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Project Runway?


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Never apologize for cruising!! :):) Hope you had a great time! Thanks for the links. I see the resemblance you were referring to.

Edited by SeagoingMom
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Well, that was a surprise ending! I really didn't care for any of the looks so I would have had a hard time being a judge.


With all we have said about Alyssa's clothes, I had a good chuckle at the beginning when she said something to the effect of "what we wear plays a huge part in the way people feel about us".



What was Zanna wearing? It looked like a sheer skirt over pants.

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I think it says a lot about this season that much of what we are discussing isn't the designers and their work, but Alyssa's and Zanna's clothing choices! So I will continue in that vein :rolleyes:


Zanna's look reminded me of childhood winters in Connecticut when we would pull pants on under our skirts to keep ours legs warm while we walked to school! (We did it in college in Minnesota, too! :o) In general, I have not been fond of Zanna's outfits through this show. She seems, like so many "fashionistas," to value innovation over aesthetics. This is the polar opposite of my priorities while dressing.


Alyssa just looked huge. Well, huge and sloppy. There is no getting around the fact that she is huge at the moment, but I have a feeling that her outfit under that horrible men's-rack-at-the-thrift-store sleeveless jacket would have been reasonably flattering. The pink was pretty and looked good on her. Her hair, though, as it has been in many episodes, was a disaster.


Now for the designers' work. I really hate the menswear challenges -- there is no way, from what I have learned on this show, to make decent menswear in such a short time. And in this challenge, the designers who were forced to do menswear were at a distinct disadvantage over those who got to do what pretty much all PR designers do best -- ladieswear. (Is that what it's called? "Womenswear" doesn't sound right, either...) It's different when all of the designers have to do menswear. I applaud the designers who did sweaters, as they didn't require all the fancy tailoring. The winning look, however, was a big-time snooze.


On the other hand, nothing else on the runway was stellar. But several outfits were more interesting, wearable and flattering than the "flood" pants and the hospital scrubs top, IMO. But then again, "wearable" is a four-letter word on this show, so maybe that's why Fabio's yawn-a-licious outfit won.


I am glad no one was sent home because of this challenge. It would have been too unkind. And I, personally, would hate to see Justin go -- he is such a pleasant guy. And in spite of her emotionality, I like Helen, too. She tries hard! (when she isn't dissolving in tears...)

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Alyssa just looked huge. Well, huge and sloppy. There is no getting around the fact that she is huge at the moment, but I have a feeling that her outfit under that horrible men's-rack-at-the-thrift-store sleeveless jacket would have been reasonably flattering. The pink was pretty and looked good on her. Her hair, though, as it has been in many episodes, was a disaster.



I thought this was her best outfit of the season actually. I even liked the hair. Oh, well, that isn't saying a lot.


This challenge was a mess. I know the couples volunteered, but talk about putting people on the spot! The time crunch was whack-a-doodle. Half men's/half women's -- that's not right. And that special prize? Whoopie. Not.


I would have sent Samantha home. Not only was it beyond boring blah, it looked all wrong -- like she grabbed two things out of the closet that really didn't work together.


I could see why they gave it to Fabio. Talking about the rationale, that is. Dimitri's sweater was the only thing I cared for.

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I realize they want to complete filming the show in the least amount of time but designing, buying supplies, and completing any outfit in one day is ridiculous and this week's garments proved that.


This is why I should probably just watch the finals and nothing else..... you really don't get to appreciate each designer's talent until you see what they can do in an unhurried, reasonable time frame and comfortable environment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watching Alyssa on the Late, Late Show with Drew Carey guest hosting. She wore another very frumpy outfit. She mentioned that they were filming a reunion show this week and she asked one of the designers to help her out. When it airs it will be interesting to see if one of the designers dress her better than whoever is doing it now.

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Watching Alyssa on the Late, Late Show with Drew Carey guest hosting. She wore another very frumpy outfit. She mentioned that they were filming a reunion show this week and she asked one of the designers to help her out. When it airs it will be interesting to see if one of the designers dress her better than whoever is doing it now.

Yep, you were right -- the dress (cement-colored nightgown) was very unflattering. The worst of it was the horizontal tuck (pick-up?) right across the front, just above the knee. It looked accidental -- like somehow part of her dress had gotten stuck to itself by static electricity or something, and that she needed to pull it down to disentangle it. It also fought with the overly large ruffles swooping across the front. I did notice that after she sat down she pulled the slit open to expose her knees and lower legs in order to create a little sex appeal, which the dress otherwise did not.


IMO, someone who has her body shape (even if the shape is temporary due to a recent pregnancy) should wear something a lot more tailored -- not so soft and clingy. And nobody should wear that color (it isn't really a color at all.)

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Horrible entry. From everyone leering at the pool guys to the final runway.


When Dmitry picked those dismal colors I just knew Isaac would call him out on them, like: Those aren't resort colors, they're for military wear." Was I wrong. But I still think that dull green is the last color one wants at a beachy resort -- or on a cruise. BTW, camo is against the law to wear in some countries -- including at least one Caribbean isle.


And Justin's swim suit was cute (but imagine the tan lines!), however he basically didn't really use the fabric provided -- just a touch of trim. And why were they so impressed with a black suit? That's about as common as you can get.


Jay's dress was beautiful, IMO. That's something I would love to have on a cruise. His swimsuit was not like anything you see -- which could be considered "fresh," but it did look weird.


I regularly wore suits as high cut as Samantha's back in the 80s -- and with necklines that plunged further (my body could rock them then *sigh*). So I didn't see what got the judges all riled up. However, my suits did cover more in the rear but several other suits were revealing in that area, too.


Did anyone notice that they didn't even show Alyssa's runway-day outfit completely except for a super brief walking away shot? I guess even the editors can't stand her clothes. ha ha

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Swimsuits...oh brother...reminds me of the lingerie challenge numerous seasons ago -- remember Santino's "Octoberfest wench" get-up from season 4? Horrible.

prep4.jpg I wish the challenges would stick to actual clothing, and skip the nightwear, swimwear, athletic wear....


I liked Michelle's black and yellow suit, though it looked like it was a size or two too small for the model. It was otherwise very flattering. No surprise it was the best in the bunch since Michelle said swimwear was her thing. Too bad her dress was so frumpy. Ironically, she put that tuck in the front that Nigel said made it look like her dress had gotten caught in her underwear -- that was exactly the same sort of front tuck I commented on in a previous post regarding Alyssa Milano's cement-grey dress on the Late Show! Must be a tend -- a bad one!


As for Alyssa -- the bright red and blue patterned dress she wore on this episode was the best garment she'd worn all season, IMO. At least what could be seen of it... Cheerful, and busy enough to function as camouflage. In the white top and slim pants she wore in the pool scene she looked big enough to be preparing to give birth to quadruplets. Does anyone know if she was pregnant with multiples? It is so unusual for TV and movie stars to get that big in pregnancy.

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I liked Michelle's black and yellow suit, though it looked like it was a size or two too small for the model. It was otherwise very flattering. No surprise it was the best in the bunch since Michelle said swimwear was her thing. Too bad her dress was so frumpy. Ironically, she put that tuck in the front that Nigel said made it look like her dress had gotten caught in her underwear -- that was exactly the same sort of front tuck I commented on in a previous post regarding Alyssa Milano's cement-grey dress on the Late Show! Must be a tend -- a bad one!


I wondered if it was the same from your description. Thanks for confirming!

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"I don't get shark from this dress but who cares."


That pretty much sums up the judges attitude towards this whole all stars season. They don't care about the parameters of the challenge or know a thing about the designers beyond what is in front of their noses.


Michelle was the only one who really went avant garde. Dmitry won with a technique he did more than once in his winning season. All the looks (except Michelle's) were pretty much what I would expect to see on a runway from any bold/up-and-coming designer.


At least Alyssa had on a decent looking outfit for a change. That was the highlight of the show.


As to the prize of $5000 of nail stuff. I'd be saying "no thanks" to that. You'd have to pay real money in taxes for a bunch of stuff no designer really needs or probably even wants. Except, maybe, Helen.;)


This challenge had such potential -- inspiration from sea creatures and avant garde were made for each other. Too bad.

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Alyssa had a baby girl about five months ago ... just one LOL ... some women just blow up while pregnant some barely look pregnant ... that's the beauty of being women, we're all so different but all beautiful ... Project Runway is filmed months before airing, don't forget that the finalists get a few weeks to design their final collection.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forums mobile app

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Alyssa had a baby girl about five months ago ... just one LOL ... some women just blow up while pregnant some barely look pregnant ... that's the beauty of being women, we're all so different but all beautiful ... Project Runway is filmed months before airing, don't forget that the finalists get a few weeks to design their final collection.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forums mobile app


LOL I forgot about that but didn't realize it was that long of a delay, especially when the "week" between challenges is really only a day!

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LOL ... I know it takes me a whole day just to get patterns cut ... I'm pretty sure there's something like six weeks from the finalists being named until the final runway ... I saw that the finale was filmed 24 weeks ago ... Alyssa is still pregnant in that episode, she had her baby about a month after the show ended.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forums mobile app

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Alyssa's clothes seem to have been the major topic for our discussion this season.:D Just watched the avant garde episode I missed last week. The dress she wore at the beginning (at the aquarium) had the pattern in a really unflattering position down the front.


Although I liked Dimitri's I thought Michelle's was more avant garde. I was surprised how much they liked Helen's. Sorry Justin had to go home.

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I did a quick google for G.I.L.I. since I do not do QVC. It's pretty general as far as I could tell. Maybe aimed at 30+?


I really, really liked the winning look tonight. It met the criteria and was very cool. I also thought Dmitry's was gorgeous, if off base for the challenge.


Absolutely hated Michelle's print. Maybe the designs weren't too bad -- all I could see was the print. But I'm not a print fan. I finally realized that when I buy a print it hardly ever leaves the closet.


I didn't think Fabio's work was all that bad. But, then, I love his general approach to clothes -- flowy, unstructured, comfortable, unisex. Life would be so much easier if people dressed like that.


Watching this show has sure lowered my opinion of Mizrahi.

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Did NOT like Michelle's print at all and neither design was set apart from the other. The print hurt my eyes.


Ummmmm, didn't Michelle make a derisive comment about Sonjia's design, or at least the yellow and gray combo, something about being reminded of her grandmother's clothes? People should really be careful of what they say.;)

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Alyssa had a baby girl about five months ago ... just one LOL ... some women just blow up while pregnant some barely look pregnant ... that's the beauty of being women, we're all so different but all beautiful ... Project Runway is filmed months before airing, don't forget that the finalists get a few weeks to design their final collection.


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I don't remember All Stars having the same 6 weeks or however long the regular PR designers have. I'm pretty sure they only get 3 days or a week or something silly like that.

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I don't remember All Stars having the same 6 weeks or however long the regular PR designers have. I'm pretty sure they only get 3 days or a week or something silly like that.


IIRC, the All Stars do not put on as big a collection as the regular seasons nor do they show at a "Fashion Week".


I like the All Stars because I get to see some of the more interesting designers again and interacting with others but, all in all, I prefer the regular seasons.

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Did NOT like Michelle's print at all and neither design was set apart from the other. The print hurt my eyes.


Ummmmm, didn't Michelle make a derisive comment about Sonjia's design, or at least the yellow and gray combo, something about being reminded of her grandmother's clothes? People should really be careful of what they say.;)


Helen said that. It struck me at the time, too.

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Did NOT like Michelle's print at all and neither design was set apart from the other. The print hurt my eyes.


Ummmmm, didn't Michelle make a derisive comment about Sonjia's design, or at least the yellow and gray combo, something about being reminded of her grandmother's clothes? People should really be careful of what they say.;)


Helen said that. It struck me at the time, too.

I think comments such as these are scripted -- just to create a dichotomy between the winning designer and others who think they themselves are in the running. Show after show after show someone makes snarky remarks about the one who eventually wins, or says something about his or her own look, such as, "I think I'm going to win this one," but then that contestant ends up in the bottom.


Even if the comments aren't scripted, I think the designers may try to make sure they are filmed making some sort of negative remark about another designer. If it happens to be the one who eventually wins, they are more likely to have their comment included in the episode, just for the irony. I am sure they all want to see their faces on TV as much as they can. Even "negative" exposure is still exposure -- free advertising. They are all, win or lose, trying to get an "in" into the fashion world.

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