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“Chair hogging” in Observation Lounge.


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If you were eating dinner (or lunch, or breakfast) at the buffet and you stood up (for a nanosecond) to get seconds, a drink, dessert, etc and someone walked over to your table, removed all of your stuff, and sat themselves down in your seat, I'm wondering if your feelings on the matter might change.


This happens sometimes. I’ve had the wait staff bussing tables come and clear it while I was just getting up to refill my coffee.



Fortunately it’s a buffet. I’ll just go and replace what was there with a fresh plate.

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The only things a fellow guest would have an opportunity to move would be my dirty plates. Would never leave my phone on the table. No one wants to handle used dishes and cutlery. If some one did take the seat I had occupied and was patiently waiting for the staff to bus the table it is their seat now no question. Life is constant disruption. I enjoy my refilled beverage or desert or second serving that I don’t need in a new location.


But if I am eating with my party not everyone leaves at the same time. There usually is an informal rotation. If I am in the buffet solo, then not so hard to relocate.


I guess my take aways are ... never leave anything you value unattended. Maybe I leave a newspaper at the table and politely ask if I can reclaim it. These things seem to always work out. If someone is manhandling my phone the person I blame is myself.


No one can be in two places at the same time. Try it.


I didn’t make a sports analogy to make things seem cutthroat but rather bang bang. I am not going to wring my hands and lament if someone is sitting in a chair that is empty. I will sit and maybe have my full of scenery before the fictional aggrieved party even returns. Everyone wins, things were moved along. They just might have to pick their garbage off the floor.

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But having the staff clean is not the same as a guest moving your things and taking your seat.


Oops. I thought when you brought in the buffet analogy you were referring to the food on the table...

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But if I am eating with my party not everyone leaves at the same time. There usually is an informal rotation. If I am in the buffet solo, then not so hard to relocate.



Doesn't matter whether or not everyone leaves at the same time. The people in your party who are still eating are not allowed to save seats (remember that rule?) and...like you said...if you get out of your seat, even for a nanosecond, that seat is up for grabs. Oh well, you'd just have to go to the back of the queue.

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Doesn't matter whether or not everyone leaves at the same time. The people in your party who are still eating are not allowed to save seats (remember that rule?) and...like you said...if you get out of your seat, even for a nanosecond, that seat is up for grabs. Oh well, you'd just have to go to the back of the queue.


The people in my party wouldn’t have to lift a finger to save a seat because strangers in a cruise buffet don’t join dining parties they don’t know. No one behaves that way. It’s not like I travel with super models that are hit on the second I step away. ;p

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When did life become so muddled? The NFL is at a complete loss to define what constitutes catching a football. And we are equally in the dark deciding if a chair is occupied?


Is a person kneeling, sitting, standing, or lying prone on a piece of furniture? Then it is occupied. If they leave for a nanosecond for any of a billion possible reasons available in this universe then it is unoccupied.


I will throw your garbage on the floor every time. Didn’t pay my cruise fare so that your fanny pack can chill out. Take your garbage with you. Or take the chair with you if you are so attached. But know, the second you leave you fall to the back of the queue.




Soooo, not allowed to put my towel/things on a lounger while I go in the pool? And if you answer no then where would you suggest those items be placed?



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The people in my party wouldn’t have to lift a finger to save a seat because strangers in a cruise buffet don’t join dining parties they don’t know. No one behaves that way. It’s not like I travel with super models that are hit on the second I step away. ;p

You might not have sailed in Europe, where people asking to join a table if there were free seats is quite normal.

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Hogging is not “ camping out” to me. It’s trying to claim possession while not there. Ala towels on deck chairs. My question was really about what “ things” would be used to “hog”.


In any event anything left on an observation lounge chair would have to be considered in my mind to be abandoned if the owner does not take it with them when they leave the chair for more than 5 minutes. I would turn them in to a crew member so they can be brought to lost and found.


There is no excuse for leaving things on a chair for longer. Unlike at a pool where you can be using the chair to hold things while you get in the pool.


We should be able to place a card on our chair, designating that we are in the pool, and shall return shortly.

This may stop someone from disturbing our belongings.

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Getting back to the discussion of the Observation Lounge, not the pool or buffet, since I just got off the Bliss, I have an a couple of comments. The OL is a beautiful area and really quite large, however, the best view is right in front with limited viewing area. Congratulations to those that were able to score those seats. Seeing the best part of the glaciers took 1-2 hours and it occurred around dinner time. I attempted to get up front just for taking a picture and was met with rude comments, in fact some nasty comments and dirty looks, I explained just needed 30 seconds to get a full view picture and had dinner reservations so I wouldn't be staying. Didn't matter, no one wanted to share even 30 seconds of their precious view. Just common courtesy would go a long way. Families had their children up front on floor playing and not even viewing the scenery which took up prime real estate. I would never remove another persons belongings, though I would have liked to, but thats not my thing. It is true that people were on the couches and loungers sprawled out sleeping, some with bare feet, some had a pile of dirty dishes and glasses on the floor next to them. I can see this beautiful area becoming trashed very shortly.

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Getting back to the discussion of the Observation Lounge, not the pool or buffet, since I just got off the Bliss, I have an a couple of comments. The OL is a beautiful area and really quite large, however, the best view is right in front with limited viewing area. Congratulations to those that were able to score those seats. Seeing the best part of the glaciers took 1-2 hours and it occurred around dinner time. I attempted to get up front just for taking a picture and was met with rude comments, in fact some nasty comments and dirty looks, I explained just needed 30 seconds to get a full view picture and had dinner reservations so I wouldn't be staying. Didn't matter, no one wanted to share even 30 seconds of their precious view. Just common courtesy would go a long way. Families had their children up front on floor playing and not even viewing the scenery which took up prime real estate. I would never remove another persons belongings, though I would have liked to, but thats not my thing. It is true that people were on the couches and loungers sprawled out sleeping, some with bare feet, some had a pile of dirty dishes and glasses on the floor next to them. I can see this beautiful area becoming trashed very shortly.




I don’t think you can truly appreciate the OL until you’ve seen it for yourself. On the TA we saw people sleeping for hours with blankets and towels with plates and glasses piled up.

We were never able to get a seat by the windows and we were in the middle of the Atlantic with nothing but sea for miles.

It is a beautiful space but it needs to be managed better.



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Maybe the OL needs the same signs that are in the spa, no reserving chairs with personal items and limit time in the chairs to 30 minutes. I saw an employee on the Getaway continuously move towels and items off of unoccupied chairs, both the tile loungers and cushion lounge chairs. She was my hero! The next day a different spa attendant did not do as good as a job, but did move items when asked.

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I can't get past the image of guests camping out all day sleeping in this area like a bunch of homeless people. It is a lounge, not the pool or spa. It cheapens the area. No one talks about sleeping or holding couches in the Atrium with belongings (would not work), or Shakers, Maltings or any other lounge. Why is this any different other than it has a better view. Looks like a great area to sit for a little, talk with friends, get a drink, then move on to everything else the ship offers. Not listen to someone snoring loudly.


I've seen people sleep in the atrium on quite a few cruises. It never looked very comfortable unlike these seats.

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Maybe the OL needs the same signs that are in the spa, no reserving chairs with personal items and limit time in the chairs to 30 minutes. I saw an employee on the Getaway continuously move towels and items off of unoccupied chairs, both the tile loungers and cushion lounge chairs. She was my hero! The next day a different spa attendant did not do as good as a job, but did move items when asked.




Why? We never had any problems getting seats.



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I've seen people sleep in the atrium on quite a few cruises. It never looked very comfortable unlike these seats.



I’ve seen people sleeping on the cushy chairs in the District Brewhouse during the afternoons. I’m sure it really bothers the people who think it’s their library.

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Having just got off the Bliss, I'll add my observations.


People reserving chairs for extended periods of time while they are not present in the OL just didn't seem to be a problem that I observed. I spent a decent amount of time in the OL, some up front, others on the sides, and I don't recall seeing chairs/loungers without human beings but with belongings - at least not for extended periods.


Groups of people "taking over" sections of the OL is not a problem either, IMO. I think that sort of behavior is to be expected, it happens everywhere on a cruise - pool, bars, lounges, waterfront. Someone up thread mentioned these groups being noisy - I don't know how we can expect the OL to be quiet when it's open to the Garden Buffet in the front and all the noise that comes from that.


The real problem, IMO, is the people sleeping on couches. I wished I'd taken some pictures of them. 3 couches in a semi-circle, all with people laying across them, sound asleep, some even with blankets. This wasn't a one time thing, I saw it many times. NCL needs to stop that practice. If you fall asleep while occupying just one seat, so be it, enjoy your cruise. But if you go find yourself a couch and lie out across the entire couch, that's wrong, IMO.


In full disclosure, I wasn't on the ship when it went up to Dawes Glacier, I was on a whale watch in the morning and the excursion that went up to Dawes in the afternoon so I wasn't in the OL at all that day.

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I don’t think you can truly appreciate the OL until you’ve seen it for yourself. On the TA we saw people sleeping for hours with blankets and towels with plates and glasses piled up.


I agree, you have to see it and I agree these people who are camped out are the problem. And there is a difference between the guy who fell asleep while reading or whatever and the people who laid out across a couch.


We were never able to get a seat by the windows and we were in the middle of the Atlantic with nothing but sea for miles.


Do you mean the windows up front or any window? On a TA I can see where this would happen. I assume the weather wasn't conducive to being outside, so, I understand people would want to hang out in the OL. I expect I would want to spend a large chunk of my day there, it's a gorgeous space. It's really no different than a warm weather cruise and people finding a spot they like outside and spending a good part of the day there

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Thank god the 'to me' rule is not in effect.


Maniacal Cruiser I think you are one of these chair hogs this post is talking about - I am with the 'To Me' quote and wish everybody thought that way.

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Taking anyone’s personal items is considered theft. Spending time in security would be a high price for a chair. Cameras everywhere. All they have to say is that there was a watch/iPad in the stuff you handled and that it has gone missing after you touched it. Don’t touch.



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This comment is ridiculous - if I find something belonging to somebody else that looks like it's been left behind I will hand it in - it's just the right thing to do - leaving it there makes it vulnerable to be stolen.

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Taking anyone’s personal items is considered theft. Spending time in security would be a high price for a chair. Cameras everywhere. All they have to say is that there was a watch/iPad in the stuff you handled and that it has gone missing after you touched it. Don’t touch.



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To steal something you have to intend to permanently deprive the person of the thing......not what is being discussed here at all.

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I agree, you have to see it and I agree these people who are camped out are the problem. And there is a difference between the guy who fell asleep while reading or whatever and the people who laid out across a couch.








Do you mean the windows up front or any window? On a TA I can see where this would happen. I assume the weather wasn't conducive to being outside, so, I understand people would want to hang out in the OL. I expect I would want to spend a large chunk of my day there, it's a gorgeous space. It's really no different than a warm weather cruise and people finding a spot they like outside and spending a good part of the day there




Even the seats by the side windows were full everyday. We had fog for three days and you couldn’t see more than 6ft in front of you, still all the window seats were full !!!

Strange thing is at night it was completely dead up there, shame as it would be a nice venue for a bit of jazz or similar music and a bit of dancing.



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People have analyzed Smokers on this forum and have actually produced stats for their behavior:

1. Nearly 3 of 4 smokers are from lower income communities. That is 72% of the smokers.


2. 30% of those with an income less than $5,000 smoke. 16% of those with incomes of $60,000 to $89,999 smoke and 13% of those with incomes of $120,000 or more smoke.


3, About 25 of every 100 adults who live below the poverty level (25.3%) smoke and about 14% of every 100 adults who live at or above the poverty level (14.3%) smoke. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_sta...king/index.htm


Chair hogs seem to be another entity/category (IMO) which = Narcissism (IMO):

"Narcissistic personality disorder is found more commonly in men. The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement."


Can someone post statistics on this? Poverty level? The description clearly sums up Chair Hogs IMO. There is no way to flag "Narcissists" on board, but everyone can easily flag smokers and label them including their poverty level. Huh?

I can't wait till marijuana is legalized in U.S. That will be HUGE. Cigarette smokers will fall to the wayside (along with chair hogs). People will start demanding their "rights" to smoke marijuana in public. Oh boy...

NCL does not accommodate medical marijuana as of this date. But, as this Country changes, Chair Hogs and Cigarette Smoking Areas will be the least of our worries. This board will be on fire with Marijuana!

To all chair hogs (you know who you are): If you are gone for more than 1 hour, you clearly forgot your stuff and I don't want it stolen. I will turn it into lost and found and I hope someone would reciprocate that same respect to me.:)


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