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Project Runway?


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Evil thought one .. Ivy must be fit to be tied now that Michael C is showing at Fashion Week ..


Evil thought two .. Really ???? Gretchen ??? How ??? Why ???


My happy thoughts .. I just don't see how Mondo can lose .. he is so much more creative than the others.


April .. now we have a lingerie like look that only Cruella De Ville would wear if she knew no one was going to see her


Andy .. edgy but still the same as everything else he has done


Gretchen .. just say no


Michael C .. wearable if you are young and daring enough .. make that back with a little more coverage and it would work on a cruise


Mondo .. I like him better when he does color but I still would wear that in a heartbeat.



Kathy definitely agree with everything you said.

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i would have loved to see ivy's face when she heard that michele c got picked. i think it will between him and gretchin to be auffed and not goe too fashion week. i love mondo and his work. andy is daring and alot of runways have shown daring far-out outfits like his work.


so my picks for the top 2 are mondo ( who will win ) and andy. the 3rd one is still up for grabs for me.


but hey invy-- stick that in your hat and like it when they ok'd michele c. :D

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As a whole, I thought this season was on the boring side. Mondo was the only one who stood out for me. In past seasons when they got down to the last four, it was pretty hard to decide who should go to fashion week since they were all good. Except for Mondo, I can't see any of the other three...maybe Andy.... making it this far if they had been up against some of the others we've seen.

Edited by iheartbda
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As a whole, I thought this season was on the boring side. Mondo was the only one who stood out for me. In past seasons when they got down to the last four, it was pretty hard to decide who should go to fashion week since they were all good.


Season 3 comes to mind, where even the judges couldn't choose three designers and had all four show their collections. I often said if they were smart they'd all get together to form a designer label and do a full line.....Laura doing formals and business suits, Micheal doing sportswear, Uli with resort wear and Jeff taking care of juniors and club wear. I'd buy most of their styles.


Speaking of past seasons, I was happy to see Christian Siriano after all this time. He was the same age as April when he was on the show yet she looks so much older for some reason. DH, who is in the middle of season 4 watching repeats, was unhappy about the spoiler effect when they announced him as the season 4 winner. :rolleyes:

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I was kinda surprised at the enthusiasm the judges showed over Michael's dress. I liked it, but I thought they would not.


I was so happy he went on. And, I'd much rather see him go to fashion week than Gretchen. If only as a reward for putting up with so much garbage. That had to make a hard competition much harder.


But it's the Mondo show for me. I managed to find two of his fashion show runway looks online and they did not disappoint.


I was so happy to see Christian there. I believe that of all the winners they've had, he's the only one who still has his/her own showing for fashion week. Love him!


I'm a bit disappointed about April. Hers is a distinct look, and she stayed true to it with every challenge. I've got to give her props for that.


But Gretchen WHINING about having to use something (anything) in NYC as her inspiration??????:eek: If you can't find it there, you can't find it, girl.

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As a whole, I thought this season was on the boring side. Mondo was the only one who stood out for me. In past seasons when they got down to the last four, it was pretty hard to decide who should go to fashion week since they were all good. Except for Mondo, I can't see any of the other three...maybe Andy.... making it this far if they had been up against some of the others we've seen.


To me, one of the defining features of this season has been the mean-spirited behavior of so many. I know that we've had bad behaving designers before, like Jeff in cycle 4 (I think), but this season it was from so many different people. Ivy seems seriously demented to me. Did she make up the rumor that Michael C. was talking badly about her? And the cheating accusation was clearly manufactured. Gretchen was so two faced that I don't think she even knew where she stood.


Now don't shoot me down, but I kind of like Gretchen's style at times. She has a retro feel that hearkens back to the more appealing versions of 70s style.


Still, I agree, Mondo is in it to win it. Can't wait to see his collection...fact I might cheat and go looking at some of the pics from Fashion Week.


I'm curious to see what Michael C.'s collection will look like, because I don't know if he is just good at second guessing the judges and performing in a challenge, or if he is a genuinely original designer. He seems so random, as far as the quality and creative process. I want to see his collection just to be able to figure out if he's for real.


Andy doesn't do anything for me. His designs maybe are well constructed, but the warrior women bore me.


I'm excited to see the final collections, but I'm SO SAD that this season is ending!! These seasons always go by too fast!!!

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I don't know that this season is boring or just simply annoying. I do have to agree with the comment that Mondo is the only designer giving us what we expect from "runway".


I think I'm just not into the black that April has presented, or the hard lines of Andys' work. Michael has presented some OK stuff, some of it was a bit pathetic.


Gretchen...I kind of like some of her things, not the baggy, saggy stuff. But her designs are just not what I expect of fashion runway, at least in my fashion magazine/online observation. I've never been to a real fashion show. Her stuff is what you would see hanging in the stores. I've never considered Project Runway to be for designers creating off the rack stuff.


I want to see stuff like Christian Siriano, Chris March, Mondo, Laura Bennet, Rami etc...

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Where did you find Mondo's looks online? I know the gal that carries Seth Aaron and Mila's is trying to get his clothes for her boutique .. so I have my fingers crossed.


It was during fashion week. I googled his name and among the top hits were pix of a long dress with big dots and another colorful dress. I don't remember the site at all, sorry.

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I want to see stuff like Christian Siriano, Chris March, Mondo, Laura Bennet, Rami etc...


Yes! Yes! Yes!


Chris March just killed me during that short "all stars" challenge. He'd sleep most of the time and then whip up a killer outfit.

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I want to see stuff like Christian Siriano, Chris March, Mondo, Laura Bennet, Rami etc...

Awwwwww, the good old days.;)


Is the boring/annoying the fault of the powers that be who chose these people? Did they see something in them that did not materialize,(groan)? Were they picking people who they thought might create drama? I felt even ones who were the most adversarial in previous seasons could still produce and put their money where their mouth was.

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You can find pics of all the looks in each collection on New York Magazine for the following designers:


Depending upon which episodes have aired and when the actual show during NY Fashion Week is, the producers have all of the remaining contestants put together a collection so that the audience at the show won't know who're in the final three. But the judges only critique the final three. This backfired for them one year when one of the non-finalist, Kara Janx, had an amazing collection that started up a new fashion trend. Personally, I think that's why they do the fourth contestant elimination during fashion week.


Looking at the pictures though is not the same as seeing the clothes in motion. In past seasons I've looked at the pics, had a clear favorite, and then totally changed my mind once I've seen the clothes in motion.


That said...Valerie's looks started so promising with the first two, but I was really disappointed with most of the others. I like Mondo's collection, but I almost feel like it is too much of the same that we are used to from him.


What do the rest of you think?

Edited by LNLisa
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I wonder.... does this mean they all get the $8000, or do they just show what they'd made before the season started?


I believe they do all get money for their new collections--whether it's $8000 or not I could not say.


Sometimes PR will post the video of their collections on the website after the season is ended.

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Hey everyone!

I'm pulling through in the "home stretch" here...


I think it tells a major story, when you really look at everyone's work throughout the season.

I'm judging this based on their creativity within the actual Challenge - so thumbs up is great for the challenge, thumbs up with smile is great for the challenge and good design as well (and vice-versa for the thumbs down).


More comments later, but for now I wanted to post these so you at least have two full days and a week to really re-think the season...


I'm not going to waste time on everybody, as it just isn't worth it...

So, you get the top five!

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I not a huge fan or April's and I have two conflicting thoughts about her.

First of all, I think that she really, really showed that she is basically one note and one variation of a theme.

I don't think that she deserved that win for the Goth Lingerie for the Resort Wear Challenge. That was ridiculous, and Andy or even Michael C were robbed that week.

I don't think she deserved a Fashion Week Final 3.

So, I'm fine with their decision.

I'm also extremely bored with designers who only "think in black".



On the other hand, I think that there is a market for her out there - and I think she could make some good money designing clothes for Hot Topic, as well as stores on Melrose in LA and The Village in NY. Perhaps Halstead Street in Chicago.

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Andy has his moments, but not a lot of them.

I do think that he should have won for the Resort Wear Challenge.

I think that he coulda-shoulda been auffed several times for

The Jackie Kennedy Crazy Pantaloons, The Make Your Own Print Challenge - where the poor model looked like her boobs were a demented happy face,

And there is no way in H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks that his Skeleton Halloween Hoodies should have won over Mondo in that Heidi Activewear Challenge.

No frikkin' way. Heidi just wanted that dress, and I guess they figured that Mondo couldn't win again that week...

But, seriously judges? For real, those would only be fashionable one night a year - and that would be if Casual Night fell on October 31st on a cruise.:eek:


In the context of the show though, I really think that he should have been #3 to Fashion Week and not even Gretchen based on that last Challenge.


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Speaking of Gretchen, I find that I really only liked two of her designs this season. I don't think that she should have won that Editorial Billboard Challenge in any way with that boring jumper thing.

Valerie's perfect red dress was robbed, on Valerie's only great week.


While there is some sort of skill or talent here, it all began to look very Ross or Marshall's to me.

Sure retro can be extremely cool and fun - too bad Gretchen never really got that memo.

I guess she was too busy thinking that she is far greater than she actually is...


My opinion, is that I don't think that Gretchen is actually a Mean Girl and Evil like Ivy. Ivy is one of those girl's who grew up "average", but her parents and everyone around her told her she was the best, the pretties, the most, talented, and anyone that didn't agree were too ignorant to realize how amazing she was...

The problem with raising children like that, when they grow up and hit the real world - they are forever out of touch with reality and become continual unfair bullies.


On the other hand, I think that Gretchen is one of those kids who grew up with no self esteem, and is really soft and weak on the inside.

So, she overcompensates on the outside way too much.

She continually has to justify her greatness, or else the house or cards that is her Ego will come crashing down around her.


I don't think there is any way, shape, or form that Gretchen should have gone onto the Final Four based on the last challenge.

I actually think that April was better on that last day.


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Which brings me to the only two people I really liked this season:


Michael C



I really liked him. I think that he made some really beautiful designs this year.

It's simple, but beautiful with a twist. The judges actually got it right in their praise of him.

I really hope that he makes it to the Final Two for Fashion Week.

He deserves it.


If you look at all of his designs for the season, you can really notice that he is far, far more versatile than all the other designers that were hating on him!

He's far more versatile with color, and I think he has a great eye and use of color.

He uses far more different silhouettes that the others, and adjusted according to the challenge.

He has a beautiful understanding of FABRIC, and that is really his gift.

He designs according to how the fabric actually fells, drapes, and moves.

I totally think he deserved the win for the Hat Challenge. It was a perfect color/design compliment.

He deserved the win for the Bridesmaid Dress Challenge, as it was to design for the public voting on what they liked the best.

And he got the most votes by a landslide!

And he deserved that win for the NYC Challenge. That dress was simple, but spectacular. It moved like something out of a movie, and the cut of the back and the sides elevated to a new level.

I actually think that he coulda/shoulda won for the Resort Challenge as I thought it was the most Resort Designwear. Could be dressed up or down.

Cruise, Vegas, Cannes, Cabo San Lucas - it would have worked for all.

I actually thought that his Make Your Own Print had some of the most interesting actual design, compared to the others;

And I actually thought that his Heidi Activewear was better and more wearable than Andy's.

His dress was actually more interesting in the silhouette, an more wearable.

And guess what judges, those Earth Colors happened to look absolutely spectacular on that redheaded model!


Now, I think that Michael C really needs a couple more years to come into his own. He's close, but not quite yet.

I really hope that he comes in 2nd in the Final Runway.

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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Which brings us to



Clearly the favorite, and rightly so...

His only misstep was the Resort Wear...

But, he just got better, and better, and better.

The Jackie Kennedy was phenomenal.

His Editorial Design was the clear winner.

His Make Your Own Pattern was head and shoulders above the rest.

He was completely ROBBED for the Heidi Activewear Challenge!

He had the best and most wearable designs. They actually fit into Heidi's collection seamlessly. And they were actually better, or at least more interestingly designed than anything in Heidi's actual collection!

Both the Circular Jacket and the Rectangle Ponco would be comfortable, stylish, interesting, and most importantly wearable by women of all sizes!


He is the best, and I like him.

So, I hope that he wins, with Michael C in 2nd Place.

Then I hope that they continue to be friends and work together in the future!

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