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X cruiser sails Azamara to Cuba Jan 15 to 24 2019


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We were on board and the last tender would soon follow us. No one left behind in any port.

Our feet have left Cuban soil and they wish to return someday. On a ship.

Now we have to leave port and sail towards the Bahamas and the light is fading....




we sail



off into the sunset



and say "sayonara" to Santiago de Cuba. But they have no idea what we are talking about.



we look to the future. To a time when man shall set a napkin on the lap of his fellow man and bring forth all that is good. The menu, the Malbec and the appetizers.







That's what's happening on the starboard side facing the sun ....

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to port



El Cayo to the right



muchas gracias for the rum!





the pilot has done his work and his wife comes to pick him up



come on the rising wind, we're goin' up around the bend



nice waterside property there to port





I see some nice "Magic Light " ahead....

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Before I get to our only Specialty Restaurant meal of the cruise in Aqualina I have to confess 

to the following indulgences.

My Bailey's on the rocks


this refreshing beverage helped heal the wound of leaving Cuba behind


indulgence # 2

Even though we had a table booked in an Italian restaurant at 8.30 I visited the buffet

as it was Indian Night. I love their themed dinners and I love Indian food very much.

I avoided loading up my plate even though the smells were seductive but just wanted to sample....



Just a few bits and bobs-Chicken Tikka, onion bhaji, lamb madras, mango chutney, pappadum, some sag (spinach with cheese) and the verdict was that I am not going to miss another Indian night in an Azamara buffet.

It was as good as the excellent S Class Indian section, where I will enjoy lunch next time on the Silhouette.  I now had 90 minutes before dinner.


While I am waiting let me show you another bit of the ship hitherto unseen....

The Casino

I believe it will be removed at the next dry dock. It is electronically staffed so no croupiers in tuxedos and people saying "Faites vos jeux mesdames et messieurs" and no relaxed walkthrough by Bond, James Bond, or silenced pistols shooting tranquilizer darts into people's necks through a gap in the curtains. I for one will miss all that. But with all the port time Az spends it may not be a big profit center and they didn't even put one in the Pursuit.

Casino Bar (aka Spirits I believe)



I don't gamble but I think these are some kind of reverse-ATMs









It did get some use. Never crowded though or a "scene" going on with men drinking champagne from a lady's slipper. Is that not a "thing" anymore?


Ok, time for din-dins!

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Before I show you dinner in Aqualina I'll show you the room. Without patrons.

Gone are the days when I would wander from table to table during dinner service with a camera and camcorder, recording what people were eating and if it looked good asking if I could have a bite. Not everyone took kindly to that. Some resented me asking them to move closer together nor were keen on me cutting their meat into manageable slices as it was "easier to focus on". Some men were not with their wives and had some explaining to do. I may have drank someone's wine in error, I'll admit.


Aqualina and Prime C are both far aft and one deck above the Windows buffet, therefore on deck 10.

at the entry foyer there are 2 chairs if you have to wait for your table 



you can see the barstools at right. Nice looking room. Elegant. (Shot taken looking back towards the waiting curtain in the  entrance)



floor to ceiling windows run the length of the restaurant (looking aft to forward)



It is L shaped. Those are windows looking out over the stern at left and that table at right is the one we would initially be sat at when we come to dine tonight.



a table for 4, portside with art



so you get the gist-another nicely decorated room.

I did pop my head into the kitchen and was alarmed at the number of cockroaches scurrying away but the sous-chef there told me not to worry as "the rats will get those". I felt reassured.

(could someone please fetch the smelling salts for Bonnie? Thank you!)

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We were seated aft at that table I just showed you and given menus and water.  There was a spotlight above us which was flickering rapidly and had a strobe effect when trying to read the menu. Carol mentioned it to the waiter. He responded that the ship was under way and it was the vibration causing it. I looked up and the one next to it began flickering too. The lights on the tables nearby were fine, so we asked to move as it was already a buzz-kill. So we moved way forward to a window seat near that nice vase display stand you've seen. Ahhh, that's better!






The waiter explained the "concept" and looking at the menu I realized that part of the concept was no pasta course selections. Just a chef's choice. Odd. Every meal, bar breakfast in Italy has had a pasta course and that's mainly how I get my Parmesan cheese ration for the day. When a waiter spoons that cheese over my pasta and says "say when" my reply is usually "you're kidding right?"

The concept also seemed to exclude oil and balsamic and bread from the table.

I ordered my usual Malbec and Carol a Prosecco.


This was an amuse and I haven't the foggiest idea what it was. I see cheese. Carol??

Is it chopped mushrooms?



Carol's scallops wrapped in prosciutto look great



my pretty Vitello Tonato , a go-to dish for me


(tuna wrapped in veal)


we both had lobster bisque



Carol's Dover sole



and my veal scallopini



During the meal we both looked at each other. "No Italians...." said Carol referring to the cooks.

I nodded in agreement. Beautifully plated food but no seasoning in the cooking. I think in Discoveries the only thing I had to salt was my fries but I heavily salt those always.

If you have to add salt and pepper at the table its too late as recipes call for at least salt in the cooking (salads not included, nor cooked). The flavors of Italy fell flat and therefore short of expectations.


Service was personable but we ate late and tables emptied while we ate. Yet this was my wine glass....



My answer is always Yes! when asked "More wine sir?" I had to request a refill. First world problem I know but not in Discoveries where the waiters hustle but keep an eye on you.


For dessert (dolce) Carol had a fine looking pannacotta  (no salt needed) and pomegranate.


a very pretty dish


I had a simple Sambuca and double espresso. 


So we were underwhelmed. Beautifully plated food but no punch of flavor in the dishes. No hint of Italy except in the names of things. If Discoveries was a lesser restaurant then there would have been a payoff in the $29 cover (which is low by X standards and on par with Princess)

The Princess Italian restaurant, Sabatinis, isn't very Italian in the cooking either (except on the Regal Princess where the chef studied in Italy) if that's any consolation. But we are all different and have different tastes and expectations.


If I was to sail Azamara again I would give it a second shot.


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21 minutes ago, BBMacLaird said:

Hi Bimmer09, I’ve shared this Aqualina restaurant critique with our fleet executive chef. 

Just in from our Exec.Chef...

Hello Bonnie,

Thanks for the feedback. Actually, as we speak, I am working on a new AQ menu, including a homemade pasta section and many new dishes.

I am pretty sure that if this guest would come back, they will love the new menu!


Best regards,



So I hope you’ll come back soon Bimmet09!



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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Norris & Carol. Thank you for sharing your adventure on Azamara & the wonderful dialogue & photos of Cuba. You have whetted our appetite for both. 

Thank you for reading it and I am glad it has made you consider both. I have plenty more ship to show as we are not going to be off the ship for 8 hour stretches anymore.

Norris (and Carol)

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2 hours ago, BBMacLaird said:

Just in from our Exec.Chef...

Hello Bonnie,

Thanks for the feedback. Actually, as we speak, I am working on a new AQ menu, including a homemade pasta section and many new dishes.

I am pretty sure that if this guest would come back, they will love the new menu!


Best regards,



So I hope you’ll come back soon Bimmet09!



Bonnie, thanks for forwarding Robert's response. I didn't savage the restaurant-the food was pleasant and good produce used but it didn't remind us of Italy. We are not fans of red sauce Italian "like a mamma used ta make a" but more Northern Italian from Rome, North. The menu read very well and it was hard to choose from so many tempting dishes. Only the pastas were missing.

It was just a question of timid seasoning. Seasoning lifts any dish.

Carol reminded me just now that the music played softly as we dined was anonymous "elevator" music whereas some Neapolitan songs or Italian classical music would have helped transport us.



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January 22nd dawned and it dawned on me that we had now been on the ship a full week.

Today is  a sea day as we steam...oops! no steam involved. We sail..no that's not true either.

We move through the water towards Nassau, Bahamas. A sea day.


No reason to get up super early so I awoke around 7. While I am in the shower washing the balcony soot* off my feet I'll leave you with a very short video of the start of our last tender trip.

(* the sloped aft, as on the X S-Class, leads to funnel soot landing on the balcony. When our room stewards come to clean they take care of it. Princess has the same problem on their R Class and Royal Class but not on their Grand Class ships like the Crown where the stern is vertical)




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I never promised you a rose garden but I did promise you The Insider from Santiago de Cuba


I beg your pardon

Still following and enjoying your photos, your humour and your review.


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spelling mistake
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Sea Day January 22 2019

Cuba is long gone but not forgotten as Journey zips along. It's a wee bit windy and winds will reach 40 knots during the day.



the water in the pool is sloshing and rolling from end to end. Seas will be 6 to 9 feet.



deck loungers remain stowed. No takers yet.



I will spend much of my morning sitting here in the smoking section with coffee and my computer working on photos from days ago. I will also pop back to the cabin at some point and bring up the Azamara 2020 brochure that I picked up at the Cruise Again desk on deck 4 a few days ago out of ....curiousity?


As every day people will come and go. Have some coffee. Sit a spell. Spin a yarn and maybe whittle some wood. The pool crowd don't hang out in this corner. It's in the shade and people wear clothes as they are smoking. Many cigar smokers, smoking Cubans. Many of the smokers are here on a freebie with their cabin paid for by a company I am sure we all know-Park West.

One British gentleman asks me to keep him out of the auctions as he just spent $40,000 on a painting. A lady talks about selling the Matisse she has in her mud room between the garage and the kitchen as she rarely even looks at it.  Serious spenders.


I keep wanting to pop up to the Drawing Room to see what people are drawing but a couple of times now I have been met by this Park West sign



I will show you that stunning room-the Drawing Room is the Library at some point later. It has to be the most refined and relaxing room on the ship. Refined and relaxing kinda describes the Azamara vibe.


The furniture up here is on the low side for using a computer. You can see there is a man using "my" high table.



low, low tables



on the table everyday is this set-up but no sign telling what it's for...



I know what it is for but only because I went to the bar and asked. When others came and inquired I filled them in- for $15.95 you get a Cuban cigar, a Cuban coffee and a glass of Havana Gold rum. The salesmanship is so low key and therefore adding little to the bottom line.

I am a Capitalist. 


I like the clientele I rub shoulders with up here. Nobody is too loud and there is no swearing.

The topic of conversation is usually Art and buying it, Cigars and humidors and occasionally tales from the high seas. The Journey is rarely mentioned but I get the feeling they are familiar with her and the brand already. Nothing ill spoken of Az either.


I haven't seen Carol since breakfast in Discoveries at 8 a.m but we will meet up at noon for something that excites us - a German Brunch!! We have been to Germany 10 times in the past 20 years and I even picked up my favorite car there, in Munich from the factory, 15 years ago. Runs like a dream still. Since cruising has entered the travel mix we don't visit Germany as often. 2013 was our last visit.


I'll keep busy on the computer and you go get ready to join us for some German vittles.



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24 minutes ago, Hockeymum51 said:

Along with the sunshine there's got to be a little rain sometimes!. Loving your review. Thank you so much. I read your posts every day after work and just smile. Sending appreciation from Scotland 

Thank you for reading it! 

Smiling is good.

My ancestry is Scottish (grandmother) and Northern Irish (grandfather) and I do love fried haggis.

I believe whisky is made there too but can't be sure of it.

I need to get out more.


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52 minutes ago, macsford said:

I never promised you a rose garden but I did promise you The Insider from Santiago de Cuba


I beg your pardon

Still following and enjoying your photos, your humour and your review.


Sandra, thank you for still following and for letting me know.

I have plenty of gas left in the tank.

After this a 6 to 7 month break and then Norway! 

Give my regards to Yorkshire! 

"well I'll go to the foot of our stairs...." (a favorite Jethro Tull lyric from A Passion Play)


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If I was to sail Azamara again I would not miss one of their brunches! This one had a great little band who also play in the Cabaret Room backing singers. Carol talked to one of them afterwards and found they were from Australia. We hear plenty of Germany happy music when we go to Munich and these  guys brought the authentic biergarten sound to Discoveries.


The food was served by several of the officers which is a great touch



You can't taste the food but here's a little of the flavor of the event


The German Hotel Director was one of the servers and I am sure he offered some assistance to the Dutch Head Chef in getting the food so authentically biergarten-worthy. No chestnut trees for shade but we felt like we were back in Munich for a while. Truly memorable.

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9 hours ago, BBMacLaird said:

Hi Bimmer09, I’ve shared this Aqualina restaurant critique with our fleet executive chef. 


8 hours ago, BBMacLaird said:

Just in from our Exec.Chef...

Hello Bonnie,

Thanks for the feedback. Actually, as we speak, I am working on a new AQ menu, including a homemade pasta section and many new dishes.

I am pretty sure that if this guest would come back, they will love the new menu!


Best regards,



So I hope you’ll come back soon Bimmet09!





Wow! What an excellent prompt response and it’s so refreshing to see issues being acted upon so efficiently.


We could do with a ‘Bonnie’ here on the X board 👏.

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2 hours ago, Groovybusybee said:



You have another North Yorkshire based fan following along. Cuba has never been on my bucket list, well it is now. You have certainly whetted my appetite to see and experience more.


Just love your writing and humour. 


Regards Debbie



Not in North Yorkshire, but Norris’s style of writing is definitely gaining followers from this side of the pond. I like the fact that he is extremely honest in his critique and is able to laugh at himself along the way - traits not always too apparent on some of the review threads.

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