifer over Emily. I didn't like either of their outfits, but at least Emily's was sewn well (even with a terrible design - did she not think about what that ruffle was going to look like coming out of the model's chest?). Jennifer's was a bad design and sewn poorly, plus it was boring and matronly - 2 things that have immediately gotten people auf'ed in the past.

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I was also surprised that Emily was sent home. The dress Jennifer made was very boring and unflattering.

I didn't care for the winning dress with the protruding thigh puff. I preferred the beautiful and original black skirt/top.

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I was also surprised that Emily was sent home. The dress Jennifer made was very boring and unflattering.

I didn't care for the winning dress with the protruding thigh puff. I preferred the beautiful and original black skirt/top.


I really don't need to add anything since I agree with you 100%. Okay, I can add that I thought the winning dress was a joke:eek: .



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Hi, I really liked the separates too:) and she definitely stepped it

up this week....personally I thought the skirt and top should have

won. But we all have opinions...and you know what they say....;)

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Are you saying you don't care for Ninotchka?:p



Editor-at-Large for Elle through Sept.1

Fashion Director of Marie Claire starting Sept. 2.



LOL!!! Gee, you saw right through my tulle-d sentence. :D

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I don't know the designers names yet, but what surprised me was the blue print dress over pants. I was shocked it made it into the top 3. I would have just given it a "pass". I thought it was not very fashionable and a bit boring, and looked kind of moderately priced, like something you'd pick up from a chain store.


Yet again, they barely showed Robert's work. He wasn't shown at all in the design room, other than a quick camera pass, and of course on the runway. Nothing was ever discussed about his dress which I thought was beautiful.


I think the producers are playing games and keeping him hidden so at the end, there could be a "who knew?" reaction.


Holla at cha boy - this guy is dumber than a post and looking to be a Christian copycat, and can only come up with catch phrases in hopes of trying to make his mark somehow. Barf! If you ever listened to his commentary, you'd hear that he can't even construct a sentence. I didn't love Christian's personality, but his talent was so...ahem....fierce, he could get away with it.

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LOL!!! Gee, you saw right through my tulle-d sentence. :D


Sho' did...and I love the tulle-d.:p


I didn't love Christian's personality, but his talent was so...ahem....fierce, he could get away with it.


I feel the same way about him but there's not much one can say about an annoying egotistical person who can "produce". He COULD put his money where his mouth was.:cool:

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WOW I'm not sure what one I would of picked!! I didn't like any of them and I went thru the photos several times. But there was on outfit that I knew who it was before I read the name. Stella it looks just like her. She needs to get out of that style and show some creativity!!!! Glad I wasn't judging these none of them would of made it out. Well someone has to do it and they do a nice job of it!!

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Holla at cha boy - this guy is dumber than a post and looking to be a Christian copycat, and can only come up with catch phrases in hopes of trying to make his mark somehow. Barf! If you ever listened to his commentary, you'd hear that he can't even construct a sentence. I didn't love Christian's personality, but his talent was so...ahem....fierce, he could get away with it.



Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying what I've been thinking. If I hear one more -licious I am going to scream. At least with Christian, he was turning out good designs.

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