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16 minutes ago, mercury7289 said:

2 hours in t'oven, 180 degree. no foil no holes straight in t'oven,  they come out with crispy skin, which I eat as well.


Failing that, see if spuds are us deliver?😍

Yep, great minds Mercury, same as my recipe 

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1 minute ago, mercury7289 said:


Wow, felt good and human, 5 households, involved all at least 4 metre distant, but unfortunately heard that  some were struggling mentally so have decided to do similar in support once a week.

Oh good, glad you enjoyed it. 

It is hard, lots of people are struggling. 

By doing your bit for them will give you a lift as well. 

A problem shared and all that... 


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I ended up cheating. I microwaved them then put them in the oven. They turned out really nice. 

I put them in the over for two hours last week and they were hard on the inside. 

loads of ppl out on our street. 
our littlest asked them why they were camping out

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Well we had our VE party. I did my decorations this morning. The shops weren't selling any so I just had to use what I could find in the house. Tables and chairs set up on drives or in the garden. We started at 3pm and all got dressed up. It was just nice to have social contact, even though it did look as if we didn't like each other.

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4 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Combination microwave - quick and simple, but perfect every time.  Starts them as a microwave and finishes them as an oven.

 I make sure they're cooked through in the microwave and then put into a very hot oven to crisp the skins. 



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4 hours ago, Eglesbrech said:

We are locked down here for the foreseeable, along with those living in Wales. It will be interesting to see what happens on Sunday with England.

The Scottish government has a general consultation open at the moment and while there are a lot of really interesting suggestions on it, some of the comments are really annoying me. They are a blatant age discrimination - basically lock down the old and the sick then let everyone else out - fine if it were not for the fact that I am fitter than many of the obese/ lazy/ alcoholic/ drug taking people much younger than me.


People see the speck in others eyes but not the log in their own!


Hope you get back soon Jean.



Careful Eglesbrech. I said more or less the same as you recently on here and got told off, not very nicely  may I add, for criticising young people.


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4 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Careful Eglesbrech. I said more or less the same as you recently on here and got told off, not very nicely  may I add, for criticising young people.


Point taken but this is not aimed at younger people, the majority of whom are admirable, just at the people who want to lock me up😀

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2 hours ago, mercury7289 said:


Wow, felt good and human, 5 households, involved all at least 4 metre distant, but unfortunately heard that  some were struggling mentally so have decided to do similar in support once a week.

What a wonderful idea. We all have to do what we can to help others get through during these awful times . I'm glad you had a good VE party. We had a small party with the neighbours and it was good to relax a while and have a laugh and a sing - song. 



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6 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

Point taken but this is not aimed at younger people, the majority of whom are admirable, just at the people who want to lock me up😀

I'm waiting for tomorrow to see what Boris has in store for us here.


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8 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm waiting for tomorrow to see what Boris has in store for us here.


It feels like this is all going on forever. I suppose we will look back in a few years and reminisce about the lockdown.


The hunt for hand sanitiser

The panic buying of toilet rolls

The flour shortage

Queues at supermarkets

Clapping the NHS


Hopefully over an ice cold cocktail on a cruise ship.

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10 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm waiting for tomorrow to see what Boris has in store for us here.


tomorrow? Isn’t his thing Sunday?


i must have missed you getting told off 😂 


im kinda at the point where it should be getting the economy going and for the ones that are in the shielding group to have a choice. If they are fit and healthy Or even just to the point where they want to live life rather than just exist then most will be able to make that decision for themselves. I don’t think we should be told we must. 
if I was in the shielding group Due to illness then I would stay because it’s safer. If it was just due to age then I’d think differently. 

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4 minutes ago, Vampiress88 said:

tomorrow? Isn’t his thing Sunday?


i must have missed you getting told off 😂 


im kinda at the point where it should be getting the economy going and for the ones that are in the shielding group to have a choice. If they are fit and healthy Or even just to the point where they want to live life rather than just exist then most will be able to make that decision for themselves. I don’t think we should be told we must. 
if I was in the shielding group Due to illness then I would stay because it’s safer. If it was just due to age then I’d think differently. 

Oh god yes. Why did I think today was Saturday. All the days now seem to merge together. Boris is on Sunday. 

I'm used to being told off. I think it's a throwback from when I was young.😆

Neither Frank nor I are in the shielding group. We're both mid 70's but basically healthy. Just the normal aging issues, but I have to admit that it will a little unnerving to be around people again and even if I could go out I don’t know if I would feel safe enough at the to do so. However I would like to have the choice.

I also agree we need to get the economy moving again soon or it will take much longer for it to recover 


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1 hour ago, Vampiress88 said:

tomorrow? Isn’t his thing Sunday?


i must have missed you getting told off 😂 


im kinda at the point where it should be getting the economy going and for the ones that are in the shielding group to have a choice. If they are fit and healthy Or even just to the point where they want to live life rather than just exist then most will be able to make that decision for themselves. I don’t think we should be told we must. 
if I was in the shielding group Due to illness then I would stay because it’s safer. If it was just due to age then I’d think differently. 

Some of the suggestions on the Scot.gov site are along these lines.

The issue seems to be that whenever people start to move back towards normality the virus rate will inevitably increase again and so will the need for hospital and ICU beds. That’s where the age related comments come in, people suggesting that the government should keep all people over x age indoors so that y group can get back to complete normality. And by the way x has been everything from those over 75, 70, 65, 60, 45 and even one suggested anyone over 30!


There have been a lot of really sensible suggestions in amongst the odd nonsense.





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7 hours ago, Vampiress88 said:

tomorrow? Isn’t his thing Sunday?


i must have missed you getting told off 😂 


im kinda at the point where it should be getting the economy going and for the ones that are in the shielding group to have a choice. If they are fit and healthy Or even just to the point where they want to live life rather than just exist then most will be able to make that decision for themselves. I don’t think we should be told we must. 
if I was in the shielding group Due to illness then I would stay because it’s safer. If it was just due to age then I’d think differently. 

If you're unlucky enough to be in the shielded group, you don't have much of a choice.  You're in it because contracting Covid gives you a high chance of dying from it.  You're in it not because of age, but other conditions (such as having no immune system) which make you 'extremely vulnerable' to the virus.  It does concentrate the mind rather, and I can't envisage leaving home in the normal way until there's a vaccine, and that may not happen at all.  Unfortunately, my wife has to take the same approach, because if she contracts the virus, so do I, unless we physically separate for 14 days every time she goes out.  It's OK in the short term, but not good in the longer term, particularly as it means not seeing children or grandchildren at all, and that's hard.


You could certainly argue that we should remain indoors to protect the economy and allow everyone else to go about their business, but last time I floated that idea there was a near riot and large numbers of posts disappeared because of the fury it caused.  You are younger, I am older, but I can see the sense in the idea to protect the younger generation.  It may happen yet to save the economy - who knows?  

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I’m mid fifties with a stent fitted (not from having a heart attack but to prevent one) and working from home.

I go out once a week to the supermarket to get ours and my parents groceries and out for a walk in the local streets 2 or 3 times a week. However I often rush back home as I feel nervous if people get too close and I hate the queuing! 
I couldn’t get my Mum’s sugar or magazine at the supermarket so on Wednesday I made my walk go past our little “Spa”. So frustrating, they didn’t have either and as the shop is so small I had to queue up at 2 metres apart just to say ‘sorry I haven’t got anything’ as there wasn’t room to walk past people!


My mum says she longs to choose things herself at the shops bless her, she’s never been one to stay at home!




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39 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

If you're unlucky enough to be in the shielded group, you don't have much of a choice.  

Harry, I hope you don't mind if I ask a question (with apologies to the majority on here who aren't affected). One of my daughters is in the shielded group and, so far, has had two NHS letters saying she is in complete lockdown for 12 weeks, and, a few days ago, a text giving a date in early June for the end of the current sheltered lockdown period. This new date (supposedly) ends the lockdown in fewer than 12 weeks from the original date given in the original letters. I hope this makes sense...


Have you received this text, and how did you interpret it?  Realistically, of course, we're not expecting to emerge until a cure and/or vaccine is developed and this text seems to be most unhelpful in giving unrealistic hope to those affected.

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30 minutes ago, AnnieC said:

Harry, I hope you don't mind if I ask a question (with apologies to the majority on here who aren't affected). One of my daughters is in the shielded group and, so far, has had two NHS letters saying she is in complete lockdown for 12 weeks, and, a few days ago, a text giving a date in early June for the end of the current sheltered lockdown period. This new date (supposedly) ends the lockdown in fewer than 12 weeks from the original date given in the original letters. I hope this makes sense...


Have you received this text, and how did you interpret it?  Realistically, of course, we're not expecting to emerge until a cure and/or vaccine is developed and this text seems to be most unhelpful in giving unrealistic hope to those affected.

Not at all, Annie.  


The original letter referred to a 12 week period, as you say, and that’s the one I had. Recent letters, I understand, have been referring to 30 June, and I believe that’s the current ‘end date’.  I’ve not received anything since the original letter.


All very misleading, though, and quite possibly raising false hopes.  No cure or vaccine, no leaving home without substantial risk.



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11 hours ago, mercury7289 said:


Wow, felt good and human, 5 households, involved all at least 4 metre distant, but unfortunately heard that  some were struggling mentally so have decided to do similar in support once a week.

Glad you had a good time. 

We sat out with 3 other couples and it was great to be able to enjoy the conversation which we haven't been doing recently, we usually just see each other for 10 minutes when we go out to call on Thursdays.  We live in a cul de sac that is L shaped our house being in the corner of the L so we had tables and chairs just out side our drive because it meant that we could sit in the road without affecting any cars coming into the other houses in the close but could also be at 3 metres apart.  It was so enjoyable that we decided that we will do the same for VJ day and are going to ask others how they feel about a street party because a few people going out for their evening walk shouted to us that they would have liked to join us.

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2 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

If you're unlucky enough to be in the shielded group, you don't have much of a choice.  You're in it because contracting Covid gives you a high chance of dying from it.  You're in it not because of age, but other conditions (such as having no immune system) which make you 'extremely vulnerable' to the virus. 

We are not in the shielded group officially, however I am my wife's sole carer following a stroke 10 years ago, and there is no way she could look after herself alone.  Whilst I am a reasonably fit 76, give or take a few arthritic aches and pains, I do not want to risk getting covid19 and being unable to look after my wife, even if I am not ill enough to be hospitalised.

So even if and when the general stay at home advice is lifted I will be reluctant to rejoin society until it feels a lot safer than it does at present. 

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1 hour ago, Harry Peterson said:

Not at all, Annie.  


The original letter referred to a 12 week period, as you say, and that’s the one I had. Recent letters, I understand, have been referring to 30 June, and I believe that’s the current ‘end date’.  I’ve not received anything since the original letter.


All very misleading, though, and quite possibly raising false hopes.  No cure or vaccine, no leaving home without substantial risk.


Very many thanks, Harry. The more the authorities claim they are being "clear" the less clear they actually are. I imagine from what you've said previously that you fall into the highest risk category (for those who haven't seen the NHS letter, the shielded group falls into three categories: lowest, medium and highest risk). 


Like you, we're not budging until a cure/vaccine materialises. I wish you all the best.


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Our VE celebrations were low key.For those that don't know,the Italians batted for the other side and got their arses kicked,lol.We did participate in the 2 min silence.We're allowed to walk on the beach now,so we've been taking the puppy for walks,quite funny watching her first experience in sand.

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2 minutes ago, brian1 said:

Our VE celebrations were low key.For those that don't know,the Italians batted for the other side and got their arses kicked,lol.We did participate in the 2 min silence.We're allowed to walk on the beach now,so we've been taking the puppy for walks,quite funny watching her first experience in sand.

It must have felt nice to have the sand between your toes too. Could be quite some time before most of us can do the same. I'm glad you're both well. Make sure you stay that way. Puppy too.😆


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28 minutes ago, AnnieC said:

Very many thanks, Harry. The more the authorities claim they are being "clear" the less clear they actually are. I imagine from what you've said previously that you fall into the highest risk category (for those who haven't seen the NHS letter, the shielded group falls into three categories: lowest, medium and highest risk). 


Like you, we're not budging until a cure/vaccine materialises. I wish you all the best.

I think there’s only one category for the shielded group - those at highest risk.  That’s what the letter says, and that’s confirmed by what I read on the latest updated NHS web pages, though there’s quite rightly an acceptance that there are people not on what they refer to as the SPL (Shielded Patients List) who ought to be.  People having had spleenectomies, for example, have very recently been added. 160,000 however have been incorrectly included and removed.


It’s been chaotically handled, and GPs have received an apology for the mess that’s been made of it, causing a huge amount of additional work. The list was intended to include around 1.5 million people, but ballooned apparently to around 2.3 million.


My concern is for those, such as the blind, not on the list, who relied totally on supermarket deliveries for food but now can’t get delivery slots.  What do they do, particularly when the current volunteers return to their normal work.


Lots of questions, few answers.  All the best to you too Annie.  Interesting times.



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Ah, the coast!  Wouldn’t that be wonderful.  We’re close, but too far to walk there.




This is an interesting article on where we are now and the enormous problems, of all kinds, which lie ahead.

As the old Chinese curse (how ironic) is reputed to say

”May you live in interesting times”



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14 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

It must have felt nice to have the sand between your toes too. Could be quite some time before most of us can do the same. I'm glad you're both well. Make sure you stay that way. Puppy too.😆


She's going to a new family in Milan Wednesday. Gonna be sad.We were the only ones on the beach,it only gets busy from June till August.Cheers,Brian.

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