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Mitsugirly needed to ESCAPE from the cold weather


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19 hours ago, mitsugirly said:



I'm not sure what this is...but I didn't stick around too long. Maybe a termite nest?











Might be a bird nest, there are some birds that build nests like that. Maybe a cliff swallow

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Hi, I am still following and enjoying your review as always.  You and your family always have so much fun together and so nice to see the happy faces.  Yours and their photos are wonderful, and inspire me to get a better camera and try to get back into something I used to love to.  


Re the Husky breed.  Your Loki, is adorable, and reminds me of one in my neighborhood, also very calm and laid back.  My poodle terrier mix 15lbs, loves to jump up to him to get at eye level.  First time it happened I got so scared, but the man with him, said no worries, he is as gentle as could be, and so he is.  When we meet out on our walks, he still lets her jump up to say hello at eye level LOL.  


Thanks again for your great review.  



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5 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

He's our baby and Sakari is obsessed with him. He's not your "normal" husky. He's so laid back and calm and doesn't tear anything up like the horror stories I've read where owners come home and their couches are shredded. We can trust him...except for an occasional pair of underwear. 🤣 





But boy don't husky's have a personality and love to talk. He doesn't bark at anything unless we get him talking or he says he has to go out. Other than that, he's the quietest dog ever.


I took pictures of Sakari for Christmas and she always has to have him in a few. He knows when you pull out the camera and completely refuses to look at it. You have to trick him into it or make weird noises. He just wasn't having it so I yelled at him and told him "bad boy, you look at me!" and this is the look I got....it was HILARIOUS!







That little §hit! But he's so funny with that husky personality. All my kids love him so much that Kendra just went out and got an all white one. She has not idea what she's in store for and it's a puppy. I keep telling her they're all not like our Loki. Hopefully she'll get a good dog.



Loki is gorgeous.  You are right they have personality overload and are super stubborn and smart.  We are lucky too.  Our Jewels is great, she roams free in the house and rarely do we have an issue; we even have a few cats. My middle daughter has a husky and she is just so sneaky and ornery, she can get out of her kennel and gets into tons of stuff. 


Training was tough but stuck with it, and it has made a world of difference; she is 4 now.  While I enjoy here immensely I will probably not have another one, I am too old!  You will have a blast watching your daughter trian her new fur baby!


I love the Christmas picture, its like the cat that caught the canary.


here are a couple of pictures of our Jewels with the youngest grandbaby.





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 We decided to head out at this point. Sakari didn't want to go on the waterslides by herself and daddy just wasn't feeling it today. I don't care what people say...when the weather is somewhat gloomy or even rainy, it does put a damper on your mood. So many people will come back from a cruise and say it was terrible only to have their words ripped apart saying "well at least you're not at work" or "at least it was warm" and so on. I hate it when people say that. Yes they are right about their statement, but it does take away from the experience I don't care what they say. I would say "terrible" is probably exaggerating a bit but still. I mean even your body feels it...think about people that live in snowy area's in the winter (like me), your body needs extra Vitamin D because there's lack of sun. So your body feels it and so does your brain! #pointproven!


Although we had a good time today, it just wasn't the same as last time. The mood was different, I was different, Sakari was even different. I feel like it was money wasted this time around honestly. I was really wishing we had went somewhere else and just chilled for cheap. But, it is what it is.


After gathering our things, I had Sakari do few Christmas picture's for me.








Sakari found this bug along the pool. It had half of its body smashed off and missing legs. But, it was still walking around the concrete by the pool. I told her to stay away from it. It's red and red = stingy in my book. LOL











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I took some pictures of the kiddie waterpark on the way out.













I mean it looks like a lot of fun and she definitely plays in the kiddie waterpark area when we're on a ship (this kinda reminds me of the Carnival ships play area because they always have the bucket dump).








I confirmed one last time if Sakari was interested in going on the slides or playing there and she gave me a big fat "nope" with a thumbs down. Ok then...we're leaving.












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They do have a store there as you come in and out. Just your regular novelty items, shirts and so on. They did have bug spray and also sunscreen (which we had forgot our sun screen this day) and when we asked about the price of the sunscreen, they told us $26. Um no, I'll wear my shirt first. The funny thing about it is that there was a sign at the pools that said "no sunscreen or bug repellent to be worn in the pools or slides"  Um...ok.
















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We only waited for about 10 minutes before a trolley pulled up and everyone piled in (one was just pulling out when we walked out so they run pretty quickly but they'll tell you it runs every 30 minutes).





Once we made it back to the port, we wanted to get Kolin something else for "animal sitting". We definitely haggled with the shops there. Managed to go from $55 to $25 on an item and after we walked away, they came and found us in other stores to give us that $25 price change. Score! hehe



We came to the pool area and seen some kids trying to climb a ladder above the pool. Neither one of them could make it past the 3-4th step. Sakari wanted to try.





I believe they were a little jealous that she was making it so far and I had to yell at them to wait until she's done and snapped my fingers a few times, pointing at them to get off the ladder because they were trying to inconspicuously shake it for her to fall. The mother walked up at some point, but she didn't say anything to me for my little snap snap point at her kids. I was trying to be quiet since I was filming her.





She accomplished her goal and walked away with her head held high. 😄


Well, until she got to this blue strip, which is a drop off....and she dropped. LOL  It really caught her off guard and she laughed, but now she had a soaking wet towel.












I know this question comes up a lot about the usage of these chairs around the pool.







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As we were headed out, Sakari spotted a bird.





Then someone started making announcements about a show. Now I've heard and read about this "show" they do at the port but I have never witnessed it myself. I've always wanted to see it but maybe we just always returned back to port at the last moment and missed it.


I started hearing drums playing and I looked up and found this...












Then down to the pier we went.







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We caught the trolley and I couldn't wait to get back to relax.













I just love how they have completely renovated the port and pier. It's so pretty and colorful and looks so much better than it did years ago.














When we came back, we had company. A Royal Caribbean ship was next to us on the other pier. I think it will be the first time we have ever been in port with another ship that I can remember.





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Catching the elevator wasn't too much of a problem but other passengers waiting on elevators on the upper floors had caught on to a trick at this point....get on ANY elevator going up or down and ride it and eventually you'll be able to go up to where you want. Sometimes elevators would open and it would be completely full and no one getting out.


We made it back to our room and what do you know...we used the balcony.








It was still cloudy out but no rain and it was warm. I could see the waterpark off in the distance and I was really hoping that Sakari enjoyed herself even though she didn't do as much as she did last time and it wasn't sunny out.






We hung out on the balcony until it was time to leave. My foot and leg was a little swollen but not too bad. But, it did hurt and I had some pain.







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After pulling out, we decided we wanted some "real" food. The food we had at the waterpark just wasn't satisfying.


We headed straight to O'Sheehan's.





I was really wanting a juicy burger. I wanted one at the waterpark but that was one of the items they were out of when I went up to get food. After eating they put some hamburgers out but by then it was too late for me and I was already full.





Hubby had a coney dog and fries




Sakari had a chicken sandwich





Did I mention the fries on NCL is da bomb? Yes, yes they are. Sooooo yummy.



After eating, we headed back to the room. I wanted to take advantage of our Platinum benefits by getting our clothes washed. This is the one thing I miss so much when I sail with Carnival or RC. Coming home to almost all of our clothes washed is amazing! But, I did learn my lesson years ago to keep track of everything you send. Accidents happen and sometimes things get lost. So, now I always lay out everything I send to be laundered and I take pictures of it! I will know exactly what's missing if it comes back wrong.


Just 1 picture of about 10 pictures I took of the various clothes. I take an overall of the shirts, then the pants and shorts and then I take close ups as well.




The one time they lost something, they wanted a picture of it. Thank goodness Sakari had the shirt on at one of the ports and I was able to go back through my camera and show them.


The hubby and I are BOTH Platinum but for some reason they only send us 1 coupon with our other coupons every single time. So, I don't even use the coupon and just write that we are platinum on the ticket with our names. We both get a free bag and have never had a problem doing it this way.





We wanted our room steward to pick up the items tonight so we'd have them back the following evening or the next morning. So, that meant we needed to get out of the room for awhile. Sakari wanted to try the ropes course again and we headed up there only to find out they had it closed. This time...there was a reason. It really WAS windy. Like really bad! You almost couldn't walk on the top deck. Beware girls with eyelashes...mine were blowing everywhere. LOL  The rattle under the deck as you go into the ship on the top floor sounded as if it was the windstorm of the century. I tried to capture the sound and just how bad it was but it didn't turn out as loud or as bad in the video. It would sound like clanging and the ceiling was coming down. I would also do the same in the room at some point that day. It was just getting real bad. Could this bad storm weather I seen was going to happen in every port actually take place on our last day? Maybe we had finally caught up to it.









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 We went to the casino that night. I was still playing on my first $100 I brought with me and was still going strong with $85. So, still only down $15 and we were already half way into this cruise! Hubby...well, he lost another $100 tonight. 😕


We came back to Sakari working on her ipad with some drawings. She's just so into drawing on this instead of paper now. But, she did bring some paper as well. She does amaze me at what she can do with that art program and she's so quick. Zooming in on all the pixels to make her vision perfect. I just don't know how she does it.


Sakari draws a lot of weird mystical creatures these days. It's all she's into (I'll shed light on that a little later) but I'm always asking her to "draw something normal" "give me a normal animal". She used to draw nothing but animals and she has some really good ones but lately it's just made up stuff she said is in her head.


Tonight she had done a few "normal animals" for me...thank goodness!





Another thing she's really into is gory stuff and animals ripping apart other animals. Help me now!




Two birds on the electric wire.





Of course she was missing her Loki & Piper so had to do one of them. (No that's not a bomb under them but Pipers ball toy that has a bell and feathers on it...she's gory but not to her animals). lol




The bottom of my feet were hurting so bad tonight. I ask if Sakari would give me a foot massage. I remember one vacation we stayed in Puerto Rico for 3 days before our cruise and she would massage my feet every night. It felt SO good. So, I talked her into doing this again tonight and you wouldn't believe how much it helped!





There was a time change and we had to be up early tomorrow for our day in Cozumel. I was really hoping we wouldn't hit bad weather tomorrow because other than Roatan and scuba diving, I was REALLY looking forward to Cozumel.


We went to bed somewhat early and the rocking of the boat (which doesn't bother us and it really wasn't that bad...just windy) put me to sleep quickly.




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11 hours ago, SaveFarris said:

Happen to recall if any of the waterslides have a posted weight limit?  The website is annoyingly vague.

Thanks in advance.


I have never seen any postings that stated a weight limit. Unless they are up at the top where you get on the waterslide. Hubby says he did not see any.


10 hours ago, LuCruise said:

Yeah, from what you show of Sakari, not surprised that the kid section didn't interest her.  She seems more adventurous. My older one did try the big slides.  He enjoyed them but found some were quite scary (straight down one - green one I think).  DH got banged up a bit too on them.  My younger one stayed at the kid section for slides and DS joined her later. We also enjoyed the lazy river though...quite long and it was like you were in the jungle.  


We didn't go in that pool but pretty sure it as shallow as well.   No one was in it at the time so couldn't gage either from looking at other people.


She is adventurous for sure!


The straight down green slide...yep, that's the first slide she went to this time! LOL Last time we were here both Sakari and daddy said there was one slide that hurt their back somewhat but I don't recall which one it was.



7 hours ago, dporter said:


Might be a bird nest, there are some birds that build nests like that. Maybe a cliff swallow


Oh...could have been. Odd place for any animal to build since there's always people around.



7 hours ago, SMSACE6 said:

Hi, I am still following and enjoying your review as always.  You and your family always have so much fun together and so nice to see the happy faces.  Yours and their photos are wonderful, and inspire me to get a better camera and try to get back into something I used to love to.  


Re the Husky breed.  Your Loki, is adorable, and reminds me of one in my neighborhood, also very calm and laid back.  My poodle terrier mix 15lbs, loves to jump up to him to get at eye level.  First time it happened I got so scared, but the man with him, said no worries, he is as gentle as could be, and so he is.  When we meet out on our walks, he still lets her jump up to say hello at eye level LOL.  


Thanks again for your great review.  




Thanks for still following.


A camera is everything. It tells your story for many years to come. I couldn't live without mine...well, all of them. LOL  I used to take Sakari's pictures (like professionals do and I have TONS of backgrounds and props) when she was growing up but have been slacking over the last 5 or so years. I would really like to get back into it again. I miss it so much and I have so many grandchildren at this point that I have plenty of subjects to practice on. LOL


Yea our husky loves all dogs and he's always the passive dog. He will lay down on his back with any dog and surrender before playing and show that he has no ill intentions. I can say that I have only heard him growl 3x since we've had him and 2 of them just occurred when Kendra brought her husky puppy over and it felt the need to nibble on Loki's wee wee. He didn't like that at all and growled. But of course he didn't do anything but walked away. His growl wasn't scaring away her dog. LOL



7 hours ago, dporter said:


Loki is gorgeous.  You are right they have personality overload and are super stubborn and smart.  We are lucky too.  Our Jewels is great, she roams free in the house and rarely do we have an issue; we even have a few cats. My middle daughter has a husky and she is just so sneaky and ornery, she can get out of her kennel and gets into tons of stuff. 


Training was tough but stuck with it, and it has made a world of difference; she is 4 now.  While I enjoy here immensely I will probably not have another one, I am too old!  You will have a blast watching your daughter trian her new fur baby!


I love the Christmas picture, its like the cat that caught the canary.


here are a couple of pictures of our Jewels with the youngest grandbaby.







Oh my gosh she's beautiful!!! We didn't get Loki until he was 3 years old. So, he was pretty much trained. I always said no more puppies. I'm only getting adults dogs that are already potty trained. He can do a bunch of tricks and he was kennel trained. But, I think he was kennel trained because he lived in a kennel the entire time and was so nasty and stunk. His fur was so yellow from laying in his pee. We pretty much rescued him. He was an escape artist at first and got out a few times and covered an area really far from us (chasing a deer). The people we got him off of wouldn't give us his kennel and we bought the king with the pan on the bottom and wire. He managed to pull up the pan and squeeze between the wire (after pulling it apart) and we knew that wasn't going to work. So, we bought him the huge plastic kind with the heavy duty door. When he sees us put our shoes on, he goes straight there. His kennel is his secure place. He'll go in there and lay during the day when we're home and he's not told to. But, we usually leave him out of it since he doesn't really destroy anything. I just can't believe how bad he was treated before. He was so skinny too. It just breaks my heart. He's now 5 1/2 years old and so hea;thy and looks great. Such a different life for him now.


I fully expect Kendra to give up on training sooner or later (it has happened in the past and she's given her dogs to family or friends after she decided it was just too much). I told her "make sure he's potty trained first before I have to take him. LOL  She just doesn't have the patience for training IMO.

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Sakari is so talented with her art. What a vision she has for someone so young. Is she in gifted programs in school? 


Loki is stunning! I just stared at the pictures and got lost in those eyes. Thank you for yet another vibrant and comprehensive review. 

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The looked like a fun day. I am totally laughing the finger pictures your husband took.  My husband can't take a picture to save his life. One time I had him take one of me and Claire and he backed WAAAAAAY up and I thought.....what is he doing.  And then we looked like ants in the picture.

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13 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

Oh my gosh she's beautiful!!! We didn't get Loki until he was 3 years old. So, he was pretty much trained. I always said no more puppies. I'm only getting adults dogs that are already potty trained. He can do a bunch of tricks and he was kennel trained. But, I think he was kennel trained because he lived in a kennel the entire time and was so nasty and stunk. His fur was so yellow from laying in his pee. We pretty much rescued him. He was an escape artist at first and got out a few times and covered an area really far from us (chasing a deer). The people we got him off of wouldn't give us his kennel and we bought the king with the pan on the bottom and wire. He managed to pull up the pan and squeeze between the wire (after pulling it apart) and we knew that wasn't going to work. So, we bought him the huge plastic kind with the heavy duty door. When he sees us put our shoes on, he goes straight there. His kennel is his secure place. He'll go in there and lay during the day when we're home and he's not told to. But, we usually leave him out of it since he doesn't really destroy anything. I just can't believe how bad he was treated before. He was so skinny too. It just breaks my heart. He's now 5 1/2 years old and so hea;thy and looks great. Such a different life for him now.


I fully expect Kendra to give up on training sooner or later (it has happened in the past and she's given her dogs to family or friends after she decided it was just too much). I told her "make sure he's potty trained first before I have to take him. LOL  She just doesn't have the patience for training IMO.


Jewels was a rescue off the mean streets of Dallas, looked horrible.  She found us and we absolutely love her.  


OMG - that's one way to get a dog and not have to deal with the puppy stage.


Sakuri is an awesome artist, I absolutely loved the bubble jellyfish picture.  She sees art in everything, that is a true love and talent.

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Wow I was hoping you were going to show some of Sakari’s recent artwork and I’m amazed at the maturity of it.  She is so talented!  I guess the Special art school is enhancing her very talented skills. The Birds on the line is amazing. It just is wild how she puts the different things into her drawings i.e the lightening and how she did it. I think you have a future Picasso (sp?) on your hands!


Im still trying to figure out how one draws on an IPad. 😀

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22 hours ago, alwalaska said:

Love your reviews. Thanks.



Thanks so much.



21 hours ago, ashleyriley said:

Sakari is so talented with her art. What a vision she has for someone so young. Is she in gifted programs in school? 


Loki is stunning! I just stared at the pictures and got lost in those eyes. Thank you for yet another vibrant and comprehensive review. 


She has had these visions since she was 3 years old. It has just grown a lot over the years.


Yes, she was tested and approved as gifted in arts in 4th grade. She is now in 6th grade and attending an art school that she had to apply for, test into, complete an interview and submit a portfolio to get into. She scored the highest she could score on everything.


Yes his eyes...he's a ladies man...only can't do anything about it lol (fixed).



13 hours ago, jenseib said:

The looked like a fun day. I am totally laughing the finger pictures your husband took.  My husband can't take a picture to save his life. One time I had him take one of me and Claire and he backed WAAAAAAY up and I thought.....what is he doing.  And then we looked like ants in the picture.


Oh those fingers...ugh.  LOL at your story of backing up.



8 hours ago, dporter said:


Jewels was a rescue off the mean streets of Dallas, looked horrible.  She found us and we absolutely love her.  


OMG - that's one way to get a dog and not have to deal with the puppy stage.


Sakuri is an awesome artist, I absolutely loved the bubble jellyfish picture.  She sees art in everything, that is a true love and talent.


Aww, so glad Jewels found you!!! She looks absolutely beautiful and healthy and happy.


Isn't the bubble jellyfish picture awesome? I'm going to be looking for this next time!


2 hours ago, #55worktoplay said:

Wow I was hoping you were going to show some of Sakari’s recent artwork and I’m amazed at the maturity of it.  She is so talented!  I guess the Special art school is enhancing her very talented skills. The Birds on the line is amazing. It just is wild how she puts the different things into her drawings i.e the lightening and how she did it. I think you have a future Picasso (sp?) on your hands!


Im still trying to figure out how one draws on an IPad. 😀



Right...I would NEVER be able to draw on an ipad. She has a pen to use for it on her art program but it broke back in the summer so she's used her finger since then. I can draw...and pretty good, but only using a pencil and I have to be looking at a picture. I can't do it just off the top of my head or come up with things. She amazes me.

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5 minutes ago, CruisinMama2003 said:


Whoo Hoo! We are on Oasis in March, 1 week before spring break. This is our 1st time on an Oasis class so I am SO excited!



Our spring break isn't until the middle of April so you'll be on her a month and a half before us.


I have been saying I wanted to sail the Oasis or Allure for probably 10 years now and I'm finally getting to do it! I'm so excited!! I'm going to have to step up my walking game for this ship! whew

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1 hour ago, mitsugirly said:




That’s great news.  

Do not book a cabin at the back of the ship.  It’s a loooong walk from the elevator.


I can’t wait to hear what you think of the ship.  It is big and beautiful but so many people and lines at busy times.  It was in 2013 that I was on her and it was the first sailing out of dry dock so I really think everything was off for that sailing. I also had a migraine headache for the first 3 days so to judge it poorly wouldn’t be fair.  I have since been on Harmony and Allure and loved them both.  You will be doing lots of walking and highly unlikely you will be able to capture the pics from the top of ship to bottom like you normally do. It’s just so big. 

Is the rest of the crew joining you or just the 3 of you?  

Without the booze package drinks are expensive.  

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32 minutes ago, #55worktoplay said:

That’s great news.  

Do not book a cabin at the back of the ship.  It’s a loooong walk from the elevator.


I can’t wait to hear what you think of the ship.  It is big and beautiful but so many people and lines at busy times.  It was in 2013 that I was on her and it was the first sailing out of dry dock so I really think everything was off for that sailing. I also had a migraine headache for the first 3 days so to judge it poorly wouldn’t be fair.  I have since been on Harmony and Allure and loved them both.  You will be doing lots of walking and highly unlikely you will be able to capture the pics from the top of ship to bottom like you normally do. It’s just so big. 

Is the rest of the crew joining you or just the 3 of you?  

Without the booze package drinks are expensive.  



Yep, that's exactly what I did! I wanted a balcony with a view of the aqua shows! I realize it's going to be a long haul and I need to step up my game over the next few months with walking. Maybe it will whip me back into somewhat of a shape pre-injury. I could use the exercise and weight loss at this point. That just might do it for me. lol


Capturing pictures from top to bottom...is that a dare? 😄


Kendra and family are considering it since they didn't go on the Christmas cruise and her fiance said "Spring Break we'll go"...but she's thinking about booking either way and if he decides to go, she'll add him to her booking. This is a ship she's always wanted to go on.


Yea, we don't drink unless it comes with a package (like on NCL). Otherwise, it's the soda package for us.

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This is cat looks like our Carly, only Carly’s tail is more fluffy. Carly is quite the predator. I’ve rescued many little critters from her deadly clutches when they’ve made the mistake of finding their way into our house. Unfortunately, there were a few I couldn’t get to fast enough. To my knowledge, she hasn’t had access to catch a bird yet, but Sakari’s picture is exactly what Carly would look like if she did manage to catch one! 😱


I’m excited for you that you’ve finally booked Oasis! We have sailed on her twice now, as well as on her sister, Symphony. We will be on Harmony in October. We’re currently booked in a Boardwalk Balcony, 10329, the very last Boardwalk Balcony on Deck 10. We were in 10327 on our first Oasis cruise and enjoyed watching all the activities on the Boardwalk from our balcony.


Have fun doing your research on Oasis. There’s so much to see and do on Oasis class ships that it really helps to know what the things you and your family consider to be “don’t miss” kinds of things, and also to know where they are so you can find them without a lot of extra walking. 


Perhaps this is is your first Oasis tip - look for the “small wonders” scattered throughout the ship. They’re viewfinders that you look through that give you a unique macro look at something nearby. I just hope they haven’t removed them during the recent amplification of the ship. Guest services had a full list of them available if you ask.  

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