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Hi, I watched last night.....personally, I think Jeffrey is weird...

this is just my opinion. I know his mother was there but my god,

the boy doesn't give a s**t about anyone. Yes, I said boy because

he acts like one. He has always acted like he was better than

everyone else..last night I thought he was totally MEAN.:(


As for the winner....Vincent is still strange to me as well.


And I have always liked Robert and wish he would have

stepped out of the box more. Sorry he is gone.


Now, for the Mom's and sister's....that was a twist!

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Jeffrey is my new target of irritation. Congrats to Laura on her pregnancy. Now her sternum will be covered in boobies. I thought Michael's outfit was great! I am not going to comment on Michael Kor's ideas of how a plus size woman should dress. Ugh.


Vincent won? Is the earth out of orbit and no one told me?

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shame on jeffrey for making someone elses mother cry...he should have apoligized for doing that....Robert will be missed...everyone seemed to like him...even jeffrey shed a few tears for him....vincent won, who knew he had it in him...his outfit wasn't my favorite....I also thought that those that had a thinner model had an advantage....it was easier to design for the smaller women. Jeffrey's design looked like the poor woman was wearing a garbage bag.....can't wait for next week's show

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I hate to say it, but Vincent deserved the win last night. His sister looked like she would have rather been anywhere else though.

Since this is Cruise critic, don't you think both Uli's and Kaynes outfits would be great for cruising?



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I loved Uli's. I was not so fond of Kayne's. I did agree about the line. I hated to agree with Michael Kor's on this one, since I believe his statements about plus size women are off.


Years ago a famous designer (his name escapes me) said that plus size women can never look good, no matter what they do. A few years later he jumped on the plus size bandwagon. I remembered that and will never purchase clothing from his line. I'm not as large as I used to be, but he's off the list. Dang it, I cannot remember his name.

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Jeffrey -- ugh, a waste of molecules. His outfit was hideous, but I can see why Robert got the axe, since his wasn't any better AND he's consistently been at the bottom of the pack. I think Jeffrey's attitude is what will do him in.


I actually liked Vincent's dress, but he gives off a very creepy vibe.


Michael and Ulli quietly continue to do well.


I have to say that I was a bit disappointed in Laura's design. To her credit, she 'fessed up that it didn't turn out as she had planned and wasn't very flattering on the person wearing it (can't remember whose mom or sister it was...) And wow, 6 kids?? I can't imagine being pregnant and being on this show, with all the pressure. But did you notice how Laura always seems to just go at it quietly and she always seems to be finished while everyone else is frantically working during the last hour? Maybe being a mom of 5 has honed her ability to be organized and work fast.

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I enjoyed the show last night, it was different. To me, it shows that the producers are trying to bring out talent to showcase. Talent is not just making skinny, gorgeous women look good, but also women with not so perfect bodies. Not just the plus-sized, either, the slender women also had much different builds than the typical model.


Jeffrey and Robert both did what I think is horrid for a plus sized women, which is to use too much heavy fabric. Roberts was certainly boring, but Jeffreys was the most horrid creation I've ever seen on the show this season. (take it back, Vincent has made some terrible jokes out of "fashion") Not only was it not flattering, it looked sloppy. Watching Roberts model struggle, limping down the runway with a frown on her face probably did nothing to impress the judges, either. I felt bad for her, she looked as though she was in pain.


Of course, Kayne wasn't much better, but I think his choice of material and color probably saved him. If he had made a long pant, the whole look would have been far more slenderizing.


Uli seemed to be the only one capable of designing a flattering look for the plus sized woman. I think, given more time to design and construct, she would have probably walked off with the win this week.


Michaels was nice, I would have liked to see a regular belt with it, instead of the fabric tie. Lauras would have worked better with a pair of pants, or a skirt that wasn't so high waisted, but it was all rather plain for her. I know I would not wear an outfit like that on a cruise, nothing even close.


Angela? Why is she there? How did she get on this show?


Vincent creeps me out. I wasn't crazy for his dress at all, it looked kind of Judy Jetson to me.


For me, I think Michael, Uli and Laura will be the final 3. I've looked back on all of Jeffreys designs and can say I'm not really impressed with anything he has done. A lot of it, for me, is the construction, I think edgy is great, but he just doesn't seem to have any quality to his construction or fit and he seems to miss the mark on it. The newspaper dress was the best, but even revisiting that it is horrendous. (Santino was edgy, but there was a wearable style to his stuff. He was also terrible at construction, but look how far he went. I hope his designs are sewn by other people, so they don't fall apart at the seams, or come unglued in public :p )


You have to wonder why they make the decisions they do, I suppose it's true, drama adds to the show and Jeffrey adds drama with his sneering and hurtful remarks to everyone. His rude comments regarding (I think) Roberts garment and then to produce an ugly, ill fitting and poorly constructed garment as he did was appalling. So, drama wins over boring.


I love that show!!!

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Personally, I'm not a fan of Jeffry's style but he is talented.


I think the blame goes equally between Jeffry and Angela's mother in that stoopid fiasco. I mean really, Jeffry could have held his tongue as could Angela's mother. Don't show your ass in front of this person and embarrass them.


Robert was out of his league. I more and more think the final will be Uli, Micheal and Jeffry.


There isn't really a third designer as strong as Michael and Uli but Uli is clearly the front runner.


I think Michael Kors mom was really MK in a wig.

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I think Michael Kors mom was really MK in a wig.


Ya know, if they weren't standing next to each other side by side, in person ;) . She seemed like a lovely lady.


I loved all the moms. It did not surprise me that Jeffrey and Angelas' mom got into it, I can only imagine what Angela has said to her. Losing my own mother when I was 21, I'm a little partial to moms and I tend to be overly sensitive when someone like Jeffrey treats them bad. But you're right, she did her part in the argument as well. If she had not cried, I think she would not have looked as much a victim as they portrayed her to be. I was, however, glad that she held her tongue and did not say anything personal toward him (only the clothes) on the runway.

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When is Uli going to win a challenge? I thought she was going to win last night, but I did like Vincent's dress. I think Uli or is it Ule has done some great designs and deserves to win.


Amy in San Diego


If you've noticed, she's never been in the bottom two and is usually always considered for the win.

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Uli - Loved her outfit. I feel it should've won. It was a flattering outfit for a plus size woman and Kayne's mom looked great in it.


Michael - Nice outfit but it didn't wow me.


Vincent - Disagree with him winning. It wasn't a bad outfit, but it wasn't great either. Maybe it was the translation to TV, but it looked like it bunched in places on the front. Plus I didn't like the fact that it had a huge collar in the front, but the collar didn't extend to the back. It in fact had a v-shaped dip in the neck line in the back.


Kayne - I liked the capri pants, and the color. The top though should've had a lower neckline and could've been more tailored.


Laura - I was so excited when she said she was going to do something cruise inspired but the final product was a big disappointment. The skirt was too highwaisted and the colors were BLAH! It definitely would've been better with some pants. I was sort of laughing at her jokes about her kids, she really does have a sense of humor.


Angela - The outfit did not fit the personality of Laura's mom at all, and really wasn't well made. It wasn't the worst outfit, but definitely deserved to be in the bottom 3.


Robert - Once again it was boring. So yes his model wanted black and red. Why did that mean he had to go for a solid black and solid red? Couldn't he have found a nice graphic print in that fabric store with red and black in the print? The idea for the top was nice, but why does everybody think that being plus size means it must be loosy goosy.


Jeffrey - Jeffrey's outfit was the absolute worst. Dear, dear Jeffrey. Your mom is really nice. And I'm really impressed with what you've overcome as it reminds me of my brother. But I'll tell you what my brother does when he has a client he disagrees with. When you have an opinionated client that you disagree with, instead of telling them they're just insecure and wrong, you find a way diplomatically to bring them around to your point of view. You don't ride roughshod over their feelings. Yes, Angela's mom was too picky to begin with, but instead of working with that Jeffrey ignored his client's wants. The periwinkle blue was a good choice for Angela's mom - but not with those other colors, they all blended together, and became blah. The styling on the dress was horrific, and what was with that horrid vest over top of it. And the fabrics were all wrong. The outfit highlighted every bad thing about her body. Please Jeffrey learn to listen to your client, and if you still disagree find a way to bring them around to your point of view - without insulting them.

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This is my absolute favorite show.


I have to say, I don't dislike Vincent as much as most of you. He makes me think of Austin Powers for some reason -- like he's stuck in the 60s -- even though he's not quite old enough. Overall, I like his clothes better than Jeffry's. He does make the oddest faces.


My final three? Definately Uli and Michael. Then either Laura or Kayne for the other spot. It depends on whether Laura steps out of herself or Kayne gets his groove back. I just can't see any of the others making it.


I really thought Allison would be in the finals. She probably would have been better off with her original recycle outfit design. It's tough to abandon one idea half way through for another.


Laura and Uli both impress me with their organization and composure, though Laura is a mite over-Mommy-ish. Jeffry thinks he's a rock star -- what a jerk. I just don't care for Angela's style. Her look is best when it isn't her style (Hepburn and INC). I really love Kayne. It was so exciting to me to really see his ball gown on Miss Universe -- the same dress!!! It didn't look like they had changed the design at all.


I love this show. What BRAVO does right and networks screw up is having people who are qualified to compete. If you watched the Hillfiger fiasco, they had magazine editors, boutique owners, etc. -- not experienced fashion designers. And Top Chef (BRAVO) vs. Hell's Kitchen (FOX) was the same thing.


Bravo to BRAVO!

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I have to agree with most of SeaBunny's comments. I don't dislike Vincent on a personal level. He just seems like he is befuddled all the time but harmless, unlike Jeffrey and Angela who are both abrasive and unlikeable. However, it was interesting to hear about Jeffrey's past and makes me a little more forgiving of his nastiness. He has come a long way.


I think Angela's mom deserves most of the blame for the argument with Jeffrey. Complaining about the colors he had chosen after he spent the $100 and there was nothing he could do about it was rude and useless (as I recall she asked for blue and purple and that is what he got her). It is like getting a blue blouse as a gift and then asking the giver why they didn't buy it in red. You just say thank you and put it in the back of your closet if you don't like it. Angela and her mother are both very demanding difficult people, as is Jeffrey. I also didn't like Angela bad mouthing Jeffrey's outfit on the runway. Her comments just made her look petty and difficult. I also didn't like the way she coached her mom to bad mouth the outfit. Angela is so disagreeable I hope she goes next.


I am not crazy about Vincent's fashion style. The dress he made for Uli's mother was the best thing he has done by far but I am not sure it deserved the win. That collar was a little strange, but it did fit her well and was better than most of the other outfits except Uli's outfit. I thought she had a more difficult task with an overweight model and she came up with a very flattering fit and style. Uli's mom is thin and tall and should be easy to design for. It wasn't a fair challenge because some had younger, thinner models and some had older, overweight models.


Most of the outfits were atrocious on this challenge. These designers better learn how to design for plus size models because that is the real world. I think Uli and Michael will be in the final three for sure and probably Laura with Kayne standing a chance if he can get back into the swing of things. His last two creations have been awful. I think Angela or Jeffrey will be out next they are both too uneven. Jeffrey is a great constructionist but his style is too far out for the judges (and for me). He does make the best fitted pants of anyone on the show. Angela has done two good outfits (the Macy's challenge and the Audrey Hepburn dress) but that won't be enough to keep her in. I thought Vincent would go this week but now I guess he has immunity so he will be around for at least two more shows (not deserved).


Is it just me or does anyone else find Heidi's outfits sort of 60's and 70's retro? She is supposed to be the height of fashion but I haven't liked many of her outfits this season. Many of the outfits by the designers on the show were far more fashionable than the professional designer clothes she is wearing.

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I have to agree with most of SeaBunny's comments. I don't dislike Vincent on a personal level. He just seems like he is befuddled all the time but harmless, unlike Jeffrey and Angela who are both abrasive and unlikeable. However, it was interesting to hear about Jeffrey's past and makes me a little more forgiving of his nastiness. He has come a long way.


I think Angela's mom deserves most of the blame for the argument with Jeffrey. Complaining about the colors he had chosen after he spent the $100 and there was nothing he could do about it was rude and useless (as I recall she asked for blue and purple and that is what he got her). It is like getting a blue blouse as a gift and then asking the giver why they didn't buy it in red. You just say thank you and put it in the back of your closet if you don't like it. Angela and her mother are both very demanding difficult people, as is Jeffrey. I also didn't like Angela bad mouthing Jeffrey's outfit on the runway. Her comments just made her look petty and difficult. I also didn't like the way she coached her mom to bad mouth the outfit. Angela is so disagreeable I hope she goes next.


I am not crazy about Vincent's fashion style. The dress he made for Uli's mother was the best thing he has done by far but I am not sure it deserved the win. That collar was a little strange, but it did fit her well and was better than most of the other outfits except Uli's outfit. I thought she had a more difficult task with an overweight model and she came up with a very flattering fit and style. Uli's mom is thin and tall and should be easy to design for. It wasn't a fair challenge because some had younger, thinner models and some had older, overweight models.


Most of the outfits were atrocious on this challenge. These designers better learn how to design for plus size models because that is the real world. I think Uli and Michael will be in the final three for sure and probably Laura with Kayne standing a chance if he can get back into the swing of things. His last two creations have been awful. I think Angela or Jeffrey will be out next they are both too uneven. Jeffrey is a great constructionist but his style is too far out for the judges (and for me). He does make the best fitted pants of anyone on the show. Angela has done two good outfits (the Macy's challenge and the Audrey Hepburn dress) but that won't be enough to keep her in. I thought Vincent would go this week but now I guess he has immunity so he will be around for at least two more shows (not deserved).


Is it just me or does anyone else find Heidi's outfits sort of 60's and 70's retro? She is supposed to be the height of fashion but I haven't liked many of her outfits this season. Many of the outfits by the designers on the show were far more fashionable than the professional designer clothes she is wearing.


I believe that this challenge didn't give immunity to the winner. But I could be wrong.

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"Is it just me or does anyone else find Heidi's outfits sort of 60's and 70's retro? She is supposed to be the height of fashion but I haven't liked many of her outfits this season. Many of the outfits by the designers on the show were far more fashionable than the professional designer clothes she is wearing."


I absolutely hate almost everything Heidi has worn (this week was OK). They're worse than retro. Supermodel she doesn't even look good in them. I don't know who she is wearing, but yuck.

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I believe that this challenge didn't give immunity to the winner. But I could be wrong.


You're right. There was no immunity granted to the winner of this week's challenge (thank goodness!).


My least favorites are Vincent and Angela, with Jeffrey close behind. My favorites are Michael and Uli. Laura and Kayne I flip flop about.

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Now that we're down to only a handful, I can finally remember their names! LOL!


Here's my take........


Vincent - I've never found him creepy or threatening. I like alot of his things, he just gets carried away sometimes with silly details. The green dress he did a few weeks ago was stunning - only the extended bit of fabric on the shoulders was weird. If shown to buyers, most would tell him that and they'd be gone. If Vincent paired himself with a good business manager to run day-to-day operations and a good merchandiser, he could hit a home run with his own dress label.


Robert - I was sorry to see him go. Because he was a Barbie Doll clothing designer, I expected his designs to be more cutting edge and his tailoring to be under par, but it's just the opposite. The poor design he did for this challange shows his not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings. The "client" wanted black and red, so that's what he gave her. It's a big leap from designing for Barbie to designing for a Plus sized woman. Robert is not innovative enough to own a company that bears his name on the label, but my guess is that he'll get lots of offers from companies to be their head designer.


Kayne - He's best at glamour gowns for pretty women. His store is already successful and his appearance on this show is only going to bring him alot more success. He doesn't do other things, like daywear, well. He's extremely talented for a limited customer base. He'll never be the next Carmen Marc Valvo or Badgley Mischka but his store is going to explode with more business, IMO.

That outfit he made for Michael's mom was awful. The top too close to her neck and the pants only go to prove what I keep saying over and over on this board.....cropped pants look awful on anyone not super tall and super skinny!


Jeffrey - That outfit for Angela's mom made Robert's look good! It was so hideous! What was that extra triangle of fabric near the neck? Why was she wearing a menswear shirt underneath? I agree that though he was rude to Angela's mom, she didn't help matters any and seemed to be a downer from the get-go. And the time she spent crying to Angela only took away time from Angela to create her garment.


Angela - The dress didn't fit Laura's Mother style and it wasn't inspired by Audrey Hepburn as requested. However, I think I"m the only one that liked it! I thought it was a nice dress and I totally disagee with Kors mom that it was age inappropriate. It was long, covered up and not tight fitting, yet still waist defining. Black fringe on a black dress shouldn't be worn by a 60 year old? Why not?


Ulli - As usual, just fantastic. Though I hated the big neckace on a short, plus sized woman wearing a busy print. The vertical stripes on the print were enough. A big bangle bracelet would have been a better accessory IMO. Ulli's going far whether she wins or Project Runway or not. If she doesn't win, a backer will find her and finance a company with her label. Prints are the hardest thing to sell and she's got a true eye for them as well as wonderful tailoring. She's at ease designing for 25 year olds or 60 year olds. A rare gift for a designer and her charming, easy-going personality is the icing on the cake. She's already a winner.


Michael - I loved his reversible dress and I disagree with Kors that the belt was matronly. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. He shines.


Laura - I love her style, but this blouse and skirt was her worst creation, though it was still nice. I loved the high waist of the skirt, but the Blouse was too bunchy and so it looked sloppy instread of crisp. I hated the long scarf. I think her pregnancy has taken her out of the running. I don't think they're going to give seed money for a start-up company to a pregnant woman.


So, I think the final three with be Ulli, Michael and Laura, but Laura will not win.

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I absolutely hate almost everything Heidi has worn (this week was OK). They're worse than retro. Supermodel she doesn't even look good in them. I don't know who she is wearing, but yuck.


I agree. Does anyone know who designs Heidi's clothes for the show? Is it Michael Kors?

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